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Hi Del, Nothing fresh in your post, with all due respect, of course. This is very well canvassed news, indeed. Much ado about nothing, natally considered! That hither-n-yond group post-er under the name KAPUTDRACONIS [=DRAGONHEAD] [="RAHU"] has no grounds to think extraordinary what is only commonplace knowledge widely established. Even Nicholas Campion features the July 8, 1776 proclamation event in his book on world horoscopes. That historic event was, by design, pure political theatre to stir the emotions of the public in downtown Philadelphia. Retrospectively, as a natal event, it falls flat; stillborn, so to speak.. Here below is the newspaper article that matters for the extraordinary events of that week in American history: Very same newspaper, EXACTLY one week earlier, on the evening of July 2, reported that

the Continental Congress had "declared independence." For benefit of those who may not know, Jefferson's draft manifesto, already written and presented to Congress on June 28, was approved-in-principle by this July 2 declaration. Authentic history tells us so. Yes, yes, some of the fainted-hearted delegates to Congress tinkered with the text for the next two days and amended it before handing it over to the official printer. That's all. Still, the gotterdammerung was on the 2nd, not the 4th. Critically considered [ie, by study of the Journals of the Continental Congress, not silly websites and their potted pseudo-histories], nothing was enacted on July 4; nothing was "signed" on the 4th. Evidently, Congress neglected to point out to the printer in the hand-over of the finished draft that this broadside manifesto [misleadingly ever since referred to as the Declaration of Independence] was to be dated as enacted,

on July 2. Naturally, without such specific instruction, the printer dated the copies for the day he received it, on July 4. Ever since, this comic moment of error has bedevilled mundane astrologers in America and throughout the world. [Read the learned colonial historian David Freeman Hawke on the matter of this comic error.] All the alleged proofs of the efficacy of any one among numerous preferred time moments on July 4th, insisted upon by prominent and not-so-prominent astrologers, to the contrary notwithstanding, I submit the following:. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Sibly chart @ 5:10 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 5:18 p.m. I.E., same Ascendant point. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Robson chart @ 4:49:49 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ Jorge Angelino's rectified time: 4:48:05 pm

If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Penfield chart @ 2:21 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 2:29 pm. To sum up: What I like most about both the Angelino chart for July 2, 1776 and the Cosmologer chart for February 2, 1781 is that the proponents of either take seriously the objective scientific necessity of authentic history AND proper mundane methodology. So let these investigations proceed, by all means. P.S. Source: July 2, 1776, The PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST [Published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings]. The news of independence declared, contained in this issue, hit the Philly streets that very evening of July 2. And when the pony express dispatch rider reached New York City on the following Saturday, July 6, carrying this same late edition news of July 2 from Philly, the Continental troops responded to the news and repaired to the taverns in the evening and got very merry. They celebrated "July 2 Independence". And all this, nothwithstanding in full view of 130 ships of two Royal Navy armadas anchored in the New York harbor, and "!! 40,000 !!" British troops encamped on Staten Island awaiting General Howe's order to attack the positions of General Washington's Continentals. The Continentals gave the Brits a helluva ride for the next six years before the Brits finally fell off the saddle. Cheers, John del iver <deliver1900 wrote: yet another date for US ! LOL the following was posted in Midpoints101 egroup and is circulated here for its mundane facts/data NOT for the astro techniques nor the political opinions of the author. enjoy kaputdraconis <kaputdraconis > wrote: I've meant to say READING instead of HEARING. Sorry for the mistake.Nilsamidpoints101 , "kaputdraconis" wrote:>> Hi all,> > While searching for something else on the net I've came across this> very rare gem. It is a complete issue of the PENNSYLVANIA EVENING> POST dated JULY 09, 1776. In page 4 we can read a short report of the> first public reading of the Declaration of

Independence, voted and> decided five days before:> > Title: PHILADELPHIA, JULY 9> > "Yesterday, at twelve o'clock, INDEPENDANCY was declared at the State-> House in this city, in the presence of many thousand spectators, who> testified their approbation of it by repeated acclamations of joy".> > SEE LINK:> http://www.rarenewspapers.com/viewissue.aspx?ID=214349 > > This is certainly the first time we hear that the Declaration of> Independence was ever read in public, during those tumultuous days.> The importance of such a short and inconspicuous note, almost hidden> in page 4 of the Pennsylvania Evening Post is made clear when we> notice that the chart for that event (JULY 8, 1776, 12:00PM/LMT,> PHILADELPHIA, PA) has> > 13*44 LIB RISING, with SA

smacked on the asc, at 14*56 LIB.> MC = 15*51'CAN> > For instance, when we progress this chart to 9/11, we find JUPITER> EXACTLY at the MC (orb is virtually zero), PRO-VENUS, ruler of the> chart at 14*11 ARI, opposing the radical ASC+SA; the PRO-ASC at 23*55> GEM, on top of radical MARS (orb is 2 mins of arc, applying), and the> PRO-SUN at 00*38'PIS, just to mention the most important> configurations. (If we go back to JAN 20, when Bush was inaugurated> as president, even though he never won the popular vote in what was> unquestionably a very Neptunian conspiracy, we find the PRO-SUN> EXACTLY AT 00*00'PISCIS, indicating the state of chaos the country> was about to enter).> > Brazilian astrologer Barbara Abramo, specialized in Ancient> Astrology, with extensive published work in the field of Mundane, is> of the opinion that in order to correctly analyse

the unfolding of a> country's history, we must take in to consideration not only the main> chart of the country, but also the secondary charts casted for the> most important events taking place in the life of such an entity. The> chart for the first time the Declaration of Independence was read in> public would certainly be one of these charts, same with the chart> for the begining of the Independence War, Civil War etc.> > The main chart is triggered at every significant event, the same with> the secondary charts. Charts casted for the moment a country starts> its first war against another country will be triggered every time> such country finds itself involved in war with foreing countries, the> same with a chart casted for the first time a life-changing> pronouncement is made public. 9/11 was such an event, for we can> clearly see the angles of the time of

the attack mimmicking the> angles of the public reading of the Declaration: 9/11 was a wake up> call to Americans, a reminder of the beginning of a dreadful new era,> an era that would bring about, among many fundamental changes, the> fact of the loss of some of our most important fundamental rights,> like the right to privacy, the right to an attorney in case we are> arrested etc. (I'm referring here to the ominous Patriotic Act).> > We, as a country, didn't yet realize the most serious implications of> that horrifying day, for the so called New World Era is still> unfolding as I write these lines. (Does anybody notice that we are> now, publicly discussing, if we have the right to torture prisoners> that are already isolated, stripped of the right to an attorney,> people that can be held ad infinitum? Could we imagine, 10 years ago,> that we would even consider

discussing such an outrage? Sorry, I> guess I should say "enhanced interrogation" instead of torture, for> this is now the official name, used by our government, for torture).> > I have seen Abramo's thesis working time and again, to the point we> even have, among the dozen charts proposed as national charts for our> country, one with Libra Rising, casted for July 4 at mid day, if my> memory doesn't trick me. Though this Libra Rising chart is never the> main national chart, the chart for the foundation of the country,> though it does certainly represent an important point in the history> of America, for it was casted for the first time that the fact of the> Independence was made public: the baby was born four days before and> now we hear the birth news, the fact of this new life brought in to> existence crossed the boundaries of the 12th house of what is not> known, to

the 1st house, of what is now evident and acknowledged by> all.> > These words are not, by any means, intended to exhaust the analysis> and discussion of this newly discovered chart. I briefly touched some> of the main configurations of this chart, comparing it to the 9-11> chart, aiming to make a point about its importance. I certainly hope> other mundane astrologers find the time to delve in to it, bringing> to the surface the several historical events that certainly resonated> with the Horoskopos of The First Public Reading of The Declaration of> Independence.> > Thanks for the attention,> > Nilsa> www.nilsagorey.com>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To SUBSCRIBE send a blank Email to: midpoints101- Contact the moderator, Steve

Lee:midpoints101-owner To UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to:midpoints101- or click on the options line at top of this email.ALL POSTS are subject to the List Policy:http://junojuno2.tripod.com/policy.htmlCOMPLAINTS must follow this Procedure:http://junojuno2.tripod.com/complaints.htmlOUR 2 WEB SITES: http://junojuno2.tripod.com/ / (register first)TO FIND PREVIOUS POSTS, TOPICS, use the SEARCH facility on each of our two sites.Send Group Post to: midpoints101 For the BEST astrology software:Janus http://www.astrology-house.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Dear John & Del,


Thank you for bringing again my attention to the exact date of the US independence.


Wish you both a very nice weekend!



On 5/18/07, JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote:



Hi Del,


Nothing fresh in your post, with all due respect, of course. This is very well canvassed news, indeed. Much ado about nothing, natally considered!


That hither-n-yond group post-er under the name KAPUTDRACONIS [=DRAGONHEAD] [= " RAHU " ] has no grounds to think extraordinary what is only commonplace knowledge widely established. Even Nicholas Campion features the July 8, 1776 proclamation event in his book on world horoscopes. That historic event was, by design, pure political theatre to stir the emotions of the public in downtown Philadelphia. Retrospectively, as a natal event, it falls flat; stillborn, so to speak..



Here below is the newspaper article that matters for the extraordinary events of that week in American history:


Very same newspaper, EXACTLY one week earlier, on the evening of July 2, reported that the Continental Congress had " declared independence. " For benefit of those who may not know, Jefferson's draft manifesto, already written and presented to Congress on June 28, was approved-in-principle by this July 2 declaration. Authentic history tells us so.



Yes, yes, some of the fainted-hearted delegates to Congress tinkered with the text for the next two days and amended it before handing it over to the official printer. That's all. Still, the gotterdammerung was on the 2nd, not the 4th. Critically considered [ie, by study of the Journals of the Continental Congress, not silly websites and their potted pseudo-histories], nothing was enacted on July 4; nothing was " signed " on the 4th. Evidently, Congress neglected to point out to the printer in the hand-over of the finished draft that this broadside manifesto [misleadingly ever since referred to as the Declaration of Independence] was to be dated as enacted, on July 2. Naturally, without such specific instruction, the printer dated the copies for the day he received it, on July 4. Ever since, this comic moment of error has bedevilled mundane astrologers in America and throughout the world. [Read the learned colonial historian David Freeman Hawke on the matter of this comic error.]



All the alleged proofs of the efficacy of any one among numerous preferred time moments on July 4th, insisted upon by prominent and not-so-prominent astrologers, to the contrary notwithstanding, I submit the following:.



If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Sibly chart @ 5:10 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 5:18 p.m. I.E., same Ascendant point.


If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Robson chart @ 4:49:49 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ Jorge Angelino's rectified time: 4:48:05 pm


If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Penfield chart @ 2:21 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 2:29 pm.


To sum up: What I like most about both the Angelino chart for July 2, 1776 and the Cosmologer chart for February 2, 1781 is that the proponents of either take seriously the objective scientific necessity of authentic history AND proper mundane methodology.



So let these investigations proceed, by all means.




Source: July 2, 1776, The PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST [Published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings]

.. The news of independence declared, contained in this issue, hit the Philly streets that very evening of July 2. And when the pony express dispatch rider reached New York City on the following Saturday, July 6, carrying this same late edition news of July 2 from Philly, the Continental troops responded to the news and repaired to the taverns in the evening and got very merry. They celebrated " July 2 Independence " . And all this, nothwithstanding in full view of 130 ships of two Royal Navy armadas anchored in the New York harbor, and " !! 40,000 !! " British troops encamped on Staten Island awaiting General Howe's order to attack the positions of General Washington's Continentals.

The Continentals gave the Brits a helluva ride for the next six years before the Brits finally fell off the saddle.






del iver <deliver1900 wrote:




yet another date for US ! LOL


the following was posted in Midpoints101 egroup and is circulated here for its mundane facts/data NOT for the astro techniques nor the political opinions of the author.


kaputdraconis <kaputdraconis > wrote:


I've meant to say READING instead of HEARING. Sorry for the mistake.Nilsamidpoints101 , " kaputdraconis " wrote:

>> Hi all,> > While searching for something else on the net I've came across this> very rare gem. It is a complete issue of the PENNSYLVANIA EVENING> POST dated JULY 09, 1776. In page 4 we can read a short report of the> first public reading of the Declaration of Independence, voted and> decided five days before:> > Title: PHILADELPHIA, JULY 9> > " Yesterday, at twelve o'clock, INDEPENDANCY was declared at the State-> House in this city, in the presence of many thousand spectators, who> testified their approbation of it by repeated acclamations of joy " .> > SEE LINK:>


> > This is certainly the first time we hear that the Declaration of> Independence was ever read in public, during those tumultuous days.> The importance of such a short and inconspicuous note, almost hidden

> in page 4 of the Pennsylvania Evening Post is made clear when we> notice that the chart for that event (JULY 8, 1776, 12:00PM/LMT,> PHILADELPHIA, PA) has> > 13*44 LIB RISING, with SA smacked on the asc, at 14*56 LIB.

> MC = 15*51'CAN> > For instance, when we progress this chart to 9/11, we find JUPITER> EXACTLY at the MC (orb is virtually zero), PRO-VENUS, ruler of the> chart at 14*11 ARI, opposing the radical ASC+SA; the PRO-ASC at 23*55> GEM, on top of radical MARS (orb is 2 mins of arc, applying), and the> PRO-SUN at 00*38'PIS, just to mention the most important> configurations. (If we go back to JAN 20, when Bush was inaugurated

> as president, even though he never won the popular vote in what was> unquestionably a very Neptunian conspiracy, we find the PRO-SUN> EXACTLY AT 00*00'PISCIS, indicating the state of chaos the country

> was about to enter).> > Brazilian astrologer Barbara Abramo, specialized in Ancient> Astrology, with extensive published work in the field of Mundane, is> of the opinion that in order to correctly analyse the unfolding of a

> country's history, we must take in to consideration not only the main> chart of the country, but also the secondary charts casted for the> most important events taking place in the life of such an entity. The> chart for the first time the Declaration of Independence was read in> public would certainly be one of these charts, same with the chart> for the begining of the Independence War, Civil War etc.

> > The main chart is triggered at every significant event, the same with> the secondary charts. Charts casted for the moment a country starts> its first war against another country will be triggered every time

> such country finds itself involved in war with foreing countries, the> same with a chart casted for the first time a life-changing> pronouncement is made public. 9/11 was such an event, for we can

> clearly see the angles of the time of the attack mimmicking the> angles of the public reading of the Declaration: 9/11 was a wake up> call to Americans, a reminder of the beginning of a dreadful new era,> an era that would bring about, among many fundamental changes, the> fact of the loss of some of our most important fundamental rights,> like the right to privacy, the right to an attorney in case we are

> arrested etc. (I'm referring here to the ominous Patriotic Act).> > We, as a country, didn't yet realize the most serious implications of> that horrifying day, for the so called New World Era is still

> unfolding as I write these lines. (Does anybody notice that we are> now, publicly discussing, if we have the right to torture prisoners> that are already isolated, stripped of the right to an attorney,

> people that can be held ad infinitum? Could we imagine, 10 years ago,> that we would even consider discussing such an outrage? Sorry, I> guess I should say " enhanced interrogation " instead of torture, for

> this is now the official name, used by our government, for torture).> > I have seen Abramo's thesis working time and again, to the point we> even have, among the dozen charts proposed as national charts for our> country, one with Libra Rising, casted for July 4 at mid day, if my> memory doesn't trick me. Though this Libra Rising chart is never the> main national chart, the chart for the foundation of the country,

> though it does certainly represent an important point in the history> of America, for it was casted for the first time that the fact of the> Independence was made public: the baby was born four days before and

> now we hear the birth news, the fact of this new life brought in to> existence crossed the boundaries of the 12th house of what is not> known, to the 1st house, of what is now evident and acknowledged by

> all.> > These words are not, by any means, intended to exhaust the analysis> and discussion of this newly discovered chart. I briefly touched some> of the main configurations of this chart, comparing it to the 9-11

> chart, aiming to make a point about its importance. I certainly hope> other mundane astrologers find the time to delve in to it, bringing> to the surface the several historical events that certainly resonated> with the Horoskopos of The First Public Reading of The Declaration of> Independence.> > Thanks for the attention,> > Nilsa>

www.nilsagorey.com>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To SUBSCRIBE send a blank Email to: midpoints101-

Contact the moderator, Steve Lee:midpoints101-owner To UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to:

midpoints101- or click on the options line at top of this email.ALL POSTS are subject to the List Policy:

http://junojuno2.tripod.com/policy.htmlCOMPLAINTS must follow this Procedure:

http://junojuno2.tripod.com/complaints.htmlOUR 2 WEB SITES:


/ (register first)TO FIND PREVIOUS POSTS, TOPICS, use the SEARCH facility on each of our two sites.

Send Group Post to: midpoints101 For the BEST astrology software:Janus

http://www.astrology-house.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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thanx for clarifying that John your posts are always a breath of fresh air for us students of the divine science the depth of your knowledge and your willingness to indulge yourself in the search for truth never fails to amaze me our "blazingstar" thankyou once again ! JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote: Hi Del, Nothing fresh in your post, with all due respect, of course. This is very well canvassed news, indeed. Much ado about nothing, natally considered! That hither-n-yond group post-er under the name KAPUTDRACONIS [=DRAGONHEAD] [="RAHU"] has no grounds to think extraordinary what is only commonplace knowledge widely established. Even Nicholas Campion features the July 8, 1776

proclamation event in his book on world horoscopes. That historic event was, by design, pure political theatre to stir the emotions of the public in downtown Philadelphia. Retrospectively, as a natal event, it falls flat; stillborn, so to speak.. Here below is the newspaper article that matters for the extraordinary events of that week in American history: Very same newspaper, EXACTLY one week earlier, on the evening of July 2, reported that the Continental Congress had "declared independence." For benefit of those who may not know, Jefferson's draft manifesto, already written and presented to Congress on June 28, was approved-in-principle by this July 2 declaration. Authentic history tells us so. Yes, yes, some of the fainted-hearted delegates to Congress tinkered with the text for the next two days and amended it before handing it over to the

official printer. That's all. Still, the gotterdammerung was on the 2nd, not the 4th. Critically considered [ie, by study of the Journals of the Continental Congress, not silly websites and their potted pseudo-histories], nothing was enacted on July 4; nothing was "signed" on the 4th. Evidently, Congress neglected to point out to the printer in the hand-over of the finished draft that this broadside manifesto [misleadingly ever since referred to as the Declaration of Independence] was to be dated as enacted, on July 2. Naturally, without such specific instruction, the printer dated the copies for the day he received it, on July 4. Ever since, this comic moment of error has bedevilled mundane astrologers in America and throughout the world. [Read the learned colonial historian David Freeman Hawke on the matter of this comic error.] All the alleged proofs of the efficacy of any one among

numerous preferred time moments on July 4th, insisted upon by prominent and not-so-prominent astrologers, to the contrary notwithstanding, I submit the following:. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Sibly chart @ 5:10 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 5:18 p.m. I.E., same Ascendant point. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Robson chart @ 4:49:49 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ Jorge Angelino's rectified time: 4:48:05 pm If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Penfield chart @ 2:21 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 2:29 pm. To sum up: What I like most about both the Angelino chart for July 2, 1776 and the Cosmologer chart for February 2, 1781 is that the proponents of either take seriously the objective scientific necessity of authentic history AND proper mundane

methodology. So let these investigations proceed, by all means. P.S. Source: July 2, 1776, The PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST [Published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings]. The news of independence declared, contained in this issue, hit the Philly streets that very evening of July 2. And when the pony express dispatch rider reached New York City on the following Saturday, July 6, carrying this same late edition news of July

2 from Philly, the Continental troops responded to the news and repaired to the taverns in the evening and got very merry. They celebrated "July 2 Independence". And all this, nothwithstanding in full view of 130 ships of two Royal Navy armadas anchored in the New York harbor, and "!! 40,000 !!" British troops encamped on Staten Island awaiting General Howe's order to attack the positions of General Washington's Continentals. The Continentals gave the Brits a helluva ride for the next six years before the Brits finally fell off the saddle. Cheers, John del iver <deliver1900 wrote: yet another date for US ! LOL the following was posted in Midpoints101 egroup and is circulated here for its mundane facts/data NOT for the astro techniques nor the political opinions of the author. enjoy

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Keep up the good posts, Del, provocative or otherwise. Also, I humbly confess that I deliberately chose the heavy-handed approach to discussing the July 4th charts. However, I don't yet completely embrace the David Freeman Hawke view that the mis-dating of the "Declaration of Independence" by 2 days was purely inadvertent. HERE'S AN ALTERNATIVE INTERPRETATION In the background of the eventsof 1776, in the "occult" background, there were rivalries within the broadly defined freemasonic communities. I "suspect" that these rivalries came to play a below-the-surface role in Congress during that historic period, and in particular, led to a difference of belief over which day should mark the birth of America's independence, July 2 or July

4.. EXAMPLES OF RIVALRY: One rivalry pitted the "Ancients" [French/Irish/Scot & Templar] against the "Moderns" [English/Scot]; another, "Protestant" Masons against "Catholic" Masons & Templars; and a third, various lines of Masonry against the Rosicrucians. The crossing of definitional lines for membership in these groups by the actors involved makes it almost impossible to "label" more than a few of the delegates to Congress. John Hancock was a Montreal originated Templar who attended church. George Washington was a Rosicrucian, a Mason and a church-going

Episcopalian. John Adams was a traditionalist, a rationalist, a God-fearing man without church affiliation, and with no affiliations to any of these rivalrous groups. Adams was a true individualist. So, I recognize that generalizations are difficult, to say the least. If very narrowly defined, the temple-attending, openly-professed Masons in Congress numbered may be 8 or 9 delegates. At its broadest definition, inclusive of the three rivalry categories mentioned, the number of delegates affiliated in some way with one or more of these groups becomes a majority of the 44 in attendance

during the first week in July 1776. Clearly the "Moderns", affiliated to the Grand Lodge of England, were not for the most part ardent patriots. Many became patriots only reluctantly. This Grand Lodge was famously founded on June 24, 1717 in London. June 24 (old calendar), when Sun & Jupiter were in the 24th degree of Gemini. On July 4, 1776 (new calendar), Sun is in the 23rd of Gemini [On the tropical zodiac, commonly used then, the Sun is in the same degree on both dates, the 14th of Cancer.] This founding date is significant as regards possible motive, by way of the astrological underpinnings of a cherished belief system, in seeking delay of the issuance of the Declaration by two days, from July 2 to July 4. In other words, an auspicious day for the Moderns, July 4, was not so for the Templars and Rosicrucians, for example. Now consider another rivalry

among the others: Opposed to the Moderns were the Rosicrucians, which included Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine and George Clymer. Clymer, a signer of the Declaration, was Philadelphia's leading Rosicrucian [who as a good Rosicrucian kept it a secret from the public and the other delegates.] So too Franklin. Already in 1754 Franklin showed his preference for scheduling major a decision for that auspicious day, July 2. The occasion was during the Albany Union congress of 1754, convened on June 19th. A majority of the delegates reached initial agreement by adopted resolution on July 2, 1754. Franklin was a guiding presence in this Congress. He wrote up the resulting recommendations issued to the colonies. Yet, on July 4, just two days later, participants in opposition [crown loyalists] started a process of objection-making which led eventually to a dilution of the initiatives recommended to the colonies a week later, and to

the ultimate failure of the objectives of the Congress. July 4th was simply not an auspicious date for the historical minded, and certainly not for liberty minded patriots in Congress. Some July 4th examples, all inauspicious: 1187 - Battle of Hattin. Saladin defeated the Euro-Christian King of Jerusalem and his Templar army 1453 - Martyrdom of 41 Jews burned at the stake, at Breslau 1652 - Prince of Conde starts blood bath in Paris 1653 - “Barebones” Parliament convened by Oliver Cromwell. Republican dictatorship in Britain followed. 1712 – Colony of New York executed 12 slaves for starting an uprising that killed 9 whites. 1754 - George Washington, in abject defeat, surrendered Fort Necessity to France. To sum up, if in 1776 I were a believing Mason and a delegate to Congress, and secretly wanted the patriot movement to fail, I would have worked with those delegates who hoped for reconciliation with Britain and the failure of the Independence movement. I would probably have been a Modern. So now consider this: What better way to symbolize this hope of defeat of the forces moving to separate from Britain than to elect the "inauspicious" date of July 4th to celebrate Independence?. A day signifying the defeat of triumph. July 4th, a day in history marking variously: Templar defeat, martyred Jews, capital punishment of revolted slaves, founding of British dictatorship, and, significantly above all the others, the very lowest day in memory of the illustrious career of General and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, George Washington. CASE NOT YET

CLOSED. Just some food for thought. Cheers, John del iver <deliver1900 wrote: thanx for clarifying that John your posts are always a breath of fresh air for us students of the divine science the depth of your knowledge and your willingness to indulge yourself in the search for truth never fails to amaze me our "blazingstar" thankyou once again

! JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 > wrote: Hi Del, Nothing fresh in your post, with all due respect, of course. This is very well canvassed news, indeed. Much ado about nothing, natally considered! That hither-n-yond group post-er under the name KAPUTDRACONIS [=DRAGONHEAD] [="RAHU"] has no grounds to think extraordinary what is only commonplace knowledge widely established. Even Nicholas Campion features the July 8, 1776 proclamation event in his book on world horoscopes. That historic event was, by design, pure political theatre to stir the emotions of the public in downtown Philadelphia. Retrospectively, as a natal event, it falls flat; stillborn, so to speak.. Here below is the newspaper article that matters for the extraordinary

events of that week in American history: Very same newspaper, EXACTLY one week earlier, on the evening of July 2, reported that the Continental Congress had "declared independence." For benefit of those who may not know, Jefferson's draft manifesto, already written and presented to Congress on June 28, was approved-in-principle by this July 2 declaration. Authentic history tells us so. Yes, yes, some of the fainted-hearted delegates to Congress tinkered with the text for the next two days and amended it before handing it over to the official printer. That's all. Still, the gotterdammerung was on the 2nd, not the 4th. Critically considered [ie, by study of the Journals of the Continental Congress, not silly websites and their potted pseudo-histories], nothing was enacted on July 4; nothing was "signed" on the 4th. Evidently, Congress neglected to point out to the printer in the

hand-over of the finished draft that this broadside manifesto [misleadingly ever since referred to as the Declaration of Independence] was to be dated as enacted, on July 2. Naturally, without such specific instruction, the printer dated the copies for the day he received it, on July 4. Ever since, this comic moment of error has bedevilled mundane astrologers in America and throughout the world. [Read the learned colonial historian David Freeman Hawke on the matter of this comic error.] All the alleged proofs of the efficacy of any one among numerous preferred time moments on July 4th, insisted upon by prominent and not-so-prominent astrologers, to the contrary notwithstanding, I submit the following:. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Sibly chart @ 5:10 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 5:18 p.m. I.E., same Ascendant point. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Robson chart @ 4:49:49 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ Jorge Angelino's rectified time: 4:48:05 pm If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Penfield chart @ 2:21 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 2:29 pm. To sum up: What I like most about both the Angelino chart for July 2, 1776 and the Cosmologer chart for February 2, 1781 is that the proponents of either take seriously the objective scientific necessity of authentic history AND proper mundane methodology. So let these investigations proceed, by all means. P.S. Source: July 2, 1776, The PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST [Published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

Evenings]. The news of independence declared, contained in this issue, hit the Philly streets that very evening of July 2. And when the pony express dispatch rider reached New York City on the following Saturday, July 6, carrying this same late edition news of July 2 from Philly, the Continental troops responded to the news and repaired to the taverns in the evening and got very merry. They celebrated "July 2 Independence". And all this, nothwithstanding in full view of 130 ships of two Royal Navy armadas anchored in the New York harbor, and "!! 40,000 !!" British troops encamped on Staten Island awaiting General Howe's order to attack the positions of General Washington's Continentals. The Continentals gave the Brits a helluva ride

for the next six years before the Brits finally fell off the saddle. Cheers, John del iver <deliver1900 > wrote: yet another date for US ! LOL the following was posted in Midpoints101

egroup and is circulated here for its mundane facts/data NOT for the astro techniques nor the political opinions of the author. enjoy Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids. Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be

our inclinations, or the dictum of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." ---John Adams, a Founding Father

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John:As you know I proposed Nov 1777 chart for USA, which was not accepted by many readers including Prof Choudhry. I am now comparing different charts using SA methodology and my favorite system of Solar returns. Since you have great knowledge of history, could you please identify the timing of events on July 2, 1776. Somehow July 2 seems to be better than July 4. I know you prefer July 2 too, and Brian Conrad once suggested 11:20, Armistead used 12:04, Jorge is using 16:49. Did anything happen around 14:25?I will appreciate your input.ThanksRajJohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote: Hi Del, Nothing fresh in your post, with all due respect, of course. This is very well canvassed news, indeed. Much ado about nothing, natally considered! That hither-n-yond group post-er under the name KAPUTDRACONIS [=DRAGONHEAD] [="RAHU"] has no grounds to think extraordinary what is only commonplace knowledge widely established. Even Nicholas Campion features the July 8, 1776 proclamation event in his book on world horoscopes. That historic event was, by design, pure political theatre to stir the emotions of the public in downtown Philadelphia. Retrospectively, as a natal event, it falls flat; stillborn, so to speak.. Here below is the newspaper article that matters for the extraordinary events of that week in American history: Very same newspaper, EXACTLY one week earlier, on the evening of July 2, reported that the Continental Congress had "declared independence." For benefit of those who may not know, Jefferson's draft manifesto, already written and presented to Congress on June 28, was approved-in-principle by this July 2 declaration. Authentic history tells us so. Yes, yes, some of the fainted-hearted delegates to Congress tinkered with the text for the next two days and amended it before handing it over to the official printer. That's all. Still, the gotterdammerung was on the 2nd, not the 4th. Critically considered [ie, by study of the Journals of the Continental Congress, not silly websites and their potted pseudo-histories], nothing was enacted on July 4; nothing was "signed" on the 4th. Evidently, Congress neglected to point out to the printer in the hand-over of the finished draft that this

broadside manifesto [misleadingly ever since referred to as the Declaration of Independence] was to be dated as enacted, on July 2. Naturally, without such specific instruction, the printer dated the copies for the day he received it, on July 4. Ever since, this comic moment of error has bedevilled mundane astrologers in America and throughout the world. [Read the learned colonial historian David Freeman Hawke on the matter of this comic error.] All the alleged proofs of the efficacy of any one among numerous preferred time moments on July 4th, insisted upon by prominent and not-so-prominent astrologers, to the contrary notwithstanding, I submit the following:. If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Sibly chart @ 5:10 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 5:18 p.m. I.E., same Ascendant point. If an astrologer insists it can

only be the July 4th Robson chart @ 4:49:49 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ Jorge Angelino's rectified time: 4:48:05 pm If an astrologer insists it can only be the July 4th Penfield chart @ 2:21 pm. My rejoinder is why not July 2 @ 2:29 pm. To sum up: What I like most about both the Angelino chart for July 2, 1776 and the Cosmologer chart for February 2, 1781 is that the proponents of either take seriously the objective scientific necessity of authentic history AND proper mundane methodology. So let these investigations proceed, by all means. P.S. Source: July 2, 1776, The PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST [Published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings]. The news of independence declared, contained in this issue, hit the Philly streets that very evening of July 2. And when the pony express dispatch rider reached New York City on the following Saturday, July 6, carrying this same late edition news of July 2 from Philly, the Continental troops responded to the news and repaired to the taverns in the evening and got very merry. They celebrated "July 2 Independence". And all this, nothwithstanding in full view of 130 ships of two Royal Navy armadas anchored in the New York harbor, and "!! 40,000 !!" British troops encamped on Staten Island awaiting General Howe's order to attack the positions of General Washington's Continentals. The Continentals gave the Brits a helluva ride for the next six years before the Brits finally fell

off the saddle. Cheers, John del iver <deliver1900 > wrote: yet another date for US ! LOL the following was posted in Midpoints101 egroup and is circulated here for

its mundane facts/data NOT for the astro techniques nor the political opinions of the author. enjoy kaputdraconis <kaputdraconis > wrote: I've meant to say READING instead of HEARING. Sorry for the mistake.Nilsamidpoints101 , "kaputdraconis" wrote:>> Hi all,> > While searching for something else on the net I've came across this> very rare gem. It is a complete issue of the PENNSYLVANIA EVENING> POST dated JULY 09, 1776. In page 4 we can read a short report of the> first public reading of the Declaration of Independence, voted and> decided five days before:> > Title: PHILADELPHIA, JULY 9> > "Yesterday, at twelve o'clock, INDEPENDANCY was declared at the

State-> House in this city, in the presence of many thousand spectators, who> testified their approbation of it by repeated acclamations of joy".> > SEE LINK:> http://www.rarenewspapers.com/viewissue.aspx?ID=214349 > > This is certainly the first time we hear that the Declaration of> Independence was ever read in public, during those tumultuous days.> The importance of such a short and inconspicuous note, almost hidden> in page 4 of the Pennsylvania Evening Post is made clear when we> notice that the chart for that event (JULY 8, 1776, 12:00PM/LMT,> PHILADELPHIA, PA) has> > 13*44 LIB RISING, with SA smacked on the asc, at 14*56 LIB.> MC = 15*51'CAN> > For instance, when we progress this chart to 9/11, we find JUPITER> EXACTLY at the MC

(orb is virtually zero), PRO-VENUS, ruler of the> chart at 14*11 ARI, opposing the radical ASC+SA; the PRO-ASC at 23*55> GEM, on top of radical MARS (orb is 2 mins of arc, applying), and the> PRO-SUN at 00*38'PIS, just to mention the most important> configurations. (If we go back to JAN 20, when Bush was inaugurated> as president, even though he never won the popular vote in what was> unquestionably a very Neptunian conspiracy, we find the PRO-SUN> EXACTLY AT 00*00'PISCIS, indicating the state of chaos the country> was about to enter).> > Brazilian astrologer Barbara Abramo, specialized in Ancient> Astrology, with extensive published work in the field of Mundane, is> of the opinion that in order to correctly analyse the unfolding of a> country's history, we must take in to consideration not only the main> chart of the country, but also the secondary charts casted

for the> most important events taking place in the life of such an entity. The> chart for the first time the Declaration of Independence was read in> public would certainly be one of these charts, same with the chart> for the begining of the Independence War, Civil War etc.> > The main chart is triggered at every significant event, the same with> the secondary charts. Charts casted for the moment a country starts> its first war against another country will be triggered every time> such country finds itself involved in war with foreing countries, the> same with a chart casted for the first time a life-changing> pronouncement is made public. 9/11 was such an event, for we can> clearly see the angles of the time of the attack mimmicking the> angles of the public reading of the Declaration: 9/11 was a wake up> call to Americans, a reminder of the beginning of a

dreadful new era,> an era that would bring about, among many fundamental changes, the> fact of the loss of some of our most important fundamental rights,> like the right to privacy, the right to an attorney in case we are> arrested etc. (I'm referring here to the ominous Patriotic Act).> > We, as a country, didn't yet realize the most serious implications of> that horrifying day, for the so called New World Era is still> unfolding as I write these lines. (Does anybody notice that we are> now, publicly discussing, if we have the right to torture prisoners> that are already isolated, stripped of the right to an attorney,> people that can be held ad infinitum? Could we imagine, 10 years ago,> that we would even consider discussing such an outrage? Sorry, I> guess I should say "enhanced interrogation" instead of torture, for> this is now the official name, used by our

government, for torture).> > I have seen Abramo's thesis working time and again, to the point we> even have, among the dozen charts proposed as national charts for our> country, one with Libra Rising, casted for July 4 at mid day, if my> memory doesn't trick me. Though this Libra Rising chart is never the> main national chart, the chart for the foundation of the country,> though it does certainly represent an important point in the history> of America, for it was casted for the first time that the fact of the> Independence was made public: the baby was born four days before and> now we hear the birth news, the fact of this new life brought in to> existence crossed the boundaries of the 12th house of what is not> known, to the 1st house, of what is now evident and acknowledged by> all.> > These words are not, by any means, intended to exhaust the

analysis> and discussion of this newly discovered chart. I briefly touched some> of the main configurations of this chart, comparing it to the 9-11> chart, aiming to make a point about its importance. I certainly hope> other mundane astrologers find the time to delve in to it, bringing> to the surface the several historical events that certainly resonated> with the Horoskopos of The First Public Reading of The Declaration of> Independence.> > Thanks for the attention,> > Nilsa> www.nilsagorey.com>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To SUBSCRIBE send a blank Email to: midpoints101- Contact the moderator, Steve Lee:midpoints101-owner To UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email

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