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RE: Oct 1st Malefic Confluences & Weaknesses

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Hello my dear Matt,


The significant movements during October, 2007, are those of transit Jupiter

and transit Saturn and Ketu conjunction. The situation seems to be critical

in first three weeks of October, 2007, which can bring in multiple problems

including some natural vagaries, aggressive attitude of Govt and accidents.


Best wishes.







" Matt " <MattX


Thursday, July 05, 2007 8:51 PM

Oct 1st Malefic Confluences & Weaknesses



Oct 1st Malefic Confluences & Weaknesses:


On October 1st, there will be a confluence of many transit malefic

impacts and weaknesses in the SAMVA USA Chart which is presently

running Venus dasa and Jupiter subperiod. This is certain to be a

critical time for the USA and a further reification of the SAMVA USA



The subperiod 6th lord transit Jupiter(political stability/foreign

relations/financial solvency) will be afflicting the MEPs of the 5th

(speculation/stock markets), 9th(morality), 11th(income/gains), and

the 1st(general conditions/outlook). Relatedly, the transit lagna

lord the Moon, rendered temporarily weak due to the aforementioned

affliction of its MEP by transit Jupiter, will come into exact

affliction of transit Jupiter in the 11th house (income/gains) on the

morning of October 1st.


The 8th lord and Most Malefic Planet, Saturn(beliefs of masses/fatal

accidents/natural disaters), will be exactly afflicting the 3rd lord

Mercury(gov't communications/telecom/IT) from the 2nd house with

transit Mercury in the 4th house(stability/natural calamities).

Transit Saturn will be caught up in the wide aspect of the nodes with

Rahu in the malefic 8th house.


Additionally, the main period 4th lord Venus, which is natally placed

in the 6th of disputes and financial solvency will be in utter infancy

in the 2nd house house in transit, further weakening its already natal



Transit Mars, the 10th lord(political admin/law & order) will be badly

placed and weak in the 12th house(losses/wars/group hospitalizations)

and have the wide affliction of Rahu from the malefic 8th house.


With so many interactions, it becomes difficult for someone of my

limited mundane experience to put forth an accurate " prediction " .

With that qualification aside, there seems to be a focus on a natural

disaster/accident that disrupts the telecom/IT infrastructure therby

leading to a significant impact on populace and the financial markets

and wealth of the nation.


I'd be very interested in the comments and thoughts of senior list

members for this time frame.










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Dear Matt,


Long time no see. Welcome back to SAMVA.


In addition to 's reply to your question, I could

just add that there has been considerable disussion on the SAMVA USA

chart this year, which may be consulted in the Message archives.


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " Matt " <MattX wrote:


> Oct 1st Malefic Confluences & Weaknesses:


> On October 1st, there will be a confluence of many transit malefic

> impacts and weaknesses in the SAMVA USA Chart which is presently

> running Venus dasa and Jupiter subperiod. This is certain to be a

> critical time for the USA and a further reification of the SAMVA USA

> chart.


> The subperiod 6th lord transit Jupiter(political stability/foreign

> relations/financial solvency) will be afflicting the MEPs of the 5th

> (speculation/stock markets), 9th(morality), 11th(income/gains), and

> the 1st(general conditions/outlook). Relatedly, the transit lagna

> lord the Moon, rendered temporarily weak due to the aforementioned

> affliction of its MEP by transit Jupiter, will come into exact

> affliction of transit Jupiter in the 11th house (income/gains) on the

> morning of October 1st.


> The 8th lord and Most Malefic Planet, Saturn(beliefs of masses/fatal

> accidents/natural disaters), will be exactly afflicting the 3rd lord

> Mercury(gov't communications/telecom/IT) from the 2nd house with

> transit Mercury in the 4th house(stability/natural calamities).

> Transit Saturn will be caught up in the wide aspect of the nodes with

> Rahu in the malefic 8th house.


> Additionally, the main period 4th lord Venus, which is natally placed

> in the 6th of disputes and financial solvency will be in utter infancy

> in the 2nd house house in transit, further weakening its already natal

> weakness.


> Transit Mars, the 10th lord(political admin/law & order) will be badly

> placed and weak in the 12th house(losses/wars/group hospitalizations)

> and have the wide affliction of Rahu from the malefic 8th house.


> With so many interactions, it becomes difficult for someone of my

> limited mundane experience to put forth an accurate " prediction " .

> With that qualification aside, there seems to be a focus on a natural

> disaster/accident that disrupts the telecom/IT infrastructure therby

> leading to a significant impact on populace and the financial markets

> and wealth of the nation.


> I'd be very interested in the comments and thoughts of senior list

> members for this time frame.


> Regards,


> Matt


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Dear Shri Choudhry,


Thank you for your input. You always get to the points of importance fast than me!


It will be an interesting time for observations relative to the SAMVA chart.


Warm regards,


Matthew N. XiarhosFounder & Chief Investment OfficerCERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERUp markets, down markets....absolutely.Absolute Return Portfolio Management LLCwww.ARPortfolios.com877-632-7491 (24/7)800-477-1296 x103 Office978-397-1875 Mobile727-725-9173 Fax




SAMVA [sAMVA ] On Behalf Of sihaSent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:15 PMSAMVA Subject: Re: Oct 1st Malefic Confluences & Weaknesses



Hello my dear Matt,The significant movements during October, 2007, are those of transit Jupiter and transit Saturn and Ketu conjunction. The situation seems to be critical in first three weeks of October, 2007, which can bring in multiple problems including some natural vagaries, aggressive attitude of Govt and accidents.Best wishes.- "Matt" <MattX (AT) ARPortfolios (DOT) com><SAMVA >Thursday, July 05, 2007 8:51 PM Oct 1st Malefic Confluences & WeaknessesOct 1st Malefic Confluences & Weaknesses:On October 1st, there will be a confluence of many transit maleficimpacts and weaknesses in the SAMVA USA Chart which is presentlyrunning Venus dasa and Jupiter subperiod. This is certain to be acritical time for the USA and a further reification of the SAMVA USAchart.The subperiod 6th lord transit Jupiter(political stability/foreignrelations/financial solvency) will be afflicting the MEPs of the 5th(speculation/stock markets), 9th(morality), 11th(income/gains), andthe 1st(general conditions/outlook). Relatedly, the transit lagnalord the Moon, rendered temporarily weak due to the aforementionedaffliction of its MEP by transit Jupiter, will come into exactaffliction of transit Jupiter in the 11th house (income/gains) on themorning of October 1st.The 8th lord and Most Malefic Planet, Saturn(beliefs of masses/fatalaccidents/natural disaters), will be exactly afflicting the 3rd lordMercury(gov't communications/telecom/IT) from the 2nd house withtransit Mercury in the 4th house(stability/natural calamities).Transit Saturn will be caught up in the wide aspect of the nodes withRahu in the malefic 8th house.Additionally, the main period 4th lord Venus, which is natally placedin the 6th of disputes and financial solvency will be in utter infancyin the 2nd house house in transit, further weakening its already natalweakness.Transit Mars, the 10th lord(political admin/law & order) will be badlyplaced and weak in the 12th house(losses/wars/group hospitalizations)and have the wide affliction of Rahu from the malefic 8th house.With so many interactions, it becomes difficult for someone of mylimited mundane experience to put forth an accurate "prediction".With that qualification aside, there seems to be a focus on a naturaldisaster/accident that disrupts the telecom/IT infrastructure therbyleading to a significant impact on populace and the financial marketsand wealth of the nation.I'd be very interested in the comments and thoughts of senior listmembers for this time frame.Regards,Matt

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