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Jul 2, 1776 ---- US Independence declared but not gained.

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John TWB has given some good reasons why Jul 2 1776 is the correct day

for the declaration of independence.


After examining the US chart rectified by Jorge (15+ Scorpio), I am not

convinced that this is the chart of a powerful nation. I think that the

chart should describe the country.


It looks like the chart of a break in a relationship OR


The resolve to break a relationship OR


The resolve to be independent (with various problematic issues)


The resolve to be independent is not the independence itself. The


colonists were still in a relationship with the British for many years


after 1776. It was an inimical relationship but it was still a


relationship. There was an attempt at independence in 1776.


The divorce papers were signed but the fighting continued! So is there


true independence?


True independence was probably not reached until the Treaty of Paris in



Some comments on the chart—


Scorpio ascendant, Scorpio navamsa and 3 planets in the 8th house. Very

Scorpionic. Deep hidden turmoil. Planets in the 8^th house are

associated with difficulties and it is sometimes not easy to see what

these are.


Sun in 8H –difficulties with authority and power. The colonies had not

yet come into their own power .


Venus in 8H—quite a good position for Venus but not in terms of



Other points related to a break in a relationship or a resolve to

terminate a relationship.


1. Scorpio is not a favourable ascendent for relationships generally.


2. Ma L(12th from 7) is in 7H


3. Ketu afflicts 7H MEP


Planets in kendras strengthen a chart for outward activity . Ma is the

only planet in a kendra but in a late degree. This weakens Ma, 6L of

military ,defence etc Mars in Taurus is not the military strategist.

This is a country with a powerful military.


An interesting point about the Jul 2 (and Jul 4) charts is that there

are no planets in fire signs. This is a country with a powerful military

and space program and has a strong push in the world but there are no

planets in fire signs. How do they get things done?


It is for the above reasons that I think the Jul 2 chart although useful

should be laid to rest as a definitive chart for America. I would be

happy to discard all the Jul 4 charts as well. Thanks to John TWB.



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Dear Ron,


Thanks for sharing YOUR opinion.


Best wishes,



On 3/8/07, Ron Day <ronkar wrote:

John TWB has given some good reasons why Jul 2 1776 is the correct dayfor the declaration of independence.

After examining the US chart rectified by Jorge (15+ Scorpio), I am notconvinced that this is the chart of a powerful nation. I think that thechart should describe the country.It looks like the chart of a break in a relationship OR

The resolve to break a relationship ORThe resolve to be independent (with various problematic issues)The resolve to be independent is not the independence itself. Thecolonists were still in a relationship with the British for many years

after 1776. It was an inimical relationship but it was still arelationship. There was an attempt at independence in 1776.The divorce papers were signed but the fighting continued! So is there

true independence?True independence was probably not reached until the Treaty of Paris in1783.Some comments on the chart—Scorpio ascendant, Scorpio navamsa and 3 planets in the 8th house. Very

Scorpionic. Deep hidden turmoil. Planets in the 8^th house areassociated with difficulties and it is sometimes not easy to see whatthese are.Sun in 8H –difficulties with authority and power. The colonies had not

yet come into their own power .Venus in 8H—quite a good position for Venus but not in terms ofrelationships.Other points related to a break in a relationship or a resolve toterminate a relationship.

1. Scorpio is not a favourable ascendent for relationships generally.2. Ma L(12th from 7) is in 7H3. Ketu afflicts 7H MEPPlanets in kendras strengthen a chart for outward activity . Ma is the

only planet in a kendra but in a late degree. This weakens Ma, 6L ofmilitary ,defence etc Mars in Taurus is not the military strategist.This is a country with a powerful military.An interesting point about the Jul 2 (and Jul 4) charts is that there

are no planets in fire signs. This is a country with a powerful militaryand space program and has a strong push in the world but there are noplanets in fire signs. How do they get things done?It is for the above reasons that I think the Jul 2 chart although useful

should be laid to rest as a definitive chart for America. I would behappy to discard all the Jul 4 charts as well. Thanks to John TWB.Ron

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