Guest guest Posted February 12, 2007 Report Share Posted February 12, 2007 Dear and list members, The situation with regard to Iran looks quite difficult in terms of the 24° Cancer rising chart for the Isalmic Revolution at 15:03 on 1 April 1979 in Teheran. Not only is L8 Saturn settling into a close conjunction of H1 MEP but L6 Jupiter is coming into exact conjunction of H5 MEP in coming weeks. As if that were not enough, Rahu is conjunct the H8 MEP is also conjunct natal Ketu. Meanwhile, transit Ketu conjunct H2 MEP is also conjunct natal Rahu. The functional benefics are not escaping the influences. For instance on 20 February, transit L10 Mars in H7 will be opposite natal L6 Jupiter in H1. Sub-period lord, L4 Venus, in H9 will be under aspect of L6 Jupiter. Transit L1 Moon in H9 will be under aspect of transit L6 Jupiter. L3 Mercury in H8 will be aspected by natal L8 Saturn in H2. It is hard to escape the thought that something will happen, and perhaps sooner than we think. I´d be interested in your view, dear , on this chart and what you think may happen. Your earlier predictions based on Iran not getting attacked based on the 24° Cancer rising chart have proved accurate. Predictions based on the 16° Scorpio rising chart for the USA (see below), however, have not panned out. On the basis of the 24° Cancer rising chart for Iran and the 21° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, do you think these countries are headed for outright conflict? Best wishes, Thor ----- Original Message -----"Jorge Angelino" <jorge.angelino<SAMVA >; Friday, March 17, 2006 1:06 PMRE: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCESDear Professor,The reason I have sent message #10271 "US - US backs first-strike attackplan" was exactly due to what you have predicted in message #10240 "USACHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCES", on March 13, 2006. In my opinion, this is aclear first signal that things are developing as predicted by you.Congratulations, and thanks a lot for the confidence in the US rectifiedchart clearly expressed in message #10275.Best wishes,JorgeSAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf OfsihaSent: sexta-feira, 17 de Março de 2006 01:14 ; SAMVA Subject: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCESHello List members,US backs first-strike attack planThe US will not shy away from attacking regimes it considers hostile,or groups it believes have nuclear or chemical weapons, the White House hasconfirmed.-------------------Please see the planetary influences reading in the appended message. Hello dear Mr. Cosmologer,I add my replies/comments to your questions in your message appended below.Best wishes,www.YourNetAstrologer.comwww.JyotishRemedies121.comA-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India)Phones: 91 124 - 2219240Mobile 98110 16333-"cosmologer" <cosmologer<SAMVA >Monday, March 13, 2006 12:38 PM Re: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCESDear ,Thank you for the prediction for the USA regarding the nuclear plansof Iran.Your prediction refers to the transit aspect of Rahu toSaturn. For better understanding, as you specify the USA, thequestion comes up if your analysis leading to the prediction isbased on the 15° 26´ Scorpio rising chart for the USA (July 2, 1776,Philadelphia).YES.In this chart, the FMs are the nodes along with Venus as L12 andMars as L6. Rahu is in H9 at 15° 50´ Cancer and Ketu in H3 andCapricorn. Venus is badly placed in H8 at 9° 53´ Gemini and casts awide aspect to L2 Jupiter at 14° 44´. Mars is in extreme old age inH7 at 29° 15´ Taurus.OK.Currently, tr L4 Saturn is at 10° 55´ Cancer is just within the 5°orb of the nodal axis. Also, tr Rahu at 10° 25´ Pisces is just onthe edge of the MEP of the chart.RIGHT.While the transit aspect of Rahu to Saturn is intense, it does notseem so firmly hooked into the natal chart as to be sufficient toprecipitate an international incident.IN A PROLONGED STATIONARY TRANSIT INFLUENCE MANY SHORT TERM TRANSITINFLUENCES KEEP ON CREATING FURTHER STRESS.You have earlier warned aboutdifficulty to governments when the Sun passes over the nodal axislater this month. Would it be the additional element of the transitof L10 Sun over the stationary nodal axis later this month, when L6Mars will also have come into the MEP of a conjunction of its ownnatal placement, that the USA is likely to revert to some actionwith regard to Iran?ACTION MAY COME UP LATER BUT THE PREDICTION IS THAT US WILL NOT RELENT ONITS EARLIER STAND AND IRAN IS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE PURVIEW OF THEINSPECTION OF INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY ASSN.Thanks for clarifying the basis of the prediction.Best regards,C Last Updated: Monday, 12 February 2007, 17:27 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version Iran 'does not fear attack by US' There should be no foreign troops in Iraq, the president said Interview clip Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said his country does not fear the US military and that any attack would be "severely punished". Mr Ahmadinejad made the comments in a rare US television interview on Monday. He was speaking after US officials said they had evidence Iran was providing weapons to Shia militias in Iraq who were attacking the US military. Mr Ahmadinejad said Iran "shied away from all conflict" and that no peace would come with foreign troops in Iraq. 'Baseless propaganda' In the interview with ABC Television in Tehran, Mr Ahmadinejad was asked if he feared a US military attack. "Fear? Why should we be afraid?" he asked. Mr Ahmadinejad said he thought the possibility of such an attack was "very low". The US is following another policy, trying to hide its defeats and failures and that's why it is pointing its fingers to others Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad excerpts "We think there are wise people in the US who would stop such illegal actions," he said. And he stressed that Iran's position was clear, saying, "Anyone who wants to attack our country will be severely punished." The Bush administration denies it is planning to invade Iran but has indicated it is willing to use military force to deal with any Iranian interference inside Iraq. Mr Ahmadinejad was asked repeatedly about Iran supplying weapons to Shia militias. He said the accusations were "excuses to prolong the stay" of US forces and that they would need a "court to prove the case". We assess that these activities are coming from the senior levels of the Iranian government US official In pictures: US Iran evidence US claims: Why now? Send us your comments "The US is following another policy, trying to hide its defeats and failures and that's why it is pointing its fingers to others," Mr Ahmadinejad said. "There should be no foreigners in Iraq. And then you see that you have peace in Iraq," he said. Earlier Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini had called the US allegations baseless propaganda. He said Washington had a long history of fabricating evidence. In the US, some Democrats also expressed concerns about levelling such accusations against Tehran. Democratic Senator Chris Dodd said the Bush administration had tried to falsify evidence before, and it would be a mistake to create a premise for future military action. On Monday, White House spokesman Tony Snow reiterated that the administration believed the weaponry was coming directly with Iranian government approval. And a spokesman for UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said: "We keep finding the weaponry which we don't believe to be sourced from anywhere else." Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Small Business. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2007 Report Share Posted February 12, 2007 Dear list members, I share with you this statement by on 17 January 2006 based on the 24° Cancer rising chart for Iran. Best wishes, Thor SAMVA , <siha wrote: > > > Hello my dear Thor, > > Planetary position currently is unfavorable for Iran at the moment. Transit Jupiter's influence on Transit Mars, Transit Saturn's position in ascendant under the affliction of Rahu does not auger well. Natal Venus in Iran proclamation chart is badly placed in the severely afflicted eighth house. Haste on the part of west would spoil the matter of a peaceful settlement and Iran would also suffer in the process. Iran's own reactions would be detrimental to its own interests. > > Best wishes, > > > > A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India) > Phones: 91 124 - 2219240 > Mobile 98110 16333 > > > - > Dayamaya Ji > samva > Monday, January 16, 2006 8:10 PM > Strain builds up around Iran > > > Iran issues stark warning on oil price > > War of words over trade sanctions > Robert Tait in Tehran > Monday January 16, 2006 > The Guardian > > Iran stepped up its defiance of international pressure over its nuclear programme yesterday by warning of soaring oil prices if it is subjected to economic sanctions. As diplomats from the US, Europe, Russia, and China prepared to meet today in London to discuss referring Tehran to the UN security council, Iran's economy minister, Davoud Danesh-Jafari, said the country's position as the world's fourth-largest oil producer meant such action would have grave consequences. > > " Any possible sanctions from the west could possibly, by disturbing Iran's political and economic situation, raise oil prices beyond levels the west expects, " he told Iranian state radio. > In a provocative move, Iran also announced plans yesterday to convene a " scientific " conference to examine the evidence supporting the Holocaust. The news comes weeks after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked a global outcry by describing the slaughter of 6 million Jews by the Nazis in the second world war as a " myth " . > > Mr Danesh-Jafari's comments echoed fears voiced by energy market analysts after crude oil prices last week rose above $64 (£36.50) a barrel as hopes faded of a diplomatic solution to the dispute. > > Last week, Manouchehr Takin, of the Centre for Global Energy Studies, argued that crude prices could hit $100 a barrel if Iran stopped exporting. " Supply and demand are very tightly balanced, " he said. > > Mr Danesh-Jafari's warning added weight to veiled threats by Iran's president on Saturday. Iran had a " cheap means " of achieving its nuclear " rights " , Mr Ahmadinejad said, adding: " You [the west] need us more than we need you. All of you today need the Iranian nation. " > > Recognising the danger, Gernot Erler, Germany's deputy foreign minister, said yesterday: " We are seeing desperate measures by Asian countries, mainly China, India and others, to get hold of energy resources, and for them Iran is a partner they can't do without. " He said it was " dangerous " to put restrictions on trade relations " which could hurt one's own side more than the other side " . > > Iran's Islamic leaders insist that they want nuclear technology to satisfy its energy needs. The west suspects the intention is to produce a nuclear weapon. > > But even amid the continuing rancour, some Iranian officials appeared to soften the bellicose stance. Calling for a return to negotiations, foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused the west of over-reacting to Tehran's decision last week to remove UN seals and resume research at a nuclear plant in Natan, when Britain, France and Germany formally abandoned 2½ years of talks and demanded Iran's referral to the UN security council. > > Although Britain has ruled out military moves against Iran, two American senators yesterday said the US might undertake a strike of " last resort " to prevent Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. The Republican John McCain told CBS: " Everything else has to be exhausted, but to say under no circumstances would we exercise a military option would be crazy. " Democrat Evan Bayh urged diplomacy, but said there were elements of Iran's nuclear programme which, if attacked, " would dramatically delay its development " . > > White House spokesman David Almacy said: " The international community is determined not to let Iran develop a nuclear weapon. How we address that regime's continued non-compliance will be decided in the days and weeks ahead. " > > The UN security council issue will be the centrepiece of today's meeting, when EU and US officials will attempt to persuade their Russian and Chinese counterparts of the need for a referral, which could lead to economic sanctions. > > > -- ---------- > Photos > Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2007 Report Share Posted February 12, 2007 Bush softens rhetoric on Iran relations By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 5 minutes ago WASHINGTON - President Bush on Monday sought to dampen speculation about a U.S. military strike on Iran as the Islamic republic's president softened his tone, too, and said he wanted dialogue rather than confrontation. Bush, in an interview at the White House with C-SPAN, dismissed talk of a U.S. military strike on Iran as political chatter. He also said there is still a chance to resolve, through diplomacy, the standoff over Tehran's nuclear ambitions. Still, Bush called Tehran a " belligerent " regime with nuclear ambitions that will lead Iranians into isolation. " The Iranian people are good, honest, decent people and they've got a government that is belligerent, loud, noisy, threatening — a government which is in defiance of the rest of the world and says, 'We want a nuclear weapon,' " Bush said. " So our objective is to keep the pressure so rational folks will show up and say it's not worth the isolation. " The United States and Iran are at odds on two fronts: the standoff over nuclear weapons and U.S. accusations that Iran is meddling in Iraq. The U.S. claims Iran has been arming Shiites in Iraq with sophisticated, armor-piercing roadside bombs, which have killed more than 170 troops from the U.S.-led coalition. Tehran denied it gave sophisticated weapons to militants to attack U.S. forces. In recent weeks, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, known for his inflammatory anti-Western rhetoric, has taken a milder approach to diplomacy. He insisted on Monday that turmoil in Iraq is bad for his country and that dialogue — not force — was the solution to the region's conflicts. " We shy away from any kind of conflict, any kind of bloodshed, " Ahmadinejad told ABC's " Good Morning America. " " As we have said repeatedly, we think that the world problems can be solved through dialogue, through the use of logic and a sense of friendship. There is no need for the use of force. " The change in tone comes at a time when domestic criticism of the controversial leader has increased, with both reformers and fellow conservatives complaining that Ahmadinejad spends too much time criticizing the United States and Israel, and not enough on internal issues such as Iran's struggling economy. In a nearly half-hour interview on a range of subjects, Bush also was asked how he thinks Iraqi children will view the United States in 15 to 20 years. " If we can help this government be able to create the conditions so that a mother can grow up — raise their child in peace, I think people will look back and say they'd be thankful of America, " Bush said. " If America leaves, however, before the job is done, I think there will be great resentment toward America. " SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote: > > Dear list members, > > I share with you this statement by on 17 January > 2006 based on the 24° Cancer rising chart for Iran. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > SAMVA , <siha@> wrote: > > > > > > Hello my dear Thor, > > > > Planetary position currently is unfavorable for Iran at the > moment. Transit Jupiter's influence on Transit Mars, Transit > Saturn's position in ascendant under the affliction of Rahu does not > auger well. Natal Venus in Iran proclamation chart is badly placed in > the severely afflicted eighth house. Haste on the part of west would > spoil the matter of a peaceful settlement and Iran would also suffer > in the process. Iran's own reactions would be detrimental to its own > interests. > > > > Best wishes, > > > > > > > > A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India) > > Phones: 91 124 - 2219240 > > Mobile 98110 16333 > > > > > > - > > Dayamaya Ji > > samva > > Monday, January 16, 2006 8:10 PM > > Strain builds up around Iran > > > > > > Iran issues stark warning on oil price > > > > War of words over trade sanctions > > Robert Tait in Tehran > > Monday January 16, 2006 > > The Guardian > > > > Iran stepped up its defiance of international pressure over its > nuclear programme yesterday by warning of soaring oil prices if it is > subjected to economic sanctions. As diplomats from the US, Europe, > Russia, and China prepared to meet today in London to discuss > referring Tehran to the UN security council, Iran's economy minister, > Davoud Danesh-Jafari, said the country's position as the world's > fourth-largest oil producer meant such action would have grave > consequences. > > > > " Any possible sanctions from the west could possibly, by > disturbing Iran's political and economic situation, raise oil prices > beyond levels the west expects, " he told Iranian state radio. > > In a provocative move, Iran also announced plans yesterday to > convene a " scientific " conference to examine the evidence supporting > the Holocaust. The news comes weeks after President Mahmoud > Ahmadinejad provoked a global outcry by describing the slaughter of 6 > million Jews by the Nazis in the second world war as a " myth " . > > > > Mr Danesh-Jafari's comments echoed fears voiced by energy market > analysts after crude oil prices last week rose above $64 (£36.50) a > barrel as hopes faded of a diplomatic solution to the dispute. > > > > Last week, Manouchehr Takin, of the Centre for Global Energy > Studies, argued that crude prices could hit $100 a barrel if Iran > stopped exporting. " Supply and demand are very tightly balanced, " he > said. > > > > Mr Danesh-Jafari's warning added weight to veiled threats by > Iran's president on Saturday. Iran had a " cheap means " of achieving > its nuclear " rights " , Mr Ahmadinejad said, adding: " You [the west] > need us more than we need you. All of you today need the Iranian > nation. " > > > > Recognising the danger, Gernot Erler, Germany's deputy foreign > minister, said yesterday: " We are seeing desperate measures by Asian > countries, mainly China, India and others, to get hold of energy > resources, and for them Iran is a partner they can't do without. " He > said it was " dangerous " to put restrictions on trade relations " which > could hurt one's own side more than the other side " . > > > > Iran's Islamic leaders insist that they want nuclear technology > to satisfy its energy needs. The west suspects the intention is to > produce a nuclear weapon. > > > > But even amid the continuing rancour, some Iranian officials > appeared to soften the bellicose stance. Calling for a return to > negotiations, foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused the west of > over-reacting to Tehran's decision last week to remove UN seals and > resume research at a nuclear plant in Natan, when Britain, France and > Germany formally abandoned 2½ years of talks and demanded Iran's > referral to the UN security council. > > > > Although Britain has ruled out military moves against Iran, two > American senators yesterday said the US might undertake a strike > of " last resort " to prevent Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. The > Republican John McCain told CBS: " Everything else has to be > exhausted, but to say under no circumstances would we exercise a > military option would be crazy. " Democrat Evan Bayh urged diplomacy, > but said there were elements of Iran's nuclear programme which, if > attacked, " would dramatically delay its development " . > > > > White House spokesman David Almacy said: " The international > community is determined not to let Iran develop a nuclear weapon. How > we address that regime's continued non-compliance will be decided in > the days and weeks ahead. " > > > > The UN security council issue will be the centrepiece of today's > meeting, when EU and US officials will attempt to persuade their > Russian and Chinese counterparts of the need for a referral, which > could lead to economic sanctions. > > > > > > -- > ---------- > > Photos > > Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, > holidays, whatever. > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2007 Report Share Posted February 12, 2007 Hello my dear Thor, The chart of Iran shows that its government will fail to understand the position in the right perspective and is likely to damage itself and the interests of Iran. It will remain under constant threats and would retard the progress of Iran. Things continue to be difficult for them though President Bush has indicated for finding solution through diplomacy/dialogue. Best wishes, - Cosmologer samva Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:41 AM Is Iran headed for major trouble? Dear and list members, The situation with regard to Iran looks quite difficult in terms of the 24° Cancer rising chart for the Isalmic Revolution at 15:03 on 1 April 1979 in Teheran. Not only is L8 Saturn settling into a close conjunction of H1 MEP but L6 Jupiter is coming into exact conjunction of H5 MEP in coming weeks. As if that were not enough, Rahu is conjunct the H8 MEP is also conjunct natal Ketu. Meanwhile, transit Ketu conjunct H2 MEP is also conjunct natal Rahu. The functional benefics are not escaping the influences. For instance on 20 February, transit L10 Mars in H7 will be opposite natal L6 Jupiter in H1. Sub-period lord, L4 Venus, in H9 will be under aspect of L6 Jupiter. Transit L1 Moon in H9 will be under aspect of transit L6 Jupiter. L3 Mercury in H8 will be aspected by natal L8 Saturn in H2. It is hard to escape the thought that something will happen, and perhaps sooner than we think. I´d be interested in your view, dear , on this chart and what you think may happen. Your earlier predictions based on Iran not getting attacked based on the 24° Cancer rising chart have proved accurate. Predictions based on the 16° Scorpio rising chart for the USA (see below), however, have not panned out. On the basis of the 24° Cancer rising chart for Iran and the 21° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, do you think these countries are headed for outright conflict? Best wishes, Thor -"Jorge Angelino" <jorge.angelino<SAMVA >; Friday, March 17, 2006 1:06 PMRE: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCESDear Professor,The reason I have sent message #10271 "US - US backs first-strike attackplan" was exactly due to what you have predicted in message #10240 "USACHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCES", on March 13, 2006. In my opinion, this is aclear first signal that things are developing as predicted by you.Congratulations, and thanks a lot for the confidence in the US rectifiedchart clearly expressed in message #10275.Best wishes,JorgeSAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf OfsihaSent: sexta-feira, 17 de Março de 2006 01:14 ; SAMVA Subject: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCESHello List members,US backs first-strike attack planThe US will not shy away from attacking regimes it considers hostile,or groups it believes have nuclear or chemical weapons, the White House hasconfirmed.-------------------Please see the planetary influences reading in the appended message. Hello dear Mr. Cosmologer,I add my replies/comments to your questions in your message appended below.Best wishes,www.YourNetAstrologer.comwww.JyotishRemedies121.comA-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India)Phones: 91 124 - 2219240Mobile 98110 16333-"cosmologer" <cosmologer<SAMVA >Monday, March 13, 2006 12:38 PM Re: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCESDear ,Thank you for the prediction for the USA regarding the nuclear plansof Iran.Your prediction refers to the transit aspect of Rahu toSaturn. For better understanding, as you specify the USA, thequestion comes up if your analysis leading to the prediction isbased on the 15° 26´ Scorpio rising chart for the USA (July 2, 1776,Philadelphia).YES.In this chart, the FMs are the nodes along with Venus as L12 andMars as L6. Rahu is in H9 at 15° 50´ Cancer and Ketu in H3 andCapricorn. Venus is badly placed in H8 at 9° 53´ Gemini and casts awide aspect to L2 Jupiter at 14° 44´. Mars is in extreme old age inH7 at 29° 15´ Taurus.OK.Currently, tr L4 Saturn is at 10° 55´ Cancer is just within the 5°orb of the nodal axis. Also, tr Rahu at 10° 25´ Pisces is just onthe edge of the MEP of the chart.RIGHT.While the transit aspect of Rahu to Saturn is intense, it does notseem so firmly hooked into the natal chart as to be sufficient toprecipitate an international incident.IN A PROLONGED STATIONARY TRANSIT INFLUENCE MANY SHORT TERM TRANSITINFLUENCES KEEP ON CREATING FURTHER STRESS.You have earlier warned aboutdifficulty to governments when the Sun passes over the nodal axislater this month. Would it be the additional element of the transitof L10 Sun over the stationary nodal axis later this month, when L6Mars will also have come into the MEP of a conjunction of its ownnatal placement, that the USA is likely to revert to some actionwith regard to Iran?ACTION MAY COME UP LATER BUT THE PREDICTION IS THAT US WILL NOT RELENT ONITS EARLIER STAND AND IRAN IS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE PURVIEW OF THEINSPECTION OF INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY ASSN.Thanks for clarifying the basis of the prediction.Best regards,C Last Updated: Monday, 12 February 2007, 17:27 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version Iran 'does not fear attack by US' There should be no foreign troops in Iraq, the president said Interview clip Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said his country does not fear the US military and that any attack would be "severely punished". Mr Ahmadinejad made the comments in a rare US television interview on Monday. He was speaking after US officials said they had evidence Iran was providing weapons to Shia militias in Iraq who were attacking the US military. Mr Ahmadinejad said Iran "shied away from all conflict" and that no peace would come with foreign troops in Iraq. 'Baseless propaganda' In the interview with ABC Television in Tehran, Mr Ahmadinejad was asked if he feared a US military attack. "Fear? Why should we be afraid?" he asked. Mr Ahmadinejad said he thought the possibility of such an attack was "very low". The US is following another policy, trying to hide its defeats and failures and that's why it is pointing its fingers to others Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad excerpts "We think there are wise people in the US who would stop such illegal actions," he said. And he stressed that Iran's position was clear, saying, "Anyone who wants to attack our country will be severely punished." The Bush administration denies it is planning to invade Iran but has indicated it is willing to use military force to deal with any Iranian interference inside Iraq. Mr Ahmadinejad was asked repeatedly about Iran supplying weapons to Shia militias. He said the accusations were "excuses to prolong the stay" of US forces and that they would need a "court to prove the case". We assess that these activities are coming from the senior levels of the Iranian government US official In pictures: US Iran evidence US claims: Why now? Send us your comments "The US is following another policy, trying to hide its defeats and failures and that's why it is pointing its fingers to others," Mr Ahmadinejad said. "There should be no foreigners in Iraq. And then you see that you have peace in Iraq," he said. Earlier Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini had called the US allegations baseless propaganda. He said Washington had a long history of fabricating evidence. In the US, some Democrats also expressed concerns about levelling such accusations against Tehran. Democratic Senator Chris Dodd said the Bush administration had tried to falsify evidence before, and it would be a mistake to create a premise for future military action. On Monday, White House spokesman Tony Snow reiterated that the administration believed the weaponry was coming directly with Iranian government approval. And a spokesman for UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said: "We keep finding the weaponry which we don't believe to be sourced from anywhere else." Get your own web address.Have a HUGE year through Small Business. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2007 Report Share Posted February 13, 2007 My dear , Thank you for the insightful assessment. It will be interesting to see how the leaders deal with the increased strain that is likely to manifest in coming weeks and months due to the many and close afflictions in both the charts of the USA and Iran. Best wishes, Thor SAMVA , <siha wrote: > > > Hello my dear Thor, > > The chart of Iran shows that its government will fail to understand the position in the right perspective and is likely to damage itself and the interests of Iran. It will remain under constant threats and would retard the progress of Iran. Things continue to be difficult for them though President Bush has indicated for finding solution through diplomacy/dialogue. > > Best wishes, > > > > > - > Cosmologer > samva > Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:41 AM > Is Iran headed for major trouble? > > > Dear and list members, > > The situation with regard to Iran looks quite difficult in terms of the 24° Cancer rising chart for the Isalmic Revolution at 15:03 on 1 April 1979 in Teheran. > > Not only is L8 Saturn settling into a close conjunction of H1 MEP but L6 Jupiter is coming into exact conjunction of H5 MEP in coming weeks. As if that were not enough, Rahu is conjunct the H8 MEP is also conjunct natal Ketu. Meanwhile, transit Ketu conjunct H2 MEP is also conjunct natal Rahu. The functional benefics are not escaping the influences. For instance on 20 February, transit L10 Mars in H7 will be opposite natal L6 Jupiter in H1. Sub-period lord, L4 Venus, in H9 will be under aspect of L6 Jupiter. Transit L1 Moon in H9 will be under aspect of transit L6 Jupiter. L3 Mercury in H8 will be aspected by natal L8 Saturn in H2. It is hard to escape the thought that something will happen, and perhaps sooner than we think. > > I´d be interested in your view, dear , on this chart and what you think may happen. > > Your earlier predictions based on Iran not getting attacked based on the 24° Cancer rising chart have proved accurate. > > Predictions based on the 16° Scorpio rising chart for the USA (see below), however, have not panned out. > > On the basis of the 24° Cancer rising chart for Iran and the 21° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, do you think these countries are headed for outright conflict? > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > - > " Jorge Angelino " <jorge.angelino@> > <SAMVA >; > Friday, March 17, 2006 1:06 PM > RE: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCES > > > Dear Professor, > > The reason I have sent message #10271 " US - US backs first- strike attack > plan " was exactly due to what you have predicted in message #10240 " USA > CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCES " , on March 13, 2006. In my opinion, this is a > clear first signal that things are developing as predicted by you. > Congratulations, and thanks a lot for the confidence in the US rectified > chart clearly expressed in message #10275. > > Best wishes, > > Jorge > > > SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of > siha@ > sexta-feira, 17 de Março de 2006 01:14 > ; SAMVA > USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCES > > > Hello List members, > > US backs first-strike attack plan > > The US will not shy away from attacking regimes it considers hostile, > or groups it believes have nuclear or chemical weapons, the White House has > confirmed. > > ------------------- > > Please see the planetary influences reading in the appended message. > > > > > > > Hello dear Mr. Cosmologer, > > I add my replies/comments to your questions in your message appended below. > > Best wishes, > > > > > A-105, South City II, Gurgaon 122101 (India) > Phones: 91 124 - 2219240 > Mobile 98110 16333 > > > - > " cosmologer " <cosmologer@> > <SAMVA > > Monday, March 13, 2006 12:38 PM > Re: USA CHART - TRANSIT INFLUENCES > > > Dear , > > Thank you for the prediction for the USA regarding the nuclear plans > of Iran. > > Your prediction refers to the transit aspect of Rahu to > Saturn. For better understanding, as you specify the USA, the > question comes up if your analysis leading to the prediction is > based on the 15° 26´ Scorpio rising chart for the USA (July 2, 1776, > Philadelphia). > > YES. > > In this chart, the FMs are the nodes along with Venus as L12 and > Mars as L6. Rahu is in H9 at 15° 50´ Cancer and Ketu in H3 and > Capricorn. Venus is badly placed in H8 at 9° 53´ Gemini and casts a > wide aspect to L2 Jupiter at 14° 44´. Mars is in extreme old age in > H7 at 29° 15´ Taurus. > > OK. > > Currently, tr L4 Saturn is at 10° 55´ Cancer is just within the 5° > orb of the nodal axis. Also, tr Rahu at 10° 25´ Pisces is just on > the edge of the MEP of the chart. > > RIGHT. > > While the transit aspect of Rahu to Saturn is intense, it does not > seem so firmly hooked into the natal chart as to be sufficient to > precipitate an international incident. > > IN A PROLONGED STATIONARY TRANSIT INFLUENCE MANY SHORT TERM TRANSIT > INFLUENCES KEEP ON CREATING FURTHER STRESS. > > You have earlier warned about > difficulty to governments when the Sun passes over the nodal axis > later this month. Would it be the additional element of the transit > of L10 Sun over the stationary nodal axis later this month, when L6 > Mars will also have come into the MEP of a conjunction of its own > natal placement, that the USA is likely to revert to some action > with regard to Iran? > > ACTION MAY COME UP LATER BUT THE PREDICTION IS THAT US WILL NOT RELENT ON > ITS EARLIER STAND AND IRAN IS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE PURVIEW OF THE > INSPECTION OF INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY ASSN. > > Thanks for clarifying the basis of the prediction. > > Best regards, > > C Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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