Guest guest Posted April 17, 2007 Report Share Posted April 17, 2007 Dear List, Below are 7 more significant events in China: China 21/09/1949, Peking, 13:00 Sc 27:51 ***************************************************** (Cases 5-9: Case 5: Flood 6-Aug-1998 238,973,000 affected Ra/Me; Ma-Ve conj on H8 MEP; Ma-na Me, final disp of LO4 in rashi; Me comb, infancy; Sa deb H6, closely asp by Ra; Su, disp of LO4 in Cn with weak disp by age in Cp. Case 6: Flood 18-May-1991 210,232,227 affected Ra/Ju. Ju conj deb na Ma in Cn; Ma-Mo affliction in Cn; Ke in H8 on the MEP with Ve in 8H; LO4, Sa is opp na LO6, Ma. Case 7: Flood 14-Jul-1989 100,010,000 affected Ra/Ra; deb Ma-Ve conj in Cn; natal disp of LO4, Su in H8, conj its natal disp, tr Me - combust. LO4, Sa in weak H2 - Ju is in infancy in H8 under the exact asp of Ra. Case 8: Wind storm 20-Apr-1989 30,007,500 affected Ra/Ra; Ve in H6 opp na Ve, and afflicted by Ke; LO6 in H8, in infancy; Me & Su in H6; LO6 close to MEP7 where Ju transits - Sa transits Ju's MTH. Case 9: Earthquake 27-Jul-1976 242,000 affected Mo/Sa; Ma conj na Sa; Sa, Mo and Su conj na Ma; Ve close to Me, final disp of LO4. Ke from H6 asp na Mo and Sa, and tr Ma; Ra afflicts na Ve in H12; S, Mo, Me, Ve badly combust. Case 10: 'Thousands riot' in China protest March 9, 2007 Several people were injured as up to 20,000 people clashed with 1,000 police in Hunan province on Friday, a local official told Reuters news agency. The Boxun Chinese news website said the clash was sparked by rising public transport costs. A witness told the BBC sporadic incidents continued on Monday. Transportation is ruled by Me and 3H. Ve from H5 afflicts na Me and 5/11H MEPs; Ma in 3H afflicts natal Mars in Cn, natal dispositor and LO4. Case 11: March 10, 2007 Earthquake Same analysis as above except that the afflictions are heavier. ***************************************************** If there is anything important that I have missed, please advise. Please forward your significant events related to this country for review. The next few days will be interesting to follow. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - " Vyas Munidas " <muni> <SAMVA > Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:17 PM Re: Re: China Sc Case study 3 Dear List, Here is another eqrthquake study: Case Study 4, China 21/09/1949, Peking, 13:00 Sc 27:51 ************************************************************* January 5, 1970 the " Tonghai Earthquake " struck Yunnan Province. It measured 7.7 on the Richter scale and killed 15,621 people (Gov't released figure). Su/Ke period Ke is ex conj natal Sa in Leo. The Sun is located in H2 under the close influence of MMP combust Venus. LO2, Ju is badly placed in H12. LO4 is debilitated and located in H6. LO6 is ex conj Ra in H4. Also the Sun and Ve are deb in D9. ************************************************************* Best regards, Vyas Munidas - " Vyas Munidas " <muni> <SAMVA > Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:41 PM Re: Re: China Sc Case study 3 Dear List, Here is another significant event - a flooding along the Yangtze River. Case Study 3, China 21/09/1949, Peking, 13:00 Sc 27:51 ************************************************************* Aug. 5, 1975 - At least 85,000 were killed along the Yangtze River in China when more than 60 dams failed following a series of storms, causing widespread flooding and famine. This disaster was kept secret by the Chinese government for 20 years. Again we find LO4 weak. It is placed in H9, in utter infancy; it's dispositor is badly placed in H8. MMP Venus exactly afflicts natal Saturn and the Moon. Venus' dispositor, the Sun is in weak H9. Mercury, the natal dispositor of the Sun, which in turn is the natal dispositor of Sa and Mo, is also placed in weak H9, combust and exactly afflicted by natal Rahu. Mars, LO6 is placed at 0 degrees under the close influence of Ketu, making it unable to protect its significations. ************************************************************* Best regards, Vyas Munidas - " Vyas Munidas " <muni> <SAMVA > Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:18 AM Re: Re: China Sc Case study 2 Dear List, Here is another significant earthquake event with the astrological reasons: Case Stude 2, China 21/09/1949, Peking, 13:00 Sc 27:51 ************************************************************* On the 3rd of February, 1996, a severe earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 in the Richter scale shocked Lijiang and surrounding areas of the Yunnan Province in China (Figure 1). It affected more than one million people in nine counties of four administration districts (Lijiang, Dali, Diqing and Nujiang). 309 people were killed and 17,057 people were wounded. More than one million civil houses were damaged and many public infrastructures and facilities were broken. The economical loss of the earthquake amounts to 2,583 billion RMB or ca. 320 million US dollars (Yunnan Seismological Bureau and Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Study Area, 1998). Ra/Sa period. LO4, Sa ex conj MMP Ve; both in old age in 4H. 10H Leo where na Sa and Mo are conj is afflicted by LO6, Ma. The axis afflicts all odd houses and their natal positions. Rahu is conj natal Ke and Me in 11H; Ke is conj natal Ra. Mars is exactly afflicted by Ra in 3H making its aspect to the 10H even more malefic. The Sun, natal dispositor of the LO4 is placed in the afflicted 3H. ************************************************************* Best regards, Vyas Munidas - " Cosmologer " <cosmologer <samva > Monday, April 09, 2007 2:58 PM Re: China Sc Case study 1 Dear Vyas, I attach a gif file of the chart and the transits. This looks like a perfect match. That said, Saturn and the nodes were moving at normal speed. However, the exactness of the contacts involving L4 and malefics is impressive. Best wishes, Thor ************** Dear List, Presented below is the first case study for the China Sc chart. Because my time is limited, there is no chart attached. Any member who can post the apt image, is most welcome. Additionally I assume that list members have followed the previous discussion regarding what causes these natural disasters. If not, do your homework and become familiar with it! Feel free to bring out more points and expand on the ones presented. Case Stude 1, China 21/09/1949, Peking, 13:00 Sc 27:51 ************************************************************* BBC: July 28, 1976 - The world's most devastating quake of the 20th century (magnitude 7.8) hit the sleeping city of Tangshan, in northeast China. The official death toll was 242,000. But some unofficial estimates put the actual number of dead as high as 655,000. Mo/Sa period. Natally, LO9/LO4 are closely conj in H10. LO10, Su is in H11 in slight infancy; LO11 is in old age and closely conj Ke. TT: LO6 in H10 afflicts natal **LO4 and LO9. LO10, Su and LO4 Sa, are afflicted by natal Mars; Ke from H6 afflicts Lords of **4 and 9. Natal Ra afflicts MMP LO12 **Ve, LO11 Me, and *LO9 Mo. Ra in H12 is exactly conj na Ve. MMP Ve afflicts Me and **Mo, LO9. ************************************************************* Best regards, Vyas Munidas Finding fabulous fares is fun. Let FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel bargains. 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