Guest guest Posted April 16, 2007 Report Share Posted April 16, 2007 Dear list members, The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25 people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this is the single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre at the University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded (see below).Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USA chart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictions in both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also in mutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls with peace and give comfort to the loved ones.Best wishes,ThorUPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Make CNN Your Home Pagemonumental tragedyBREAKING NEWSPolice: At least 22 killedAt least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunman opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday, police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. Tech President Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumental proportions." Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known for ascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August 1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below, after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In all Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing a later suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman who subsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to have suffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system. <cosmologer wrote: Dear list members,As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regardto the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attachedis a news story about a tragic event that took place in theUSA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictionsmade on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.Best wishes,ThorU.S. NewsOne reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootingsPOSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Story Highlights• NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 totalcasualties• University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody• AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Tech campus• Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped fromwindow(CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in twoshootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg onMonday, The Associated Press and the university reported. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 16, 2007 Report Share Posted April 16, 2007 Dear Thor and List, Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of this tragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education of the USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in the spotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include the Rutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of the Don Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against Duke University students who are now threatening to sue. Also, as school-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeing teachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and a Chicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These are interesting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USA SAMVA chart. Warm regards,Shayn Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AMRe: A tragic event in the USA Dear list members, The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25 people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this is the single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre at the University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded (see below).Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USA chart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictions in both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also in mutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls with peace and give comfort to the loved ones.Best wishes,ThorUPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Make CNN Your Home Pagemonumental tragedyBREAKING NEWSPolice: At least 22 killedAt least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunman opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday, police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. Tech President Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumental proportions. "http://www.cnn. com/Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known for ascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August 1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below, after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In all Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing a later suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman who subsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to have suffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system.http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitmancosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: Dear list members,As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regardto the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attachedis a news story about a tragic event that took place in theUSA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictionsmade on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.Best wishes,ThorU.S. NewsOne reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootingsPOSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Story Highlights• NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 totalcasualties• University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody• AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Tech campus• Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped fromwindow(CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in twoshootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg onMonday, The Associated Press and the university reported. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 16, 2007 Report Share Posted April 16, 2007 Dear Shayn,Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5 indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime is inherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4 Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4 MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violent communal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transit stresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communal harmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term "going postal" was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntled postal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. It would be helpful if could comment on this idea.Best wishes,ThorPS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings at U.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28 others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S. history.-Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his two sons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, during avisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va.-Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing College student and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into an instructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armed with five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills two more of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself.-Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recently dismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campus and kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled by students. The attack also wounds three female students.-Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansas graduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after a decade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeing his coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide.-Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineering student at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a faculty committee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors.-Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics from China, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academic honor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus. Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members of the physics department, two other people are wounded. The student fatally shoots himself.-May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio.-Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shooting in a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people are killed, 31 wounded.Source: AP Breaking NewsPredictions made against the SAMVA USA chart:Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm "The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbe conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss oflife." in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am "In the recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours, the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotional involvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc."Best wishes,ThorShayn Smith <mactunesmith wrote: Dear Thor and List, Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of this tragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education of the USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in the spotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include the Rutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of the Don Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against Duke University students who are now threatening to sue. Also, as school-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeing teachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and a Chicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These are interesting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USA SAMVA chart. Warm regards,Shayn Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AMRe: A tragic event in the USA Dear list members, The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25 people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this is the single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre at the University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded (see below).Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USA chart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictions in both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also in mutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls with peace and give comfort to the loved ones.Best wishes,ThorUPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Make CNN Your Home Pagemonumental tragedyBREAKING NEWSPolice: At least 22 killedAt least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunman opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday, police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. Tech President Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumental proportions. "http://www.cnn. com/Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known for ascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August 1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below, after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In all Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing a later suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman who subsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to have suffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system.http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitmancosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: Dear list members,As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regardto the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attachedis a news story about a tragic event that took place in theUSA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictionsmade on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.Best wishes,ThorU.S. NewsOne reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootingsPOSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Story Highlights• NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 totalcasualties• University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody• AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Tech campus• Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped fromwindow(CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in twoshootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg onMonday, The Associated Press and the university reported. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 16, 2007 Report Share Posted April 16, 2007 Dear list members, The following link offers a list of mass murders (committed by individuals) in the USA and other countries since the 1920s. Interestingly, while the vast majority of these attacks have taken place in the USA, there has also been a fair amount of such events in Australia and a few in other countries (see above link). In the 14° 54' Virgo rising chart for Australia (1 January 1901, 12:00 midnight, Melbourne) there is a affliction of the 4th house due to a close conjunction of both L6 Saturn and L12 Sun to the MEP. Best wishes, Thor Date Name Deaths Location Summary • 1927 Bath School disaster 45 Bath Township, Michigan School board member, Andrew Kehoe, upset by a property tax that had been levied to fund the construction of the school building, killed 45 people (including himself) and injured an additional 58 in a bombing at the Bath Consolidated School. This is still the largest school massacre in United States history. • 1929 St. Valentine's Day massacre 7 Chicago, Illinois Members of Bugs Moran's gang are murdered by Al Capone's men. • 1966 University of Texas Tower Shooting 15 Austin, Texas After killing his mother and wife the night before, Charles Whitman goes on a shooting rampage atop the University of Texas at Austin's observation tower, killing 15 people and injuring 30 before being killed by police. • 1978 Jonestown massacre 913 Jonestown, Guyana Peoples Temple cult attacks Rep. Leo Ryan and delegation. After 5 are killed in shootout, Jim Jones leads mass suicide. • 1983 Wah Mee massacre 13 Seattle, Washington Fourteen people are shot and 13 killed at a gambling club in Seattle's International District. • 1984 McDonald's massacre 22 San Diego, California Twenty-one killed, 19 injured in a shooting rampage at a McDonald's restaurant before the gunman is shot dead. • 1986 Edmond Postal massacre 15 Edmond, Oklahoma Fired postman Patrick Sherrill shot twenty-one former fellow employees in the Post Office, killing fourteen of them before committing suicide. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in more than 20 separate incidents involving the United States Postal Service. • 1988 ESL massacre 7 Sunnyvale, California Former employee Richard Farley returns to Electromagnetic Systems Labs (ESL) with guns and explosives, killing seven people and injuring three others, including Laura Black, a woman he had been stalking for four years. • 1993 101 California Street shootings 9 San Francisco, California A gunman kills eight people and injures six with three handguns before turning a concealed fourth handgun on himself. • 1993 Brown's Chicken massacre 7 Palatine, Illinois Seven people were slain at the Brown's Chicken and Pasta in Palatine. 1993 Long Island Rail Road massacre 6 Nassau County, New York Colin Ferguson, who is African-American, shoots 25 mostly white passengers on a commuter train, killing 6. • 1998 Jonesboro massacre 5 Arkansas, United States Two middle school students attacked their school. 1999 Columbine High School massacre 15 Jefferson County, Colorado, United States Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, execute a planned shooting rampage, killing 12 fellow students and a teacher before committing suicide. • 2000 The Wichita Massacre 5 Wichita, Kansas, United States Two brothers go on a week-long murder/assault/rape/robbery spree, which culminated with the execution-style shooting of four naked victims on a soccer field. A fifth victim survived thanks to a hair clip that prevented the bullet from entering her skull. • 2005 Red Lake High School massacre 10 Red Lake, Minnesota, United States Jeff Weise kills 9 people and himself on the Red Lake Chippewa Indian reservation. • 2006 Goleta Postal massacre 8 Goleta, California, United States Female former postal worker goes on a rampage, shooting dead seven before killing herself. • 2006 Capitol Hill massacre 7 Seattle, Washington, United States Aaron Kyle Huff entered a house party in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood and shot eight people, killing six of them. When confronted by police, Huff killed himself. • 2006 Amish school shooting 5 Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, United States Charles Carl Roberts IV entered a one-room Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, a village in Lancaster County, took ten children hostage, and eventually shot and killed five girls aged 7 to 13 before killing himself. • 2007 Trolley Square Shooting 5 Salt Lake City, Utah, United States Sulejman Talovi & #263; entered a shopping mall carrying a shotgun and a .38 caliber pistol as well as a backpack full of ammunition. Talovi & #263; shot and killed five people as well as wounding four others before being fatally shot by police. • 2007 Virginia Tech massacre 33 Blacksburg, Virginia, United States Current Event: Gunman opens fire in Virginia Tech university dormitory and classroom building, killing and wounding many, then commits suicide. As the number jumped from ~22 to ~31 and finally ~33 (including gunman's suicide), this shooting became the largest shooting incident of its type in US history. SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: > > Dear Shayn, > > Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5 indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime is inherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4 Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4 MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violent communal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transit stresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communal harmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term " going postal " was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntled postal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. It would be helpful if could comment on this idea. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > PS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings at U.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: > -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28 others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S. history. > -Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his two sons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, during avisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va. > -Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing College student and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into an instructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armed with five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills two more of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself. > -Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recently dismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campus and kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled by students. The attack also wounds three female students. > -Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansas graduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after a decade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeing his coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide. > -Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineering student at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a faculty committee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors. > -Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics from China, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academic honor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus. Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members of the physics department, two other people are wounded. The student fatally shoots himself. > -May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio. > -Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shooting in a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people are killed, 31 wounded. > Source: AP Breaking News > > Predictions made against the SAMVA USA chart: > Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm > " The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbe conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss oflife. " > in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am " In the recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours, the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotional involvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc. " > Best wishes, > > Thor > > > Shayn Smith <mactunesmith wrote: > Dear Thor and List, > Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of this tragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education of the USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in the spotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include the Rutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of the Don Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against Duke University students who are now threatening to sue. Also, as school-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeing teachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and a Chicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These are interesting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USA SAMVA chart. > > Warm regards, > Shayn > > > > Cosmologer <cosmologer > SAMVA > Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AM > Re: A tragic event in the USA > > Dear list members, > > The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25 people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this is the single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre at the University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded (see below). > > Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USA chart for both events. A " signature " of Jupiter and Saturn afflictions in both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also in mutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4. > > This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls with peace and give comfort to the loved ones. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > UPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007 > Make CNN Your Home Page > monumental tragedy > BREAKING NEWS > Police: At least 22 killed > > At least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunman opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday, police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. Tech President Charles Steger called the shootings " a tragedy of monumental proportions. " > > http://www.cnn. com/ > > Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known for ascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August 1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below, after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In all Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing a later suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman who subsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to have suffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system. > > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitman > > cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: > Dear list members, > > As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regard > to the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attached > is a news story about a tragic event that took place in the > USA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictions > made on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > > U.S. News > One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings > POSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007 > Story Highlights > • NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 total > casualties > • University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody > • AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Tech campus > • Student describes situation as " mayhem " ; says 2 students jumped from > window > > (CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in two > shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on > Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported. > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 16, 2007 Report Share Posted April 16, 2007 Dear list members,The news story was correct to say that todays event was the biggest university campus massacre. However, a much bigger school disaster has occurred in US history. The Bath School disaster is the name given to a series of bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, USA, on May 18, 1927, which killed 45 people and injured 58. Most of the victims were children in second to sixth grades attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest act of mass murder in a school in U.S. history. The perpetrator was school board member Andrew Kehoe, who was upset by a property tax that had been levied to fund the construction of the school building. He blamed the additional tax for financial hardships which led to foreclosure proceedings against his farm provoking his attack. I attach the chart with transits. The trigger here seems to be the sub-period lord natal Mercury was exactly afflicted by transit L8 Saturn, which was also conjunct the hot planet L10 Mars, natally located in H5. Meanwhile, the other planet of searing heat and explosions, Ketu, was natally afflicting transit L4 Venus in H12.Ra/Me period was operating. - Tr L8 Saturn 12° Scorpio was conj. Rx L10 Mars at 10° Scorpio, asp. Rx Lx Mercury at 12° Capricorn H7. - Tr L6 Jupiter at 4° 11' Pisces H9 was mutually asp. natal Jupiter in H5. Tr L2 Sun at 3° 49' and L3 Mercury at 1° 57' in Taurus H11 were opp. Rx Jupiter. Tr L4 Venus at 14° 20' Gemini H12 asp. by natal Ketu at 17° 47' Libra H4.- Tr L1 Moon at 25° Scorpio H5 was conj. Rx L8 Saturn at 26° 46'. The SAMVA USA chart is really showing up these events in a way that is fully consistent with SA theory. Best wishes,Thorcosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear list members,The following link offers a list of mass murders (committed byindividuals) in the USA and other countries since the 1920s., while the vast majority of these attacks have takenplace in the USA, there has also been a fair amount of such events inAustralia and a few in other countries (see above link). In the 14° 54' Virgo rising chart for Australia (1 January 1901, 12:00midnight, Melbourne) there is a affliction of the 4th house due to aclose conjunction of both L6 Saturn and L12 Sun to the MEP.Best wishes,ThorDate Name Deaths Location Summary • 1927 Bath School disaster 45 Bath Township, Michigan School boardmember, Andrew Kehoe, upset by a property tax that had been levied tofund the construction of the school building, killed 45 people(including himself) and injured an additional 58 in a bombing at theBath Consolidated School. This is still the largest school massacre inUnited States history. • 1929 St. Valentine's Day massacre 7 Chicago, Illinois Members ofBugs Moran's gang are murdered by Al Capone's men. • 1966 University of Texas Tower Shooting 15 Austin, Texas Afterkilling his mother and wife the night before, Charles Whitman goes ona shooting rampage atop the University of Texas at Austin'sobservation tower, killing 15 people and injuring 30 before beingkilled by police. • 1978 Jonestown massacre 913 Jonestown, Guyana Peoples Temple cultattacks Rep. Leo Ryan and delegation. After 5 are killed in shootout,Jim Jones leads mass suicide. • 1983 Wah Mee massacre 13 Seattle, Washington Fourteen people areshot and 13 killed at a gambling club in Seattle's InternationalDistrict. • 1984 McDonald's massacre 22 San Diego, California Twenty-one killed,19 injured in a shooting rampage at a McDonald's restaurant before thegunman is shot dead. • 1986 Edmond Postal massacre 15 Edmond, Oklahoma Fired postmanPatrick Sherrill shot twenty-one former fellow employees in the PostOffice, killing fourteen of them before committing suicide. Between1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in more than 20separate incidents involving the United States Postal Service. • 1988 ESL massacre 7 Sunnyvale, California Former employee RichardFarley returns to Electromagnetic Systems Labs (ESL) with guns andexplosives, killing seven people and injuring three others, includingLaura Black, a woman he had been stalking for four years. • 1993 101 California Street shootings 9 San Francisco, California Agunman kills eight people and injures six with three handguns beforeturning a concealed fourth handgun on himself. • 1993 Brown's Chicken massacre 7 Palatine, Illinois Seven people wereslain at the Brown's Chicken and Pasta in Palatine. 1993 Long IslandRail Road massacre 6 Nassau County, New York Colin Ferguson, who isAfrican-American, shoots 25 mostly white passengers on a commutertrain, killing 6. • 1998 Jonesboro massacre 5 Arkansas, United States Two middle schoolstudents attacked their school. 1999 Columbine High School massacre 15Jefferson County, Colorado, United States Two students, Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold, execute a planned shooting rampage, killing 12fellow students and a teacher before committing suicide.• 2000 The Wichita Massacre 5 Wichita, Kansas, United States Twobrothers go on a week-long murder/assault/rape/robbery spree, whichculminated with the execution-style shooting of four naked victims ona soccer field. A fifth victim survived thanks to a hair clip thatprevented the bullet from entering her skull. • 2005 Red Lake High School massacre 10 Red Lake, Minnesota, UnitedStates Jeff Weise kills 9 people and himself on the Red Lake ChippewaIndian reservation. • 2006 Goleta Postal massacre 8 Goleta, California, United StatesFemale former postal worker goes on a rampage, shooting dead sevenbefore killing herself. • 2006 Capitol Hill massacre 7 Seattle, Washington, United StatesAaron Kyle Huff entered a house party in Seattle's Capitol Hillneighborhood and shot eight people, killing six of them. Whenconfronted by police, Huff killed himself. • 2006 Amish school shooting 5 Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, UnitedStates Charles Carl Roberts IV entered a one-room Amish schoolhouse inNickel Mines, a village in Lancaster County, took ten childrenhostage, and eventually shot and killed five girls aged 7 to 13 beforekilling himself.• 2007 Trolley Square Shooting 5 Salt Lake City, Utah, United StatesSulejman Talović entered a shopping mall carrying a shotgun and a .38caliber pistol as well as a backpack full of ammunition. Talović shotand killed five people as well as wounding four others before beingfatally shot by police. • 2007 Virginia Tech massacre 33 Blacksburg, Virginia, United StatesCurrent Event: Gunman opens fire in Virginia Tech university dormitoryand classroom building, killing and wounding many, then commitssuicide. As the number jumped from ~22 to ~31 and finally ~33(including gunman's suicide), this shooting became the largestshooting incident of its type in US history.SAMVA , Cosmologer wrote:>> Dear Shayn,> > Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime isinherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violentcommunal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transitstresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communalharmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term "goingpostal" was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntledpostal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. Itwould be helpful if could comment on this idea.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > PS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings atU.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: > -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm anda classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S.history.> -Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his twosons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, duringavisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va.> -Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing Collegestudent and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into aninstructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armedwith five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills twomore of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself.> -Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recentlydismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campusand kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled bystudents. The attack also wounds three female students.> -Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansasgraduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after adecade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeinghis coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide.> -Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineeringstudent at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a facultycommittee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors.> -Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics fromChina, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academichonor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus.Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members ofthe physics department, two other people are wounded. The studentfatally shoots himself.> -May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by NationalGuard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus ofKent State University in Ohio.> -Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observationdeck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shootingin a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people arekilled, 31 wounded.> Source: AP Breaking News> > Predictions made against the SAMVA USA chart:> Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm> "The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when theVe/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will becomestationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their ownplacements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6,suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile,transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sunin H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous timefor the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbeconjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn inH1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and lossoflife."> in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am "Inthe recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours,the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March,2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotionalinvolvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/marketsetbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances,setbacks in war fields, etc."> Best wishes,> > Thor> > > Shayn Smith wrote: > Dear Thor and List,> Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of thistragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education ofthe USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in thespotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include theRutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of theDon Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against DukeUniversity students who are now threatening to sue. Also, asschool-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeingteachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and aChicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These areinteresting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USASAMVA chart. > > Warm regards,> Shayn> > > > Cosmologer > SAMVA > Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AM> Re: A tragic event in the USA> > Dear list members, > > The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this isthe single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre atthe University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded(see below).> > Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USAchart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictionsin both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also inmutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.> > This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls withpeace and give comfort to the loved ones.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > UPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007> Make CNN Your Home Page> monumental tragedy> BREAKING NEWS> Police: At least 22 killed> > At least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunmanopened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday,police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. TechPresident Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumentalproportions. "> > http://www.cnn. com/> > Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known forascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below,after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In allWhitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot deadby Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing alater suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman whosubsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to havesuffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system.> > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitman> > cosmologer wrote: > Dear list members,> > As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regard> to the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attached> is a news story about a tragic event that took place in the> USA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictions> made on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > > U.S. News> One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings> POSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007> Story Highlights> • NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 total> casualties> • University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody> • AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Techcampus> • Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped from> window> > (CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in two> shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on> Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported.> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 16, 2007 Report Share Posted April 16, 2007 Hello dear Mr. Thor, Among various natal and transit afflictions (i) the affliction to the transit eighth lord by transit sixth lord and (ii) mutual affliction of transit sixth lord by natal eighth lord are prominent for causing tragic events. Best wishes. - Cosmologer SAMVA Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:26 AM Re: A tragic event in the USA Dear Shayn, Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5 indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime is inherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4 Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4 MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violent communal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transit stresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communal harmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term "going postal" was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntled postal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. It would be helpful if could comment on this idea.Best wishes,Thor PS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings at U.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28 others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S. history. -Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his two sons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, during avisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va. -Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing College student and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into an instructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armed with five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills two more of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself. -Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recently dismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campus and kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled by students. The attack also wounds three female students. -Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansas graduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after a decade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeing his coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide. -Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineering student at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a faculty committee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors. -Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics from China, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academic honor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus. Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members of the physics department, two other people are wounded. The student fatally shoots himself. -May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio. -Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shooting in a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people are killed, 31 wounded.Source: AP Breaking NewsPredictions made against the SAMVA USA chart: Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm "The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbe conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss oflife." in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am "In the recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours, the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotional involvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc."Best wishes,ThorShayn Smith <mactunesmith wrote: Dear Thor and List, Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of this tragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education of the USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in the spotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include the Rutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of the Don Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against Duke University students who are now threatening to sue. Also, as school-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeing teachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and a Chicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These are interesting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USA SAMVA chart. Warm regards,Shayn Cosmologer <cosmologerSAMVA Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AMRe: A tragic event in the USA Dear list members, The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25 people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this is the single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre at the University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded (see below).Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USA chart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictions in both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also in mutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls with peace and give comfort to the loved ones.Best wishes,ThorUPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Make CNN Your Home Pagemonumental tragedyBREAKING NEWSPolice: At least 22 killedAt least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunman opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday, police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. Tech President Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumental proportions. "http://www.cnn. com/Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known for ascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August 1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below, after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In all Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing a later suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman who subsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to have suffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system.http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitmancosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: Dear list members,As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regardto the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attachedis a news story about a tragic event that took place in theUSA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictionsmade on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.Best wishes,ThorU.S. NewsOne reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootingsPOSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007Story Highlights• NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 totalcasualties• University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody• AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Tech campus• Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped fromwindow(CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in twoshootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg onMonday, The Associated Press and the university reported. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2007 Report Share Posted April 17, 2007 Hello dear , Thanks for the clarification. Indeed, you are very right, the main culprit of this event is the affliction involving L6 Jupiter and L8 Saturn. Shayn mentioned the placement of natal L6 and L8 and transit L6 in H5 and if it helped to explain that the tragedy took place in a university setting involving the murder of students. When we look at transits for the Aug 1, 1966 tragedy in Texas, we also see that an affliction involving L8 Saturn and L6 Jupiter was present. As regards, the May 18, 1927 tragedy, involving young school children, the same affliction was not present. A transit aspect of Jupiter to Saturn came within 5° only on May 30, 1927. On the day of the tragedy, however, L8 Saturn in H5 was exactly afflicting sub- period lord and L10 Mars in the chart. At the same time, transit Jupiter in H9 was exactly mutually afflicting its natal placement in H5. Such transits thus adequately explain such tragedies and their expression in the SAMVA USA chart. Best wishes, Thor SAMVA , <siha wrote: > > > Hello dear Mr. Thor, > > Among various natal and transit afflictions (i) the affliction to the transit eighth lord by transit sixth lord and (ii) mutual affliction of transit sixth lord by natal eighth lord are prominent for causing tragic events. > > Best wishes. > > > > - > Cosmologer > SAMVA > Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:26 AM > Re: A tragic event in the USA > > > Dear Shayn, > > > Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5 indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime is inherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4 Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4 MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violent communal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transit stresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communal harmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term " going postal " was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntled postal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. It would be helpful if could comment on this idea. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > > PS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings at U.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: > -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28 others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S. history. > -Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his two sons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, during avisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va. > -Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing College student and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into an instructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armed with five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills two more of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself. > -Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recently dismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campus and kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled by students. The attack also wounds three female students. > -Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansas graduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after a decade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeing his coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide. > -Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineering student at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a faculty committee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors. > -Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics from China, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academic honor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus. Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members of the physics department, two other people are wounded. The student fatally shoots himself. > -May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio. > -Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shooting in a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people are killed, 31 wounded. > Source: AP Breaking News > > Predictions made against the SAMVA USA chart: > > Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm > " The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbe conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss oflife. " > in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am > " In the recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours, the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March, 2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotional involvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/market setbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances, setbacks in war fields, etc. " > Best wishes, > > Thor > > > Shayn Smith <mactunesmith wrote: > Dear Thor and List, > Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of this tragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education of the USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in the spotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include the Rutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of the Don Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against Duke University students who are now threatening to sue. Also, as school- aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeing teachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and a Chicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These are interesting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USA SAMVA chart. > > Warm regards, > Shayn > > > > > Cosmologer <cosmologer > SAMVA > Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AM > Re: A tragic event in the USA > > > Dear list members, > > The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25 people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this is the single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre at the University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded (see below). > > Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USA chart for both events. A " signature " of Jupiter and Saturn afflictions in both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also in mutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4. > > This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls with peace and give comfort to the loved ones. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > UPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007 > Make CNN Your Home Page > monumental tragedy > BREAKING NEWS > Police: At least 22 killed > > At least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunman opened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday, police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. Tech President Charles Steger called the shootings " a tragedy of monumental proportions. " > > http://www.cnn. com/ > > Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 - August 1, 1966) is known for ascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August 1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below, after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In all Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing a later suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman who subsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to have suffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system. > > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitman > > cosmologer <cosmologer > wrote: > Dear list members, > > As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regard > to the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attached > is a news story about a tragic event that took place in the > USA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictions > made on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart. > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > > U.S. News > One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings > POSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007 > Story Highlights > . NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 total > casualties > . University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody > . AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Tech campus > . Student describes situation as " mayhem " ; says 2 students jumped from > window > > (CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in two > shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on > Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported. > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2007 Report Share Posted April 17, 2007 Dear Thor: You said... The SAMVA USA chart is really showing up these events in a way that is fully consistent with SA theory. Thank you for your continued perseverance on this project..... david hawthorne Best wishes,Thorcosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear list members,The following link offers a list of mass murders (committed byindividuals) in the USA and other countries since the 1920s., while the vast majority of these attacks have takenplace in the USA, there has also been a fair amount of such events inAustralia and a few in other countries (see above link). In the 14° 54' Virgo rising chart for Australia (1 January 1901, 12:00midnight, Melbourne) there is a affliction of the 4th house due to aclose conjunction of both L6 Saturn and L12 Sun to the MEP.Best wishes,ThorDate Name Deaths Location Summary • 1927 Bath School disaster 45 Bath Township, Michigan School boardmember, Andrew Kehoe, upset by a property tax that had been levied tofund the construction of the school building, killed 45 people(including himself) and injured an additional 58 in a bombing at theBath Consolidated School. This is still the largest school massacre inUnited States history. • 1929 St. Valentine's Day massacre 7 Chicago, Illinois Members ofBugs Moran's gang are murdered by Al Capone's men. • 1966 University of Texas Tower Shooting 15 Austin, Texas Afterkilling his mother and wife the night before, Charles Whitman goes ona shooting rampage atop the University of Texas at Austin'sobservation tower, killing 15 people and injuring 30 before beingkilled by police. • 1978 Jonestown massacre 913 Jonestown, Guyana Peoples Temple cultattacks Rep. Leo Ryan and delegation. After 5 are killed in shootout,Jim Jones leads mass suicide. • 1983 Wah Mee massacre 13 Seattle, Washington Fourteen people areshot and 13 killed at a gambling club in Seattle's InternationalDistrict. • 1984 McDonald's massacre 22 San Diego, California Twenty-one killed,19 injured in a shooting rampage at a McDonald's restaurant before thegunman is shot dead. • 1986 Edmond Postal massacre 15 Edmond, Oklahoma Fired postmanPatrick Sherrill shot twenty-one former fellow employees in the PostOffice, killing fourteen of them before committing suicide. Between1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in more than 20separate incidents involving the United States Postal Service. • 1988 ESL massacre 7 Sunnyvale, California Former employee RichardFarley returns to Electromagnetic Systems Labs (ESL) with guns andexplosives, killing seven people and injuring three others, includingLaura Black, a woman he had been stalking for four years. • 1993 101 California Street shootings 9 San Francisco, California Agunman kills eight people and injures six with three handguns beforeturning a concealed fourth handgun on himself. • 1993 Brown's Chicken massacre 7 Palatine, Illinois Seven people wereslain at the Brown's Chicken and Pasta in Palatine. 1993 Long IslandRail Road massacre 6 Nassau County, New York Colin Ferguson, who isAfrican-American, shoots 25 mostly white passengers on a commutertrain, killing 6. • 1998 Jonesboro massacre 5 Arkansas, United States Two middle schoolstudents attacked their school. 1999 Columbine High School massacre 15Jefferson County, Colorado, United States Two students, Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold, execute a planned shooting rampage, killing 12fellow students and a teacher before committing suicide.• 2000 The Wichita Massacre 5 Wichita, Kansas, United States Twobrothers go on a week-long murder/assault/rape/robbery spree, whichculminated with the execution-style shooting of four naked victims ona soccer field. A fifth victim survived thanks to a hair clip thatprevented the bullet from entering her skull. • 2005 Red Lake High School massacre 10 Red Lake, Minnesota, UnitedStates Jeff Weise kills 9 people and himself on the Red Lake ChippewaIndian reservation. • 2006 Goleta Postal massacre 8 Goleta, California, United StatesFemale former postal worker goes on a rampage, shooting dead sevenbefore killing herself. • 2006 Capitol Hill massacre 7 Seattle, Washington, United StatesAaron Kyle Huff entered a house party in Seattle's Capitol Hillneighborhood and shot eight people, killing six of them. Whenconfronted by police, Huff killed himself. • 2006 Amish school shooting 5 Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, UnitedStates Charles Carl Roberts IV entered a one-room Amish schoolhouse inNickel Mines, a village in Lancaster County, took ten childrenhostage, and eventually shot and killed five girls aged 7 to 13 beforekilling himself.• 2007 Trolley Square Shooting 5 Salt Lake City, Utah, United StatesSulejman Talović entered a shopping mall carrying a shotgun and a .38caliber pistol as well as a backpack full of ammunition. Talović shotand killed five people as well as wounding four others before beingfatally shot by police. • 2007 Virginia Tech massacre 33 Blacksburg, Virginia, United StatesCurrent Event: Gunman opens fire in Virginia Tech university dormitoryand classroom building, killing and wounding many, then commitssuicide. As the number jumped from ~22 to ~31 and finally ~33(including gunman's suicide), this shooting became the largestshooting incident of its type in US history.SAMVA , Cosmologer wrote:>> Dear Shayn,> > Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime isinherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violentcommunal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transitstresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communalharmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term "goingpostal" was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntledpostal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. Itwould be helpful if could comment on this idea.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > PS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings atU.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: > -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm anda classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S.history.> -Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his twosons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, duringavisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va.> -Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing Collegestudent and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into aninstructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armedwith five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills twomore of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself.> -Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recentlydismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campusand kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled bystudents. The attack also wounds three female students.> -Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansasgraduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after adecade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeinghis coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide.> -Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineeringstudent at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a facultycommittee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors.> -Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics fromChina, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academichonor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus.Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members ofthe physics department, two other people are wounded. The studentfatally shoots himself.> -May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by NationalGuard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus ofKent State University in Ohio.> -Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observationdeck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shootingin a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people arekilled, 31 wounded.> Source: AP Breaking News> > Predictions made against the SAMVA USA chart:> Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm> "The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when theVe/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will becomestationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their ownplacements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6,suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile,transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sunin H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous timefor the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbeconjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn inH1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and lossoflife."> in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am "Inthe recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours,the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March,2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotionalinvolvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/marketsetbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances,setbacks in war fields, etc."> Best wishes,> > Thor> > > Shayn Smith wrote: > Dear Thor and List,> Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of thistragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education ofthe USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in thespotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include theRutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of theDon Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against DukeUniversity students who are now threatening to sue. Also, asschool-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeingteachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and aChicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These areinteresting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USASAMVA chart. > > Warm regards,> Shayn> > > > Cosmologer > SAMVA > Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AM> Re: A tragic event in the USA> > Dear list members, > > The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this isthe single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre atthe University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded(see below).> > Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USAchart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictionsin both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also inmutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.> > This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls withpeace and give comfort to the loved ones.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > UPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007> Make CNN Your Home Page> monumental tragedy> BREAKING NEWS> Police: At least 22 killed> > At least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunmanopened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday,police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. TechPresident Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumentalproportions. "> > http://www.cnn. com/> > Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known forascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below,after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In allWhitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot deadby Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing alater suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman whosubsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to havesuffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system.> > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitman> > cosmologer wrote: > Dear list members,> > As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regard> to the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attached> is a news story about a tragic event that took place in the> USA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictions> made on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > > U.S. News> One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings> POSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007> Story Highlights> • NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 total> casualties> • University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody> • AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Techcampus> • Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped from> window> > (CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in two> shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on> Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported.> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2007 Report Share Posted April 17, 2007 Dear David, Thank you for the kind words. Yes, indeed, this effort has been time consuming and long standing. That said, I am truly relieved that we have at long last been able to identify a time in the history of the founding of the USA that constitutes the symbolic birth moment of this important country. We can now continue to apply the Systems' Approach with the same degree of analytic accuracy and predictive reliability in the case of the USA as is normal for the natal charts of individuals and authentic mundane charts for countries like India, UK and Iceland. To my mind, each such milestone represents an important step forward in the work of SA mundane astrologers. In this regard, let me just re-emphasise that the guidance of our dear and the presence and particiaption of esteemed members like yourselve is invaluable for the continued progress of the work on SAMVA. I sincerely hope the SAMVA USA chart proves to be of great benefit for the work of mundane astrologers. Best wishes, Thor David Hawthorne <david wrote: Dear Thor: You said... The SAMVA USA chart is really showing up these events in a way that is fully consistent with SA theory. Thank you for your continued perseverance on this project..... david hawthorne Best wishes,Thorcosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear list members,The following link offers a list of mass murders (committed byindividuals) in the USA and other countries since the 1920s., while the vast majority of these attacks have takenplace in the USA, there has also been a fair amount of such events inAustralia and a few in other countries (see above link). In the 14° 54' Virgo rising chart for Australia (1 January 1901, 12:00midnight, Melbourne) there is a affliction of the 4th house due to aclose conjunction of both L6 Saturn and L12 Sun to the MEP.Best wishes,ThorDate Name Deaths Location Summary • 1927 Bath School disaster 45 Bath Township, Michigan School boardmember, Andrew Kehoe, upset by a property tax that had been levied tofund the construction of the school building, killed 45 people(including himself) and injured an additional 58 in a bombing at theBath Consolidated School. This is still the largest school massacre inUnited States history. • 1929 St. Valentine's Day massacre 7 Chicago, Illinois Members ofBugs Moran's gang are murdered by Al Capone's men. • 1966 University of Texas Tower Shooting 15 Austin, Texas Afterkilling his mother and wife the night before, Charles Whitman goes ona shooting rampage atop the University of Texas at Austin'sobservation tower, killing 15 people and injuring 30 before beingkilled by police. • 1978 Jonestown massacre 913 Jonestown, Guyana Peoples Temple cultattacks Rep. Leo Ryan and delegation. After 5 are killed in shootout,Jim Jones leads mass suicide. • 1983 Wah Mee massacre 13 Seattle, Washington Fourteen people areshot and 13 killed at a gambling club in Seattle's InternationalDistrict. • 1984 McDonald's massacre 22 San Diego, California Twenty-one killed,19 injured in a shooting rampage at a McDonald's restaurant before thegunman is shot dead. • 1986 Edmond Postal massacre 15 Edmond, Oklahoma Fired postmanPatrick Sherrill shot twenty-one former fellow employees in the PostOffice, killing fourteen of them before committing suicide. Between1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in more than 20separate incidents involving the United States Postal Service. • 1988 ESL massacre 7 Sunnyvale, California Former employee RichardFarley returns to Electromagnetic Systems Labs (ESL) with guns andexplosives, killing seven people and injuring three others, includingLaura Black, a woman he had been stalking for four years. • 1993 101 California Street shootings 9 San Francisco, California Agunman kills eight people and injures six with three handguns beforeturning a concealed fourth handgun on himself. • 1993 Brown's Chicken massacre 7 Palatine, Illinois Seven people wereslain at the Brown's Chicken and Pasta in Palatine. 1993 Long IslandRail Road massacre 6 Nassau County, New York Colin Ferguson, who isAfrican-American, shoots 25 mostly white passengers on a commutertrain, killing 6. • 1998 Jonesboro massacre 5 Arkansas, United States Two middle schoolstudents attacked their school. 1999 Columbine High School massacre 15Jefferson County, Colorado, United States Two students, Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold, execute a planned shooting rampage, killing 12fellow students and a teacher before committing suicide.• 2000 The Wichita Massacre 5 Wichita, Kansas, United States Twobrothers go on a week-long murder/assault/rape/robbery spree, whichculminated with the execution-style shooting of four naked victims ona soccer field. A fifth victim survived thanks to a hair clip thatprevented the bullet from entering her skull. • 2005 Red Lake High School massacre 10 Red Lake, Minnesota, UnitedStates Jeff Weise kills 9 people and himself on the Red Lake ChippewaIndian reservation. • 2006 Goleta Postal massacre 8 Goleta, California, United StatesFemale former postal worker goes on a rampage, shooting dead sevenbefore killing herself. • 2006 Capitol Hill massacre 7 Seattle, Washington, United StatesAaron Kyle Huff entered a house party in Seattle's Capitol Hillneighborhood and shot eight people, killing six of them. Whenconfronted by police, Huff killed himself. • 2006 Amish school shooting 5 Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, UnitedStates Charles Carl Roberts IV entered a one-room Amish schoolhouse inNickel Mines, a village in Lancaster County, took ten childrenhostage, and eventually shot and killed five girls aged 7 to 13 beforekilling himself.• 2007 Trolley Square Shooting 5 Salt Lake City, Utah, United StatesSulejman Taloviæ entered a shopping mall carrying a shotgun and a ..38caliber pistol as well as a backpack full of ammunition. Taloviæ shotand killed five people as well as wounding four others before beingfatally shot by police. • 2007 Virginia Tech massacre 33 Blacksburg, Virginia, United StatesCurrent Event: Gunman opens fire in Virginia Tech university dormitoryand classroom building, killing and wounding many, then commitssuicide. As the number jumped from ~22 to ~31 and finally ~33(including gunman's suicide), this shooting became the largestshooting incident of its type in US history.SAMVA , Cosmologer wrote:>> Dear Shayn,> > Thanks for the additional events related to L6, Jupiter and H5indications in the chart. It is interesting indeed. As all crime isinherently anti-social, the question comes to mind if the weak L4Venus in the SAMVA USA chart and natal affliction of nodal axis on H4MEP have a role to play in creating a predisposition to violentcommunal crime. In other words, it is possible that recurring transitstresses to the natally weak and afflicted indicators of communalharmony make mass murders more likely. For instance, the term "goingpostal" was derived from recurring fatal such attacks of disgruntledpostal workers on their co-workers in the USA in recent decades. Itwould be helpful if could comment on this idea.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > PS Further to the last post, here is a list of fatal shootings atU.S. colleges or universities inrecent years: > -April 16, 2007: A gunman in his 20s, kills 31 people in a dorm anda classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and wounds 28others before killing himself. This is the biggest mass murder in U.S.history.> -Sept. 2, 2006: Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his twosons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, duringavisit to the campus of Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va.> -Oct. 28, 2002: Failing University of Arizona Nursing Collegestudent and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into aninstructor's office and fatallyshoots her. A few minutes later, armedwith five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills twomore of his instructors before fatallyshooting himself.> -Jan. 16, 2002: Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recentlydismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campusand kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled bystudents. The attack also wounds three female students.> -Aug. 28, 2000: James Easton Kelly, 36, a University of Arkansasgraduate student recently dropped from a doctoral program after adecade of study and John Locke, 67, the English professor overseeinghis coursework, are shot to death in an apparent murder-suicide.> -Aug. 15, 1996: Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduateengineeringstudent at San Diego State, is defending histhesis before a facultycommittee when he pulls out a handgun and kills threeprofessors.> -Nov. 1, 1991: Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics fromChina, reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academichonor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus.Five University of Iowa employees killed, including four members ofthe physics department, two other people are wounded. The studentfatally shoots himself.> -May 4, 1970: Four students were killed and nine wounded by NationalGuard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus ofKent State University in Ohio.> -Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observationdeck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shootingin a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people arekilled, 31 wounded.> Source: AP Breaking News> > Predictions made against the SAMVA USA chart:> Thor in Message #12096 on Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm> "The chartbespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when theVe/Ju period isoperating. At that time, the nodes will becomestationary on H2 and H8 MEPs,where they widely aspect their ownplacements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2aspecting L4 Venus in H6,suggesting a sudden event disturbs the socialequilibrium. Meanwhile,transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in oppositionto natal L2 Sunin H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be adangerous timefor the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter willbeconjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn inH1.This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and lossoflife."> in Message #12141 on SatJan 6, 2007 1:15 am "Inthe recently proposed US chart forthe 2nd February, 1781, 1705 hours,the transit influences show severeafflictions during middle of March,2007, to early May, 2007, indicating lot ofcontroversies, emotionalinvolvement of the people in controvercial issues,financial/marketsetbacks, fatal/serious accidents, weathervagaries/disturbances,setbacks in war fields, etc."> Best wishes,> > Thor> > > Shayn Smith wrote: > Dear Thor and List,> Likewise, I pray for the departed and their families of thistragedy. With Jupiter transiting the 5th house of higher education ofthe USA SAMVA chart, other news involving universities are in thespotlight (although not as tragic as Virginia Tech). They include theRutgers University women's basketball team and their handling of theDon Imus radio flap and dropped charges of rape against DukeUniversity students who are now threatening to sue. Also, asschool-aged children are represented by the 5th house we are seeingteachers striking for higher pay in a California school district and aChicago principal asked to resign because of a sex scandel. These areinteresting times made more clear by examining the transits to the USASAMVA chart. > > Warm regards,> Shayn> > > > Cosmologer > SAMVA > Monday, April 16, 2007 11:23:21 AM> Re: A tragic event in the USA> > Dear list members, > > The event is much more serious than earlier reported. It seems 25people have been killed and around 20 wounded. It appears that this isthe single worst campus shooting in US history. In 1966, a massacre atthe University of Texas in Austen resulted in 15 killed and 30 wounded(see below).> > Attached are two gif file showing the transits in the SAMVA USAchart for both events. A "signature" of Jupiter and Saturn afflictionsin both events is crystal clear. In 1966, Jupiter in H12 was also inmutual affliction with transit Ketu in H4.> > This event is really tragic. May God bless the departed souls withpeace and give comfort to the loved ones.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > UPDATED: 12:58 p.m. EDT, April 16, 2007> Make CNN Your Home Page> monumental tragedy> BREAKING NEWS> Police: At least 22 killed> > At least 22 people were killed in two incidents when a lone gunmanopened fire on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg on Monday,police said. Police said they believed the shooter also was dead. TechPresident Charles Steger called the shootings "a tragedy of monumentalproportions. "> > http://www.cnn. com/> > Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) is known forascending The University of Texas at Austin's 27-story tower on August1, 1966, and shooting passersby in the city and on the campus below,after having killed his mother and his wife the night before. In allWhitman killed 15 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot deadby Austin police. (Some accounts allege 16 or 17 victims, citing alater suicide stemming from the attacks, and a pregnant woman whosubsequently miscarried.) At autopsy, Whitman was found to havesuffered from a brain tumor affecting the limbic system.> > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Charles_Whitman> > cosmologer wrote: > Dear list members,> > As part of an ongoing effort to document events in the USA with regard> to the predictions made on the basis of the SAMVA USA chart, attached> is a news story about a tragic event that took place in the> USA today. Such an act of violence is in line with the predictions> made on the basis of the present transit dynamics in the chart.> > Best wishes,> > Thor> > > U.S. News> One reported dead, several injured in Virginia Tech shootings> POSTED: 11:36 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007> Story Highlights> • NEW: University reports two shootings; AP reports at least 7-8 total> casualties> • University reporting that a suspected shooter is in custody> • AP: 1 dead, 1 wounded in first reported shooting on Virginia Techcampus> • Student describes situation as "mayhem"; says 2 students jumped from> window> > (CNN) -- One person was killed and several were wounded in two> shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on> Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported.> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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