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A likely authentic chart for the United States of America

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Dear list members,


I posted the following summary of the " SAMVA USA chart " on a few

lists last night. As the post summarises the information on this

chart, some of you may find it a useful reference.


Best wishes,




The search for the true birth moment of the United States has been

the holy grail of western mundane astrology for a very long time.

Many charts have been suggested – in fact an incredible number of

charts. On December 30th 2006, John TWB and I discovered the event

that may well fit the bill. One surprise is that the chart has been

discovered with the aid of ancient Vedic astrology.


First, let's examine the history. In 1776, the term United States of

America was immortalized in the Declaration of Independence. However,

what is not commonly understood is that at that time, the U.S.A. was

not a singular state but 13 " sovereign and independent states " acting

in combination. The states were " united " in a common struggle for

political emancipation from England but were not yet a nation-state.

This development was, however, in the making. In 1777, the

Continental Congress voted to send the " Articles of Confederation " to

the states for their ratification. The Articles would become the

first constitution of the United States and would bind them in

a " Perpetual Union " . The event that has received most attention is

the formal ratification of the Articles which took place in the

Continental Congress in Philadelphia on March 1, 1781. At that time,

Maryland became the last state to formally ratify the Articles.

According to the historical records, the signing took place at noon

time. However, history has tended to gloss over another event, which

it has now emerged was even more important. It is the moment when the

State Legislature in Annapolis, Maryland became the 13th and final

state to approve the ratification of the Articles of Confederation.

This was a long awaited event that signaled the effective beginning

of the United States of America as a federal entity.


At 17:05 hours on Friday, February 2, 1781, in the presence of

members of both houses of the State Legislature, and as the final act

before recess, Governor Thomas Sim Lee signed the Act to approve the

ratification of the Articles. The decision also designated two

delegates to go to Philadelphia in the following month to sign the

document. What most people don't know is that this approval was a

long awaited event. It was only after Virginia acceded to the demands

of Maryland with respect to giving up land claims to the West by

enacting such legislation on 2 January 1781 that the road was paved

for Maryland to approve the Articles. However, the story does not end

there. One of the federal powers the Articles created for the new

state was the power of taxation. On Saturday, February 3, a request

was made to the Continental Congress to allow an import tax to be

levied in all the States to fund the American Revolutionary War. In

other words, the state powers were being exercised immediately after

the approval of the Maryland state legislature. The request did not

wait for the formal ratification a month later. This is in itself a

powerful indication of the real historical significance of the

Maryland event. It is also interesting, that Annapolis is the birth

place of the " United States " , as a nation-state, being so close to

the Capitol city Washington DC.


Now, let's move on to examine the astrological evidence. In sidereal

or Vedic astrology, there is a correction made for the gradual but

cumulative progression of the equinoxes, to ensure that the signs of

the zodiac fit the actual constellations in the sky. For instance, in

mid January, the sun is seen to be in the beginning of the sign of

Capricorn whereas in western or tropical astrology, the sun is by

then already in the third decant of the same sign. So, there is a

difference of around 23° at the present time between placements in

the sidereal (Vedic) and tropical (western) zodiacs. There are

several other differences, such as the exclusive focus on the seven

inner planets in Vedic astrology, while western astrology also

focuses on Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. Vedic also relies heavily on the

largely malefic Moon's nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Vedic astrology then

uses planetary periods and transits to determine the conditions for a

given entity at any given time, with respect to placements in the

natal chart. The chart was rectified based on the System's Approach

to Vedic astrology, or SA.


In the Vedic chart we obtain 20° 59' Cancer rising chart for the USA

(equivalent to 11° 48' Leo rising in western zodiac). This Vedic

chart has really notable features that are consistent with the

country. The second lord of status and wealth Sun is strong and well

placed in the 7th house. This is consistent with the US enjoying

ample power in the international arena. It also means that US

financial assets attract investors from all over the world and the

dollar, despite its volatility, is one of the most widely used and

strongest currencies in the world. The chart ruler, Moon, is strong

in the eleventh house, giving interest in income and material

benefit, but also high hopes. The strong Sun and Moon combine to

explain the financial prowess of the country and its powerful

identity. However, as the Moon is closely aspected by the sixth lord

Jupiter in the fifth house, the US has inordinately strong views

which it is ready to fight for and has a 'war like' nature. Saturn,

the eighth lord of obstacles and endings, easy gains and the beliefs

of the people, is in the fifth house, from where it aspects the Sun.

This aspect adds periodic instability to the wealth in the country.

The country has had it share of financial turbulence and economic

slumps. The affliction is also a major factor to explain the

political assassinations, attempted assassinations and other problems

that have befallen the head of state, the President of the USA. As

third lord of initiative Mercury is in the seventh house, the US is

known for its political initiatives around the world and its outgoing

commerical culture. The tenth lord of international trade and

executive branch of government, Mars, is strong in the fifth house,

giving a global position in intellectual property and entertainment

industries. As Mars also aspects the Moon, the US enjoys a strong

military, to back up its strong views. The police and fire

departments are also effective in the country. Fourth lord of fixed

assets and communal harmony, Venus, is located in the sixth house of

opposition, health and financial stability. This gives rise to

domestic disharmony and contributes to the recurring problems

surrounding financial stability in the country. This is even more so

as the functional malefic Ketu also afflicts the fourth house itself.

This aspect helps to explain the recurring civil unrest in US

history. When Jupiter transits the twelfth house amd aspects Ketu in

the fourth house, suddent developments have impacted housing. The big

earthquake of Loma Prieta struck in October 1989 collapsed houses and

caused fires. The attacks on WTC and Pentagon in September 2001 also

took place under this combination. There were other powerful malefic

contacts at work in " 9/11 " . Rahu is in the tenth house, widely

aspecting Venus, also adding to the severity of the periods of

financial instability that have befallen the country. The transit

nodal axis was in aspect to its natal placement during the Rahu-Ketu

period when the Great Depression of the 1930s broke out in October

1929. Other such episodes occurred with similar contacts and periods.

In short, the chart shows tremendous strengths but also major



In addition to being read against the placements, the chart has been

tested against transit and period influences as per SA methodology

during the following major events. The chart was also found to pass

this test with flying colors:


1. Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861

to the first real Battle of Bull Run in July 1861.


2. Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14 April 1865.


3. The stock market crash that began the Great Depression of the

1930s hit on 25 October 1929.


4. The Economic Slump that arrived in March 1784 and lasted through



5. Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which caused US to join



6. Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November 1963 which

caused much grief.


7. Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event that had less

impact than what it appeared to have.


8. The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which shocked the

psyche of the people, disrupted life in the country and turned

Americans inward and vengeful in striking out at the perpetrators.


9. The assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX on 19

April 1993 and the revenge attack in Oklahoma City on 19 April 1995.


10. The resignation of Richard Nixon and the drop in the stock

market in the summer of 1974.


Many other notable events have been carefully examined in terms of

the chart.


Finally, the following predictions for the coming months have been

made against this chart, to further authenticate it:


in Message #12141 on Sat Jan 6, 2007 1:15 am

" In the recently proposed US chart for the 2nd February, 1781, 1705

hours, the transit influences show severe afflictions during middle

of March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot of controversies,

emotional involvement of the people in controversial issues,

financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weather

vagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc. "


Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm

" The chart bespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the

Ve/Ju period is operating. At that time, the nodes will become

stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs, where they widely aspect their own

placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2 aspecting L4 Venus in

H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the social equilibrium.

Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in opposition to

natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be a

dangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6

Jupiter will be conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting

transit L8 Saturn in H1. This also suggests violence, possibly

military conflict, and loss of life. "


In closing, as the chart has been developed on the SAMVA list it has

been given the name




Maryland becomes the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles of

Confederation and Perpetual Union


17:05 hrs (5:06 LMT)

2 February 1781

Annapolis, Md, USA (76W30, 38N59)

20° 59' Cancer ascendant


For more information on this chart please feel free to consult the


SAMVA web page at:



from there go to the Files section of the web page:



Materials relating to the above tests have been uploaded to

the " SAMVA USA chart " folder.


Best wishes,



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Dear Shayn,


Thank you for the warm words of appreciation. I am happy that you

find this work useful. Hopefully, in time this work will find its way

into some form of written record to improve the access of others to

this information, which becomes more useful the more progress we make

in identifying the respective authentic charts for the many countries

around the globe.


I posted this information on PoliticalAstrology, VAlist and Lois

Roddens Astrodatabank discussion under USA chart comments section.




I have also uploaded a pdf file to the SAMVA Files SAMVA USA chart

folder as SAMVA USA chart overview_30012007.pdf for easy access for

those list members who want to share the information with others.


You are right, the time was auspicious last night.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " Shayn Smith " <mactunesmith wrote:


> Dear Thor,

> Very eloquently stated! I'd be curious to hear the reactions on


> lists. Which ones are they? I didn't see a post on the National

> Council for Geocosmic Research (astrologyncgr on ). They have


> big conference coming up in March. I agree that it is important to

> get the word out about this chart and was even hoping you and John

> TWB would write a book about it. Anyway, I bet you posted under the

> strong Mars, Jupiter, Moon, and Sun influence last night (Libra

> rising).


> Thanks again to you both for the great and exciting work on this

> chart. For an American such as me, it is a real treat!


> Warm regards,

> Shayn



> SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear list members,

> >

> > I posted the following summary of the " SAMVA USA chart " on a few

> > lists last night. As the post summarises the information on this

> > chart, some of you may find it a useful reference.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> > The search for the true birth moment of the United States has been

> > the holy grail of western mundane astrology for a very long time.

> > Many charts have been suggested – in fact an incredible number of

> > charts. On December 30th 2006, John TWB and I discovered the event

> > that may well fit the bill. One surprise is that the chart has


> > discovered with the aid of ancient Vedic astrology.

> >

> > First, let's examine the history. In 1776, the term United States


> > America was immortalized in the Declaration of Independence.

> However,

> > what is not commonly understood is that at that time, the U.S.A.


> > not a singular state but 13 " sovereign and independent states "

> acting

> > in combination. The states were " united " in a common struggle for

> > political emancipation from England but were not yet a nation-


> > This development was, however, in the making. In 1777, the

> > Continental Congress voted to send the " Articles of

Confederation "

> to

> > the states for their ratification. The Articles would become the

> > first constitution of the United States and would bind them in

> > a " Perpetual Union " . The event that has received most attention is

> > the formal ratification of the Articles which took place in the

> > Continental Congress in Philadelphia on March 1, 1781. At that


> > Maryland became the last state to formally ratify the Articles.

> > According to the historical records, the signing took place at


> > time. However, history has tended to gloss over another event,


> > it has now emerged was even more important. It is the moment when

> the

> > State Legislature in Annapolis, Maryland became the 13th and final

> > state to approve the ratification of the Articles of


> > This was a long awaited event that signaled the effective


> > of the United States of America as a federal entity.

> >

> > At 17:05 hours on Friday, February 2, 1781, in the presence of

> > members of both houses of the State Legislature, and as the final

> act

> > before recess, Governor Thomas Sim Lee signed the Act to approve


> > ratification of the Articles. The decision also designated two

> > delegates to go to Philadelphia in the following month to sign the

> > document. What most people don't know is that this approval was a

> > long awaited event. It was only after Virginia acceded to the

> demands

> > of Maryland with respect to giving up land claims to the West by

> > enacting such legislation on 2 January 1781 that the road was


> > for Maryland to approve the Articles. However, the story does not

> end

> > there. One of the federal powers the Articles created for the new

> > state was the power of taxation. On Saturday, February 3, a


> > was made to the Continental Congress to allow an import tax to be

> > levied in all the States to fund the American Revolutionary War.


> > other words, the state powers were being exercised immediately

> after

> > the approval of the Maryland state legislature. The request did


> > wait for the formal ratification a month later. This is in itself


> > powerful indication of the real historical significance of the

> > Maryland event. It is also interesting, that Annapolis is the


> > place of the " United States " , as a nation-state, being so close to

> > the Capitol city Washington DC.

> >

> > Now, let's move on to examine the astrological evidence. In


> > or Vedic astrology, there is a correction made for the gradual but

> > cumulative progression of the equinoxes, to ensure that the signs


> > the zodiac fit the actual constellations in the sky. For


> in

> > mid January, the sun is seen to be in the beginning of the sign of

> > Capricorn whereas in western or tropical astrology, the sun is by

> > then already in the third decant of the same sign. So, there is a

> > difference of around 23° at the present time between placements in

> > the sidereal (Vedic) and tropical (western) zodiacs. There are

> > several other differences, such as the exclusive focus on the


> > inner planets in Vedic astrology, while western astrology also

> > focuses on Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. Vedic also relies heavily on

> the

> > largely malefic Moon's nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Vedic astrology then

> > uses planetary periods and transits to determine the conditions


> a

> > given entity at any given time, with respect to placements in the

> > natal chart. The chart was rectified based on the System's


> > to Vedic astrology, or SA.

> >

> > In the Vedic chart we obtain 20° 59' Cancer rising chart for the


> > (equivalent to 11° 48' Leo rising in western zodiac). This Vedic

> > chart has really notable features that are consistent with the

> > country. The second lord of status and wealth Sun is strong and


> > placed in the 7th house. This is consistent with the US enjoying

> > ample power in the international arena. It also means that US

> > financial assets attract investors from all over the world and the

> > dollar, despite its volatility, is one of the most widely used and

> > strongest currencies in the world. The chart ruler, Moon, is


> > in the eleventh house, giving interest in income and material

> > benefit, but also high hopes. The strong Sun and Moon combine to

> > explain the financial prowess of the country and its powerful

> > identity. However, as the Moon is closely aspected by the sixth


> > Jupiter in the fifth house, the US has inordinately strong views

> > which it is ready to fight for and has a 'war like' nature.


> > the eighth lord of obstacles and endings, easy gains and the


> > of the people, is in the fifth house, from where it aspects the


> > This aspect adds periodic instability to the wealth in the


> > The country has had it share of financial turbulence and economic

> > slumps. The affliction is also a major factor to explain the

> > political assassinations, attempted assassinations and other

> problems

> > that have befallen the head of state, the President of the USA. As

> > third lord of initiative Mercury is in the seventh house, the US


> > known for its political initiatives around the world and its

> outgoing

> > commerical culture. The tenth lord of international trade and

> > executive branch of government, Mars, is strong in the fifth


> > giving a global position in intellectual property and


> > industries. As Mars also aspects the Moon, the US enjoys a strong

> > military, to back up its strong views. The police and fire

> > departments are also effective in the country. Fourth lord of


> > assets and communal harmony, Venus, is located in the sixth house


> > opposition, health and financial stability. This gives rise to

> > domestic disharmony and contributes to the recurring problems

> > surrounding financial stability in the country. This is even more


> > as the functional malefic Ketu also afflicts the fourth house

> itself.

> > This aspect helps to explain the recurring civil unrest in US

> > history. When Jupiter transits the twelfth house amd aspects Ketu


> > the fourth house, suddent developments have impacted housing. The

> big

> > earthquake of Loma Prieta struck in October 1989 collapsed houses

> and

> > caused fires. The attacks on WTC and Pentagon in September 2001


> > took place under this combination. There were other powerful


> > contacts at work in " 9/11 " . Rahu is in the tenth house, widely

> > aspecting Venus, also adding to the severity of the periods of

> > financial instability that have befallen the country. The transit

> > nodal axis was in aspect to its natal placement during the Rahu-


> > period when the Great Depression of the 1930s broke out in October

> > 1929. Other such episodes occurred with similar contacts and

> periods.

> > In short, the chart shows tremendous strengths but also major

> > problems.

> >

> > In addition to being read against the placements, the chart has


> > tested against transit and period influences as per SA methodology

> > during the following major events. The chart was also found to


> > this test with flying colors:

> >

> > 1. Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on April 12,


> > to the first real Battle of Bull Run in July 1861.

> >

> > 2. Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14 April 1865.

> >

> > 3. The stock market crash that began the Great Depression of the

> > 1930s hit on 25 October 1929.

> >

> > 4. The Economic Slump that arrived in March 1784 and lasted


> > 1785.

> >

> > 5. Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which caused US to

> join

> > WW II.

> >

> > 6. Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November 1963 which

> > caused much grief.

> >

> > 7. Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event that had


> > impact than what it appeared to have.

> >

> > 8. The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which shocked the

> > psyche of the people, disrupted life in the country and turned

> > Americans inward and vengeful in striking out at the perpetrators.

> >

> > 9. The assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX on 19

> > April 1993 and the revenge attack in Oklahoma City on 19 April


> >

> > 10. The resignation of Richard Nixon and the drop in the stock

> > market in the summer of 1974.

> >

> > Many other notable events have been carefully examined in terms of

> > the chart.

> >

> > Finally, the following predictions for the coming months have been

> > made against this chart, to further authenticate it:

> >

> > in Message #12141 on Sat Jan 6, 2007 1:15 am

> > " In the recently proposed US chart for the 2nd February, 1781,


> > hours, the transit influences show severe afflictions during


> > of March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot of


> > emotional involvement of the people in controversial issues,

> > financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weather

> > vagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc. "

> >

> > Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm

> > " The chart bespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when


> > Ve/Ju period is operating. At that time, the nodes will become

> > stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs, where they widely aspect their own

> > placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2 aspecting L4 Venus in

> > H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the social equilibrium.

> > Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in opposition


> > natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could


> a

> > dangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6

> > Jupiter will be conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting

> > transit L8 Saturn in H1. This also suggests violence, possibly

> > military conflict, and loss of life. "

> >

> > In closing, as the chart has been developed on the SAMVA list it


> > been given the name

> >

> > SAMVA USA chart

> >

> > Maryland becomes the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles


> > Confederation and Perpetual Union

> >

> > 17:05 hrs (5:06 LMT)

> > 2 February 1781

> > Annapolis, Md, USA (76W30, 38N59)

> > 20° 59' Cancer ascendant

> >

> > For more information on this chart please feel free to consult the

> >

> > SAMVA web page at:


> >

> > from there go to the Files section of the web page:


> >

> > Materials relating to the above tests have been uploaded to

> > the " SAMVA USA chart " folder.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >


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thank you, dear thor.




(as in the light of the divine science!)


david hawthorne





Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:16 AM

A likely authentic chart for the United States of America

Dear list members,I posted the following summary of the "SAMVA USA chart" on a few lists last night. As the post summarises the information on this chart, some of you may find it a useful reference.Best wishes,ThorThe search for the true birth moment of the United States has beenthe holy grail of western mundane astrology for a very long time.Many charts have been suggested - in fact an incredible number ofcharts. On December 30th 2006, John TWB and I discovered the eventthat may well fit the bill. One surprise is that the chart has beendiscovered with the aid of ancient Vedic astrology.First, let's examine the history. In 1776, the term United States ofAmerica was immortalized in the Declaration of Independence. However,what is not commonly understood is that at that time, the U.S.A. wasnot a singular state but 13 "sovereign and independent states" actingin combination. The states were "united" in a common struggle forpolitical emancipation from England but were not yet a nation-state.This development was, however, in the making. In 1777, theContinental Congress voted to send the "Articles of Confederation" tothe states for their ratification. The Articles would become thefirst constitution of the United States and would bind them ina "Perpetual Union". The event that has received most attention isthe formal ratification of the Articles which took place in theContinental Congress in Philadelphia on March 1, 1781. At that time,Maryland became the last state to formally ratify the Articles.According to the historical records, the signing took place at noontime. However, history has tended to gloss over another event, whichit has now emerged was even more important. It is the moment when theState Legislature in Annapolis, Maryland became the 13th and finalstate to approve the ratification of the Articles of Confederation.This was a long awaited event that signaled the effective beginningof the United States of America as a federal entity.At 17:05 hours on Friday, February 2, 1781, in the presence ofmembers of both houses of the State Legislature, and as the final actbefore recess, Governor Thomas Sim Lee signed the Act to approve theratification of the Articles. The decision also designated twodelegates to go to Philadelphia in the following month to sign thedocument. What most people don't know is that this approval was along awaited event. It was only after Virginia acceded to the demandsof Maryland with respect to giving up land claims to the West by enacting such legislation on 2 January 1781 that the road was paved for Maryland to approve the Articles. However, the story does not end there. One of the federal powers the Articles created for the new state was the power of taxation. On Saturday, February 3, a request was made to the Continental Congress to allow an import tax to be levied in all the States to fund the American Revolutionary War. In other words, the state powers were being exercised immediately after the approval of the Maryland state legislature. The request did not wait for the formal ratification a month later. This is in itself a powerful indication of the real historical significance of the Maryland event. It is also interesting, that Annapolis is the birthplace of the "United States", as a nation-state, being so close tothe Capitol city Washington DC.Now, let's move on to examine the astrological evidence. In siderealor Vedic astrology, there is a correction made for the gradual butcumulative progression of the equinoxes, to ensure that the signs ofthe zodiac fit the actual constellations in the sky. For instance, inmid January, the sun is seen to be in the beginning of the sign ofCapricorn whereas in western or tropical astrology, the sun is bythen already in the third decant of the same sign. So, there is adifference of around 23° at the present time between placements inthe sidereal (Vedic) and tropical (western) zodiacs. There areseveral other differences, such as the exclusive focus on the seveninner planets in Vedic astrology, while western astrology alsofocuses on Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. Vedic also relies heavily on thelargely malefic Moon's nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Vedic astrology thenuses planetary periods and transits to determine the conditions for agiven entity at any given time, with respect to placements in thenatal chart. The chart was rectified based on the System's Approachto Vedic astrology, or SA.In the Vedic chart we obtain 20° 59' Cancer rising chart for the USA(equivalent to 11° 48' Leo rising in western zodiac). This Vedicchart has really notable features that are consistent with thecountry. The second lord of status and wealth Sun is strong and wellplaced in the 7th house. This is consistent with the US enjoyingample power in the international arena. It also means that USfinancial assets attract investors from all over the world and thedollar, despite its volatility, is one of the most widely used andstrongest currencies in the world. The chart ruler, Moon, is strongin the eleventh house, giving interest in income and materialbenefit, but also high hopes. The strong Sun and Moon combine toexplain the financial prowess of the country and its powerfulidentity. However, as the Moon is closely aspected by the sixth lordJupiter in the fifth house, the US has inordinately strong viewswhich it is ready to fight for and has a 'war like' nature. Saturn,the eighth lord of obstacles and endings, easy gains and the beliefsof the people, is in the fifth house, from where it aspects the Sun.This aspect adds periodic instability to the wealth in the country.The country has had it share of financial turbulence and economicslumps. The affliction is also a major factor to explain thepolitical assassinations, attempted assassinations and other problemsthat have befallen the head of state, the President of the USA. Asthird lord of initiative Mercury is in the seventh house, the US isknown for its political initiatives around the world and its outgoingcommerical culture. The tenth lord of international trade andexecutive branch of government, Mars, is strong in the fifth house,giving a global position in intellectual property and entertainmentindustries. As Mars also aspects the Moon, the US enjoys a strongmilitary, to back up its strong views. The police and firedepartments are also effective in the country. Fourth lord of fixedassets and communal harmony, Venus, is located in the sixth house ofopposition, health and financial stability. This gives rise todomestic disharmony and contributes to the recurring problemssurrounding financial stability in the country. This is even more soas the functional malefic Ketu also afflicts the fourth house itself.This aspect helps to explain the recurring civil unrest in UShistory. When Jupiter transits the twelfth house amd aspects Ketu inthe fourth house, suddent developments have impacted housing. The bigearthquake of Loma Prieta struck in October 1989 collapsed houses andcaused fires. The attacks on WTC and Pentagon in September 2001 alsotook place under this combination. There were other powerful maleficcontacts at work in "9/11". Rahu is in the tenth house, widelyaspecting Venus, also adding to the severity of the periods offinancial instability that have befallen the country. The transitnodal axis was in aspect to its natal placement during the Rahu-Ketuperiod when the Great Depression of the 1930s broke out in October1929. Other such episodes occurred with similar contacts and periods.In short, the chart shows tremendous strengths but also majorproblems.In addition to being read against the placements, the chart has beentested against transit and period influences as per SA methodologyduring the following major events. The chart was also found to passthis test with flying colors:1. Civil war erupts from the firing on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861to the first real Battle of Bull Run in July 1861.2. Assassination of President Lincoln took place on 14 April 1865.3. The stock market crash that began the Great Depression of the1930s hit on 25 October 1929.4. The Economic Slump that arrived in March 1784 and lasted through1785.5. Attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, which caused US to joinWW II.6. Assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November 1963 whichcaused much grief.7. Stock market crash on 18 October 1987, was an event that had lessimpact than what it appeared to have.8. The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, which shocked thepsyche of the people, disrupted life in the country and turnedAmericans inward and vengeful in striking out at the perpetrators.9. The assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX on 19April 1993 and the revenge attack in Oklahoma City on 19 April 1995.10. The resignation of Richard Nixon and the drop in the stockmarket in the summer of 1974.Many other notable events have been carefully examined in terms ofthe chart.Finally, the following predictions for the coming months have beenmade against this chart, to further authenticate it: in Message #12141 on Sat Jan 6, 2007 1:15 am"In the recently proposed US chart for the 2nd February, 1781, 1705hours, the transit influences show severe afflictions during middleof March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot of controversies,emotional involvement of the people in controversial issues,financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc."Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm"The chart bespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when theVe/Ju period is operating. At that time, the nodes will becomestationary on H2 and H8 MEPs, where they widely aspect their ownplacements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2 aspecting L4 Venus inH6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the social equilibrium.Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in opposition tonatal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6Jupiter will be conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspectingtransit L8 Saturn in H1. This also suggests violence, possiblymilitary conflict, and loss of life."In closing, as the chart has been developed on the SAMVA list it hasbeen given the nameSAMVA USA chartMaryland becomes the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles ofConfederation and Perpetual Union17:05 hrs (5:06 LMT)2 February 1781Annapolis, Md, USA (76W30, 38N59)20° 59' Cancer ascendantFor more information on this chart please feel free to consult theSAMVA web page at:SAMVAfrom there go to the Files section of the web page:SAMVAMaterials relating to the above tests have been uploaded tothe "SAMVA USA chart" folder.Best wishes,Thor

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