Guest guest Posted May 24, 2007 Report Share Posted May 24, 2007 Dear Sri Vyas Muinidasji, Namasthe.Thanks for the quick comments.The fact is, we have insufficient data on the Swamiji.Regarding the afflicted Su, in the Swamiji's chart, I could probably share with you, what I've seen in the chart of Sri Satya Baba. He has a Scorpio Asdt, with the benefic Su placed on the Lagna MEP and simultaneously also the MMP, Ve also placed on the Lagna MEP, exactly afflicting the Lagna, as well as the Su. I looked at the Ashtamsa chart, corresponding to my analysis, since you raised the question of lhis ongevity. I Find an Aries Asdt, with the Asdt Lord placed exalted in the XH, along wityh the Su, also placed there. Ju is in the Lagna as the IXH Lord and the Mo, Ve and Sa, Ayushkaraka are all placed in the IXH, aspected by the grace giving planet Ju. Ra and Ke are placed in the VIH and aspect Me, placed in the IIH. In this D-8 chart, the Nodes afflict the planets placed in the XH and the IIH; but as the Nodes do not afflict these planets in the Rasi chart, I suppose these afflictions in the D-9 are not grievous. Thus the D-8 seems to give a good augury, in spite of difficulties in the Rasi chart. I do not know, what the Professor's final verdict will be about a D-8 chart such as this? Best Regards Sankara Bhagavadpada - Vyas Munidas SAMVA Thursday, May 24, 2007 1:56 PM Re: Swami's chart - SA analysis Dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji,We agree on the Ascendant and your reading is very insightful. I've gone with the Professor's interpretation of the TOB being the midnight between the 4th and 5th vs the 5th and 6th.The Swami did manage to rise to good status and has been engaged in religion (LO1 in 9, nice and clear). If the 5-6 midnight were the correct one, I would have serious doubts about his long life and would have expected serious accidents to him via the exact affliction to the Sun, significator of the self and the Moon, LO1, by the MMP Sa. Also in the earlier chart, Ra/Ra period would be running.With Ra in th 3H granting a courage in abundance, likely close to the MEP, with the LO8 conj the spiritual Sun, we see great mischief in religion, income, 7H, the self and abrupt behaviour. If my reading is correct, then there was no lifetime of remedial measures, rather a lifetime of mischief.Anyways, If we are wrong or right, my prayers for betterment are for all who are involved and suffering.Best regards,Vyas Munidas- "SANKARA BHAGAVADPADA" <sankara (AT) hinduworldastrology (DOT) net><SAMVA >Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:50 AM Swami's chart - SA analysisDear Sri Munidasji, respected , Sri Chadhaji and List Members,Namasthe. Thanks for the discussion on the TSE around the Swami in Trinidad. Chadhaji has used the rectified TOB of 11:15 PM, whereas using the website TOB of around midnight on 5th Oct, I've been able to get marvellous insights into the TSE, through the SA. I am sending this SA analysis in the sequel. Have I missed something important?Best regards,S. Bhagavadpada.Tr chart: May 20th , Late night, 2007.Comments on TSE - Swami in Trinidad, 20th May, 07.If we go by the TOB given in the Swami's website, rather than by the rectified time given by Chadhaji, we get very good SA insights into the raison d'etre for such a malefic TSE.'Necessary Conditions' in the natal chart:1. In the natal chart of the Swami [see above], we see the Asdt lord, the Mo, suffering an exact affliction from the MMP, Sa, that too in the sign Pisces, where all afflictions are intensified & magnified. Pisces is also 'behind the scenes' sign and thus we see, a necessary condition, already present in the natal chart and thereby making room for both dishonour & disgrace, as well as lust driven activities, at some later stage in life.2. Ve, the planet of sensuality and ruling the IVH of emotion in the natal chart, is placed in the VH of 'love in expression', but in the dreaded sign Scorpio and therein suffering a close affliction from the violent planet Ke which is known to act suddenly. This is another 'necessary condition' for the rape TSE.3. One of the compelling reasons for leaving the spheres of 'Artha & Kama' and moving into the spiritual sphere of 'Dharma' [spiritual life] lies in afflictions to the family Hs, namely the IV & the II. Here the FM Ju, afflicts the IVH, VIIIH, XH as well as the XIIH. All these Hs are marriage Hs, except the XH. The IVH lord Ve is also likewise afflicted. Another compelling reason for renunciation is the close aspect of Ke from the IXH to the Asdt & the VH.4. The close affliction to the Su from the MMP Sa and that too in the dreaded sign Virgo [in which all afflictions are intensified & magnified, creates another 'necessary condition' for the reputation to be tarnished in the life to come.5. The Asdt lord, the Mo suffers an affliction from Ra in D-9, in its condition of deb therein, in the sign Scorpio. Another 'necessary condition', for 'love in expression' going wrong, on account of the Rahuvian influence in Scorpio.With so many 'necessary conditions' in the natal chart, it should not be surprising that such a malefic TSE like the rape came to pass on May 20th. On this day, there were other TSEs, 'coming into synchronous play' and cashing in on the above 'necessary conditions'; in their clinching role as'sufficient conditions' and thereby serving to bring to fructification, the ugly event, whose seeds were already present in the natal chart, in the dormant form of the 'necessary conditions'.'Sufficient Conditions' on May 20th:1. Ra-Mo sub-period was running - not a good augury at all considering the MMP's affliction to the Mo in the natal chart, compounded by Ra's affliction to the deb Mo in D-9.2. Tr Ve, the 'female planet' was moving through the XIIH, coming into exact mutual aspect with the 'male planet' of passion, Ma, that too in the XIIH. Synchronously, Tr Ra, moving in the most malefic VIIIH, threw its ray of malefic energy on Tr Ve, thereby intensifying sensual craving.3. In this position, Tr Ve succumbs to another deadly affliction , from the MMP Sa, in the natal chart, through its 10th aspect.4. Tr Su, was just 1 deg prior to suffering an exact affliction from natal Ra.5. Tr Ju was exactly afflicting Tr Me, the planet of initiatives in the sign Taurus, thus propelling the initiatives with the fire energy & the wilful energy of Ju.The above group of TSEs, served to precipitate the ugly event, for which 'the seeds' were sown in the natal chart itself, in the form of the 'necessary conditions'.Summing up, we may sadly conclude, that the life energies, represented by the planets have not been raised to higher levels through remedial measures, performed over a long period of time. We owe it to for having given us such a profound understanding into the complex happenings in man's life.-------------------------- Vyas MunidasSAMVA Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:14 AMRe: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - birth detailsDear Professor,Thank you. I was using the midnight between the 5 and 6th. The potential isseen clearly through this data.I had the impression from the RC's email that it was 11:15 pm on the 5th,which does not show the affliction and such potential isn't present by themuch stronger LO2."|| this swami's website I have gathered the birth details. DOB: Oct 5,1922,||| TOB: midnight, POB: a village near Allahabad. From his life history I| have||| rectified TOB to be 11:15PM. On the night of May 20, 2007, when thisact"So if your peg of the data is correct, he'd be guilty. If it's by the latterdata, then it's likely not. The logical question in my mind is if an 85 yearold man has the physical capacity to perform such.If he was born a couple minutes after mid-night, the ascendant changes toCancer from Gemini. This is even more difficult with the LO2 exactly conjthe LO8. LO1 would be in H7 conj Ke. etc. He'd also be in the Ra/Ra periodwhich can clearly give imprisonment etc.Best regards,Vyas Munidas- <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com><SAMVA >Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:24 AMRe: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -birth detailsHello dear Vyas,I took the midnight time on 4th and 5th October. May be I am wrong. But inthat chart Rahu closely influences the Moon which causes loss of reputationas per the actions characterised by Rahu.Best wishes.- "Vyas Munidas" <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com><SAMVA >Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:26 AMRe: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -birth details| Dear Professor,|| I am looking at the chart: 5 Oct, 1922 Allahabad, 23:15, LMT -05:27. 20:07| Gemini.|| -In the natal there is no Ra-Mo influence directly or its MTH. Ke's conjis| wide to it.| -In transit on the night of 20th May, there was no Ra-Mo influence. There| was natal Ke impact on tr Moon and tr Ke on na Mars.|| Perhaps I have missed something. Of course, Mr Raj Cgadha's rectifiedchart| could be incorrect. Please guide. Thanks.||| Best regards,|| Vyas Munidas||| - | "Vyas Munidas" <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com>| <SAMVA >| Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:38 PM| Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -| birth details||| Thank you dear Professor; your guidance is much appreciated, as usual.||| Best regards,|| Vyas Munidas||| - | <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com>| <SAMVA >| Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:33 PM| Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -| birth details|||| Hello dear Vyas,|| The main reason is the influence of Rahu on Moon.|| Best wishes.|| || - | "Vyas Munidas" <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com>| <SAMVA >| Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:03 AM| Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -| birth details|||| Dear Professor,|||| Thank you for your kind reply. Is it the afflicted, infant, badly placed|| Venus in the natal that is the root cause? Are there other factors?|||||| Best regards,|||| Vyas Munidas|||||| - || <siha (AT) yournetastrologer (DOT) com>|| <SAMVA >|| Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:18 PM|| Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -|| birth details|||||||| Hello dear Vyas,|||| Seems so.|||| |||| - || "Vyas Munidas" <munidas (AT) rogers (DOT) com>|| <SAMVA >|| Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:48 PM|| - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad -| birth|| details||||||| Dear Professor,|||||| Does this chart and event date show the occurence?||||||||| Best regards,|||||| Vyas Munidas||||||||| - ||| "Raj Cgadha" <rkctech >||| <SAMVA >||| Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:35 AM||| Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - birth details||||||||| Dear List:|||||| I am sure by now all Indians know that a swami of 85 years of age has| been||| arrested in Trinidad allegedly for raping a 22 year old Guanese women.|| From||| this swami's website I have gathered the birth details. DOB: Oct 5,1922,||| TOB: midnight, POB: a village near Allahabad. From his life history I| have||| rectified TOB to be 11:15PM. On the night of May 20, 2007, when this act|| is||| supposed to happen, Venus and Moon were exactly on the 1H MEP, and Rahu|| was||| exactly aspecting them from 9H. The people who know SA, can put| everything||| together so easily.|||||| Raj Chadha||||||||| ||| Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who||| knows.||| Answers - Check it out.||||||||||||||| Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2007 Report Share Posted May 24, 2007 Dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji, Thank you for your kind response. Yes, you are correct. It's strictly speculation at this point. Speaking theoretically.... In your midnight chart between the 5th and 6th when both the LO1 and the Sun are exactly afflicted by the MMP LO8 Sa, even with a very strong D8 Lord, chances of long life are very slim. In my estimate, 65 would be overdue, what to speak of 85. And, the D8 Asc Lord, Mars, is weak by placement in H6 and infant dispositor in the rashi. There is no help there. Also, a most important consideration for your chart. With the LMT being -05:27, not the standard -5:30, your chart between the 5/6th Oct, even at 23:59:59 it is still Gemini rising. at 29:58. He'd have to be born squarely on the 6th to be Cancer asc in the early degrees! BTW, I think we've kept this thread on the wrong list. My apologies to the moderators for such. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - " SANKARA BHAGAVADPADA " <sankara <SAMVA > Thursday, May 24, 2007 5:25 AM Swami's longevity Dear Sri Vyas Muinidasji, Namasthe.Thanks for the quick comments.The fact is, we have insufficient data on the Swamiji.Regarding the afflicted Su, in the Swamiji's chart, I could probably share with you, what I've seen in the chart of Sri Satya Baba. He has a Scorpio Asdt, with the benefic Su placed on the Lagna MEP and simultaneously also the MMP, Ve also placed on the Lagna MEP, exactly afflicting the Lagna, as well as the Su. I looked at the Ashtamsa chart, corresponding to my analysis, since you raised the question of lhis ongevity. I Find an Aries Asdt, with the Asdt Lord placed exalted in the XH, along wityh the Su, also placed there. Ju is in the Lagna as the IXH Lord and the Mo, Ve and Sa, Ayushkaraka are all placed in the IXH, aspected by the grace giving planet Ju. Ra and Ke are placed in the VIH and aspect Me, placed in the IIH. In this D-8 chart, the Nodes afflict the planets placed in the XH and the IIH; but as the Nodes do not afflict these planets in the Rasi chart, I suppose these afflictions in the D-9 are not grievous. Thus the D-8 seems to give a good augury, in spite of difficulties in the Rasi chart. I do not know, what the Professor's final verdict will be about a D-8 chart such as this? Best Regards Sankara Bhagavadpada - Vyas Munidas SAMVA Thursday, May 24, 2007 1:56 PM Re: Swami's chart - SA analysis Dear Sri Sankara Bhagavadapadaji, We agree on the Ascendant and your reading is very insightful. I've gone with the Professor's interpretation of the TOB being the midnight between the 4th and 5th vs the 5th and 6th. The Swami did manage to rise to good status and has been engaged in religion (LO1 in 9, nice and clear). If the 5-6 midnight were the correct one, I would have serious doubts about his long life and would have expected serious accidents to him via the exact affliction to the Sun, significator of the self and the Moon, LO1, by the MMP Sa. Also in the earlier chart, Ra/Ra period would be running. With Ra in th 3H granting a courage in abundance, likely close to the MEP, with the LO8 conj the spiritual Sun, we see great mischief in religion, income, 7H, the self and abrupt behaviour. If my reading is correct, then there was no lifetime of remedial measures, rather a lifetime of mischief. Anyways, If we are wrong or right, my prayers for betterment are for all who are involved and suffering. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - " SANKARA BHAGAVADPADA " <sankara <SAMVA > Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:50 AM Swami's chart - SA analysis Dear Sri Munidasji, respected , Sri Chadhaji and List Members, Namasthe. Thanks for the discussion on the TSE around the Swami in Trinidad. Chadhaji has used the rectified TOB of 11:15 PM, whereas using the website TOB of around midnight on 5th Oct, I've been able to get marvellous insights into the TSE, through the SA. I am sending this SA analysis in the sequel. Have I missed something important? Best regards, S. Bhagavadpada. Tr chart: May 20th , Late night, 2007. Comments on TSE - Swami in Trinidad, 20th May, 07. If we go by the TOB given in the Swami's website, rather than by the rectified time given by Chadhaji, we get very good SA insights into the raison d'etre for such a malefic TSE. 'Necessary Conditions' in the natal chart: 1. In the natal chart of the Swami [see above], we see the Asdt lord, the Mo, suffering an exact affliction from the MMP, Sa, that too in the sign Pisces, where all afflictions are intensified & magnified. Pisces is also 'behind the scenes' sign and thus we see, a necessary condition, already present in the natal chart and thereby making room for both dishonour & disgrace, as well as lust driven activities, at some later stage in life. 2. Ve, the planet of sensuality and ruling the IVH of emotion in the natal chart, is placed in the VH of 'love in expression', but in the dreaded sign Scorpio and therein suffering a close affliction from the violent planet Ke which is known to act suddenly. This is another 'necessary condition' for the rape TSE. 3. One of the compelling reasons for leaving the spheres of 'Artha & Kama' and moving into the spiritual sphere of 'Dharma' [spiritual life] lies in afflictions to the family Hs, namely the IV & the II. Here the FM Ju, afflicts the IVH, VIIIH, XH as well as the XIIH. All these Hs are marriage Hs, except the XH. The IVH lord Ve is also likewise afflicted. Another compelling reason for renunciation is the close aspect of Ke from the IXH to the Asdt & the VH. 4. The close affliction to the Su from the MMP Sa and that too in the dreaded sign Virgo [in which all afflictions are intensified & magnified, creates another 'necessary condition' for the reputation to be tarnished in the life to come. 5. The Asdt lord, the Mo suffers an affliction from Ra in D-9, in its condition of deb therein, in the sign Scorpio. Another 'necessary condition', for 'love in expression' going wrong, on account of the Rahuvian influence in Scorpio. With so many 'necessary conditions' in the natal chart, it should not be surprising that such a malefic TSE like the rape came to pass on May 20th. On this day, there were other TSEs, 'coming into synchronous play' and cashing in on the above 'necessary conditions'; in their clinching role as'sufficient conditions' and thereby serving to bring to fructification, the ugly event, whose seeds were already present in the natal chart, in the dormant form of the 'necessary conditions'. 'Sufficient Conditions' on May 20th: 1. Ra-Mo sub-period was running - not a good augury at all considering the MMP's affliction to the Mo in the natal chart, compounded by Ra's affliction to the deb Mo in D-9. 2. Tr Ve, the 'female planet' was moving through the XIIH, coming into exact mutual aspect with the 'male planet' of passion, Ma, that too in the XIIH. Synchronously, Tr Ra, moving in the most malefic VIIIH, threw its ray of malefic energy on Tr Ve, thereby intensifying sensual craving. 3. In this position, Tr Ve succumbs to another deadly affliction , from the MMP Sa, in the natal chart, through its 10th aspect. 4. Tr Su, was just 1 deg prior to suffering an exact affliction from natal Ra. 5. Tr Ju was exactly afflicting Tr Me, the planet of initiatives in the sign Taurus, thus propelling the initiatives with the fire energy & the wilful energy of Ju. The above group of TSEs, served to precipitate the ugly event, for which 'the seeds' were sown in the natal chart itself, in the form of the 'necessary conditions'. Summing up, we may sadly conclude, that the life energies, represented by the planets have not been raised to higher levels through remedial measures, performed over a long period of time. We owe it to for having given us such a profound understanding into the complex happenings in man's life. ------------------------- - Vyas Munidas SAMVA Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:14 AM Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - birth details Dear Professor, Thank you. I was using the midnight between the 5 and 6th. The potential is seen clearly through this data. I had the impression from the RC's email that it was 11:15 pm on the 5th, which does not show the affliction and such potential isn't present by the much stronger LO2. " || this swami's website I have gathered the birth details. DOB: Oct 5, 1922, ||| TOB: midnight, POB: a village near Allahabad. From his life history I | have ||| rectified TOB to be 11:15PM. On the night of May 20, 2007, when this act " So if your peg of the data is correct, he'd be guilty. If it's by the latter data, then it's likely not. The logical question in my mind is if an 85 year old man has the physical capacity to perform such. If he was born a couple minutes after mid-night, the ascendant changes to Cancer from Gemini. This is even more difficult with the LO2 exactly conj the LO8. LO1 would be in H7 conj Ke. etc. He'd also be in the Ra/Ra period which can clearly give imprisonment etc. Best regards, Vyas Munidas - <siha <SAMVA > Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:24 AM Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - birth details Hello dear Vyas, I took the midnight time on 4th and 5th October. May be I am wrong. But in that chart Rahu closely influences the Moon which causes loss of reputation as per the actions characterised by Rahu. Best wishes. - " Vyas Munidas " <muni> <SAMVA > Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:26 AM Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - birth details | Dear Professor, | | I am looking at the chart: 5 Oct, 1922 Allahabad, 23:15, LMT -05:27. 20:07 | Gemini. | | -In the natal there is no Ra-Mo influence directly or its MTH. Ke's conj is | wide to it. | -In transit on the night of 20th May, there was no Ra-Mo influence. There | was natal Ke impact on tr Moon and tr Ke on na Mars. | | Perhaps I have missed something. Of course, Mr Raj Cgadha's rectified chart | could be incorrect. Please guide. Thanks. | | | Best regards, | | Vyas Munidas | | | - | " Vyas Munidas " <muni> | <SAMVA > | Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:38 PM | Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - | birth details | | | Thank you dear Professor; your guidance is much appreciated, as usual. | | | Best regards, | | Vyas Munidas | | | - | <siha | <SAMVA > | Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:33 PM | Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - | birth details | | | | Hello dear Vyas, | | The main reason is the influence of Rahu on Moon. | | Best wishes. | | | | - | " Vyas Munidas " <muni> | <SAMVA > | Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:03 AM | Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - | birth details | | || Dear Professor, || || Thank you for your kind reply. Is it the afflicted, infant, badly placed || Venus in the natal that is the root cause? Are there other factors? || || || Best regards, || || Vyas Munidas || || || - || <siha || <SAMVA > || Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:18 PM || Re: - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - || birth details || || || || Hello dear Vyas, || || Seems so. || || || || - || " Vyas Munidas " <muni> || <SAMVA > || Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:48 PM || - Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - | birth || details || || ||| Dear Professor, ||| ||| Does this chart and event date show the occurence? ||| ||| ||| Best regards, ||| ||| Vyas Munidas ||| ||| ||| - ||| " Raj Cgadha " <rkctech ||| <SAMVA > ||| Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:35 AM ||| Swami 85 arrested in Trinidad - birth details ||| ||| ||| Dear List: ||| ||| I am sure by now all Indians know that a swami of 85 years of age has | been ||| arrested in Trinidad allegedly for raping a 22 year old Guanese women. || From ||| this swami's website I have gathered the birth details. DOB: Oct 5, 1922, ||| TOB: midnight, POB: a village near Allahabad. From his life history I | have ||| rectified TOB to be 11:15PM. On the night of May 20, 2007, when this act || is ||| supposed to happen, Venus and Moon were exactly on the 1H MEP, and Rahu || was ||| exactly aspecting them from 9H. The people who know SA, can put | everything ||| together so easily. ||| ||| Raj Chadha ||| ||| ||| ||| Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who ||| knows. ||| Answers - Check it out. ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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