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On predictions

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Dear friends,


The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read the

transit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once the

transit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to

immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasingly

reflect them. Sometimes this may be the case. However, at other times

life is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but the

outer manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However,

then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, we

need to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.


Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or the

attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events

had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. The

SAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functional

malefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been felt

for some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the

impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of President

Kennedy is another example of such energy being released. At that

time, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,

after being transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly

conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out in

Dallas. We also know from , the karma may be

released any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree

(applying or seperating) from the natal point.


Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. The

Rahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes were

afflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.

Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also

afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energy

created quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumn

but broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.


The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what

impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictions

made against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have been

afflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time and

the strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit

sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictions

involving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to be

increasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remain

stationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become

discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasing

force. has pointed to mid March to early May as the

key period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how the

predictions fare.


Best wishes,



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Thank you Thor. This is tempting. The better comment is to say a situation is ripe.




SallyOn 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

Dear friends,The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read thetransit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once thetransit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to

immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasinglyreflect them. Sometimes this may be the case. However, at other timeslife is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but theouter manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However,

then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, weneed to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or theattacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events

had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. TheSAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functionalmalefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been feltfor some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the

impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of PresidentKennedy is another example of such energy being released. At thattime, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,after being transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly

conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out inDallas. We also know from , the karma may bereleased any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree(applying or seperating) from the natal point.

Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. TheRahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes wereafflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also

afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energycreated quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumnbut broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what

impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictionsmade against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have beenafflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time andthe strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit

sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictionsinvolving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to beincreasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remainstationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become

discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasingforce. has pointed to mid March to early May as thekey period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how thepredictions fare.

Best wishes,Thor

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hi Thor good thoughts i don't know but I like thinking (out loud at times as well LOL) maybe because we're only looking at the highest 2 levels of the 9 dasha levelsmy .05cents cheers On 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear friends,The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read thetransit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once thetransit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasinglyreflect them. Sometimes this may be

the case. However, at other timeslife is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but theouter manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However, then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, weneed to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or theattacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. TheSAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functionalmalefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been feltfor some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of PresidentKennedy is another example of such energy being released. At thattime, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,after being

transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out inDallas. We also know from , the karma may bereleased any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree(applying or seperating) from the natal point. Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. TheRahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes wereafflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energycreated quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumnbut broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictionsmade against the

SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have beenafflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time andthe strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictionsinvolving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to beincreasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remainstationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasingforce. has pointed to mid March to early May as thekey period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how thepredictions fare. Best wishes,Thor

8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

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Dear Sally,


It is complicated. In some sense, you could perhaps infer that from

the post. However, that might be an oversimplification. In my view,

the notion you bring is more properly applied to the chart per se. The

natal promise would indicate the karma is ripe for expression during

the entire life of the mundane entity. What we as astrologers do is to

single out when that karma could be expressed in terms of the

slow moving planets that provoke difficult natal placements

(and thereby arouse the karma of natal afflictions or harm weak

placements) in a chart. That way they can warn of difficult

times. My post was more about how tricky it can be to predict on

a DAILY BASIS the transits and period influences, perhaps not least

due to the interaction of fast and slow moving planets and increasing

or narrowing orbs of affliction, during periods of stationary planets

over sensitive points. What we can be fairly sure of is that the key

impacts will manifest over the range of time when the planets are

stationary - that is, if the mundane chart is authentic.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " Sally Spencer " <sally234 wrote:


> Thank you Thor. This is tempting. The better comment is to say a


> is ripe.


> Aloha,


> Sally


> On 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read the

> > transit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once the

> > transit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to

> > immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasingly

> > reflect them. Sometimes this may be the case. However, at other times

> > life is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but the

> > outer manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However,

> > then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, we

> > need to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.

> >

> > Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or the

> > attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events

> > had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. The

> > SAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functional

> > malefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been felt

> > for some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the

> > impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of President

> > Kennedy is another example of such energy being released. At that

> > time, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,

> > after being transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly

> > conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out in

> > Dallas. We also know from , the karma may be

> > released any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree

> > (applying or seperating) from the natal point.

> >

> > Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. The

> > Rahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes were

> > afflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.

> > Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also

> > afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energy

> > created quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumn

> > but broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.

> >

> > The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what

> > impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictions

> > made against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have been

> > afflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time and

> > the strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit

> > sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictions

> > involving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to be

> > increasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remain

> > stationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become

> > discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasing

> > force. has pointed to mid March to early May as the

> > key period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how the

> > predictions fare.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hello Iver,


As you well know, does not thinks the higher

numbered sub-periods are of much value at all. He attaches most

importance to the bhukti (sub-period) in reading the influences at any

given time. The second biggest period influence is the dasa (first

level) period, which lasts for a relatively long time. In SA,

sometimes we also look at the third level, but rarely is much

importance attached to it. In SA great importance is also attached to

the transit influences, which can at times supercede the period

influences. If you are interested in exploring non-SA elements in your

analysis I don´t think you will find much feedback here. After all,

the SA lists are focused on the elements has found

to produce consistently accurate predictive results and not on

techniques that have been found to create only confusion.


Best wishes,





SAMVA , del iver <deliver1900 wrote:


> hi Thor

> good thoughts

> i don't know

> but I like thinking (out loud at times as well LOL)

> maybe because we're only looking at the highest 2 levels of the 9

dasha levels

> my .05cents

> cheers

> On 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear friends,


> The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read the

> transit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once the

> transit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to

> immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasingly

> reflect them. Sometimes this may be the case. However, at other times

> life is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but the

> outer manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However,

> then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, we

> need to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.


> Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or the

> attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events

> had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. The

> SAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functional

> malefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been felt

> for some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the

> impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of President

> Kennedy is another example of such energy being released. At that

> time, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,

> after being transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly

> conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out in

> Dallas. We also know from , the karma may be

> released any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree

> (applying or seperating) from the natal point.


> Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. The

> Rahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes were

> afflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.

> Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also

> afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energy

> created quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumn

> but broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.


> The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what

> impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictions

> made against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have been

> afflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time and

> the strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit

> sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictions

> involving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to be

> increasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remain

> stationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become

> discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasing

> force. has pointed to mid March to early May as the

> key period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how the

> predictions fare.


> Best wishes,


> Thor




> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> with the Search movie showtime shortcut.


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20% Main period lord influence

80% Sub period lord influence


.... I believe those are the sanctioned proportions.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas




" cosmologer " <cosmologer


Sunday, March 11, 2007 5:25 AM

Re: On predictions



Hello Iver,


As you well know, does not thinks the higher

numbered sub-periods are of much value at all. He attaches most

importance to the bhukti (sub-period) in reading the influences at any

given time. The second biggest period influence is the dasa (first

level) period, which lasts for a relatively long time. In SA,

sometimes we also look at the third level, but rarely is much

importance attached to it. In SA great importance is also attached to

the transit influences, which can at times supercede the period

influences. If you are interested in exploring non-SA elements in your

analysis I don´t think you will find much feedback here. After all,

the SA lists are focused on the elements has found

to produce consistently accurate predictive results and not on

techniques that have been found to create only confusion.


Best wishes,





SAMVA , del iver <deliver1900 wrote:


> hi Thor

> good thoughts

> i don't know

> but I like thinking (out loud at times as well LOL)

> maybe because we're only looking at the highest 2 levels of the 9

dasha levels

> my .05cents

> cheers

> On 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear friends,


> The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read the

> transit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once the

> transit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to

> immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasingly

> reflect them. Sometimes this may be the case. However, at other times

> life is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but the

> outer manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However,

> then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, we

> need to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.


> Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or the

> attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events

> had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. The

> SAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functional

> malefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been felt

> for some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the

> impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of President

> Kennedy is another example of such energy being released. At that

> time, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,

> after being transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly

> conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out in

> Dallas. We also know from , the karma may be

> released any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree

> (applying or seperating) from the natal point.


> Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. The

> Rahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes were

> afflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.

> Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also

> afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energy

> created quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumn

> but broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.


> The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what

> impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictions

> made against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have been

> afflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time and

> the strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit

> sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictions

> involving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to be

> increasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remain

> stationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become

> discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasing

> force. has pointed to mid March to early May as the

> key period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how the

> predictions fare.


> Best wishes,


> Thor




> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> with the Search movie showtime shortcut.


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Dear Vyas,


Indeed, through experience these have been found to be the

proportionate influences of the main and sub-periods.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas " <muni> wrote:


> 20% Main period lord influence

> 80% Sub period lord influence


> ... I believe those are the sanctioned proportions.



> Best regards,


> Vyas Munidas



> -

> " cosmologer " <cosmologer

> <SAMVA >

> Sunday, March 11, 2007 5:25 AM

> Re: On predictions



> Hello Iver,


> As you well know, does not thinks the higher

> numbered sub-periods are of much value at all. He attaches most

> importance to the bhukti (sub-period) in reading the influences at any

> given time. The second biggest period influence is the dasa (first

> level) period, which lasts for a relatively long time. In SA,

> sometimes we also look at the third level, but rarely is much

> importance attached to it. In SA great importance is also attached to

> the transit influences, which can at times supercede the period

> influences. If you are interested in exploring non-SA elements in your

> analysis I don´t think you will find much feedback here. After all,

> the SA lists are focused on the elements has found

> to produce consistently accurate predictive results and not on

> techniques that have been found to create only confusion.


> Best wishes,


> Thor



> SAMVA , del iver <deliver1900@> wrote:

> >

> > hi Thor

> > good thoughts

> > i don't know

> > but I like thinking (out loud at times as well LOL)

> > maybe because we're only looking at the highest 2 levels of the 9

> dasha levels

> > my .05cents

> > cheers

> > On 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote: Dear friends,

> >

> > The thought came to me that sometimes it is tempting to read the

> > transit aspects too literally. What I mean by that is that once the

> > transit aspects come into the effective orb we expect them to

> > immediately begin to be felt and for the events to increasingly

> > reflect them. Sometimes this may be the case. However, at other times

> > life is not so straight forward. The transits may become close but the

> > outer manifestation remain unchanged, even for some time. However,

> > then suddenly some event occurs and the difficulty sets in. So, we

> > need to be mindful of the role of special events in this regard.

> >

> > Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6 December 1941 or the

> > attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. These events

> > had been under secret planning by the enemies for a long time. The

> > SAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects involving functional

> > malefics leding up to the events. Only after the aspects had been felt

> > for some time or as they became exact the events were executed and the

> > impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The assassination of President

> > Kennedy is another example of such energy being released. At that

> > time, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only when transit Saturn,

> > after being transit stationary on the natal Sun, did it become exactly

> > conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly, the shots rang out in

> > Dallas. We also know from , the karma may be

> > released any time, when the functional malefic is within one degree

> > (applying or seperating) from the natal point.

> >

> > Another case is the stock market crash on 25 October 1929. The

> > Rahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when the nodes were

> > afflicting all the even numbered houses but also the natal nodal axis.

> > Mars also joined this combination on that day, while Jupiter was also

> > afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and 7. The combined energy

> > created quite a disturbance that gradually manifest during the Autumn

> > but broke out as panic in the latter part of the month.

> >

> > The lesson from all this is that we should be patient to see what

> > impact the present set of transits bring in terms of the predictions

> > made against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true, the nodes have been

> > afflicting all the even numbered houses and L4 Venus for some time and

> > the strain has emerged in the financial markets, also when the transit

> > sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more serious afflictions

> > involving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are now beginning to be

> > increasingly felt. As these transits become closer and remain

> > stationary in sensitive points should the karma they bring become

> > discernible, either suddenly or gradually but then with increasing

> > force. has pointed to mid March to early May as the

> > key period for the impact to manifest. We will soon see how the

> > predictions fare.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> >

> >

> > 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> > with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

> >


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Dear Thor,


There was a great level of discussion on SATVA

on the matter. Prof Chaudry was of the view

that Transit supercedes sublord .


I had brought to his notice an example

wherein for a person Mercury subdasa was running

and Mer was debilitated in DASAMSA .Still the

same was explained they transit . My humble point

is that we should see the sublord's position in

the concerned divisional chart . The other day I

was looking at a chart of a person where

Jupiter is strong in MT house but debilitaed in

DASAMSA .He was cribbing that Jup dasa is not

giving him PROF happiness . How can it when it

is deb in dasamsa.


Even the 20 % and 80 % which Vyas mentioned , I

beg to differ. In the case of Amitabh Bachan , 3

planets are in 8th house(apecting the 2nd house)

and Jup in 6th . His Saturn dasa was phenomenal

irrespective of bhuktis in the 8th house and 6th



Sublord sets the trend .The slow moving planet's

trasnit supercedes the sublord . Once they are

out of the orbit, sublord again supercedes the

transit. In my case my LEo lagna, Venus is in 11th

aspected by Jup in 5th (both in MEP at 6 deg) .The

Rahu-Ketu transit superceded the sublord. And

after their effect , Venus sublord took over and

my younger brother got his promotion .



--- cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear Vyas,


> Indeed, through experience these have been found to

> be the

> proportionate influences of the main and

> sub-periods.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


> SAMVA , " Vyas Munidas "

> <muni> wrote:

> >

> > 20% Main period lord influence

> > 80% Sub period lord influence

> >

> > ... I believe those are the sanctioned

> proportions.

> >

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Vyas Munidas

> >

> >

> > -

> > " cosmologer " <cosmologer

> > <SAMVA >

> > Sunday, March 11, 2007 5:25 AM

> > Re: On predictions

> >

> >

> > Hello Iver,

> >

> > As you well know, does not

> thinks the higher

> > numbered sub-periods are of much value at all. He

> attaches most

> > importance to the bhukti (sub-period) in reading

> the influences at any

> > given time. The second biggest period influence is

> the dasa (first

> > level) period, which lasts for a relatively long

> time. In SA,

> > sometimes we also look at the third level, but

> rarely is much

> > importance attached to it. In SA great importance

> is also attached to

> > the transit influences, which can at times

> supercede the period

> > influences. If you are interested in exploring

> non-SA elements in your

> > analysis I don´t think you will find much feedback

> here. After all,

> > the SA lists are focused on the elements Professor

> Choudhry has found

> > to produce consistently accurate predictive

> results and not on

> > techniques that have been found to create only

> confusion.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> >

> > SAMVA , del iver

> <deliver1900@> wrote:

> > >

> > > hi Thor

> > > good thoughts

> > > i don't know

> > > but I like thinking (out loud at times as well

> LOL)

> > > maybe because we're only looking at the

> highest 2 levels of the 9

> > dasha levels

> > > my .05cents

> > > cheers

> > > On 3/10/07, cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> Dear friends,

> > >

> > > The thought came to me that sometimes it is

> tempting to read the

> > > transit aspects too literally. What I mean by

> that is that once the

> > > transit aspects come into the effective orb we

> expect them to

> > > immediately begin to be felt and for the events

> to increasingly

> > > reflect them. Sometimes this may be the case.

> However, at other times

> > > life is not so straight forward. The transits

> may become close but the

> > > outer manifestation remain unchanged, even for

> some time. However,

> > > then suddenly some event occurs and the

> difficulty sets in. So, we

> > > need to be mindful of the role of special events

> in this regard.

> > >

> > > Just consider the attacks on Pearl Harbour on 6

> December 1941 or the

> > > attacks on the World Trade Center on 11

> September 2001. These events

> > > had been under secret planning by the enemies

> for a long time. The

> > > SAMVA USA chart reflected stationary aspects

> involving functional

> > > malefics leding up to the events. Only after the

> aspects had been felt

> > > for some time or as they became exact the events

> were executed and the

> > > impact manifested suddenly and harshly. The

> assassination of President

> > > Kennedy is another example of such energy being

> released. At that

> > > time, the Saturn-Sun period was running. Only

> when transit Saturn,

> > > after being transit stationary on the natal Sun,

> did it become exactly

> > > conjunct the natal Sun. At that time, amazingly,

> the shots rang out in

> > > Dallas. We also know from ,

> the karma may be

> > > released any time, when the functional malefic

> is within one degree

> > > (applying or seperating) from the natal point.

> > >

> > > Another case is the stock market crash on 25

> October 1929. The

> > > Rahu-Ketu period began on 1 October 1929 when

> the nodes were

> > > afflicting all the even numbered houses but also

> the natal nodal axis.

> > > Mars also joined this combination on that day,

> while Jupiter was also

> > > afflicting the H11 MEP and hence house 3, 5 and

> 7. The combined energy

> > > created quite a disturbance that gradually

> manifest during the Autumn

> > > but broke out as panic in the latter part of

> the month.

> > >

> > > The lesson from all this is that we should be

> patient to see what

> > > impact the present set of transits bring in

> terms of the predictions

> > > made against the SAMVA USA chart. It is true,

> the nodes have been

> > > afflicting all the even numbered houses and L4

> Venus for some time and

> > > the strain has emerged in the financial markets,

> also when the transit

> > > sun became afflicted in H8. However, other more

> serious afflictions

> > > involving Jupiter and Saturn in the chart are

> now beginning to be

> > > increasingly felt. As these transits become

> closer and remain

> > > stationary in sensitive points should the karma

> they bring become

> > > discernible, either suddenly or gradually but

> then with increasing

> > > force. has pointed to mid

> March to early May as the

> > > key period for the impact to manifest. We will

> soon see how the

> > > predictions fare.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > Thor

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> > > with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

> > >

> >










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