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PORTUGAL - A case study

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Dear List Members,


Portugal was born on June 24, 1128. Two years ago I have rectified this Virgo rising chart. As I thought it would have become useless after our first independence crisis in 1383-1385, I rectified a new chart for the battle of Aljubarrota, where the Spanish threatening rule was defeated. It happened in August 14, 1385, and had a Pisces rising lagna. Curiously, after that date we had a new dynasty and expanded our influence all over the world (by sea) with the discoveries of many new places unknown for Europe. As this second rectified chart was explaining all the events from 1385 onwards, I just forget about our first chart. Then, again in 1580, due to lack of a Portuguese descendent to become king, we became part of the Iberian Union, where the king of Spain, Filipe II, became also the king of Portugal, but with the title, Filipe I. I thought we had again lost our independence, and rectified a new chart for the time of the restoration of independence, that happened on December 1, 1640, at 11:00 AM, in Lisbon. The lagna is Capricorn, and curiously after that date we entered in a contracting phase, loosing almost all the land conquered/discovered before. So as Saturn rules Capricorn, I thought it would make sense and my predictions regarding Portugal have been made from this chart since 2004. Three weeks ago, I made a prediction that things would become very difficult after January 15, as we have entered Ju/Su, both FMPs in the 1640 chart. I went to the radio and made two programs warning the population about it, telling them to be aware of the night after February 1, and be careful some days after that date also. Nothing happened on February, 1. As I use to make hiking every Thursday with some friends in the mountains around my home place, ten days ago my friend António who is not doing any kind of astrology, but just meditating for two hours everyday since I taught him TM in 1984, came that morning very alive about this subject and told me: " Jorge you have to check our first chart, because I believe we never lost our independence since 1128. All the other dates were mere confirmations of independence " . I said no, but he insisted, so I told him: " OK, I will check it this evening but now we are going to the mountains. " So that evening I went to bed very late as you can imagine, because I was completely amazed how the things after 1385 were much better explained by our first chart. Next morning I congratulated him by phone for his correct intuition. And the earthquake that I have predicted for February 1, happened on February 12, completely in accord with the 1128 chart, but also in accord with the 1640 chart.



So my conclusion is that for any country we can have an independence chart, and several charts of confirmation of independence, if that is the case. They will give more detail to the period after them (a different point of view, we can say), but will not cancel the first one if the country didn't lost its independence since the first date.



As we had no major earthquakes during the last thirty years and this major earthquake happened 10 days after my general prediction, I was invited again yesterday by the same national radio. So next Thursday, I will be there again for spreading the predictive value of Jyotish all over the country.



As I though this may bring some light to our research, I am sharing it with all of you.


Best wishes,



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