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Japan and Shinzo Abe - correction

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At time of resignation, L6 VENUS had been afflicting L10 (ruling

executive) Saturn in H3.


SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear Tom,


> This chart for Japan, that Jorge Angelino rectified based on the

Meiji Constitution, seems to explain the present events well.


> The 17° 32' Taurus rising chart (see below) is running period of

Ma/Ve/Ve. Natally, L4 Sun (leader of country) and L3 (cabinet) Moon

are weak being debiliated in Navamsa. Sun is further weakened in Rasi

chart being in extreme infancy. Moon is afflicted by L12 Mars in H11,

giving government problems from abroad regarding the hopes and

wishes. Hence, the leader of the country would normally be in a

precarious position and a government coalitions tend to be

fragile.Historically, leaders come and go, and the last leader before

Abe was unusual for the fact that he was both popular and long

serving (in Japanese terms) albeit he was considered something of an

odd character (single, Elvis impersonator, etc.). L6 Venus is natally

afflicting H11 (of income, hopes and plans) and H5 (of management).

Transit L9 Jupiter is afflicting H7 (of foreign relations), H11, H1

(self) and H3 (communication). At time of resignation, L6 Jupiter had

been afflicting L10 (ruling executive) Saturn in

> H3.


> The chart would need to be analysed carefully with regard to

natal potential, main events during periods and transits, and then

followed with predictions made on its basis, to establish its

authenticity. That said, it gives a promising start.


> Interested list members may search the SAMVA message archives for

further information about this chart and event.


> Best wishes,


> Thor


> Japan Meiji Const

> Feb 11, 1889 12:00 PM -09:19 LMT

> Tokyo, Japan Longitude: 139E46 Latitude: 35N42

> Lahiri Ayanamsha: 22:18 Current Period: MA/VE/VE


> Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

> ================================================

> Asc 17:32 Tau Rohini Mo

> Sun 00:18 Aqu +01:00:39 WK Dhanishtha Ma

> Moon 05:25 Gem +11:54:28 WK Mrigsira Ma

> Mars 02:55 Pis +00:46:09 FM P.Bhadra Ju

> MercR 08:19 Aqu -00:49:49 CM Shatbisha Ra

> Jupt 08:38 Sag +00:10:49 FM Mula Ke

> Ven 16:44 Pis +01:03:13 FM Revati Me

> Sat R 24:08 Can -00:04:50 WK Aslesha Me

> Rahu 28:38 Gem +00:01:48 FM Punarvasu Ju

> Ketu 28:38 Sag +00:01:48 FM U.Shadya Su


> True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 153 beats

> Day: Monday Sunrise: 6:53 AM

> Tithi: Shukla Ekadashi

> Yoga Pt: 9:03 Cn Yogi:Sa AviYogi:Mo Dup Yogi: Mo

> Dagha Rashis: Sag Pis


> Sytems Approach Analysis

> ========================

> Sun Good Placement, Debilitated in Navamsha, In Infancy:

94%, Weak Dispositor,

> Moon Good Placement, Debilitated in Navamsha, Bright,

> Mars Good Placement, Debilitated in Navamsha, In Infancy:


> Afflicted House MEP

> Mercury Good Placement, Combust 42%, Weak Dispositor,

> Afflicted Mool MEP

> Jupiter Bad Placement,

> Venus Good Placement,

> Afflicts 5 11 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP

> Saturn Good Placement, Weak Dispositor,

> Rahu Good Placement,

> Ketu Bad Placement,


> Rashi Chart

> *******************************************************

> ** 3 * * 1 **

> *4 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MO 05:25 * * * *

> * RA 28:38* * * *

> * * * * * MA 02:55*

> *SAR24:08 * 2 AS 17:32 * 12 VE 16:44*

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * SU 00:18 **

> *5 * 11 MER08:19 *

> ** * * **

> *6 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * 8 * 10 *

> * * * * * *

> * * * JU 08:38* *

> * * * * KE 28:38 * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 7 * * 9 **

> *******************************************************


> Navamsha

> *******************************************************

> ** 4 * * 2 **

> *5 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * MA * * * *

> * * * AS * * *

> * * 3 JU * 1 *

> * * * RA * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** * * **

> *6 * 12 *

> ** * * **

> *7 * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * MER * * *

> *SU * 9 VE * 11 SAR *

> * * * KE * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * MO * * * *

> * * * * * *

> * * * * * *

> ** 8 * * 10 **

> *******************************************************


> Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis (Contemporary)

> =======================================

> Me/Me 8.10.1942

> Me/Ke 6.3.1945

> Me/Ve 3.3.1946

> Me/Su 1.1.1949

> Me/Mo 7.11.1949

> Me/Ma 9.4.1951

> Me/Ra 5.4.1952

> Me/Ju 23.10.1954

> Me/Sa 28.1.1957

> Ke/Ke 8.10.1959

> Ke/Ve 5.3.1960

> Ke/Su 6.5.1961

> Ke/Mo 10.9.1961

> Ke/Ma 11.4.1962

> Ke/Ra 8.9.1962

> Ke/Ju 26.9.1963

> Ke/Sa 1.9.1964

> Ke/Me 11.10.1965

> Ve/Ve 8.10.1966

> Ve/Su 7.2.1970

> Ve/Mo 7.2.1971

> Ve/Ma 8.10.1972

> Ve/Ra 8.12.1973

> Ve/Ju 7.12.1976

> Ve/Sa 8.8.1979

> Ve/Me 8.10.1982

> Ve/Ke 8.8.1985

> Su/Su 8.10.1986

> Su/Mo 26.1.1987

> Su/Ma 27.7.1987

> Su/Ra 2.12.1987

> Su/Ju 26.10.1988

> Su/Sa 14.8.1989

> Su/Me 27.7.1990

> Su/Ke 2.6.1991

> Su/Ve 8.10.1991

> Mo/Mo 8.10.1992

> Mo/Ma 8.8.1993

> Mo/Ra 9.3.1994

> Mo/Ju 8.9.1995

> Mo/Sa 7.1.1997

> Mo/Me 8.8.1998

> Mo/Ke 8.1.2000

> Mo/Ve 8.8.2000

> Mo/Su 8.4.2002

> Ma/Ma 8.10.2002

> Ma/Ra 6.3.2003

> Ma/Ju 24.3.2004

> Ma/Sa 28.2.2005

> Ma/Me 8.4.2006

> Ma/Ke 6.4.2007

> Ma/Ve 2.9.2007

> Ma/Su 1.11.2008

> Ma/Mo 9.3.2009

> Ra/Ra 8.10.2009

> Ra/Ju 20.6.2012

> Ra/Sa 14.11.2014

> Ra/Me 19.9.2017

> Ra/Ke 8.4.2020

> Ra/Ve 26.4.2021

> Ra/Su 26.4.2024

> Ra/Mo 21.3.2025

> Ra/Ma 20.9.2026

> Ju/Ju 8.10.2027

> Ju/Sa 25.11.2029

> Ju/Me 8.6.2032

> Ju/Ke 14.9.2034

> Ju/Ve 21.8.2035

> Ju/Su 21.4.2038

> Ju/Mo 7.2.2039

> Ju/Ma 8.6.2040

> Ju/Ra 15.5.2041

> Sa/Sa 8.10.2043

> Sa/Me 11.10.2046

> Sa/Ke 20.6.2049

> Sa/Ve 30.7.2050

> Sa/Su 29.9.2053

> Sa/Mo 11.9.2054

> Sa/Ma 11.4.2056

> Sa/Ra 21.5.2057

> Sa/Ju 27.3.2060


> TAURUS rising from http://www.yournetastrologer.com/theory/t22.htm

> Taurus is an earthy sign ruled by Venus, the significator for

pleasures, materialistic pursuits and comforts. The Moon, the

significator for caring, tenderness and affluence, is exalted in this

sign. Ketu, the significator of spiritual pursuits, is debilitated in

this sign. These factors render the Taureans materialistic, motherly

and sensual, enjoying comfort, beauty and luxury around them, being

convinced that in all circumstances they are correct. If Taurus rises

as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata would be Lord Vishnu. This sign

rules face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth, teeth and eyes),

neck, cervical region and bones, cerebellum and facial bones. If

Venus, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Taureans enjoy good

health. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution, suffer from poor

digestion, disorders of the throat, eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases

mainly arising out of a weak venous system. Over-indulgence can be a

cause for ill health.


> Taurus is a fixed, negative, rajasic, vata, female, mild, semi-

fruitful and quadruped sign and has a precise and temperate nature.

Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Taurus usually

renders their natives cautious, prudent stable, enduring, fixed in

their ways, adaptable and gentle, becoming good planners, good

communicators, analytical, straightforward, persevering, refined,

attractive, patient, romantic, kind, sentimental, devotional and

charming or forceful, possessive, jealous, stubborn, obstinate,

resentful, passionate, lethargic and pleasure seekers. Taureans are

generally peace and fun lovers and are generally involved in material

pursuits if the Sun is weak. Enjoying to the fullest extent is the

aim of their life. They are analytical in approach, as the fifth

house is ruled by Mercury. The fourth house, signifying inclinations,

ruled by the planet Sun, determines their approach in life. The sign

Aquarius falling in the tenth house makes these

> people technical and, if other planets are strong, the native may

pursue an engineering course.


> Apart from Rahu and Ketu, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars also become

functional malefic planets. The Moon, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn are

functional benefic planets for the Taureans. The first rate natural

benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, turn first rate functional

malefic planets, causing sufferings whenever they form close transit

or natal conjunctions/aspects with weak natal/transit positions. As

this is true for the three possible combinations of transit influence

i.e. transit over natal, transit over transit, and natal over

transit, the occurrence of good or bad events in life is

comparatively more. Taureans suffer/enjoy from both short-lived and

long-lived events in life. The transit Moon, the Sun and Mercury give

rise to frequent and affluent happy events, while Saturn gives rise

to long-lived happy events. Similarly, transit Mars and Venus cause

short-lived sufferings while transit Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu cause

long-lived tragic events. The close Manglik yoga shows its

> impact in full as mooltrikona sign of Mars falls in the twelfth

house. Saturn's transit is not inauspicious in any of the houses as

Saturn is a yogakaraka planet for the Taurus ascendant. Rather,

whenever transit/natal Saturn forms close conjunction/aspect with any

strong natal/transit functional benefic planet or most effective

point of a house, it triggers a happy incident/event signified by the

house of such a conjunction/aspect, the functional benefic planet

involved and its respective mooltrikona house.


> As Venus is a functional malefic and the chances of its forming

close conjunction with the Sun and Mercury are more, the marital

harmony and progenic matters of the Taureans are mostly unfavorably

affected. Many Taurus natives born in the last quarter of the year,

around sunset time, are the worst affected in their marital

harmonious relations and progenic matters. Such placement of the

planets is also inauspicious for the parents. Those born at noon

time, between mid-October to mid-November, face rough weather in

their professional matters.


> A strong Sun blesses the native with every good thing in life like

affluent parents, good education, good assets, comforts, status,

position with government organizations, etc. This even makes up for

other non-serious weaknesses of other planets. A strong Moon gives

rise to many initiatives and the person is always aspiring/achieving

a happy change. Similarly, strong Mercury makes a Taurus-born native

highly analytical and inventive. A strong Saturn blesses the native

with persistence and ensures success.


> Exalted Sun blesses Taureans with governmental authority,

residences abroad and sometimes separation from spouse if Mars is not

strong. Exalted Moon blesses them with good communicative power,

public relations and status with government if the Sun is strong in

the nativity. Exalted and unafflicting Mars blesses them with

comforts in life and mental peace. Exalted Mercury blesses them with

sharp intellect, happiness through children and gains through

investments. Exalted and unafflicting Jupiter with strong Moon

blesses them with good inheritance, easy gains and state authority if

the Sun is also strong. Exalted and unafflicting Venus blesses them

with good health, financial gains, comforts, power to conquer enemies

and early marriage if the Sun, too, is strong. Exalted Saturn with

strong Venus blesses them with power to deal with challenges of life

successfully. Similarly, are to be read the results of the planets

when they are in their signs of debilitation causing

> deterioration in the aspects signified by the weak planets.

However, the significations likely to be promoted when the planets

are exalted get a setback when the concerned planets are weak.


> The placement of the sign Libra in the house of diseases cause

sufferings by diseases signified by the planet Venus, the sign Libra

and the seventh house. These are more apparent when weak Venus is

closely afflicted by functional malefic planets, Rahu or Ketu. Weak

Mercury makes the person unstable, nervous and causes sufferings on

account of progenic matters. Taureans, however, tend to forget the

unhappy incidents in their life early, because of their general



> The close conjunction/aspect of Venus and Jupiter makes one

vulnerable to serious health problems and losses through conflicts

and litigations. The close conjunction/aspect of Venus and Mars makes

one vulnerable to serious health problems and financial losses. The

close conjunction/aspect of Jupiter and Mars makes one vulnerable to

loss of inheritance, accidents and curtails the longevity of both the

father and the native. The close affliction of Jupiter to the Sun

spoils marital happiness and gives setbacks to parents. The close

affliction of Jupiter to the Moon gives severe business losses. The

close affliction of Jupiter to Mercury causes progenic problems and

financial losses through risky investments and speculation. The close

affliction of Jupiter to Saturn causes persistent professional

setbacks. The close conjunction/aspect of Jupiter and Rahu or Ketu

makes the person vulnerable to accidents, malfunctioning of liver,

relationships out of marital bond, sexually

> transmitted diseases, gambling tendencies and loss of ancestral




> tom wallace <gwizitsfree wrote:

> Curious as to the interpretation of Abe's sudden resignation and

> Japan's chart. And of course best of birthdays to you, Professor

> Choudry.

> all the best,

> tom







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