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SAMVA USA chart has 20° 00' Cancer rising

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Dear friends,


For most of the time since the introduction of the SAMVA USA chart on

SAMVA on 31 December 2006 we have been using 20° 59' Cancer as the

prospective rising degree for this chart.


More recently we have been discussing a refinement in the

rectification of the rising degree in the SAMVA USA chart. In that

investigation it became evident that the likely rising degree was in

the range of 19°-21° Cancer.


has now shared with me his oppinion regarding the

rising degree of the SAMVA USA chart. He finds that the ascendant is

20° Cancer. This is quite close to the possible degree range I was

considering (19° 45' - 20° 15').


In informing you of his finding, I therefore also announce the

decision to use this degree for the discussion going forward of the

SAMVA USA chart.


Best wishes,






SAMVA , Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote:


> Dear friends,


> Below is a table showing the years in which the various aspects

were initially felt in the SAMVA USA chart. The table then shows the

years the impact increased by each 10%. In my oppinion the aspect

would have become quite noticeable in its impact when it reached 50%

and more. These impact calculations should be viewed against major

transits affecting the planets involved as well as their periods and

sub-periods in the chart.


> Table: Evolution of asepct impact by

year ASPECT Orb 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% L1 Moon -

L10 Mars 2° 42' 1791 L8 Saturn - on - L2 Sun

> 3° 01' 1781 1806 L6 Jupiter - L1 Moon

> 3° 01' 1781 1806 L6 Jupiter - L10 Mars

> 5° 43' 1817 1842 1867 1892 1917 1942 Rahu - on - L4


> 6° 04' 1834 1859 1884 1909 1934 1959


> ASPECT 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% L1 Moon -

L10 Mars 1816 1841 1866 1891 1916 L8 Saturn - on - L2 Sun

1831 1856 1881 1906 1931 L6 Jupiter - L1 Moon 1831 1856

1881 1906 1931 L6 Jupiter - L10 Mars 1967 1992 2017 2042

2067 Rahu - on - L4 Venus 1984 2009 2034 2059 2084


> For instance, the highly auspicious mutual opposition aspect

between L1 Moon and L10 Mars had reached 50% of its strength around

1791 - only 8 years after the end of the revolutionary war. This

suggests the nature of early America would have been quite energetic

and impressive. By around 1806, two adverse aspects would have become

increasingly felt, the three house aspect of L8 Saturn on L2 Sun and

the opposition aspect between f L6 Jupiter and L1 Moon. This would

have given more obstacles and conflict, which is consistent with the

War of 1812, the expansion west, the wars with the Indians, as well

as the first assassination attempt on a US President in 1835. Around

1942, the energetic conjunction aspect of L6 Jupiter and L10 Mars is

occurring around WW II when the identity of GI Joe was born. By 1959

the adverse five house aspect of Rahu to a weak and badly placed L4

Venus would have been felt by 50%.


> Further to this the aspects of the nodes to the houses would have

been felt to around 50% in one of the following years for each

ascending degree:


> 21° 00': 1817

> 20° 45': 1804

> 20° 30': 1792

> 20° 15': 1781


> For earlier degrees, the impact in 1781 was already greater than

50%, or:

> 19° 45': 60%

> 19° 30': 65%

> 19° 15': 70%

> 19° 00': 75%


> In other words, this aspect of nodes to the even numbered houses

is consistent with the civil war under the whole range of degrees

considered. So that, perhaps, becomes a non-issue. What becomes

interesting is that for the degrees closer to 21° the impact would

have been felt to a significant degree around the year 1817 or

slightly earlier. The underside of American history is the fact that

relations of the white Christian Americans with the native Indians

and black slaves were exploitative from early on. The settlers used

slave labour stolen at gun point from Africa and eradicated native

Indian settlements in the states lying on the Eastern seaboard. As a

result, we could expect this aspect was strongly felt from 1781

onwards. This element alone suggests that the 20° 15' rising and

below is more likely for this chart.


> Moroever, this overview suggests the character of America, and

the identity of the people, has evolved consistent with some positive

and some negative aspects present at the birth of the country and

then other aspects increasing in manifestation as time wore on,

making the identy more complex as the American civilizational project



> It is perhaps no accident that many Americans have a nostalgia

for life and culture even the politics of early America, when the

pioneer spirit was a defining moment in American life, when the

founders had insights into the human condition in terms of the

suitable political arrangements that have been unrivaled in the

history of mankind since. These were based on the auspicious

placements and the less cluttered identity of the Americans as time

wore on.


> Best wishes,


> Thor







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