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The transit strength of planets and the implications for their indications

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Dear friends,


David Hawthorne has given us a weekly run down of the planetary

transits each week including a reading for each ascendant. Professor

Choudhry has also given us his free weekly horoscope reading at

www.yournetastrologer.com for each ascendant for the coming week. I

find these contributions immensely helpful as a study aid each week.


It is interesting to consider the strength of each planet, and what

it implies for its indications. Clearly a planet strong in transit

suggests its indications will fare well while the indications of

planets that are weak or afflicted in transit will be facing an

uphill struggle.


Currently, the Sun at 25° Libra, its sign of debilitation. Hence for

the coming week or so, it will be weak, due also to old age and then

infancy in Scorpio. After that, the indications of the Sun should

begin to look up. In SA the indications of the Sun are " The

Government, Prime Minister, President of the country, police, first

and ninth houses. "


Venus is at around 8° Virgo, its sign of debilitation and will remain

in that sign until 1 December. Hence, it is weak in transit and its

indications, " resources, hotels, women folk, cinema industry, arts

and leisure industry " are thus weakened. Venus also rules aviation

and tourism sectors.


Mercury is around 6° Libra and will transit that sign for most of

this month. As Venus is weak in transit, its indications are also

vulnerable, but it rules " strategists, advisors to head of state and

intellectuals. " Mercury rules high tech and communication companies.


Mars is at 18° Gemini and is hence strong in transit. Its indications

should therefore do well at this time, including " army, police and

anti-social elements when under the influence of Rahu or the lord of

the eighth or twelfth house. Mars signifies third and tenth houses " .

Mars also rules industrial companies.


Jupiter is at 27° 30' Scorpio and is now in old age and hence weak in

transit. It rules " diplomatic attaches, advisors to head of state,

teachers, judiciary and banking systems. "


Saturn is at 13° 15' Leo and is seperating from its difficult

conjunction with Ketu. It is about to go stationary at 14° 30' Leo

for the coming two months. It will therefore be reasonably strong in

transit, which would protect its significations of " civil servants,

low technology industry and mines " . Saturn also rules working people.


In short, it is Mars and Saturn that are fairly strong in transit.

The companies ruled by these planets should therefore also do better

in the stock market, while stocks ruled by Sun and Jupiter (banks)

and Mercury (High tech) and Venus (Airlines, luxury goods) could be

under some pressure.


Rahu and Ketu are always strong in transit. However, in a mundane

chart they could come under the influence of a functional malefic.


Rahu is at 9° Aquarius, under a widening aspect from Saturn.

Depending on the functional nature of Saturn, the indications of

Rahu, which include " diplomatic moves, manipulations and deceit " ,

sales people, diplomats, producers of intoxicants, etc, would fare

better or worse than normal.


Ketu at 9° Leo is similarily influenced by Saturn. It rules " Natural

calamities, violent (actions or events) " and spiritual people and



Best wishes,



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