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Seasonal changes in share prices in the USA

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Dear friends, Our dear has recently made the following prediction: > The sub prime housing loans problem in US markets is causing > concerns for a prolonged economic slow down which is likely to > result in global setbacks for markets. Astrologically, the > situation seems to be of some concerns in October, 2007, and is > likely to start looking up after middle of November, 2007. Please note the prediction is for global stock markets. Someone commented to me off-line that the US

stock market has a seasonal pattern, including a decline in the autumn months. I was curious to examine this and assembled historical price data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and converted it to a monthly timeseries. I then ran the timeseries through an econometric programme, testing for seasonality. The result confirms that share prices in the USA tend to decline somewhat from June to October, but most strongly in September butn also noticeably in August and October. The largest crashes in US history have occurred in October! That said, on average the seasonal declines are not pronunced. Astrologically, what could account for a weakening of share prices from June to October? In the Cancer rising SAMVA USA

chart, the following planets are likely to influence share prices: L2 Sun (overall confidence of investors), L1 Moon (intra day changes in sentiments), L3 Mercury (courage of investors), L4 Venus (equimanity of investors) and L10 Mars (enthusiasm of investors). In mid June, L2 Sun of the SAMVA USA chart enters Gemini H12. This would suggest weakeness for its indications. The Sun then passes through Cancer (ruled by Moon) H1, Leo (its own sign, where it should be very strong) H2 and Virgo (ruled by Mercury) H3, before entering Libra (where it is debilitated and ruled by Venus) H4 in mid October. Interestingly, L3 Mercury and L4 Venus usually accompany Sun within orb of 27° for Mercury and 47° for Venus. These planets are also important for share

prices. Both Mercury and Venus become weak in Gemini as it is H12 in the chart. Venus also becomes weak in Virgo H3, where it becomes debilitated. It then becomes strong in its own sign Libra H4, while Mercury is also strong in its sign Virgo H3. Hence, some seasonal weakeness is possible to explain, although more analysis is required to understand the development in any given year. Moreover, the seasonality appears to have been somewhat changing in recent years such that the declines in August and September are less in 2005, 2006 and 2007. However, the increase towards the end of the year still appear to be there. The decline in September has in the past five years been in the 0.5% to 4.0% range. The rise towards the close of the year is then around 2.0%, with continued rises in the early months of the next year, except in March (when Sun

passes through Aquarius H8 and Mercury also. In other words, the seasonality is not a large factor in the overall share price development but seems to be visible nonetheless. This year, the DJIA has done well in the month of September. However, the difficult transits beckon in October and we could expect a drop then, with some recovery towards the end of the year, as the seasonal factors suggest. In light of this analysis, we are perhaps looking at more volatility in the share prices in coming weeks than the seasonal factors for October suggest. We will soon see. I attach a graph of the seasonal factors. Best wishes, Thor

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Hello dear Mr. Thor, Thanks for the detailed analysis.

Best wishes.








Sunday, September 30, 2007 12:34 AM

Seasonal changes in share prices in the USA


Dear friends,


Our dear has recently made the following prediction:


> The sub prime housing loans problem in US markets is causing

> concerns for a prolonged economic slow down which is likely to

> result in global setbacks for markets. Astrologically, the

> situation seems to be of some concerns in October, 2007, and is > likely to start looking up after middle of November, 2007. Please note the prediction is for global stock markets.


Someone commented to me off-line that the US stock market has a seasonal pattern, including a decline in the autumn months. I was curious to examine this and assembled historical price data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and converted it to a monthly timeseries. I then ran the timeseries through an econometric programme, testing for seasonality.


The result confirms that share prices in the USA tend to decline somewhat from June to October, but most strongly in September butn also noticeably in August and October. The largest crashes in US history have occurred in October! That said, on average the seasonal declines are not pronunced.


Astrologically, what could account for a weakening of share prices from June to October? In the Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, the following planets are likely to influence share prices: L2 Sun (overall confidence of investors), L1 Moon (intra day changes in sentiments), L3 Mercury (courage of investors), L4 Venus (equimanity of investors) and L10 Mars (enthusiasm of investors).


In mid June, L2 Sun of the SAMVA USA chart enters Gemini H12. This would suggest weakeness for its indications. The Sun then passes through Cancer (ruled by Moon) H1, Leo (its own sign, where it should be very strong) H2 and Virgo (ruled by Mercury) H3, before entering Libra (where it is debilitated and ruled by Venus) H4 in mid October.


Interestingly, L3 Mercury and L4 Venus usually accompany Sun within orb of 27° for Mercury and 47° for Venus. These planets are also important for share prices. Both Mercury and Venus become weak in Gemini as it is H12 in the chart. Venus also becomes weak in Virgo H3, where it becomes debilitated. It then becomes strong in its own sign Libra H4, while Mercury is also strong in its sign Virgo H3. Hence, some seasonal weakeness is possible to explain, although more analysis is required to understand the development in any given year.


Moreover, the seasonality appears to have been somewhat changing in recent years such that the declines in August and September are less in 2005, 2006 and 2007. However, the increase towards the end of the year still appear to be there. The decline in September has in the past five years been in the 0.5% to 4.0% range. The rise towards the close of the year is then around 2.0%, with continued rises in the early months of the next year, except in March (when Sun passes through Aquarius H8 and Mercury also. In other words, the seasonality is not a large factor in the overall share price development but seems to be visible nonetheless.


This year, the DJIA has done well in the month of September. However, the difficult transits beckon in October and we could expect a drop then, with some recovery towards the end of the year, as the seasonal factors suggest. In light of this analysis, we are perhaps looking at more volatility in the share prices in coming weeks than the seasonal factors for October suggest. We will soon see.


I attach a graph of the seasonal factors.


Best wishes,






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Dear Thor,Thanks 4 ur fine analysis, Also what i have noticed is that whenever the determinants of financial markets pass through sign cancer, now its lord moon which is a fast moving planet creates the most volatile movements in stock markets.Example whenever the determinant planet passes through cancer, now when its lord moon forms close contacts with functional malefic planets, the transit moon passes its colour of affliction to the transiting determinant planet, thats why when the determinant planet passes through cancer we notice very volatile markets, i.e. one day up then down.The same shall apply to our lifes also.Also what i think in december onwards financial markets shall strongly come back as Tr jupiter & venus shall be in their own signs.So, lets see what october 2007 brings for global markets, anyhow it shall be a hattrick, 1) 0ctober 1987 (2) 0ctober 1997 (3) 0ctober

2007. a clear 10 year gap in between.Thanks ajayCosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear friends, Our dear has recently made the following prediction: > The sub prime housing loans problem in US markets is causing > concerns for a

prolonged economic slow down which is likely to > result in global setbacks for markets. Astrologically, the > situation seems to be of some concerns in October, 2007, and is > likely to start looking up after middle of November, 2007. Please note the prediction is for global stock markets. Someone commented to me off-line that the US stock market has a seasonal pattern, including a decline in the autumn months. I was curious to examine this and assembled historical price data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and converted it to a monthly timeseries. I then ran the timeseries through an econometric programme, testing for seasonality. The result confirms that share prices in the USA tend to decline somewhat from June to October, but most strongly in September butn also noticeably in August and October. The largest crashes in US history have occurred in October! That said, on average the seasonal declines are not pronunced. Astrologically, what could account for a weakening of share prices from June to October? In the Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, the following planets are likely to influence share prices: L2 Sun (overall confidence of investors), L1 Moon (intra day changes in sentiments), L3 Mercury (courage of investors), L4 Venus (equimanity of investors) and L10 Mars (enthusiasm of investors). In mid June, L2 Sun of the SAMVA USA chart enters Gemini

H12. This would suggest weakeness for its indications. The Sun then passes through Cancer (ruled by Moon) H1, Leo (its own sign, where it should be very strong) H2 and Virgo (ruled by Mercury) H3, before entering Libra (where it is debilitated and ruled by Venus) H4 in mid October. Interestingly, L3 Mercury and L4 Venus usually accompany Sun within orb of 27° for Mercury and 47° for Venus. These planets are also important for share prices. Both Mercury and Venus become weak in Gemini as it is H12 in the chart. Venus also becomes weak in Virgo H3, where it becomes debilitated. It then becomes strong in its own sign Libra H4, while Mercury is also strong in its sign Virgo H3. Hence, some seasonal weakeness is possible to explain, although more analysis is required to understand the development in any given year. Moreover, the seasonality appears to have been somewhat changing in recent years such that the declines in August and September are less in 2005, 2006 and 2007. However, the increase towards the end of the year still appear to be there. The decline in September has in the past five years been in the 0.5% to 4.0% range. The rise towards the close of the year is then around 2.0%, with continued rises in the early months of the next year, except in March (when Sun passes through Aquarius H8 and Mercury also. In other words, the seasonality is not a large factor in the overall share price development but seems to be visible nonetheless. This year, the DJIA has done well in the month of September. However, the difficult transits beckon in

October and we could expect a drop then, with some recovery towards the end of the year, as the seasonal factors suggest. In light of this analysis, we are perhaps looking at more volatility in the share prices in coming weeks than the seasonal factors for October suggest. We will soon see. I attach a graph of the seasonal factors. Best wishes, Thor Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV.

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Dear Ajay and list members, First a few more thoughts on the seasonal factors and then some information about the transits of the planets through Gemini to Libra each year. Thanks for your thoughts on the impact of the passage of a planet through the sign Cancer, Ajay. I could perhaps add that 1. While the seasonal factors point to a drop in a given month, it should be understood to be in a relative sense. For instance, in some years the markets have been rising thoughout the year. In the months where a seasonal pullback is expected, the rise would be less. 2. I mentioned that the seasonal factor has been less in August and September in 2005, 2006 and 2007. This is not correct. It is in September only that it has been more variable. 3. Related to the point above, the extent of the seasonal factor drop in September

was more pronounced in 2003 and 2004. Just a thought, but it is possible this could be associated with Saturn's passage through Gemini H12 in the SAMVA USA chart in those years. In conclusion, the seasonal factors are interesting for the fact that such an effect appears in the data spanning 20 years (the largest span the programme could measure). However, the effect is not that large in the overall scheme of things. Nonetheless, it warrants looking into and uncovering the salient astrological factors. To create a setting for the analysis, we could consider the following scheme: PLANETSThe planets L1 Moon at 7° Taurus H11, L2 Sun at 24° Capricorn H7, L3 Mercury at 12° Capricorn H7, L4 Venus at 24° Sagittarius H6 and L10 Mars at 10° Scorpio H5 are the functional benefic planets in the Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart. These planets would explain the condition of

the stock market, especially the good going. The planets L6 Jupiter at 5° Scorpio H5 and afflicting natal Moon and Mars, L8 Saturn at 27° Scorpio H5 and afflicting natal Sun, FM Rahu at 18° Aries H10 and afflicting H10, H2, H4 and H6, and FM Ketu at 18° Libra H4 and afflicting H4, H8, H10 and H12. These planets would explain the setbacks. HOUSESGemini H12 - all planets become weak when passing through the house of losses. L2 Sun enters H12 in mid June every year. L3 Mercury and L4 Venus enter either before or after that time. For instance, while Sun enters Gemini around 16 June, Mercury could be entering this sign sometime between 20 May or 10 July. It could stay in Gemini for around two weeks or it could stay for over two months as it did in 2007, after it went retrograde. Planets passing through 13°-23° Gemini pass through aspect of natal Ketu at 17° 46' Libra H4. Cancer H1

- all planets become well placed in Cancer as it is the first house. Cancer is a good sign in the SAMVA USA chart as the Moon is strong natally, being exalted in Taurus H11. However, as the Moon is the fastest moving body in the sky, its fortunes quickly change, from weakness to strength, from good association to bad. Hence, the planets passing through Cancer would feel all of this. Morevover, those planets in 0°-10° would feel the natal aspect of L6 Jupiter at 5° Scorpio. On the upside, the aspects of Mercury and Sun are felt in this sign. Leo H2 - all planets become well placed in Leo as it is second house. Leo is a good sign in the SAMVA USA chart as the Sun is strong natally at 24° Capricorn. However, L8 Saturn natally afflicts Sun and any planets passing through 22° Leo - 2° Virgo would feel its natal aspect, especially if the Sun becomes weak or afflicted in transit. Prior to the aspect of Saturn, planets passing through this sign would

encounter the natal aspect of Rahu at 18 Aries H10, while going fromn 13° - 23° Leo. Virgo H3 - all planets become well placed in Virgo as it is thrid house. Virgo is a good sign in the SAMVA USA chart as Mercury is strong natally at 12° Capricorn H7. However, often Mercury becomes weak in transit, and this would affect the planets passing through this sign. Venus is debilitated in this sign and Mercury is exatled in it. Libra H4 - all planets become well placed in Libra as it is the fourth house. Libra is a troubled sign in the SAMVA USA chart as Venus is weak natally at 24° Sagittarius H6 and the nodal axis natally afflicts this house. Planets passing through 13° - 23° become afflicted by the nodes, and more so if Venus is weak or afflicted in transit. Sun becomes debilitated in this sign and Venus becomes strong being in its own sign. Finally, the attached graph shows how the

planet Mercury moves around the trajectory of the Sun in the heavens. Venus has a wider orb but also follows the basic trajectory of the Sun. Best wishes, Thor ajay sehg <ajaysehg wrote: Dear Thor,Thanks 4 ur fine analysis, Also what i have noticed is that whenever the determinants of

financial markets pass through sign cancer, now its lord moon which is a fast moving planet creates the most volatile movements in stock markets.Example whenever the determinant planet passes through cancer, now when its lord moon forms close contacts with functional malefic planets, the transit moon passes its colour of affliction to the transiting determinant planet, thats why when the determinant planet passes through cancer we notice very volatile markets, i.e. one day up then down.The same shall apply to our lifes also.Also what i think in december onwards financial markets shall strongly come back as Tr jupiter & venus shall be in their own signs.So, lets see what october 2007 brings for global markets, anyhow it shall be a hattrick, 1) 0ctober 1987 (2) 0ctober 1997 (3) 0ctober 2007. a clear 10 year gap in between.Thanks ajayCosmologer

<cosmologer wrote: Dear friends, Our dear has recently made the following prediction: > The sub prime housing loans problem in US markets is causing > concerns for a prolonged economic slow down which is likely to > result in global setbacks for markets. Astrologically, the > situation seems to be of some concerns in October, 2007, and is > likely to start looking up after middle of November, 2007. Please note the prediction

is for global stock markets. Someone commented to me off-line that the US stock market has a seasonal pattern, including a decline in the autumn months. I was curious to examine this and assembled historical price data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and converted it to a monthly timeseries. I then ran the timeseries through an econometric programme, testing for seasonality. The result confirms that share prices in the USA tend to decline somewhat from June to October, but most strongly in September butn also noticeably in August and October. The largest crashes in US history have occurred in October! That said, on average the seasonal declines are not pronunced. Astrologically, what could account for a weakening of share prices from June to October? In the Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, the following planets are likely to influence share prices: L2 Sun (overall confidence of investors), L1 Moon (intra day changes in sentiments), L3 Mercury (courage of investors), L4 Venus (equimanity of investors) and L10 Mars (enthusiasm of investors). In mid June, L2 Sun of the SAMVA USA chart enters Gemini H12. This would suggest weakeness for its indications. The Sun then passes through Cancer (ruled by Moon) H1, Leo (its own sign, where it should be very strong) H2 and Virgo (ruled by Mercury) H3, before entering Libra (where it is debilitated and ruled by Venus) H4 in mid October. Interestingly, L3 Mercury and L4 Venus usually accompany Sun within orb of 27° for Mercury and 47° for Venus. These planets are also important for share prices. Both Mercury and Venus become weak in Gemini as it is H12 in the chart. Venus also becomes weak in Virgo H3, where it becomes debilitated. It then becomes strong in its own sign Libra H4, while Mercury is also strong in its sign Virgo H3. Hence, some seasonal weakeness is possible to explain, although more analysis is required to understand the development in any given year. Moreover, the seasonality appears to have been somewhat changing in recent years such that the declines in August and September are less in 2005, 2006 and 2007. However, the increase towards the end of the year still appear to be there. The decline in September has in the past five

years been in the 0.5% to 4.0% range. The rise towards the close of the year is then around 2.0%, with continued rises in the early months of the next year, except in March (when Sun passes through Aquarius H8 and Mercury also. In other words, the seasonality is not a large factor in the overall share price development but seems to be visible nonetheless. This year, the DJIA has done well in the month of September. However, the difficult transits beckon in October and we could expect a drop then, with some recovery towards the end of the year, as the seasonal factors suggest. In light of this analysis, we are perhaps looking at more volatility in the share prices in coming weeks than the seasonal factors for October suggest. We will soon see. I attach a graph of the seasonal factors. Best wishes, Thor Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more! Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Autos.

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