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1 year anniversary of SAMVA USA chart

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Dear friends,


It is now one year to the day when the SAMVA USA chart was introduced on this list. On this occasion I use the occasion to thank


- John TWB for coming up with the historical event the chart is based on and for explaining its historical significance

- for distilling his powerful System's Approach and his wise guidance through the years, without which a chart explaining America's destiny would never have been recognised

- the list members who have over the years contributed their insights and thoughts on this list to the benefit of others and for the advancement of the knowledge regarding the application of SA in the mundane sphere.


Finally, I revisit the post by on January 6, 2007, when he offered his insight into it:


"The interesting thing about this chart is that besides the transitinfluences for verification of the significant events, the chart itselfshows that it can belong to a country like US.


The lord of the house of status closely influencing the asdt from the seventh house shows its commanding position in the international affairs.

The lord of the tenth house in the fifth house shows its commanding position in the intellectualproperties in the world.

The strong placement of the lord of the asdt in the eleventh house shows its financial strength.

The influence of lord of sixth house on the lord of the asdt shows its assertive attitude including use of force in international affairs.

The placement of Venus in the sixth house shows the conflicts raised by its assertive attitude and it also shows problems in domestic peace felt by its citizens.

The close influence of Saturn on the Sun shows setbacks in the matter of wealth of the nation and the number of assassination made on the life of the heads of state.

The lord of the third in the seventh house shows its important intervention inforeign policy around the world."

This blueprint for the destiny of this important country will hopefully benefit many people, by indicating the happier times and warning of the more difficult ones.

With my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year 2008!!





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Hello dear Mr. Thor, Congratulations on the eve of New Year and anniversary of SAMVA USA Chart which is showing relevance during the course of various developments in US. Best wishes.








Tuesday, January 01, 2008 3:55 AM

1 year anniversary of SAMVA USA chart







Dear friends,


It is now one year to the day when the SAMVA USA chart was introduced on this list. On this occasion I use the occasion to thank


- John TWB for coming up with the historical event the chart is based on and for explaining its historical significance

- for distilling his powerful System's Approach and his wise guidance through the years, without which a chart explaining America's destiny would never have been recognised

- the list members who have over the years contributed their insights and thoughts on this list to the benefit of others and for the advancement of the knowledge regarding the application of SA in the mundane sphere.


Finally, I revisit the post by on January 6, 2007, when he offered his insight into it:


"The interesting thing about this chart is that besides the transitinfluences for verification of the significant events, the chart itselfshows that it can belong to a country like US.


The lord of the house of status closely influencing the asdt from the seventh house shows its commanding position in the international affairs. The lord of the tenth house in the fifth house shows its commanding position in the intellectualproperties in the world. The strong placement of the lord of the asdt in the eleventh house shows its financial strength. The influence of lord of sixth house on the lord of the asdt shows its assertive attitude including use of force in international affairs. The placement of Venus in the sixth house shows the conflicts raised by its assertive attitude and it also shows problems in domestic peace felt by its citizens. The close influence of Saturn on the Sun shows setbacks in the matter of wealth of the nation and the number of assassination made on the life of the heads of state. The lord of the third in the seventh house shows its important intervention inforeign policy around the world."

This blueprint for the destiny of this important country will hopefully benefit many people, by indicating the happier times and warning of the more difficult ones.

With my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year 2008!!






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Dear Thor, To use an American idiom: "I pitched it and you hit it"; Hit it right over the outfield bleacher seats. The winning homerun! HAPPY NEW YEAR JohnTWB siha <siha wrote: Hello dear Mr.

Thor, Congratulations on the eve of New Year and anniversary of SAMVA USA Chart which is showing relevance during the course of various developments in US. Best wishes. - Cosmologer samva Tuesday, January 01, 2008 3:55 AM 1 year anniversary of SAMVA USA chart Dear friends, It is now one year to the day when the SAMVA USA chart was introduced on this list. On this occasion I use the occasion to thank - John TWB for coming up with the historical event the chart is based on and for explaining its historical significance - for distilling his powerful System's Approach and his wise guidance through the years, without which a chart explaining America's destiny would never have been recognised - the list members who have over the years contributed their insights and thoughts on this list to the

benefit of others and for the advancement of the knowledge regarding the application of SA in the mundane sphere. Finally, I revisit the post by on January 6, 2007, when he offered his insight into it: "The interesting thing about this chart is that besides the transitinfluences for verification of the significant events, the chart itselfshows that it can belong to a country like US. The lord of the house of status closely influencing the asdt from the seventh house shows its commanding position in the international affairs. The lord of the tenth house in the fifth house shows its commanding position in the intellectualproperties in the world. The strong placement of the lord of the asdt in the eleventh house shows its financial strength. The influence of lord of sixth house on the lord of the asdt shows its assertive attitude

including use of force in international affairs. The placement of Venus in the sixth house shows the conflicts raised by its assertive attitude and it also shows problems in domestic peace felt by its citizens. The close influence of Saturn on the Sun shows setbacks in the matter of wealth of the nation and the number of assassination made on the life of the heads of state. The lord of the third in the seventh house shows its important intervention inforeign policy around the world." This blueprint for the destiny of this important country will hopefully benefit many people, by indicating the happier times and warning of the more difficult ones. With my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year 2008!! Thor Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."--- U.S. President George W. Bush, speaking at a Gridiron Club dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001 "Time and the Ocean, and some guiding star and High Cabal have made us what we are." U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, 3 October 1941"For nothing is hid that shall not be made

manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light... take heed then how you hear..." Luke 8:1718 "1913 was the final year of America's golden age: After indoor plumbing, but before the central bank and the income tax."R. J. Rushdoony"Paper currency is poverty, .... it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1788"'Honest Abe' was the moniker given to Abraham Lincoln by his early associates and later political enemies, for the same reason that the biggest boy in a class is called 'Tiny'."

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Dear John,


Thanks for the metaphor. Indeed, a win for the SAMVA team!!


Best wishes,




SAMVA , JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote:


> Dear Thor,


> To use an American idiom:


> " I pitched it and you hit it " ; Hit it right over the outfield

bleacher seats.


> The winning homerun!






> JohnTWB


> siha <siha wrote:


> Hello dear Mr. Thor,


> Congratulations on the eve of New Year and anniversary of SAMVA USA

Chart which is showing relevance during the course of various

developments in US.


> Best wishes.







> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Tuesday, January 01, 2008 3:55 AM

> 1 year anniversary of SAMVA USA chart



> Dear friends,


> It is now one year to the day when the SAMVA USA chart was

introduced on this list. On this occasion I use the occasion to thank


> - John TWB for coming up with the historical event the chart is

based on and for explaining its historical significance

> - for distilling his powerful System's

Approach and his wise guidance through the years, without which a

chart explaining America's destiny would never have been recognised

> - the list members who have over the years contributed their

insights and thoughts on this list to the benefit of others and for

the advancement of the knowledge regarding the application of SA in

the mundane sphere.


> Finally, I revisit the post by on January 6,

2007, when he offered his insight into it:


> " The interesting thing about this chart is that besides the


> influences for verification of the significant events, the chart


> shows that it can belong to a country like US.


> The lord of the house of status closely influencing the asdt

from the seventh house shows its commanding position in the

international affairs.

> The lord of the tenth house in the fifth house shows its

commanding position in the intellectualproperties in the world.

> The strong placement of the lord of the asdt in the eleventh

house shows its financial strength.

> The influence of lord of sixth house on the lord of the asdt

shows its assertive attitude including use of force in international


> The placement of Venus in the sixth house shows the conflicts

raised by its assertive attitude and it also shows problems in

domestic peace felt by its citizens.

> The close influence of Saturn on the Sun shows setbacks in the

matter of wealth of the nation and the number of assassination made

on the life of the heads of state.

> The lord of the third in the seventh house shows its important

intervention in

> foreign policy around the world. "

> This blueprint for the destiny of this important country will

hopefully benefit many people, by indicating the happier times and

warning of the more difficult ones.


> With my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year 2008!!


> Thor



> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with


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> " You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the

ones you want to concentrate on. "

> --- U.S. President George W. Bush, speaking at a Gridiron Club

dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001



> " Time and the Ocean, and some guiding star and High Cabal have made

us what we are. "


> U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, 3 October 1941



> " For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything

secret that shall not be known and come to light... take heed then

how you hear... "


> Luke 8:1718



> " 1913 was the final year of America's golden age: After indoor

plumbing, but before the central bank and the income tax. "


> R. J. Rushdoony


> " Paper currency is poverty, .... it is only the ghost of money, and

not money itself. " -- Thomas Jefferson, 1788


> " 'Honest Abe' was the moniker given to Abraham Lincoln by his early

associates and later political enemies, for the same reason that the

biggest boy in a class is called 'Tiny'. "



> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


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Dear ,


Thank you for the congratulations and for highlighting

what it is exactly that the chart accomplishes to reveal!


Best wishes,




SAMVA , " siha " <siha wrote:



> Hello dear Mr. Thor,


> Congratulations on the eve of New Year and anniversary of SAMVA USA

Chart which is showing relevance during the course of various

developments in US.


> Best wishes.







> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Tuesday, January 01, 2008 3:55 AM

> 1 year anniversary of SAMVA USA chart




> Dear friends,


> It is now one year to the day when the SAMVA USA chart was

introduced on this list. On this occasion I use the occasion to thank


> - John TWB for coming up with the historical event the chart is

based on and for explaining its historical significance

> - for distilling his powerful System's

Approach and his wise guidance through the years, without which a

chart explaining America's destiny would never have been recognised

> - the list members who have over the years contributed their

insights and thoughts on this list to the benefit of others and for

the advancement of the knowledge regarding the application of SA in

the mundane sphere.


> Finally, I revisit the post by on January 6,

2007, when he offered his insight into it:


> " The interesting thing about this chart is that besides the


> influences for verification of the significant events, the chart


> shows that it can belong to a country like US.

> a.. The lord of the house of status closely influencing the

asdt from the seventh house shows its commanding position in the

international affairs.

> b.. The lord of the tenth house in the fifth house shows its

commanding position in the intellectualproperties in the world.

> c.. The strong placement of the lord of the asdt in the

eleventh house shows its financial strength.

> d.. The influence of lord of sixth house on the lord of the

asdt shows its assertive attitude including use of force in

international affairs.

> e.. The placement of Venus in the sixth house shows the

conflicts raised by its assertive attitude and it also shows problems

in domestic peace felt by its citizens.

> f.. The close influence of Saturn on the Sun shows setbacks in

the matter of wealth of the nation and the number of assassination

made on the life of the heads of state.

> g.. The lord of the third in the seventh house shows its

important intervention in

> foreign policy around the world. "

> This blueprint for the destiny of this important country will

hopefully benefit many people, by indicating the happier times and

warning of the more difficult ones.


> With my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year 2008!!


> Thor





> --


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