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A Basic Question

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Dear Manosh and list members,


The information is not enough. Let me explain.


Say Case I where Me is in say Taurus or Libra Navamsa. Then Me is SD

to Ve. So Me can replace Ve in places where Ve is unable to deliver

results on its own. That is one part. Second part is the WS points.


Now Case II where Me and Ve conjoin in Rasi and are in same nakshtra

too. Then Me and Ve become powerful SD's. So in case where Me is

unable to deliver result then Venus might step in for it. Again u

have to make judgement based on the points in the WS too.


Now Case III where Me is in 10th place from Ve and Me has < 4 bindus

and Ve has > 4 bindus. Here in this case Ve will become powerful SD

to Me. Me will CONTROL Ve. So if Me is unable to deliver any result

then it will DEPUTE Ve to go in its place. Here again Ve has to

submit its points to Me (Which is taken care in the WS) and then if

you notice the WS, Me will become powerful for mostly all houses as it

will take its own power and add the power of Venus to it as it

controls Ve.


But keep in mind here that Me controls Ve so Me can depute Venus, in

this case if Ve is unable to deliver results then it cant tell Me or

it wont depute Me to deliver result. Just think over this.


Me is Boss, Ve is subordinate, so boss can tell subordinate to go

deliver result wheareas if subordinate cant give then it cant tell

boss to go in its place.


Now in other case for 4:10 when say in our case Me has more than 4

points and Ve has less than 4 points then in this case Boss is noble

guy a good guy and subordinate is a mischief monger. He will act like

a hypocrate and will show he supports the boss but when the time comes

he will OPPOSE the boss so here u have to be careful and judge

accordingly. (If memory serves me right you had also asked me this

question in the past.. so I am just adding this portion in this mail).


Again, now say if in our example say Me is 6th lord or say Lagna is

Aries then 7th and 2nd lord becomes SD to 6th lord Mercury (3rd lord

is also Me).


So here LoA and LoB for 7th as B become SD to 6th lord and 12th from B

= 7th lord. So here 7th house gets disturbed. Now again say Me and

Ve are very close i.e. < 3deg20 so they will also conjoin in navamsa

so again making it stronger SD.


As per your example of Me and Ve becoming SD also keep in mind that Ve

and Me are lords of 2:12 houses i.e. Libra and Virgo and Taurus and



Cheers !!!









, " Manoshi Chatterjee "

<khallopapa> wrote:

> Dear Ash and others,


> say Mercury is samdharmee to Venus and moon is also samadharmee to

> venus. will venus act as a samadharmi to Mercury, I mean if mercury

> is giving " move " , then Venus might give move ( I am considerining


> SD factor to give results here), will Moon also will have the

> capability to give move ( based on SD factor)?


> --Manoshi

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  • 2 years later...

Dear List Members:


The cases and study of their chart analyses that many of you

contribute to is very much appreciated ... thank you!


Please, how does one generate the more current dates that come after

the Vimshottari Dasa sequence ends for charts with birth dates back in

the 1800's using the Jyotish Tools?


Thank you for your time and consideration ...


Best Wishes,



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