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Iceland - fire destroys landmarks

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Dear friends, The present set of aspects has not left Iceland alone. A fire is ravaging three famous buildings in downtown Reykjavik that are among the cities oldest. These houses were built in 1801-1802 and have been the location of numerous events in the countries history. This event represents a loss for the country. As has been noted there are two significant aspects presently operating. Jupiter aspects Saturn and Mars aspects Venus. Should either Jupiter or Mars be malefic, this could result in difficulty. In the 9° 32' Virgo rising chart, Mars becomes MMP. Sa/Sa period is running. Transit L6 Saturn is conjunct natal L8 Mars in H11. Transit L11 Moon is located in H8. Natal L8 Mars also closely aspects transit Rahu. Transit L8 Mars is in H8, where it aspects transit L2 Venus and natal L1 Mercury in H9. Transit L12 Sun is also in H8. The chart is attached. Best wishes, Thor

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Dear friends,


On February 1, we considered here on SAMVA what might happen in

Iceland this Spring, given the difficult transits. I attach the

discussion and comments by .


The aspect of concern was transit Rahu becoming stationary in Aquarius

H6 under the exact aspect of natal L8 Mars in Cancer H11. The fire

broke out when transit L6 had gone stationary on top of natal Mars.

Clearly, the combination of the above planets, with Mars being an

indicator of heat and L6 being an indicator of accidents, includes the

possibility of fire. The fire has been traced to an accidental

electricity short in a ceiling light. Interestingly, the downtown

Reykjavík was filled with thick bellowing smoke all afternoon as the

blaze continued almost out of control. One of Rahu´s indications is smoke.


Best wishes,




-- In SAMVA , <siha wrote:



> Hello my dear Thor,


> The element of accidents and controvercial issues can also be added

to the possibilities considered by you.


> Best wishes,




> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Thursday, February 01, 2007 6:37 PM

> Transits in Iceland in the Spring - Professor




> My dear ,


> The upcoming transits in the Iceland Independence chart give

reason to pause of consider what the impact will be. Sa/Sa/Ma period

is running since 26 December 2007 and Sa/Sa/Ra period will be running

from 28 February 2007.


> The aspect of interest is when transit stationary Rahu at 22° 12'

Aquarius H6 falls under the exact gaze of L8 Mars at 22° 07' for most

of February and March 2007.


> This aspect will be supplemented by other but more short lived

transit contacts, such as the movement of L1 Mercury (and more briefly

L2 Venus) into H6. The aspect of transit L8 Mars to natal Mars in

early February and again in mid March. Sun will also come into

conjunction with the stationary Rahu in Aquarius H6 and then fall

under the aspect of natal Rahu while at 5° Pisces. Transit Ketu in H12

will also aspect natal L11 Moon in H8 by 2° orb. Transit L6 Saturn,

and sub-period lord, is now conjunct natal L4 Jupiter in H11. In some

weeks time, it will begin to be conjunct with also natal L8 Mars.

Fortunately, it will receive an aspect from transit L4 Jupiter in H3,

so some protection would be there.


> Given these complex aspects, the question comes up how to most

accurately interpret and predict based on these transit combinations.


> One prediction is for an epidemic or health problem to strike in

coming days or weeks as L8 rules epidemics and Rahu will be in H6 of

health. Given also the affliction of Moon in H8 from Ketu in H12, the

health problem could have to do with food poisoning.


> Another prediction is for some problem with financial

institutions, as H6 has to do with financial stability. As Rahu is

also related to deception and crisis, and parliamentary elections are

set for May 12 2007, there could also erupt some political scandal

among the parties in the political opposition due to information

uncovered by their opponents.


> I would be interested in your assessment of the above and if you

think these possibilities are consistent with the transits and their

impact in the chart.


> Best wishes,


> Thor



SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> The present set of aspects has not left Iceland alone. A fire is

ravaging three famous buildings in downtown Reykjavik that are among

the cities oldest. These houses were built in 1801-1802 and have been

the location of numerous events in the countries history. This event

represents a loss for the country.


> As has been noted there are two significant aspects presently

operating. Jupiter aspects Saturn and Mars aspects Venus. Should

either Jupiter or Mars be malefic, this could result in difficulty.


> In the 9° 32' Virgo rising chart, Mars becomes MMP. Sa/Sa period

is running. Transit L6 Saturn is conjunct natal L8 Mars in H11.

Transit L11 Moon is located in H8. Natal L8 Mars also closely aspects

transit Rahu. Transit L8 Mars is in H8, where it aspects transit L2

Venus and natal L1 Mercury in H9. Transit L12 Sun is also in H8. The

chart is attached.


> Best wishes,


> Thor




> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.


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Guest guest

Dear friends,


Another freak incident occurred in Reykjavik yesterday.


First, let me add that the conjunction of transit L6 Saturn and natal

L8 Mars in H11, with Mars aspecting transit Rahu in H6 and transit

Mars aspecting transit L2 Venus in H9 explains the fire of the old

houses in Iceland yesterday. In this regard, we can also emphasise

that Saturn rules old things.


A second and seperate incident occurred in the same location in

downtown Reykjavik yesterday, when a hot water main broke and steaming

hot water poured down the main shopping street that goes down a hill.

As you know, Iceland heats its houses with geothermal energy, or hot

water piped up from the deep in the ground. Seven pedestrians had to

be treated for burn wounds to their feet. This may be ascribed also to

the energy of Mars, which rules heat, and its aspect to L6 and Rahu,

which suggest accidents.


So, the events in Reykjavik yesterday were highly unusual but

consistent with the dramatic transit contacts.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " cosmologer " <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> On February 1, we considered here on SAMVA what might happen in

> Iceland this Spring, given the difficult transits. I attach the

> discussion and comments by .


> The aspect of concern was transit Rahu becoming stationary in Aquarius

> H6 under the exact aspect of natal L8 Mars in Cancer H11. The fire

> broke out when transit L6 had gone stationary on top of natal Mars.

> Clearly, the combination of the above planets, with Mars being an

> indicator of heat and L6 being an indicator of accidents, includes the

> possibility of fire. The fire has been traced to an accidental

> electricity short in a ceiling light. Interestingly, the downtown

> Reykjavík was filled with thick bellowing smoke all afternoon as the

> blaze continued almost out of control. One of Rahu´s indications is



> Best wishes,


> Thor


> -- In SAMVA , <siha@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hello my dear Thor,

> >

> > The element of accidents and controvercial issues can also be added

> to the possibilities considered by you.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > Cosmologer

> > samva

> > Thursday, February 01, 2007 6:37 PM

> > Transits in Iceland in the Spring - Professor

> Choudhry

> >

> >

> > My dear ,

> >

> > The upcoming transits in the Iceland Independence chart give

> reason to pause of consider what the impact will be. Sa/Sa/Ma period

> is running since 26 December 2007 and Sa/Sa/Ra period will be running

> from 28 February 2007.

> >

> > The aspect of interest is when transit stationary Rahu at 22° 12'

> Aquarius H6 falls under the exact gaze of L8 Mars at 22° 07' for most

> of February and March 2007.

> >

> > This aspect will be supplemented by other but more short lived

> transit contacts, such as the movement of L1 Mercury (and more briefly

> L2 Venus) into H6. The aspect of transit L8 Mars to natal Mars in

> early February and again in mid March. Sun will also come into

> conjunction with the stationary Rahu in Aquarius H6 and then fall

> under the aspect of natal Rahu while at 5° Pisces. Transit Ketu in H12

> will also aspect natal L11 Moon in H8 by 2° orb. Transit L6 Saturn,

> and sub-period lord, is now conjunct natal L4 Jupiter in H11. In some

> weeks time, it will begin to be conjunct with also natal L8 Mars.

> Fortunately, it will receive an aspect from transit L4 Jupiter in H3,

> so some protection would be there.

> >

> > Given these complex aspects, the question comes up how to most

> accurately interpret and predict based on these transit combinations.

> >

> > One prediction is for an epidemic or health problem to strike in

> coming days or weeks as L8 rules epidemics and Rahu will be in H6 of

> health. Given also the affliction of Moon in H8 from Ketu in H12, the

> health problem could have to do with food poisoning.

> >

> > Another prediction is for some problem with financial

> institutions, as H6 has to do with financial stability. As Rahu is

> also related to deception and crisis, and parliamentary elections are

> set for May 12 2007, there could also erupt some political scandal

> among the parties in the political opposition due to information

> uncovered by their opponents.

> >

> > I would be interested in your assessment of the above and if you

> think these possibilities are consistent with the transits and their

> impact in the chart.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> >

> SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > The present set of aspects has not left Iceland alone. A fire is

> ravaging three famous buildings in downtown Reykjavik that are among

> the cities oldest. These houses were built in 1801-1802 and have been

> the location of numerous events in the countries history. This event

> represents a loss for the country.

> >

> > As has been noted there are two significant aspects presently

> operating. Jupiter aspects Saturn and Mars aspects Venus. Should

> either Jupiter or Mars be malefic, this could result in difficulty.

> >

> > In the 9° 32' Virgo rising chart, Mars becomes MMP. Sa/Sa period

> is running. Transit L6 Saturn is conjunct natal L8 Mars in H11.

> Transit L11 Moon is located in H8. Natal L8 Mars also closely aspects

> transit Rahu. Transit L8 Mars is in H8, where it aspects transit L2

> Venus and natal L1 Mercury in H9. Transit L12 Sun is also in H8. The

> chart is attached.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Thor

> >

> >

> >

> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > Check outnew cars at Autos.

> >


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