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More on the main afflictions in the SAMVA USA chart

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Dear list members,


The tenth house aspect of transit L8 Saturn at 6° 41' Leo H2 to natal

L1 Moon at 7° 26´ Taurus H11 is now quite close and will become

closer still in the coming week, peaking on 14 September.


This aspect channels the energy of the most malefic planet in the

Cancer rising chart to the indications of the strong chart ruler, the

Moon. Due to the strength of the Moon, the aspect should be felt in

the USA in the coming weeks, but would not be expected to do lasting

harm, due to the natal strength of the Moon. The energy of the Moon

should be able to withstand the problems that may erupt relating to

the following indications:


The eighth house rules beliefs of the masses, red-tapism, speed of

execution of works, delays and obstructions, accidents, fatal

accidents, epidemics, gold and precious stones, legacies, capital

gains, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, storms, etc. Whereas Saturn

rules civil servants, low technology industry and mines.


Saturn is transiting the second house, which primarily deals with

national wealth, status and relationships within country and with

neighbors. It also rules the purchasing power of the people,

financial stability, national income, strength of currency, budget

and balance of trade.


The above energy of the second house surrounds Saturn at the present

time. However, natally, the energy of Saturn is related to the fifth

house, which rules intellectuals, emotional stability, communal

harmony, speculative nature of the people, investments, stock

exchange, children, population, universities, morals and values of

the people. Natally, Saturn also aspects L2 Sun in H7 MEP. As a

result, its transit through the second house is more problematic than

otherwise, especially now that transit L2 Sun is soon to pass into

the tenth house aspect of natal Saturn.


The first house rules the general conditions of the country as a

whole, people and their general outlook, state of law and order,

public health, government, reputation, valor and its position in the

world. Whereas the Moon rules the Administrator, the Cabinet,

resources, fourth and seventh houses. As the Moon is located natally

in the 11th house, the indications of income, gains, and future plans

could be affected as well.


Finally, the Venus/Jupiter period is running with L6 Jupiter

transiting into the H5 MEP. As such, its harsh energy of fixity of

views and unwillingness to compromise may cause conflict related to

the indications of H5 (speculation), H9 (financial or judicial

matters), H11 (income and hopes) and H1 (self and well being)

indications. As Jupiter natally aspects L1 Moon in H11, the

link to the transit condtion of the Moon is there. Hence, the impact

of Saturn on Moon is being felt in the Jupiter period, through the

natal Jupiter link to Moon.


In view of the above connections, the coming week could be quite

difficult in the USA, related to the above indications of i.e. the

1st, 2nd, 5th and 11th houses.


Today, a news story about a negative jobs report (Saturn) brought out

concerns for incomes (L11) and wealth (L2) in the country. At the

same time, a wise old man, Alan Greenspan, likely ruled by Saturn,

criticised the country for going overboard on speculation (H5), also

influencing the drop in the stock market.


Best wishes,



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