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SAMVA USA chart - stocks plunge by 25% in 1962

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Dear list members,


The following link gives an interesting insight into the economic

policy deliberations of the White House in August 1962 with President

Kennedy discussing the economic information with famous economists of

the time.





The discussion reveals the great effort the President of the US made

to understand the economic situation at that time. There was a real

sense of uncertainty mixed with a concern about a recession in that



The tape confirms that the clash between the President and the steel

companies took place while the stationary nodes were on top of the

natal L2 Sun in the SAMVA USA chart upto April of that year.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear list members,


> Event: Stocks plunged by 25% from mid March to end June 1962.

Concerns about e.g. the US administrations harsh policy towards the

big steel companies and uncertain outlook for the economy weighed on

the market.


> In March of 1962, a little noticed slide began in the New York

stock market and before it was over, in late June of that year the

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had dropped by 25% from its high.

Right as the stocks were coming to their lowest value, early June

1962, the media began their reporting of the story with a vengenance.

The prime reason for the slide was according to the Time Magazine on

8 June:


> " President John F. Kennedy brought on the recent market slumps

and slides with his savage, Gestapo-like attack on the steel

companies. Democrats guess otherwise . . . that the market re-entry

actually was caused by a widespread realization that the era of

inflation in this country is over for a long time to come. Our own

hunch is that Columnist Walter Lippmann taxed the President with

throttling down the economy—to prevent inflation—before it had fully

recovered from the 1961 recession. " As things are going, " said

Lippmann, " the stagnation which is overtaking the recovery will be

followed by another recession. "


> What we can make out of this is that the actual reason was

concern that politicians were taking on vested interests of big

business in addition to uncertain outlook for the economy. The stock

market began a fledling recovery in the late summer of 1962, but

dipped again as the short lived but threatening Cuban Missile Crisis

arrived in the second half of October of that year. The DJIA did not

regain the losses in full until one year later, as the attached chart

shows. One race riot was reported in early October in Missisippi

with " 200 negroes arrested " following protests over school



> We can now ask, what was going on in the SAMVA USA chart in 1962?


> Sa/Ve/Sa period was operating until 4 August 1982 when Sa/Ve/Me

period began. The nodes became stationary in early 1962 at 24° 15'

Cancer and Capricorn right on top of L2 of wealth, Sun, explaining

sense of confusion about the intentions of US administration with

respect to businesses. Transit Rahu also aspected L8 Saturn in H5.

The nodal affliction of the Sun did not leave (1° orb) until 7 April,

but it had resulted in a slide in share prices. The slide continued

as L8 Saturn was conjunct L3 Mercury, bringing obstacles to business.

Transit Saturn also aspected natal Ketu in H4 and the sub-period L4

Venus in transit in H9 when the market began to decline. Saturn's

aspect to natal Ketu lasted through the summer. Transit L6 Jupiter

was in H8 of obstacles, along with transit L3 Mercury and transit L10

Mars, further suggesting obstacles for business and the

administration. Transit L6 Jupiter also was under the close aspect of

natal Ketu into the Autumn, suggesting lingering

> concerns. In mid March, L1 Moon in H1 and L2 Sun in H9 were also

natally aspected by L6 Jupiter in H5.


> In the second half of October 1962, Saturn and Ketu became

conjunct at 11° Capricorn, explaining the relapse in share prices

that month.


> This offers yet another stunning confirmation of the SAMVA USA

chart by way of analysing the astrological conditions of past

historical events, at least in terms of the standard application of

SA in terms of the promise of the natal chart and the impact of

periods and transits in the chart.


> Finally, I am ever more convinced that the predicted and (to some

extent now already occurring) developments in the USA, with regard to

setbacks for the countries foreign policy, military engagements,

communal harmony, natural events and financial markets, also as

analysed and predicted by our dear , will soon be

shown to be correct.


> Best wishes,


> Thor




> Check out the all-new Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful

email and get things done faster.


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Dear Thor,


I am attaching the transits.


Best wishes,



On 2/4/07, Jorge Angelino <jorge.angelino wrote:


My dear Thor,


Let us see what the US rectified chart shows about this event.


1) 1776 US rectified chart entered SU/MA/MO.on March 16, 1962, at 09:38 GMT.

2) On the next day, transit Mars was afflicting MEP4 (Aquarius), MEP7 (Taurus), MEP10 (Leo), and MEP11 (Virgo).

3) Transit Saturn, L4, was over natal Ketu, being afflicted also by natal Rahu. Natal Saturn was exactly afflicted by transit Ketu.

4) Transit Venus was over MEP5, afflicting also MEP11. Transit Mercury, L11, was conjunct transit Mars in H4.


It seems OK.


Best wishes,









On 2/4/07, Cosmologer <cosmologer

> wrote:


Dear list members,


Event: Stocks plunged by 25% from mid March to end June 1962. Concerns about e.g. the US administrations harsh policy towards the big steel companies and uncertain outlook for the economy weighed on the market.


In March of 1962, a little noticed slide began in the New York stock market and before it was over, in late June of that year the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had dropped by 25% from its high. Right as the stocks were coming to their lowest value, early June 1962, the media began their reporting of the story with a vengenance. The prime reason for the slide was according to the Time Magazine on 8 June:


" President John F. Kennedy brought on the recent market slumps and slides with his savage, Gestapo-like attack on the steel companies. Democrats guess otherwise . . . that the market re-entry actually was caused by a widespread realization that the era of inflation in this country is over for a long time to come. Our own hunch is that Columnist Walter Lippmann taxed the President with throttling down the economy—to prevent inflation—before it had fully recovered from the 1961 recession. " As things are going, " said Lippmann, " the stagnation which is overtaking the recovery will be followed by another recession. "


What we can make out of this is that the actual reason was concern that politicians were taking on vested interests of big business in addition to uncertain outlook for the economy. The stock market began a fledling recovery in the late summer of 1962, but dipped again as the short lived but threatening Cuban Missile Crisis arrived in the second half of October of that year. The DJIA did not regain the losses in full until one year later, as the attached chart shows. One race riot was reported in early October in Missisippi with " 200 negroes arrested " following protests over school segregation.


We can now ask, what was going on in the SAMVA USA chart in 1962?


Sa/Ve/Sa period was operating until 4 August 1982 when Sa/Ve/Me period began. The nodes became stationary in early 1962 at 24° 15' Cancer and Capricorn right on top of L2 of wealth, Sun, explaining sense of confusion about the intentions of US administration with respect to businesses. Transit Rahu also aspected L8 Saturn in H5. The nodal affliction of the Sun did not leave (1° orb) until 7 April, but it had resulted in a slide in share prices. The slide continued as L8 Saturn was conjunct L3 Mercury, bringing obstacles to business. Transit Saturn also aspected natal Ketu in H4 and the sub-period L4 Venus in transit in H9 when the market began to decline. Saturn's aspect to natal Ketu lasted through the summer. Transit L6 Jupiter was in H8 of obstacles, along with transit L3 Mercury and transit L10 Mars, further suggesting obstacles for business and the administration. Transit L6 Jupiter also was under the close aspect of natal Ketu into the Autumn, suggesting lingering concerns. In mid March, L1 Moon in H1 and L2 Sun in H9 were also natally aspected by L6 Jupiter in H5.


In the second half of October 1962, Saturn and Ketu became conjunct at 11° Capricorn, explaining the relapse in share prices that month.


This offers yet another stunning confirmation of the SAMVA USA chart by way of analysing the astrological conditions of past historical events, at least in terms of the standard application of SA in terms of the promise of the natal chart and the impact of periods and transits in the chart.


Finally, I am ever more convinced that the predicted and (to some extent now already occurring) developments in the USA, with regard to setbacks for the countries foreign policy, military engagements, communal harmony, natural events and financial markets, also as analysed and predicted by our dear , will soon be shown to be correct.

Best wishes,





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Dear Thor,


Thank you for providing a background into the situation - I believe that it

is imperative that the astrologer have a proper background in the context of

the analysis and accurate information about the situation. Often, news

reports presented today are by those with only superficial knowledge of the

subject, reading off a teleprompter or piecing bits together from news wires

to sell a story.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" cosmologer " <cosmologer


Sunday, February 04, 2007 7:38 AM

Re: SAMVA USA chart - stocks plunge by 25% in 1962



Dear list members,


The following link gives an interesting insight into the economic

policy deliberations of the White House in August 1962 with President

Kennedy discussing the economic information with famous economists of

the time.





The discussion reveals the great effort the President of the US made

to understand the economic situation at that time. There was a real

sense of uncertainty mixed with a concern about a recession in that



The tape confirms that the clash between the President and the steel

companies took place while the stationary nodes were on top of the

natal L2 Sun in the SAMVA USA chart upto April of that year.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear list members,


> Event: Stocks plunged by 25% from mid March to end June 1962.

Concerns about e.g. the US administrations harsh policy towards the

big steel companies and uncertain outlook for the economy weighed on

the market.


> In March of 1962, a little noticed slide began in the New York

stock market and before it was over, in late June of that year the

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had dropped by 25% from its high.

Right as the stocks were coming to their lowest value, early June

1962, the media began their reporting of the story with a vengenance.

The prime reason for the slide was according to the Time Magazine on

8 June:


> " President John F. Kennedy brought on the recent market slumps

and slides with his savage, Gestapo-like attack on the steel

companies. Democrats guess otherwise . . . that the market re-entry

actually was caused by a widespread realization that the era of

inflation in this country is over for a long time to come. Our own

hunch is that Columnist Walter Lippmann taxed the President with

throttling down the economy-to prevent inflation-before it had fully

recovered from the 1961 recession. " As things are going, " said

Lippmann, " the stagnation which is overtaking the recovery will be

followed by another recession. "


> What we can make out of this is that the actual reason was

concern that politicians were taking on vested interests of big

business in addition to uncertain outlook for the economy. The stock

market began a fledling recovery in the late summer of 1962, but

dipped again as the short lived but threatening Cuban Missile Crisis

arrived in the second half of October of that year. The DJIA did not

regain the losses in full until one year later, as the attached chart

shows. One race riot was reported in early October in Missisippi

with " 200 negroes arrested " following protests over school



> We can now ask, what was going on in the SAMVA USA chart in 1962?


> Sa/Ve/Sa period was operating until 4 August 1982 when Sa/Ve/Me

period began. The nodes became stationary in early 1962 at 24° 15'

Cancer and Capricorn right on top of L2 of wealth, Sun, explaining

sense of confusion about the intentions of US administration with

respect to businesses. Transit Rahu also aspected L8 Saturn in H5.

The nodal affliction of the Sun did not leave (1° orb) until 7 April,

but it had resulted in a slide in share prices. The slide continued

as L8 Saturn was conjunct L3 Mercury, bringing obstacles to business.

Transit Saturn also aspected natal Ketu in H4 and the sub-period L4

Venus in transit in H9 when the market began to decline. Saturn's

aspect to natal Ketu lasted through the summer. Transit L6 Jupiter

was in H8 of obstacles, along with transit L3 Mercury and transit L10

Mars, further suggesting obstacles for business and the

administration. Transit L6 Jupiter also was under the close aspect of

natal Ketu into the Autumn, suggesting lingering

> concerns. In mid March, L1 Moon in H1 and L2 Sun in H9 were also

natally aspected by L6 Jupiter in H5.


> In the second half of October 1962, Saturn and Ketu became

conjunct at 11° Capricorn, explaining the relapse in share prices

that month.


> This offers yet another stunning confirmation of the SAMVA USA

chart by way of analysing the astrological conditions of past

historical events, at least in terms of the standard application of

SA in terms of the promise of the natal chart and the impact of

periods and transits in the chart.


> Finally, I am ever more convinced that the predicted and (to some

extent now already occurring) developments in the USA, with regard to

setbacks for the countries foreign policy, military engagements,

communal harmony, natural events and financial markets, also as

analysed and predicted by our dear , will soon be

shown to be correct.


> Best wishes,


> Thor




> Check out the all-new Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful

email and get things done faster.


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Hello dear friends,


The debate of this chart or that should be put to rest for a few months. As

the more confidence would come with passage of time and not by the debate.


Best wishes,





" cosmologer " <cosmologer


Monday, February 05, 2007 12:02 AM

Re: SAMVA USA chart - stocks plunge by 25% in 1962



My dear Jorge,


Thank you for putting up the information for the Rectified chart. The

sub-period of L4 Saturn was operating and it was beset by malefic

influences. In this chart, the events should have been very bad for

fourth house indications, such as fixed assets and communal harmony

in the Spring. There was also fleeting affliction of L6 Venus to H5

and H11, but not long enough to explain the drop in share prices over

the summer months. The stationary position of the nodes over their

natal position from July to September would have been a very bad time

for the country. However, by then the situation was improving, and

there is no indication of a major trauma to US society at that time


The SAMVA USA Chart shows difficulty for L2 Sun in H7, involving

wealth, status, the US Presidency and foreign policy, as well as L3

Mercury in H7 and businesses. This is consistent with the observed

events of a drop in share prices (wealth), clash of US President with

big companies and tension over internation financial system.


That said, the predictions based on these charts made for this Spring

will hopefully soon settle the matter of chart authenticity to

everybodies satisfaction.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino



> Dear Thor,


> I am attaching the transits.


> Best wishes,


> Jorge



> On 2/4/07, Jorge Angelino <jorge.angelino wrote:

> >

> > My dear Thor,

> >

> > Let us see what the US rectified chart shows about this event.

> >

> > 1) 1776 US rectified chart entered *SU/MA/**MO*.on March 16,

1962, at

> > 09:38 GMT.

> > 2) On the next day, transit Mars was afflicting MEP4 (Aquarius),


> > (Taurus), MEP10 (Leo), and MEP11 (Virgo).

> > 3) Transit Saturn, L4, was over natal Ketu, being afflicted also

by natal

> > Rahu. Natal Saturn was exactly afflicted by transit Ketu.

> > 4) Transit Venus was over MEP5, afflicting also MEP11. Transit


> > L11, was conjunct transit Mars in H4.

> >

> > It seems OK.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Jorge

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > On 2/4/07, Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear list members,

> > >

> > > Event: Stocks plunged by 25% from mid March to end June 1962.


> > > about e.g. the US administrations harsh policy towards the big


> > > companies and uncertain outlook for the economy weighed on the


> > >

> > > In March of 1962, a little noticed slide began in the New York


> > > market and before it was over, in late June of that year the

Dow Jones

> > > Industrial Average (DJIA) had dropped by 25% from its high.

Right as the

> > > stocks were coming to their lowest value, early June 1962, the

media began

> > > their reporting of the story with a vengenance. The prime

reason for the

> > > slide was according to the Time Magazine on 8 June:

> > >

> > > " President John F. Kennedy brought on the recent market slumps


> > > slides with his savage, Gestapo-like attack on the steel


> > > Democrats guess otherwise . . . that the market re-entry

actually was caused

> > > by a widespread realization that the era of inflation in this

country is

> > > over for a long time to come. Our own hunch is that Columnist


> > > Lippmann taxed the President with throttling down the

economyâ? " to prevent

> > > inflationâ? " before it had fully recovered from the 1961

recession. " As things

> > > are going, " said Lippmann, " the stagnation which is overtaking

the recovery

> > > will be followed by another recession. "

> > >

> > > What we can make out of this is that the actual reason was

concern that

> > > politicians were taking on vested interests of big business in

addition to

> > > uncertain outlook for the economy. The stock market began a

> > > fledling recovery in the late summer of 1962, but dipped again

as the short

> > > lived but threatening Cuban Missile Crisis arrived in the

second half

> > > of October of that year. The DJIA did not regain the losses in

full until

> > > one year later, as the attached chart shows. One race riot was

reported in

> > > early October in Missisippi with " 200 negroes arrested "

following protests

> > > over school segregation.

> > >

> > > We can now ask, what was going on in the SAMVA USA chart in


> > >

> > > Sa/Ve/Sa period was operating until 4 August 1982 when Sa/Ve/Me


> > > began. The nodes became stationary in early 1962 at 24° 15'

Cancer and

> > > Capricorn right on top of L2 of wealth, Sun, explaining sense

of confusion

> > > about the intentions of US administration with respect to


> > > Transit Rahu also aspected L8 Saturn in H5. The nodal

affliction of the Sun

> > > did not leave (1° orb) until 7 April, but it had resulted in a

slide in

> > > share prices. The slide continued as L8 Saturn was conjunct L3


> > > bringing obstacles to business. Transit Saturn also aspected

natal Ketu in

> > > H4 and the sub-period L4 Venus in transit in H9 when the market

began to

> > > decline. Saturn's aspect to natal Ketu lasted through the

summer. Transit L6

> > > Jupiter was in H8 of obstacles, along with transit L3 Mercury


> > > transit L10 Mars, further suggesting obstacles for business and


> > > administration. Transit L6 Jupiter also was under the close

aspect of natal

> > > Ketu into the Autumn, suggesting lingering concerns. In mid

March, L1 Moon

> > > in H1 and L2 Sun in H9 were also natally aspected by L6 Jupiter

in H5.

> > >

> > > In the second half of October 1962, Saturn and Ketu became

conjunct at

> > > 11° Capricorn, explaining the relapse in share prices that


> > >

> > > This offers yet another stunning confirmation of the SAMVA USA

chart by

> > > way of analysing the astrological conditions of past historical

events, at

> > > least in terms of the standard application of SA in terms of

the promise of

> > > the natal chart and the impact of periods and transits in the


> > >

> > > Finally, I am ever more convinced that the predicted and (to

some extent

> > > now already occurring) developments in the USA, with regard to

setbacks for

> > > the countries foreign policy, military engagements, communal

> > > harmony, natural events and financial markets, also as analysed


> > > predicted by our dear , will soon be shown to

be correct.

> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > Thor

> > >

> > > ------------------------------

> > > Check out the all-new Mail


..com/mailbeta>- Fire up a more powerful email and get things done


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >








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My dear Thor,


Please feel free to post whatever you like.


As I said, now I am 200% sure about the 1776 US rectified chart. No problem.


Thank you all for creating this new opportunity to inspire my deeper research on this chart.


I am grateful for that.


Best wishes,



On 2/4/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

My dear ,Thank you for wise counsel. Given the tense astrological transits, it

is certainly good advice to just take it easy on such issues for thecoming months.That said, I hope you or Jorge don´t mind if I continue to share withthe list results of my ongoing research into the SAMVA USA Chart. It

should in no way be interpreted as part of a debate.Best wishes,ThorSAMVA , <siha wrote:>>> Hello dear friends,

>> The debate of this chart or that should be put to rest for a fewmonths. As> the more confidence would come with passage of time and not by thedebate.>> Best wishes,>

> >> -> " cosmologer " <cosmologer> <SAMVA >> Monday, February 05, 2007 12:02 AM

> Re: SAMVA USA chart - stocks plunge by 25% in 1962>>> My dear Jorge,>> Thank you for putting up the information for the Rectified chart.The> sub-period of L4 Saturn was operating and it was beset by malefic

> influences. In this chart, the events should have been very bad for> fourth house indications, such as fixed assets and communal harmony> in the Spring. There was also fleeting affliction of L6 Venus to H5

> and H11, but not long enough to explain the drop in share pricesover> the summer months. The stationary position of the nodes over their> natal position from July to September would have been a very bad

time> for the country. However, by then the situation was improving, and> there is no indication of a major trauma to US society at that time>> The SAMVA USA Chart shows difficulty for L2 Sun in H7, involving

> wealth, status, the US Presidency and foreign policy, as well as L3> Mercury in H7 and businesses. This is consistent with the observed> events of a drop in share prices (wealth), clash of US President

with> big companies and tension over internation financial system.>> That said, the predictions based on these charts made for thisSpring> will hopefully soon settle the matter of chart authenticity to

> everybodies satisfaction.>> Best wishes,>> Thor>> SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino@>

> wrote:> >> > Dear Thor,> >> > I am attaching the transits.> >> > Best wishes,> >> > Jorge> >> >> > On 2/4/07, Jorge Angelino <

jorge.angelino@> wrote:> > >> > > My dear Thor,> > >> > > Let us see what the US rectified chart shows about this event.> > >> > > 1) 1776 US rectified chart entered *SU/MA/**MO*.on March 16,

> 1962, at> > > 09:38 GMT.> > > 2) On the next day, transit Mars was afflicting MEP4 (Aquarius),> MEP7> > > (Taurus), MEP10 (Leo), and MEP11 (Virgo).> > > 3) Transit Saturn, L4, was over natal Ketu, being afflicted also

> by natal> > > Rahu. Natal Saturn was exactly afflicted by transit Ketu.> > > 4) Transit Venus was over MEP5, afflicting also MEP11. Transit> Mercury,> > > L11, was conjunct transit Mars in H4.

> > >> > > It seems OK.> > >> > > Best wishes,> > >> > > Jorge> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >

> > > On 2/4/07, Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear list members,> > > >> > > > Event: Stocks plunged by 25% from mid March to end June 1962.

> Concerns> > > > about e.g. the US administrations harsh policy towards the big> steel> > > > companies and uncertain outlook for the economy weighed on the> market.

> > > >> > > > In March of 1962, a little noticed slide began in the New York> stock> > > > market and before it was over, in late June of that year the> Dow Jones

> > > > Industrial Average (DJIA) had dropped by 25% from its high.> Right as the> > > > stocks were coming to their lowest value, early June 1962, the> media began> > > > their reporting of the story with a vengenance. The prime

> reason for the> > > > slide was according to the Time Magazine on 8 June:> > > >> > > > " President John F. Kennedy brought on the recent market slumps> and

> > > > slides with his savage, Gestapo-like attack on the steel> companies.> > > > Democrats guess otherwise . . . that the market re-entry> actually was caused> > > > by a widespread realization that the era of inflation in this

> country is> > > > over for a long time to come. Our own hunch is that Columnist> Walter> > > > Lippmann taxed the President with throttling down the> economyâ? " to prevent

> > > > inflationâ? " before it had fully recovered from the 1961> recession. " As things> > > > are going, " said Lippmann, " the stagnation which is overtaking> the recovery

> > > > will be followed by another recession. " > > > >> > > > What we can make out of this is that the actual reason was> concern that> > > > politicians were taking on vested interests of big business in

> addition to> > > > uncertain outlook for the economy. The stock market began a> > > > fledling recovery in the late summer of 1962, but dipped again> as the short> > > > lived but threatening Cuban Missile Crisis arrived in the

> second half> > > > of October of that year. The DJIA did not regain the losses in> full until> > > > one year later, as the attached chart shows. One race riot was> reported in

> > > > early October in Missisippi with " 200 negroes arrested " > following protests> > > > over school segregation.> > > >> > > > We can now ask, what was going on in the SAMVA USA chart in

> 1962?> > > >> > > > Sa/Ve/Sa period was operating until 4 August 1982 whenSa/Ve/Me> period> > > > began. The nodes became stationary in early 1962 at 24° 15'

> Cancer and> > > > Capricorn right on top of L2 of wealth, Sun, explaining sense> of confusion> > > > about the intentions of US administration with respect to> businesses.

> > > > Transit Rahu also aspected L8 Saturn in H5. The nodal> affliction of the Sun> > > > did not leave (1° orb) until 7 April, but it had resulted ina> slide in> > > > share prices. The slide continued as L8 Saturn was conjunct L3

> Mercury,> > > > bringing obstacles to business. Transit Saturn also aspected> natal Ketu in> > > > H4 and the sub-period L4 Venus in transit in H9 when themarket> began to

> > > > decline. Saturn's aspect to natal Ketu lasted through the> summer. Transit L6> > > > Jupiter was in H8 of obstacles, along with transit L3 Mercury> and> > > > transit L10 Mars, further suggesting obstacles for business

and> the> > > > administration. Transit L6 Jupiter also was under the close> aspect of natal> > > > Ketu into the Autumn, suggesting lingering concerns. In mid> March, L1 Moon

> > > > in H1 and L2 Sun in H9 were also natally aspected by L6Jupiter> in H5.> > > >> > > > In the second half of October 1962, Saturn and Ketu became> conjunct at

> > > > 11° Capricorn, explaining the relapse in share prices that> month.> > > >> > > > This offers yet another stunning confirmation of the SAMVA USA> chart by

> > > > way of analysing the astrological conditions of pasthistorical> events, at> > > > least in terms of the standard application of SA in terms of> the promise of> > > > the natal chart and the impact of periods and transits in the

> chart.> > > >> > > > Finally, I am ever more convinced that the predicted and (to> some extent> > > > now already occurring) developments in the USA, with regard to

> setbacks for> > > > the countries foreign policy, military engagements, communal> > > > harmony, natural events and financial markets, also asanalysed> and> > > > predicted by our dear , will soon be shown

to> be correct.> > > >> > > >> > > > Best wishes,> > > >> > > > Thor> > > >> > > > ------------------------------

> > > > Check out the all-new Mail>beta<http://us.rd./evt=43257/*http://advision.webevents.

> .com/mailbeta>- Fire up a more powerful email and get things done> faster.> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> >>


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My dear Thor,


I am glad that you are happy also.


Best wishes,



On 2/5/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

My dear Jorge,I am happy to have gone through this exercise. There have been someindirect or parallel exchanges. I have been posting the results of my

research work on the SAMVA USA chart (21° Cancer rising, Feb 2, 1781)rectified by me and John TWB. You have seen fit to match my analysiscase by case on the basis of the Rectified USA chart (16° Scorpiorising, Jul 2, 1776) discovered by you and John TWB. I have found

that to be an admirable form of friendly competition. Only once did Ireact to your analysis. In that case, is quitecorrect to point out that it is best to now await the outcome of thepredictions offered for the resolution of the matter of what is the

authentic chart for the USA. I do not posit a belief in the matter,but wait for the results as per the scientific approach in line withSA theory and practice. Importantly, it is my sincere hope and wishthat we all learn something useful from this work. I agree with you

that this has been a useful exercise and I am grateful for thefriendly and healthy competition. May the better chart win. Moreimportantly, may this effort contribute to advance the state ofknowledge about astrology theory and practice on SAMVA.

Best wishes,ThorSAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelinowrote:>> My dear Thor,>> Please feel free to post whatever you like.

>> As I said, now I am 200% sure about the 1776 US rectified chart. Noproblem.>> Thank you all for creating this new opportunity to inspire my deeper> research on this chart.>

> I am grateful for that.>> Best wishes,>> Jorge>>> On 2/4/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:> >> > My dear ,> >

> > Thank you for wise counsel. Given the tense astrologicaltransits, it> > is certainly good advice to just take it easy on such issues forthe> > coming months.> >> > That said, I hope you or Jorge don´t mind if I continue to share

with> > the list results of my ongoing research into the SAMVA USA Chart.It> > should in no way be interpreted as part of a debate.> >> > Best wishes,> >> > Thor

> >> > SAMVA , <siha@> wrote:> > >> > >> > > Hello dear friends,> > >> > > The debate of this chart or that should be put to rest for a few

> > months. As> > > the more confidence would come with passage of time and not bythe> > debate.> > >> > > Best wishes,> > >> > >

> > >> > > -> > > " cosmologer " <cosmologer@>> > > <SAMVA

>> > > Monday, February 05, 2007 12:02 AM> > > Re: SAMVA USA chart - stocks plunge by 25% in1962> > >> > >> > > My dear Jorge,

> > >> > > Thank you for putting up the information for the Rectifiedchart.> > The> > > sub-period of L4 Saturn was operating and it was beset bymalefic> > > influences. In this chart, the events should have been very bad

for> > > fourth house indications, such as fixed assets and communalharmony> > > in the Spring. There was also fleeting affliction of L6 Venusto H5> > > and H11, but not long enough to explain the drop in share prices

> > over> > > the summer months. The stationary position of the nodes overtheir> > > natal position from July to September would have been a very bad> > time> > > for the country. However, by then the situation was improving,

and> > > there is no indication of a major trauma to US society at thattime> > >> > > The SAMVA USA Chart shows difficulty for L2 Sun in H7, involving> > > wealth, status, the US Presidency and foreign policy, as well

as L3> > > Mercury in H7 and businesses. This is consistent with theobserved> > > events of a drop in share prices (wealth), clash of US President> > with> > > big companies and tension over internation financial system.

> > >> > > That said, the predictions based on these charts made for this> > Spring> > > will hopefully soon settle the matter of chart authenticity to> > > everybodies satisfaction.

> > >> > > Best wishes,> > >> > > Thor> > >> > > SAMVA , " Jorge Angelino " <

jorge.angelino@>> > > wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Thor,> > > >> > > > I am attaching the transits.> > > >> > > > Best wishes,

> > > >> > > > Jorge> > > >> > > >> > > > On 2/4/07, Jorge Angelino <jorge.angelino@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > My dear Thor,

> > > > >> > > > > Let us see what the US rectified chart shows about thisevent.> > > > >> > > > > 1) 1776 US rectified chart entered *SU/MA/**MO*.on March 16,

> > > 1962, at> > > > > 09:38 GMT.> > > > > 2) On the next day, transit Mars was afflicting MEP4(Aquarius),> > > MEP7> > > > > (Taurus), MEP10 (Leo), and MEP11 (Virgo).

> > > > > 3) Transit Saturn, L4, was over natal Ketu, being afflictedalso> > > by natal> > > > > Rahu. Natal Saturn was exactly afflicted by transit Ketu.> > > > > 4) Transit Venus was over MEP5, afflicting also MEP11.

Transit> > > Mercury,> > > > > L11, was conjunct transit Mars in H4.> > > > >> > > > > It seems OK.> > > > >> > > > > Best wishes,

> > > > >> > > > > Jorge> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > On 2/4/07, Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> > > > > >> > > > > > Dear list members,> > > > > >> > > > > > Event: Stocks plunged by 25% from mid March to end June1962.

> > > Concerns> > > > > > about e.g. the US administrations harsh policy towardsthe big> > > steel> > > > > > companies and uncertain outlook for the economy weighed

on the> > > market.> > > > > >> > > > > > In March of 1962, a little noticed slide began in the NewYork> > > stock> > > > > > market and before it was over, in late June of that year

the> > > Dow Jones> > > > > > Industrial Average (DJIA) had dropped by 25% from itshigh.> > > Right as the> > > > > > stocks were coming to their lowest value, early June

1962, the> > > media began> > > > > > their reporting of the story with a vengenance. The prime> > > reason for the> > > > > > slide was according to the Time Magazine on 8 June:

> > > > > >> > > > > > " President John F. Kennedy brought on the recent marketslumps> > > and> > > > > > slides with his savage, Gestapo-like attack on the steel

> > > companies.> > > > > > Democrats guess otherwise . . . that the market re-entry> > > actually was caused> > > > > > by a widespread realization that the era of inflation in

this> > > country is> > > > > > over for a long time to come. Our own hunch is thatColumnist> > > Walter> > > > > > Lippmann taxed the President with throttling down the

> > > economyâ? " to prevent> > > > > > inflationâ? " before it had fully recovered from the 1961> > > recession. " As things> > > > > > are going, " said Lippmann, " the stagnation which is

overtaking> > > the recovery> > > > > > will be followed by another recession. " > > > > > >> > > > > > What we can make out of this is that the actual reason was

> > > concern that> > > > > > politicians were taking on vested interests of bigbusiness in> > > addition to> > > > > > uncertain outlook for the economy. The stock market began

a> > > > > > fledling recovery in the late summer of 1962, but dippedagain> > > as the short> > > > > > lived but threatening Cuban Missile Crisis arrived in the

> > > second half> > > > > > of October of that year. The DJIA did not regain thelosses in> > > full until> > > > > > one year later, as the attached chart shows. One race

riot was> > > reported in> > > > > > early October in Missisippi with " 200 negroes arrested " > > > following protests> > > > > > over school segregation.

> > > > > >> > > > > > We can now ask, what was going on in the SAMVA USA chartin> > > 1962?> > > > > >> > > > > > Sa/Ve/Sa period was operating until 4 August 1982 when

> > Sa/Ve/Me> > > period> > > > > > began. The nodes became stationary in early 1962 at24° 15'> > > Cancer and> > > > > > Capricorn right on top of L2 of wealth, Sun, explaining

sense> > > of confusion> > > > > > about the intentions of US administration with respect to> > > businesses.> > > > > > Transit Rahu also aspected L8 Saturn in H5. The nodal

> > > affliction of the Sun> > > > > > did not leave (1° orb) until 7 April, but it hadresulted in> > a> > > slide in> > > > > > share prices. The slide continued as L8 Saturn was

conjunct L3> > > Mercury,> > > > > > bringing obstacles to business. Transit Saturn alsoaspected> > > natal Ketu in> > > > > > H4 and the sub-period L4 Venus in transit in H9 when the

> > market> > > began to> > > > > > decline. Saturn's aspect to natal Ketu lasted through the> > > summer. Transit L6> > > > > > Jupiter was in H8 of obstacles, along with transit L3

Mercury> > > and> > > > > > transit L10 Mars, further suggesting obstacles forbusiness> > and> > > the> > > > > > administration. Transit L6 Jupiter also was under the

close> > > aspect of natal> > > > > > Ketu into the Autumn, suggesting lingering concerns. Inmid> > > March, L1 Moon> > > > > > in H1 and L2 Sun in H9 were also natally aspected by L6

> > Jupiter> > > in H5.> > > > > >> > > > > > In the second half of October 1962, Saturn and Ketu became> > > conjunct at> > > > > > 11° Capricorn, explaining the relapse in share prices

that> > > month.> > > > > >> > > > > > This offers yet another stunning confirmation of theSAMVA USA> > > chart by> > > > > > way of analysing the astrological conditions of past

> > historical> > > events, at> > > > > > least in terms of the standard application of SA in termsof> > > the promise of> > > > > > the natal chart and the impact of periods and transits in

the> > > chart.> > > > > >> > > > > > Finally, I am ever more convinced that the predicted and(to> > > some extent> > > > > > now already occurring) developments in the USA, with

regard to> > > setbacks for> > > > > > the countries foreign policy, military engagements,communal> > > > > > harmony, natural events and financial markets, also as

> > analysed> > > and> > > > > > predicted by our dear , will soon beshown> > to> > > be correct.> > > > > >

> > > > > >> > > > > > Best wishes,> > > > > >> > > > > > Thor> > > > > >> > > > > > ------------------------------

> > > > > > Check out the all-new Mail> > >> >beta<http://us.rd./evt=43257/*http://advision.webevents.

> > > .com/mailbeta>- Fire up a more powerful email and get thingsdone> > > faster.> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >

> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >

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