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: French presidential election

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Hello Prem,Thank you for the additional information and prediction for the French Presidential elections. The additional information is interesting for the fact that the horoscopes cast rely on different times than in the study by Jo and Remi. Nicholas Sarkozy in the study by Jo and Remi has 3° Virgo rising (10:00 PM), while in this non-Sa study he has 25° Sagittarius rising (7:35 AM).Segleone Royale in the former study has 16° Capricorn rising (4:10 PM), while in the non-SA study she has 28° Scorpio rising (12:54 PM).I believe, Jo has explained they have not adjusted the times given for the candidates, whereas the other study uses different times stating that the birth times are not known. Hence, they appear to have made their own rectification work.Clearly, the outcome is likely to be different based on the ascendantsused, as well as the system of astrology used. So, there is not muchbasis for comparison. That said, the outcome

of the elections will be a guidepost for further work on the chart of the new President of France. Personally, I find a Sagittarius ascendant possible for Sarkozy. The current Ve/Sa period would be moderately helpful. His natal Sun and Mars are strong and well placed, consistent with his personal energy level and political ascendancy. The FMs are not natally afflicting in the chart nor in transit at the present time. I would think he has a good chance of being elected based on the Sagittarius rising chart.The Capricorn rising chart for Royale strikes me as being more likely, given her classic good looks. The present Ve/Mo period is not so helpful, given the weakness of both planets. The chart itself, although with some good placements but there are several afflictions present in the natal chart which is not good. As a result, I do not find this chart convincing of her victory, notably due to the affliction of natal L6 Sun by natal Rahu and the

affliction of L12 Jupiter in H6 of natal L2 Saturn in H10, with also L10 Venus and L4 Mars badly placed in H8 of obstacles and endings. These afflictions suggest crisis in career or some form of deception or problem involving father/husband, especially as Jupiter is also weak and badly placed. There would likely also be strong forces working against her. That said Mercury is strong in Virgo on H9 MEP albeit mildly combust. She has become well known for her books and views. The placement of L2 Saturn in H10, with L7 Moon in H2 and Sun in H9, and L4 Mars in H8 MEP aspecting H2, H11 and H3, has earlier lifted her to ministerial level.Best wishes,Thorski woka <skiwoka wrote: You can read the detailed analysis of another prediction on the elections here: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dymock/instal39.html Ségolène Royal will become France’s first female President. Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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Hello dear Thor,


The birth times we used for casting the charts of Ségolène Royal (04:10 PM)

and Nicolas Sarkozy (10:00 PM) are the times mentionned on their respective

official birth certificates. In France such times are public and everybody can

consult about them.

In the 50's, birth times indicated on birth certificates were given with a

precision of about +/- 20 minutes, depending upon the circumstances of the birth

and upon a medical or non-medical presence at that time.


Best wishes,






> Message du 06/05/07 13:01

> De : " Cosmologer " <cosmologer


> Copie à :

> Objet : Re: : Re: Re: French presidential election


> Hello Prem,


> Thank you for the additional information and prediction for the French

Presidential elections. The additional information is interesting for the fact

that the horoscopes cast rely on different times than in the study by Jo and



> Nicholas Sarkozy in the study by Jo and Remi has 3° Virgo rising (10:00 PM),

while in this non-Sa study he has 25° Sagittarius rising (7:35 AM).

> Segleone Royale in the former study has 16° Capricorn rising (4:10 PM), while

in the non-SA study she has 28° Scorpio rising (12:54 PM).


> I believe, Jo has explained they have not adjusted the times given for the

candidates, whereas the other study uses different times stating that the birth

times are not known. Hence, they appear to have made their own rectification



> Clearly, the outcome is likely to be different based on the ascendants

> used, as well as the system of astrology used. So, there is not much

> basis for comparison. That said, the outcome of the elections will be a

guidepost for further work on the chart of the new President of France.


> Personally, I find a Sagittarius ascendant possible for Sarkozy. The current

Ve/Sa period would be moderately helpful. His natal Sun and Mars are strong and

well placed, consistent with his personal energy level and political ascendancy.

The FMs are not natally afflicting in the chart nor in transit at the present

time. I would think he has a good chance of being elected based on the

Sagittarius rising chart.


> The Capricorn rising chart for Royale strikes me as being more likely, given

her classic good looks. The present Ve/Mo period is not so helpful, given the

weakness of both planets. The chart itself, although with some good placements

but there are several afflictions present in the natal chart which is not good.

As a result, I do not find this chart convincing of her victory, notably due to

the affliction of natal L6 Sun by natal Rahu and the affliction of L12 Jupiter

in H6 of natal L2 Saturn in H10, with also L10 Venus and L4 Mars badly placed in

H8 of obstacles and endings. These afflictions suggest crisis in career or some

form of deception or problem involving father/husband, especially as Jupiter is

also weak and badly placed. There would likely also be strong forces working

against her. That said Mercury is strong in Virgo on H9 MEP albeit mildly

combust. She has become well known for her books and views. The placement of L2

Saturn in H10, with L7 Moon in H2 and Sun

> in H9, and L4 Mars in H8 MEP aspecting H2, H11 and H3, has earlier lifted her

to ministerial level.


> Best wishes,


> Thor



> ski woka <skiwoka wrote: You can read the detailed analysis of

another prediction on the elections here:

> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dymock/instal39.html

> Ségolène Royal will become France’s first female President.




> Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.




> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.>

> [ Nicholas Sarkozy-3 Virgo.gif (49.1 Ko) ]

> [ Nicholas Sarkozy-25 Sagittarius.gif (49.2 Ko) ]

> [ Ségolène Royal-16 Capricorn.gif (49.1 Ko) ]

> [ Ségolène Royal-28 Scorpio.gif (49.3 Ko) ]

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