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Fire Pig Chinese New Year

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Hello All,


Just as a point of interest, this came to me and I thought I'd share as

it may pique some interest in the coming year's predictions or to just

point out the possible tenor of the present year. It

promises to be a tumultuos one with water winning in the end rather

than fire according to the Chinese hexagram for the year.






The Year of the Yin Fire Pig (Ding Hai) , a.k.a. Year

of the Female Red Pig, began on Feb. 4, 2007. That's

the first day of the lunar Tiger month. Because the

Chinese lunar calendar needed to insert a " short leap

month " , the Chinese New Year itself doesn't begin until

the new moon of Feb. 18 in China (Feb. 17 in USA and

Europe). Chinese astrology is fundamentally lunar. But

it also uses solar calculations which make it complex,

but contributes to its accuracy as being energetically

attuned to the macro cycles of change. That's why I'm currently

constructing an online Healing

Tao Chinese Astrology center that will allow readers to

calculate (at no cost) a natal chart that shows your

strong and weak elements and ten year luck cycles. If

you combine that information with qigong practice and

5-element nutrition and feng shui, it becomes an

extremely powerful practical tool of Tao

self-cultivation. I will have available ebooks by

Mantak Chia and David Twicken on how to interpret and

use that information in sophisticated ways. Chinese love the Year of

the Pig, the 12th and final

animal in this cycle. It's not just because they've

mastered the art of making pork tasty. Note: the pork

in China tastes very different from American pork, so

different in fact I thought it was a different species

of pig. I mention it because I had been a vegetarian

for 7 years when I first visited China in 1985, as a

photo-journalist following Marco Polo's route for four

months across the remote parts of China. It was the

tasty Chinese Pig that ultimately caused me to switch


diets...But I digress. 2007 is a Fire Pig Year, considered one of the


auspicious years to give birth to children, out of the

whole 120 year astrology cycle (10 celestial stems x 12

terrestrial branches = 120). A higher rate of reported

pregnancies in China - up 30% from last year by one

count - is one reflection of the popularity of the Pig

Year. Websites for " Golden Pig Mothers " have sprouted

up, and special " Pig Mother " maternity deals are being

offered by hotels. So we're not talking about the

quaint superstitions of peasants. Even the Chinese

government has issued a Pig stamp and commemorative

gold and silver coins with a Pig on them. Why the big

fuss over a Pig? Role of the Pig in Chinese Culture First,

Westerners need to put on a new pair of cultural

lenses. In the West, pigs are often seen as dirty, fat,

lazy creatures who lie sleeping all day in filth. Call

it the Year of the Boar if you cannot get over your

image of dirty pig. In China, pigs are highly

respected. In ancient times they ran wild and were

considered to have strong shamanic powers. In the

famous novel " Journey to the West " , the Monkey King

(symbolizing the evolving human travelling on a

spiritual adventure) has " Pigsy " as his main companion.

Together they get into a lot of trouble - and fun. I

summarize the story (see Godchecker.com for more

details): Pigsy the Pig spirit was actually the ex-Marshall of

the Hosts of Heaven, who was sent down into a pig's

body after lusting after angels and stuffing his face

with food at every opportunity. The last straw was one

day he guzzled too much immortal peach wine and got

fresh with Chang-O, Goddess of the Moon. An uproar ensured, and the

Jade Emperor turned into a

monstrously ugly pig spirit on earth to teach him a


lesson. But it didn't work. As Pigsy, his lustful nature

multiplied and soon he was revelling in troughs and

chasing pretty ladies for all he was worth. After many

mis-adventures, with the help of Kuan YIn, their quest

was fulfilled and Pigsy achieved enlightenment. In

heaven he was rewarded with the title Cleaner of the

Holy Altar, and thousands of worshippers send him

offerings to this very day. Moral of the story: it CAN

pay to be a pig - just play your part well! Note: To read this

delightfully fantastic tale, try

Arthur Waley's short version or Anthony Yu's 4-volume

classic. I found this 16th century novel dramatized as

a Chinese TV serial when I first visited China, so it

is very much present in the modern culture. The modern Chinese are

acutely aware of both their long

history and their current rise to prosperity on the

global stage. In 621, a Fire Pig Year, the Tang dynasty

marked a golden age of art, religion, and prosperity

that lasted for nearly four hundred years. In that

year, the emperor introduced a single national currency

called the " Jin Zhu " which literally translates into

" Gold Pig. " This communist government is happy to

reclaim the ancient Gold Pig mantle for itself, heading

into the 2008 Olympics.

The Pig Character In China, the Pig's character is considered to be

honest, tolerant, well-meaning, and friendly. The Pig

is noble and courageous; its steady perseverance leads

it to prosperity. Pigs are known for ending their days

well-off and contented. The Fire Pig is especially

known for its traits of wealth, prosperity, luck and

fertility. So naturally everyone wants their " one

allowed child " to be born in such a year, as it will

make the parents life easier.


The shadow side of the pig character is they can be

very naive, gullible and overconfident, or even

downright stupid about money. But even though they can


lose lots of money, it always seems to come back to

them. Some might see the Chinese national character

reflected in the way pigs eat food with great gusto,

enjoy sleeping all day long and worry about nothing -

life works out for them in the end. The Fire Pig is more vivacious,

bold and relentless in

achieving its goals than the other types of Pigs. The

Pig is ordinarily associated with the water element,

and thus appears lazy. But even the Water Pig may just

be biding its time until the opportunity ripens. Once

in motion the Pig, like a strong river current, is

unstoppable. A Fire Pig " boils " the Water, which makes

this year's energy potentially turbulent. I will

discuss the political and economic implications of that

shortly. I have a personal story to relate here. On the small

Caribbean island where I winter, my neighbor Sam raises

pigs. Sam told me how he bought a baby pig once, put it

inside a gunny sack, effectively blindfolding it. The

piglet was tied atop a donkey, which took it some five

miles over a mountain to its new home. The baby pig

slyly waited for an opening, escaped and immediately

ran back the 5 miles to its mother. That is a very

clever and persistent pig.

Bad Weather Hidden Inside a Silver Cloud The Fire Pig year will be

generally auspicious, but it

may also bring calamity. This is mostly due to the

conflict between the heavenly Female Fire and the

earthly Water. 2006 was a Yang (Male) Fire Dog year,

and this yang Fire played itself out much as predicted

in relationship to the Dog/Earth element - civil war in

Iraq, sudden change of political power in the USA, and

public outcry over global warming threatening the

earth. Trials that " outed " corrupt politicians and

lobbyists. More media exposing the inconsistencies

around 9-11. The Female (Yin) Fire is described by some astrologers

as " candlelight " , i.e. gentle and soft. This is a big


mistake, like under-estimating the potential fury of

ordinarily sweet women that slowly cooks within until

she explodes. Yin Fire is ultimately more powerful than

Yang Fire. It gets held in suppressed emotions, hidden

tension, anxiety and continuing struggle over failed

dreams. [see Raymond Lo, below] The problem here is that the

celestial Yin Fire is

ABOVE the Watery Pig energy below, which means they are

separating. This is revealed in Hexagram 64 of the I

Ching, the Classic of Unchanging Changes. Fire (Li) is

above water (kan). Look it up in whatever I Ching

translation you have. This separation of fire and water

leads to chaos and conflict. This volatile water-fire energy in 2007

can explode

into natural disasters such as hurricanes, El Nino,

tsunamis, earthquakes, chemical fires, or industrial

explosions. In 1995, a Wood (expanding) Pig year, an

earthquake rocked Kobe, Japan. Natural disasters can

strike anyone, anywhere. Be thankful if you avoid them

and instead find the Pig's good fortune - and share

your wealth to help the less fortunate. This female

fire celestial energy is generally beneficial, but in

certain places and people it will produce excess or

deficiencies, particularly to the South (excess fire)

and West (controlled/ deficient metal). The destructive 5-element

cycle reveals that

Metal-dominant people will have the most difficulty in

a Fire year, as Fire melts Metal/Gold. Water types are

a close second, as uncontrolled Fire plus Water in

spells disaster. Health issues are most likely to

involve the heart, tongue,and small intestine in Fire

types. The negative results of too much passionate fire

activity could include stress, strained relationships,

and a hot temper. In Metal types the problem would be

lung infections. This could get played out on a macro

scale as a bird flu virus spreading in certain areas,

perhaps the south and west of whatever country you live


in. On the other hand, the Pig Year is great time to use

the fire to move with great gusto to finish projects

and engage in passionately chasing your dreams or true

love. The secret, as always, is holding the balance

point. Depending on your personal astrology, that could

be natural or terribly challenging. Based on the " Law

of Mutual Attraction " , the three animal signs that will

benefit the most in 2007 will be those born in Rabbit,

Dog, and Tiger years. Pig Years favor those who hold

the space of peace and mediate for stability vs.

violent change.

1947: The Last Fire Pig Year Yin Fire is very explosive and can

symbolize firearms.

The AK47 assault rifle was designed and began

production in 1947, the last Fire Pig year. It has

become a global symbol of revolution. The CIA was

established in the US (water rules secrets) and that

year marked the birth of the Cold War that lasted

another 40 years. The seed energy of East-West

separation. In 1947 the separation of India and Pakistan took place

and resulted in 4 million Hindus and Muslims changing

their homeland. By the end of the year, the two were at

war, and it is still flaring up. Palestine was

partitioned in 1947, another case of water and fire,

arab and jew, not finding harmony 60 years later.

Hopefully, we are in an upward spiral, but more

purification may yet be needed.


2007 may thus be a good year for terrorists and violent

upheavals, even if they ultimately fail. I predict the

partitioning of Iraq into Kurdish, Sunni, and Shiite

territories will begin, a solution that will ease the

civil war but is unlikely to bring lasting peace to the

region. As we shift to the second half of 2007 the Fire element

may lose its explosiveness as the Pig watery force

begin to re-assert itself. The Fire chi will begin to

ground itself as it flows into the next Earth Rat

cycle. But the water element resurgence in the second


half of the year may bring into consciousness

contraction and fear in various forms. Secrets are also

ruled by the Water element. With Fire (ideals) and

Water (secrets) co-existing in the 2007 chart we can

expect clashes of values over secrecy. The US

government has never been so secretive as under the

Bush administration, and I expect this year will bring

fierce attempts to restore transparency. 1947 brought the report of a

crashed UFO near Roswell,

New Mexico. This crash has since dominated UFO

research. I think the UFO issue may arise again very

strongly in 2007 as more of this secrecy gets unveiled.

I find myself reading material on this topic. If you

want more dramatic and detailed evidence of US

government MJ-12 (Majestic, top secret agency)

relations with aliens, listen to intereview of an MJ

government scientist Dan Burisch who was assigned to

medically heal a captive sick alien. He says he's been

allowed to speak because the govt. finally wants the

truth to start seeping out.... http://www.eaglesdi



sobey.net/> scroll down to navigation

links on left side for 2 hour free video interview.

Economic Effects of Fire Pig Year Financial markets will be

influenced by these

fire-water tensions. Investment themes for 2007 may

center around the effects of peak oil and global

warming, disease and famine. Commodities, especially

the softs (grains) should do very well. The economy

will blow hot or cold from geopolitical events and

psycho-social trends. Financial mergers and


acquisitions will continue and we will see widespread

consolidation. Larger Pig companies will gobble up

smaller companies. Water-related businesses will do

well by the end of this year.


Fire and Water can contribute to sudden breakthroughs

in technology or new and dramatic inventions to

generate power or solve medical problems. Note in 1947

Bell Labs invented the radio transistor and a plane

flew fast enough to break the sound barrier for the

first time. The Stock market may benefit from the fire/heat in the

first half and cool in the second half. In 1997, also a

Yin Fire year, the Asian markets collapsed in the

second half.

Spiritual Practice in 2007 This year, the water and fire are

NOT naturally

harmonized - so it is up to humanity to mediate the

struggle that unfolds.


- wrote:


-Damaging Yin Fire


Lo writes further, " The fire standing on top in 2007 is yin fire >

which is compared to the candle flame. Whilst the yang fire in 2006 >

symbolizes the sun and represents openness, optimism, warmth, >

politeness and care, the Yin fire in 2007 symbolizes tension, >

temperamental emotions, agitations, and illusions. The Yin fire is

candle flame, and a spark of fire. There is a common Chinese saying >

that " A spark of fire can burn down the whole plain " . As such, yin >

fire can be more damaging and destructive than yang fire.


It is anticipated that there will be more international conflicts and

disharmony which will even lead to regional warfare, uprising and

unrest, or over throwing of the government in certain countries.


Fire Pig has harmonious elements, but harmony is lost when situations

are out of control. Fire Pig years have been fraught with incidents:

wars, political takeovers, enormous unrest.


Here in Florida where have yin fire, that is bioluminescence in the

salt water especially during the hot summer months. The glow


outlines the fish especailly anything that moves causes the glow to

intensify. Its fun to wade fish at night just to watch the water

wash over your feet and ankles. When you put out a trammel net (3

wall net of verying mesh) about 1500 yards in lenth (now thankfully

illegal) each part of the mesh lights up as the fish strike the net

and become caught. My job on the boat was to spot schools of pompano

(ever had pompano papilote?) The pompano, which has a roundish body

turn sideways when spooked by the sound of the motor and gives off a

particular round glow of yin fire allowing them to be spotted by the

likes of me. Yin fire


> -- In Midaughter@gro ups.com, " > >




For those who study oblative divination (w/o fire) this time period

portends interesting developments. In Fu Hsi's world it was

determined that there are 13 moons on a turtle's back.. Following

the winter solstice, the first New Moon is Janary 19, the second New

Moon is February 17th and that's Chinese Lunar New Year.



That is to say this next new moon (new to full) is the 12th new

moon and you should be able to see the future on the 13th plate of

the turtle, the new moon of the 17th of Feb. Perhaps you can see

Revolution coming (fire in the lake), the pattern in all around you.


We have some good hints: two new moons after this is the New Year,

the Year of the Fire Pig. The Chinese New Year day for USA time

zones is on February 17th, 2007. In the US Eastern Standard Time (EST),

the new moon time is at 11:14 AM of that day.The new moon time is at

4:14 PM on 2-17-07 of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)



I believe the Hexagram for Lunar New Year moon should be Hexagram

49, Revolution. fire in the lake, in this instance the Yin Fire.

Look for this in the natural elements around you because as a


pattern of the future it appears as surely as it appears on the plates of a

turtle's back. We have hint that there are dangeous and unstable

things ahead.




Appproach: Yin Fire and the Year of the Fire Pig: Hexagram 49



The Year 2007 (Red Pig) is the 4704th Chinese year. The Chinese

believe that the first king of China was the Yellow King (he was not

the first emperor of China). The Yellow King became king in 2697

B.C., therefore China will enter the 4704th year on February 4th,

2007. Also, the Chinese Year uses the cycle of 60 Stem-Branch

counting systems and the Red Pig is the 23rd Stem-Branch in the

cycle. Since 4700 = (60 *78) + 24, therefore this Red Pig Year is

the 4704th Chinese Year.


What to Expect in the Year of the Fire Pig:


The Chinese Fire Pig symbol (Fire over Water) contains a special

character that forms an accelerant. The year has potential for

situations to gather speed; to burn out of control.


In Chinese astrology, clashes of Fire & Water have powerful,

uncontrollable effects, while transformation takes place. Situations

flare up quickly and propel out of control.


The Water element denotes clandestine affairs, 'behind the scenes',

danger. It can indicate physical floods & large scale water

problems - potential for extensive damage and destruction.


Feng Shui and I Ching teacher, Raymond Lo writes: " The Year of the

Pig, 2007, in the Hsia calendar, is symbolized by two elements �

with fire sitting on top of water. According to the cycle of birth and

destruction, which governs the inter-relationship between the

elements, fire will be conquered by water. Therefore, fire sitting

on water is a symbol of conflict and skirmish and this may bring a

relatively less peaceful year with more international conflicts and

struggles. In recent years, the last time such fire and water

elements appeared was in 2002 in the year of the water horse, which

was the year immediately after 911 and terrorist attacks became a

global threat. " -- Sally Spencer, Jyotish KovidA Gentle Journey to Deep Healing Ascension work, Vedic Astrology*www.Devi3.byregion.net


Waves of LoveEntering the PlanetIt's inevitable. It's contagious~

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