Guest guest Posted March 18, 2007 Report Share Posted March 18, 2007 Dear friends, The question has been asked if we could compare the Jupiter-Venus period with that of Venus-Jupiter in the SAMVA USA chart. The answer follows.To begin with, please note that Ju/Ve period from 1945-47 would have different outcome than Ve/Ju in 2006-09. This is because the sixteen year Jupiter major period from 1937 to 1953 would set the stage differently from the twenty year major period of Venus from 1996 to 2016. During the major period of Jupiter the country was dealing with financial stability issues first and last, following the rupture of the financial system in the 1930s. As Jupiter is aspected by L1 Moon in H11 a lot of effort was placed on hard work and also on the second world war, as Jupiter is the planet of financial stabilty and conflict. According to SA, the major period explains about 20% of the period influence. In the major period of Venus, the importance would be attached to communal harmony, by focusing on political correctness (PC), housing and issues linking housing with financial stability as Venus is placed in the sixth house. The remaining influence derives from the sub period - and this explains about 80% of the period influence. In the case of the Venus sub period in 1945-47, the influence would be as per the condition of Venus, as 4th lord, in the chart. Venus is weak due to bad placement, but favourably influences the 6th house of financial stability and 12th house of losses and foreign matters, as it is placed in the most effective point of the 6th house. Moreover, over time, the influence of Rahu at 17° 47' in Aries in the most effective point of the 10th house has been felt on the 6th house itself and as time progressed on Venus itself, even if the orb is 6° 04' wide. This is a special case in SA that after fifty years the orb of an aspect in a chart widens. This means that 4th house matters and conditions relating to the general significations of women and the arts are colored by the growing material desire for attainment in these areas as signified by Rahu. This would include attainment by taking shortcuts. As a result, the problems related to e.g. the housing market can become more entrenched over time or more difficult as some forme of subterfuge may be involved. This placement therefore suggests the housing market is vulnerable in the USA, not least due also to the fact that Ketu natallay resides in the most effective point of the 4th house. That said, the many stunning strengths in the chart, including notably the exalted placement of the 1st lord Moon in the house of income and hopes, the placement of 10th lord Mars in the 5th house of creatvity, speculation and children, in mutual aspect with the Moon, gives the country its dynamism. The Sun is also strong in the 7th house, even if aspected by Saturn. The Moon is also aspected by 6th lord Jupiter, making the basic nature somewhat unyielding and inflexible, but at the same time, the werewithal of the Moon and to some extent of Mars is reflected on Jupiter as 6th lord. Hence such placements compensate for the evident weaknness of the 4th lord in the 6th house to a large extent. The lord of the 3rd house, Mercury, is also well placed in the 7th house and therefore helpful, although mildly combust. Again, the condition of Jupiter as sixth lord in the 5th house, under the favourable aspect of the exalted Moon and in a wide conjunction with the superlative Mars, helps to contain problems with the housing sector and on financial stability. However, that said, problems have been felt in this area in the past and will likely be felt again. The present sub-period of the 6th lord Jupiter, is going to be different from the earlier mentioned Venus period, although the two planets are clearly linked, with Venus being disposited by Jupiter.Finally, it is the transits of slow moving malefic planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) in the Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart which can transcend the influence of the periods if the contact sensitive planets or points in the chart, as they do this Spring. At this time, transit L6 Jupiter in H5 is afflicted by natal L8 Saturn while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1. This produces setbacks for their indications. Transit L8 Saturn aspects natal L2 Sun in H7, creating obstacles and endings for the wealth, relations with neighbors and leader of the country. The nodes afflict all the even numbered houses, including the 2nd house of wealth, 4th of fixed assets and communal harmony, 6th of financial stability and illness, 8th of obstacles and endings, 10th of the executive and foreign trade and 12th house of losses and foreign matters. This produce strain for all the indications. Finally, Jupiter is transiting in the most effective point of the 5th house of speculation and management, afflicting it and also the 9th house of finance, religion and the courts and 11th house of income, while Saturn in the most effective point of the 1st house of self, harms also the 3rd house of courage and initiative, 7th house of tourism and leisure and 10th house of the executive and trade. This is a massive transit affliction for the country and is predicted to produce all round troubles for the country this Spring.In short, while we can compare the influences of Venus and Jupiter sub-periods, especially using the pairwise major periods, it is perhaps more relevant to compare the same pair over time, as I have done before, or only the sub periods of Jupiter over time, or those of Venus over time. Then the period influence would be expected to be closes. The transits then make the difference for the outcome.Best wishes,Thor Be a PS3 game guru.Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Games. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2007 Report Share Posted March 18, 2007 Dear list members, In the preceeding message I mentioned that at this time, during the Ve/Ju period, we could expect, due to significant transit strains, problems with financial stability linked to the housing market. This fact is shown clearly in todays headlines of the Bloomberg newswire: *Treasuries Rise on Investor Concern Home-Loan Delinquencies to Slow Growth *U.S. Stocks Fall, Dragged Down by Home-Loan Lending and Inflation Concerns *European Government Bonds Advance as Investors Seek to Avoid Mortgage Risk In the message the following points were made: " In the major period of Venus, the importance would be attached to communal harmony, by focusing on political correctness (PC), housing and issues linking housing with financial stability as Venus is placed in the sixth house. " " ...the problems related to e.g. the housing market can become more entrenched over time or more difficult as some forme of subterfuge may be involved. This placement therefore suggests the housing market is vulnerable in the USA, not least due also to the fact that Ketu natallay resides in the most effective point of the 4th house. That said, the many stunning strengths in the chart... compensate for the evident weaknness of the 4th lord in the 6th house to a large extent. " ...the condition of Jupiter... helps to contain problems with the housing sector and on financial stability. " " The present sub-period of the 6th lord Jupiter, is going to be different from the earlier mentioned Venus period, although the two planets are clearly linked, with Venus being disposited by Jupiter. " At this time, transit L6 Jupiter in H5 is afflicted by natal L8 Saturn while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1. This produces setbacks for their indications. " The nodes afflict ...4th of fixed assets and communal harmony, 6th of financial stability... " " Jupiter is transiting in the most effective point of the 5th house of speculation and management, afflicting it and also the 9th house of finance, religion and the courts and 11th house of income. " In other words, a reading of the SAMVA USA chart on the basis of SA resonates amazingly well with the ongoing events. Moroever, these issues have been mentioned several times on this list since the SAMVA USA chart was discovered (on 30 December 2006). Best wishes, Thor Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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