Guest guest Posted March 4, 2007 Report Share Posted March 4, 2007 Dear Prof.V.K.Choudhry and SA astrologers, Namasthe.PART-3 of the IIPA Intl Conf -II, Proceedings follows and is also attached. For those who could not attend the Conf, this summary may give an idea of the discussions that went on in the Conf, and the light thrown by the Professor on various charts with currently prevailing-problems. In 'cutting and pasting', I'm afraid, the relative positioning of the Rasi chart, the Navamsa chart and the Vimshottari-Dasa 'clock-time' has suffered an undesirable shuffling.At least in the Attachment, I hope the original order has been preserved. Best Regards Sankara Bhagavadpada International Institute of Predictive Astrology [iIPA], Fairfield, USA. IInd International Conference of SA Astrologers Feb 24th , 25th, 2007; Gurgaon, India. Venue: Club South, South City-II, Gurgaon, India. PROCEEDINGS-PART 3 Dear Prof. V.K. Choudhry and SA astrologers, Namasthe. Following the guidelines, provided by the respected ; in this last & concluding Part-3, I shall summarize the events of the second day. In Part-2, which I had already sent to the SATVA & the SAMVA groups; I had covered a greater portion of the first day’s Proceedings. It may be recalled that in Part-1, I had covered ’s inaugural address as well as the salient features of the Conf. 1. Sri. Ramana Maharshi’s Moksha seen through the eyes of the Systems Approach: This was the first session on the morning of the 2nd day. As Prof Choudhry has been gracious enough to make available the PPP of my talk on one of his websites:, for the benefit of all; I am being spared the labour of summarizing my own talk. Put very briefly, I spoke on just the TSE pertaining to the Maharshi’s Moksha, using the SA in the spheres of Dharma and Moksha. I quoted all the pertinent SA sutras as well as presented all necessary foundational principles- in the light of which alone, this Moksha TSE becomes intelligible in the SA framework. 2. A Case of ‘delayed marriage’ [Case-10], Presented by Cmdr. Ashutosh Pandey: We were informed that this lady was 31 yrs old and that though efforts were afoot to identify a suitable husband for her in the course of the last 6 yrs, no alliance was proving to be favourable. [Just to make ‘the phenomenon of delay in marriage’ intelligible to some SA astrologers, who may not be so conversant with the Hindu ethos, w.r.t. marriages; at this point, I am obliged to grant myself the liberty of saying in an aside: The anxiety, such a long drawn out ‘delay in marriage’ causes to the parents of a young lady in a Hindu society, can be appreciated only when we realize the paramount importance that has always been attached to the ‘social-structure of marriage’ in a traditional Hindu society. For both the man as well as the woman, marriage was designed to give stability, economic & emotional security and finally, dependability and a certain permanence in relationship. It was upon the bed-rock of such an enduring marriage that the pillars of all other achievements in life were erected in that traditional Hindu society.] , looking at the chart, pointed out that the MMP, Sa afflicted exactly, the IH, VIIH, IIIH and the XH, while the Asdt Lord Mo was also exactly afflicted by the VIH Lord, Ju. The XH was afflicted exactly and the XH Lord was deb in the IH, which was exactly afflicted by the MMP. Ve, the significator of marriage was also badly placed in the XIIH, and exactly combust and the Su, the prime determinant of marriage was also weak by placement in the XIIH. Prof’s verdict was unequivocal: “Without Remedies, no chance of getting married at all.” 3. A Case of Penalization by the Police [Case 11]: In the pre-lunch session, another Case of an armed security person was discussed. This case was brought up by Sri R. Hasija. In discharging his responsibility as an armed security personnel, this person was obliged to fire on a crowd and in the process, five people died. Accordingly he was charged for murder and continued to be in police custody, in spite of the fact that post-mortem examinations had conclusively proved that the death of the victims was not due to the bullets fired by him. Apparently he was suffering a karmic nemesis and the Q that was put to Prof Choudhry was, when would he be set free? The weakness of the VI Lord Me, on account of the exact affliction from Ke, the Prof held to be an imp factor in making him vulnerable to losses in litigations. The close impact of the VI Lord Me on the Asdt, again made him vulnerable to court cases. The currently occurring Tr stationary condition of the nodes, exactly over the natal nodes was the Tr event responsible for immediately triggering the police case. As the event happened in the sub-period of Sa, which is badly placed in the VIH, the time of the sub-period was also favourable for VIH events like litigations, police actions etc.. In the Ma-Me sub-period, which follows [ w.e.f. 19-8-’07 till 16-8-‘08], as the time becomes even more unfavourable for release, Prof Choudhry concluded his remarks by saying that if someone else undertakes to do the remedies for him, that would bring in grace for his release. 4. The Case of the Missing Medical Student [Case 12], Presented by Sri. Aman Deep Saini: Sri Sainiji, mentioned that the parents of this girl had originally approached him only because her educational performance had been poor. Though remedies were prescribed, they were never performed and now the parents apparently came back to Sainiji to report the very disturbing news of her disappearance from home. Apparently the girl has abandoned her studies and has been missing for sometime. The anguished family had asked Sainiji two Qs, which he placed before the Prof. Q1: When will she come back? Q2: Could we know something about her whereabouts? Note: Here it may not be out of place to recapitulate what the SA has to say w.r.t. ‘missing persons.’ In the recent work: Predictive Techniques, the Prof & Sri Rajesh Chaudhary have dealt with this astrological problem on Pg 83, under the title ‘Timing Return of Missing Persons’. Therein, the SA Sutras governing the phenomenon of missing persons is gathered together in one place and the distinction is made between willful disappearance as against involuntary disappearance. 12 Case Studies follow to illustrate the Sutras. Commenting on willful disappearance in the above work, we are told that this occurs because of a possible emotional entanglement, or on account of excessive fear, or even on account of a difference of opinion or a quarrel. Involuntary disappearance on the other hand comes to pass either because of a sudden illness on the way or due to abduction or even due a failure of the means to communicate. In the present case, Prof Choudhry said, the main cause of the disappearance is to be seen in the placement of the X Lord in the VIH. Thus this is a case of willful disappearance. The SA holds that the impact of the nodes is more pertinent in such cases. The currently occurring affliction created by Tr stationary nodes, on the natal IV Lord Ve and the natal X Lord Ma was going to delay the return of the individual by 3 to 4 months and that in this intervening time, problems will be intense. The Prof was alluding to also Tr Ju & Tr Sa afflicting the Asdt at the present time and thereby intensifying the existing problem. Making these clarifying and assuring remarks, the Prof said, “ there is however no risk to her life and longevity.” 5. Light on the Chart of a Spiritual Leader by the Prof [Case 13]: The Yogi in Q was born in 1929 in North India and passed away a couple of years ago. The Prof brought in this chart to throw light on spiritual as well as medical astrology. The Yogi, who was a spiritual leader was a family man, but this did not deter him from rendering excellent humanitarian services for the world at large. When I asked the Prof for further clarifications, he added that the Yogi had very high spiritual aspirations and a spiritual will to do good things [as seen from the strong Su & Ju ruling over the houses of overseas & aspirations]. He had provided for massive educational patronage through a network of schools, to further the cause of educating girl children of his community. The entire endowment was made to a famous temple on an annual basis, for the temple undertook to do the said social & humanitarian work. The SA holds that any chart in which the Su & Ju are strong, is necessarily a spiritual chart. The Aquarius Asdt, ruled by Sa, the planet of service, is also a ‘good vehicle’ for launching such spiritual services. It should however be noted that he did not renounce the world- and this is in keeping with his spiritual planets ruling the Hs of will & aspiration [Kama Hs]. The Prof was called upon to give astrological guidance to the Yogi, who at that time was beset with health problems. This can be seen from the deb of Sa, the Asdt Lord, in both the D-9 as well as the D-6 charts. In addition the exact nodal affliction to the Mo, the VI Lord, giving general health, and the placement of the dispositor of the Mo in the most malefic VIIIH-worsened the whole situation w.r.t. health. It was the weakness of Ve, on which many of his health problems were centered. This weak Ve and the affliction to its dispositor had given him some problems with his kidneys as also diabetes. This was a little shocking when I learnt about it, since the Su, the significator of digestion; Ju, the significator of the liver & pancreas; and the sign Leo, the significator of digestion – all of them are strong in the natal chart, quite contrary to the cases of many diabetics, who have more than one of these ‘variables of diabetes’, in a weak or afflicted condition. The Prof recommended a change of diet for the Yogi and also gave him a Kavach, after which, his health took a turn for the better. In this context the Prof mentioned in passing that there were two other Pontiffs from South India, who were also wearing his Kavachs. We were told that during an astrology conf in Ghaziabad, where Prof Choudhry had an occasion to share the dais with one of the Jagadgurus of the ‘Sankaracharya Order’, had asked for the Prof’s visiting card, as he was contemplating inviting the Prof for another astrological conf, which he was probably hoping to organize. In this way we learnt of many anecdotal references to the world of astrologers and spiritual leaders. 6. The Professional Setback of an Industrialist [Case 14]: This was another illustrative example [born 1940, Capricorn Asdt] brought forward by Prof Choudhry, just to drive home how insensitive & unconscious people often are w.r.t. their own sufferings. The individual concerned had been under the onslaught of a prolonged professional setback since the last 6 yrs and only now, through the kind offices of one of the Prof’s disciples in Chennai, he had the good fortune of coming to the Prof for a much needed consultation. The individual in Q certainly had the grace of God, as testified by his strong IXH Lord Me, well placed in the XIH of aspirations & income. This was the reason he could meet the Prof in the first place. In addition he had two unafflicted benefic planets, a deb Ve and Ma, placed in the IXH of fortune. As against these blessings, his chart had horrendous afflictions to the IVH & the XH, the MTHs of the planets Ve & Ma placed in the IXH. The XH was exactly afflicted by the MMP, the Su, which is deb in that H; while Sa, ruling the IIH of status & accumulated wealth, is not only deb but under an exact afflicting conj from the loss giving planet Ju. To worsen matters, Sa, which is also the planet for professional status also suffers a close affliction from the MMP, the Su. Thus horrendous afflictions to home life as well as professional life is seen in the chart. There is also a close nodal affliction from Ra to the IH, the IIIH of business and the VH of speculative ventures. Ke closely afflicts the VIIH of long standing business partnerships, the IXH, as well as the XIH of income & gains. Prof Choudhry looking at this chart with multiple afflictions, asked him to commence the daily propitiatory charities and continue them uninterruptedly for 3 months, so that he will get some relief. When the individual heard the words ‘3 months’, he broke down, was in tears and told the Prof that he would rather die – so critical was his crisis. He was initially only a trader and exporter in garments, but Ra, closely impacting on the I & V Hs gave him the ambitious urge to move from being merely a trader into being a more respectable manufacturer! While Ra places this temptation on his path and a strong Me as the Lord of fortune in the XIH, gave him the impetus to aspire for this rise; the deb and profoundly afflicted status Lord Sa and the XH, were working in another direction – namely to deny him this ‘aspired for rise’; unless he came on the path of the Remedial Measures. These complex forces of destiny, made him take a loan of 2 crores from a Bank and today he remains as a debtor with a liability of 6 crores. This was his predicament. Prof Choudhry pointed out that in the currently running Su-Ve sub-period, the affliction to the MTH of Ve, from the MMP, was fated to come to the fore. Additionally even the MMP, which would have given easy gains were it strong; was not only weak but also suffered a close affliction from the FM Ju. Throughout the Su major period, which began w.e.f. Aug ’01, the individual had been under tremendous professional duress and the severity of the afflictions was such that he could come to the Prof only during the last sub-period of the Su major period. It was remarked by the Prof that the currently prevailing Tr Ju’s affliction to Tr Sa, will keep the condition aggravated for a few more months. He was then to go on to another Capricorn Asdt chart, where the afflictions were also grievous, but as the individual had come on the path of the Remedial Measures, since the last 3 yrs, he became fortunate in securing the grace through the propitiatory charities, the Kavach and also some gemstones[see Sec.10, Case 17]. 7. Another Case of Professional Instability[Case 15]: An individual [born 1965, Scorpio Asdt] far away from his homeland [india] used to on & off suffer professional downswings and on such occasions the Prof used to receive distress telephone calls and he then had to not only prescribe the astrological Remedial Measures, but also lift up the spirits of the individual and set him going again on the path of inspired action in spite of all odds. Though the Prof discharged these humanitarian responsibilities with equanimity, even for him there was a limit beyond which, it became difficult to take on the limitless responsibility of a ‘consoling father-figure & spiritual Master’. The individual during such distress calls used to repeatedly entertain the options of ending his own life or death. His professional failures were so recurrent and so difficult to overcome. In his chart, it was pointed out that the FM Ma afflicted the IH, the XH of profession, the IVH of contentment as well as the VH of speculative ventures & love in expression. The Scorpio Asdt was also under the exact nodal affliction from the exalted nodes. Me the lord of income was deb in the natal chart, the MTH of its placement was exactly afflicted by Ke while its own MTH came under the exact affliction from Ra. Worst still, such a deb Me also suffered an exact affliction from natal Ke. The Mo, the Lord of fortune was well placed in the XIH, although very weak and the only redeeming feature seemed to be the mutually aspecting close Raja Yoga between the royal planets, the Su & the Mo. However the MTH of the Su is also exactly afflicted and so too the H of its placement. For all these reasons, the Su-Mo yoga in the SA, does not hold much promise, especially when one does not turn to the Remedial Measures. He was running the Ju-Me sub-period [w.e.f. Feb ’06 to May ’08] and in view of afflictions to Me, and also inherently for the Scorpio Asdt, the income showed wild fluctuations so characteristic of Me. The exact afflictions to the professional H by Ma & to the IH by Ra & Ke, made the inherent Mercurial fluctuations even wilder. Sometimes the individual would be drawing a salary of $10,000/- a month and sometimes the amount would fall to a disgraceful lower limit of $ 2,500/-. When the Prof suggested to the individual that he would be happier in his homeland; he refused to entertain this possibility, as a highly materialistic Ra, impacting on the VIIH of overseas and the MMP Ve in the IVH had given him the strong urge of not wanting to budge from the lap of luxury! He asked the Prof, after his failures in business, what would be the appropriate professional course of action for him? In view of the individual having come on the path of the Remedial Measures, Prof Choudhry advised him to shift from engineering and make a foray into the IT business world. 8. ‘Observations’ by Col. B.K. Kailash: In the post lunch session, when Prof Choudhry threw open the session for SA astrologers to express themselves freely on relevant themes, Col. B.K. Kailash came forward to share some important observations & reminiscences. I actually missed the first few minutes of this session; but what he stressed were the following points. As his wife had afflictions in her chart and those had manifested in the sphere of health, he was obliged to look out for various systems of healing and remedies – all to alleviate her distress and improve her lot. In this process, he gave us to understand that he learnt Pranic healing and developed as a Pranic healer and likewise when he entered into the sphere of SA astrology, he could forewarn his wife and soon even others as well, as to which periods in the offing were good and which bad. He was very grateful to the Systems Approach & to Prof Choudhry, its founder; for he could soon learn the subtleties of the SA to such an extent that he even prepared Kavachs like how conscientious astrologers do and offered them to various people in distress, doing this whole humanitarian work entirely in a spirit of service, but never for any pecuniary gains. In a moving concluding sentence, Col Kailash paid a heartfelt tribute to the Prof: “ There are many Masters and Prof Choudhry is one of them.” 9. Sutra on the Influence of the Dispositor [Case 16]: Sri Vikaas V Sharma asked Prof Choudhry for two clarifications. He drew a schematic chart to illustrate the context and asked whether his conjectured SA Sutras are valid? Prof Choudhry replied affirmatively to both his Qs. Q1: Tr planets impact, depending on their Tr strength? Q2: The H impacts on a planet, depending on how close the planet is to the MEP of the H, both benefic as well as malefic? 10. Blessings through the SA Remedial Measures [Case 17]: This individual [born 1985, Capricorn Asdt] also has close affliction to his Lord of the 2H and thus also weak educational & professional Lords. The MMP is badly placed in the XIIH and almost exactly afflicts the XIIH & the VIH. The only massive blessing is through the strong exalted VII Lord, the Mo, placed in the VH of professional studies and emotional intelligence. Both the FMs, the Su & Ju are weak,, while Ra & Ke are strong. Thus in some respects this chart is similar to Case 14, which was also a Capricorn Asdt. However on account of the individual wearing the multiple special power Kavachs and also some gemstones and performing the Remedial Measures regularly for 3 yrs, he secured divine grace – even in the midst of a currently prevailing nodal affliction to his II & VIII Hs. He secured admission in 4 or 5 UK universities and one university even offered him, the ‘impossible privilege’ of a seat in the final year of the course. Prof Choudhry cited this as a Case in which continuous Remedial Measures have opened the doors of grace & opportunities. In fact he secured the seat with substantial fellowship, so that he may survive on his own during the tenure of his higher studies. 11. An Exceptionally Auspicious SA Muhurta: When one of the astrologers asked the Q, whether the Kavach must be engraved only during an auspicious muhurta, Prof Choudhry said ‘yes’ and reiterated the importance of auspicious SA muhurtas and their rarity as well. He gave a muhurta which was exceptionally auspicious and falling on the 19th March, ’08[All FBs are strong]. 12. ‘Calcutta’ in the life of Prof Choudhry: As the Conf was drawing to a close there were miscellaneous insights & reminiscences and answers to some Qs by Prof Choudhry. He mentioned the persistence of the city ‘Calcutta’ in his life! As an official of various govt depts., destiny had taken him to Calcutta four times. It was here in Calcutta, on the 1st Jan 1985 that destiny launched him on his Astrological Mission. He learnt astrology for the first time in a probing & enquiring way in Calcutta. This is where he met Ravi Sastri and made one of his important predictions about Ravi Sastri’s forthcoming captaincy of the Indian team- ‘before the year ends’! Miraculously, Ravi Sastri was appointed captain of the Indian team on 31st Dec! [if I may be permitted to say in an aside: In the Prof’s chart, the IV Lord Me has a close beneficial conj with the V Lord Ve. This is a Raja Yoga even in the SA and since Ve impacts closely on the III & IX Hs of journeys, it is reasonable that Ve should decide the nature of these journeys. Ve is also the D-10 Asdt Lord. Ve rules the SE direction and since Calcutta is SE of Delhi, it had to figure prominently in Prof’s life, in view of the impact of Ve]. For his part the Prof made it clear that he has never been so much interested in his own chart & his own life that at no time did he feel the need to astrologically probe into these areas. Ms Sunita Singhal asked one Q to the Prof concerning the significations of the Nakshatras in the SA. Answering this Q, Prof Choudhry remarked that as the classical literature on the significations of the Nakshatras is so confusing, the SA underwent its development, without having to depend on the significations of the Nakshatras. This would mean that in anlysing any problem, the SA sheds enough light on the problem, by using the significations of the Zodiacal Signs, so that Nakshatra significations have no place in the SA. One of the last Qs pertained to the ‘exact moment of birth’ within the SA framework? While in Vedic Astrology, this exact moment of birth is taken to correspond to ‘Sirasodayam’, or the emergence of the head of the new-born out of the mother’s body; Prof Choudhry made it clear that in the SA, it is to be reckoned as that moment when the new-born, lets out its first cry, since this is also the moment, the baby starts breathing for the first time on its own. 13. Conf Certificates Awarded by Prof. V.K. Choudhry: There was a brief interview of Prof Choudhry by some media people. At that time, as desired by the Prof, Dr. Miller & myself also spoke a few words. Thereafter every participant of this SA Intl Conf – II had the privilege of receiving the Certificate of participation, directly from the hands of Prof V.K. Choudhry, the founding father of the Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology. With the vote of thanks, which was given by me, the IIPA Intl Conf of SA astrologers - II, came to its natural conclusion. The salient features of this happy Conf were already summarized by me in Part - 1 of the Proceedings. 14. Conclusion of Part – 3 of the Proceedings: I sincerely thank Prof Choudhry for his patience & time and for the responsibility he has given me in summarizing the Conf Proceedings. He has clarified a number of my Qs on the Conf sessions even as lately as this morning. I am very thankful to all the SA astrologers who answered my Qs at the Conf and made the whole Conf a joyous learning experience. I am most beholden to Sri Rajesh Chaudhary, for the silent and selfless service he rendered to us all, thereby making the Conf a very pleasant and memorable event. Thanks are also due to Sri Kannanji for his excellent assistance in the preparation of the PPP, as well as in getting Parts 2 & 3 of the Proceedings ready. I wish to also submit that any omissions, distortions & errors in my summary are due to my own inadvertence and I therefore request all members of the SA community to condone these possible failings. Best regards, Sankara Bhagavadpada. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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