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Planetary Transits for March 8 - March 14

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Planetary Transits for March 8 – March 14


Sun transits out of Aquarius and into Pisces, March 14. Sun is closely conjunct Rahu, under the aspect of Ketu, until March 11. Watch for major news regarding political leaders and governments. (Maj. Gen George Weightman removed from his post. Secretary of the Amy, Francis Harvey resigns. Lewis Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, convicted on federal perjury and obstruction of justice charges.)


Moon transits Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and into Capricorn. We are in the two-week period between the total lunar eclipse (March 3) and the partial solar eclipse (March 19), while Rahu and Ketu are stationary. This is a vulnerable time. Extra care and patience is strongly advised.


Mercury transits Aquarius, from 01:27 to 03:46°, and is weak in infant state. Be careful with your business and communications.


Mars transits Capricorn, from 13:46 to 19:06°. Mars is in its exaltation sign until March 29. This should be good for property transactions.


Venus transits out of Pisces and into Aries, March 12. Venus is under the aspect of Jupiter until March 12 and weak until March 16. Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn rising signs should remain patient and cautious.


Jupiter transits Scorpio, from 24:33 to 25:05°, outside the orb of influence of other planets.


Saturn remains retrograde until April 19, and transits Cancer from 25:44 to 25:17°. Saturn is under the aspect of Jupiter until June 5. Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn rising signs need to be careful and patient.


Rahu and Ketu transit Aquarius and Leo, respectively, stationary at 22:10°, and remain in the 22° range until April 4. This can bring worldwide tension, including political, financial, societal, weather-related and natural-disaster problems. Persons and countries with odd rising signs, or planets in odd signs, around 22°, should be careful, patient, and charitable.




Aries: Focus on your career through March. Marriage and partnerships are vulnerable to losses or separations until March 16. Avoid conflicts over income or with friends through April 7, and protect your children and investments through mid-April.


Taurus: Keep some attention on your home life. Be careful with communications and emotional life. Invest in your career. Long-distant travel is possible. Take care of your health and finances and avoid conflict through early April.


Gemini: Expect some windfalls through March. Entrepreneurial activities should be productive mid-March to mid-May. Put partnerships in writing to avoid legal problems. There is good fortune through your parents, property, and home life.


Cancer: Focus on career, marriage and partnerships through March. Be patient with your wealth, status, and family life. Entrepreneurial activities are vulnerable through late April. Take care of your health, finances, and conflicts through Dec.


Leo: There is relief from the recent tension, but don’t push too hard. There is some vulnerability through mid-April. Keep your attention on your marriage and partnerships, through August. Your self efforts and initiatives improve after March 16.

Virgo: Keep your attention on your health and financial picture. Be patient to avoid disputes. Focus on teaching, publishing, and consulting, along with your entrepreneurial activities. For some, there are windfalls through investments.


Libra: Parents, property, partners and home life are prominent. Expect relief with health, finances, and conflict after March 16. Focus on teaching, publishing and advisory roles. Connect education, investments, and service with career.


Scorpio: Expect relief from the recent tension and changes in your career. There should be gains through parents, property and home life. Keep focused on teaching, publishing, and consulting. Be patient with entrepreneurial activities.


Sagittarius: Focus on your children, education, investments, wealth, status and family life through March. Connect your career with entrepreneurial activities. Keep some attention on your home life. Take care of your health and reputation.


Capricorn: Focus on your home life and entrepreneurial activities. Organize and take charge. There is good fortune through family life. Be careful to avoid accidents and be patient with setbacks. There may be losses with income and friends.


Aquarius: Marriage and partners begin to rebound. Take care to avoid accidents and be patient with setbacks until early April. Consider long distant ventures through March, but be careful with expenses. Focus on publishing and consulting.


Pisces: Focus on your status and family life. Gain through courage and your organizing ability. There may be long-distant travel and/or relationships. Consider the long-term and expect progress in your career over the next two years.


These transits are based on your "rising sign", and not on your "Sun sign". If you do not know what your rising sign is, or to to this column by email, contact: david.


Copyright 2007, David M. Hawthorne, M.S, J.B.


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