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yet another date for US ! LOL the following was posted in Midpoints101 egroup and is circulated here for its mundane facts/data NOT for the astro techniques nor the political opinions of the author. enjoy kaputdraconis <kaputdraconis wrote: I've meant to say READING instead of HEARING. Sorry for the mistake.Nilsamidpoints101 , "kaputdraconis" wrote:>> Hi all,> > While searching for something else on the net I've came across this> very rare gem. It is a complete issue of the PENNSYLVANIA EVENING> POST dated JULY 09, 1776. In page 4 we can read a short report of the> first public reading of the Declaration of Independence, voted and>

decided five days before:> > Title: PHILADELPHIA, JULY 9> > "Yesterday, at twelve o'clock, INDEPENDANCY was declared at the State-> House in this city, in the presence of many thousand spectators, who> testified their approbation of it by repeated acclamations of joy".> > SEE LINK:> http://www.rarenewspapers.com/viewissue.aspx?ID=214349 > > This is certainly the first time we hear that the Declaration of> Independence was ever read in public, during those tumultuous days.> The importance of such a short and inconspicuous note, almost hidden> in page 4 of the Pennsylvania Evening Post is made clear when we> notice that the chart for that event (JULY 8, 1776, 12:00PM/LMT,> PHILADELPHIA, PA) has> > 13*44 LIB RISING, with SA smacked on the asc, at 14*56 LIB.> MC =

15*51'CAN> > For instance, when we progress this chart to 9/11, we find JUPITER> EXACTLY at the MC (orb is virtually zero), PRO-VENUS, ruler of the> chart at 14*11 ARI, opposing the radical ASC+SA; the PRO-ASC at 23*55> GEM, on top of radical MARS (orb is 2 mins of arc, applying), and the> PRO-SUN at 00*38'PIS, just to mention the most important> configurations. (If we go back to JAN 20, when Bush was inaugurated> as president, even though he never won the popular vote in what was> unquestionably a very Neptunian conspiracy, we find the PRO-SUN> EXACTLY AT 00*00'PISCIS, indicating the state of chaos the country> was about to enter).> > Brazilian astrologer Barbara Abramo, specialized in Ancient> Astrology, with extensive published work in the field of Mundane, is> of the opinion that in order to correctly analyse the unfolding of a> country's history, we

must take in to consideration not only the main> chart of the country, but also the secondary charts casted for the> most important events taking place in the life of such an entity. The> chart for the first time the Declaration of Independence was read in> public would certainly be one of these charts, same with the chart> for the begining of the Independence War, Civil War etc.> > The main chart is triggered at every significant event, the same with> the secondary charts. Charts casted for the moment a country starts> its first war against another country will be triggered every time> such country finds itself involved in war with foreing countries, the> same with a chart casted for the first time a life-changing> pronouncement is made public. 9/11 was such an event, for we can> clearly see the angles of the time of the attack mimmicking the> angles of the

public reading of the Declaration: 9/11 was a wake up> call to Americans, a reminder of the beginning of a dreadful new era,> an era that would bring about, among many fundamental changes, the> fact of the loss of some of our most important fundamental rights,> like the right to privacy, the right to an attorney in case we are> arrested etc. (I'm referring here to the ominous Patriotic Act).> > We, as a country, didn't yet realize the most serious implications of> that horrifying day, for the so called New World Era is still> unfolding as I write these lines. (Does anybody notice that we are> now, publicly discussing, if we have the right to torture prisoners> that are already isolated, stripped of the right to an attorney,> people that can be held ad infinitum? Could we imagine, 10 years ago,> that we would even consider discussing such an outrage? Sorry, I> guess

I should say "enhanced interrogation" instead of torture, for> this is now the official name, used by our government, for torture).> > I have seen Abramo's thesis working time and again, to the point we> even have, among the dozen charts proposed as national charts for our> country, one with Libra Rising, casted for July 4 at mid day, if my> memory doesn't trick me. Though this Libra Rising chart is never the> main national chart, the chart for the foundation of the country,> though it does certainly represent an important point in the history> of America, for it was casted for the first time that the fact of the> Independence was made public: the baby was born four days before and> now we hear the birth news, the fact of this new life brought in to> existence crossed the boundaries of the 12th house of what is not> known, to the 1st house, of what is now evident and

acknowledged by> all.> > These words are not, by any means, intended to exhaust the analysis> and discussion of this newly discovered chart. I briefly touched some> of the main configurations of this chart, comparing it to the 9-11> chart, aiming to make a point about its importance. I certainly hope> other mundane astrologers find the time to delve in to it, bringing> to the surface the several historical events that certainly resonated> with the Horoskopos of The First Public Reading of The Declaration of> Independence.> > Thanks for the attention,> > Nilsa> www.nilsagorey.com>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To SUBSCRIBE send a blank Email to: midpoints101- Contact the moderator, Steve Lee:midpoints101-owner To UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email

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