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SAMVA USA chart: two major hurricanes

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Dear friends, Storms are a type of natural events that can be quite destructive and costly, both in terms of human lives and damage to property or in the impact on the daily lives of the citizens. In the USA, the costliest hurricanes have been as follows. Costliest U.S. Atlantic hurricanes Cost refers to total estimated property damage. Rank Hurricane Season Cost (2005 USD) 1 Katrina 2005 $81.2 billion 2 Andrew 1992 $44.9 billion 3 Wilma 2005 $20.6 billion 4 Charley 2004 $15.4 billion 5 Ivan 2004 $14.6 billion In this post, we consider the two costliest such events in terms of the SAMVA USA chart. Rahu and L8 are key indicators for storms in SA. Hurricane Andrew struck the SE state Florida with unexpected fury on the afternoon of Sunday August 23, 1992. The hurricane cost 65 people their lives and destroyed USD 45 billion of property. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Andrew Ke/Ra period was operating when Hurricane Andrew struck. Rahu in H6 afflicted chart lord Moon in H12 when the storm made landfall. Transit L6 Jupiter and natal L8 Saturn afflicted transit L4 Venus in H2 when the storm struck. Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the state of Louisiana in the afternoon on August 28, 2005. The hurricane cost over 1.800 people their lives and destroyed close to USD 90 billion of property. It almost destroyed the famous city of New Orleans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Katrina Ve/Ra period was operating when Hurricane Katrina struck. Rahu afflicted H9, H1, H3 and H5 and transit L4 Venus and L6 Jupiter in H3 when the storm hit New

Orleans. Transit L1 Moon was in H12. Transit L8 Saturn afflicted natal L3 Mercury in H7. The charts for these events are attached. In the case of both hurricances, the Rahu sub period was operating. The transits are clearly visible in both charts. In both charts the MEP of the chart is clearly afflicted. In both charts Venus, the key indicator of weather, is severly afflicted. In both charts, L8 Saturn is closely involved. The transits in the SAMVA USA chart offer a comparative guide for the assessment of the recent transits in the UK chart responsible for the massive and costly floods in Britain. Best wishes, Thor

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>Dear Cosmolger: I've been reading Al Gore's Assault on Reason and he

refers to events during the U.S. Civil War. I was wondering if you have

looked at the SAMVA USA chart for the period of the Civil War and to

see how the chart reflects the events of what was probably (next to

9/11 and Kennedy's assassination) one of the most traumatic times in

the country's history.

As well, I recall the masterful job you did with David Bechkam's chart

a couple of years ago. Have you looked at his chart as regards his most

recent ankle injury and subsequent move to the North American MLS?

Any insights on the above would be appreciated. Thanks, Chuck

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Hi Chuck,


The analysis of the events you mention in terms of the SAMVA USA chart

has been presented earlier on SAMVA. You can find it in the

archives or Files section.


I have not followed the events in Beckham's life with respect to his

chart. Too busy.


Please feel free to share with list members your insights on these charts.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " wakefieldvedic " <radiopro55 wrote:


> >Dear Cosmolger: I've been reading Al Gore's Assault on Reason and he

> refers to events during the U.S. Civil War. I was wondering if you have

> looked at the SAMVA USA chart for the period of the Civil War and to

> see how the chart reflects the events of what was probably (next to

> 9/11 and Kennedy's assassination) one of the most traumatic times in

> the country's history.

> As well, I recall the masterful job you did with David Bechkam's chart

> a couple of years ago. Have you looked at his chart as regards his most

> recent ankle injury and subsequent move to the North American MLS?

> Any insights on the above would be appreciated. Thanks, Chuck


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