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A storm in Iceland

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Hello dear Mr. Thor, Combust transit Jupiter is also under the close aspect of Ketu. This is contributing both for storm in Iceland and the USA financial markets fall, as well.

Best wishes.






Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:35 AM

A storm in Iceland



Dear friends,


A storm is raging in Iceland. The wind and rain are literally lashing and the fierce gusts of wind have actually torn some roofs right off some houses. Such storms don´t come often in Iceland. The aspects in the 9° 32' Virgo rising chart for Iceland explain why.


Sa/Sa period is operating and dual period lord L6 Saturn is now stationary at around 14° 30' Leo H12 and is thus weak in transit on account of being badly placed.


The real culprit for the storm is the exact aspect of transit Rahu at 6° 33' Aquarius H6 (owned by Saturn) to natal L6 Saturn.


Other factors involving Saturn are also contributing:

- Transit L11 Moon at 8° Sagittarius H4 is opposing natal L6 Saturn

- transit L4 Jupiter at 4° Sagittarius H4 is opposing natal L6 Saturn and L12 Sun at 3° 08'

- transit Saturn is also aspecting natal L1 Mercury at 17° Taurus H9.


SA is really amazing!


Best wishes,






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Dear ,


There are many things going on with this applying aspect. Thanks for

pointing out its key role.


Indeed, the aspect of transit Ketu to the combust sub-period lord

transit Jupiter as L6 in H6 in the Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart is

the major aspect there. With Moon also passing through H6 and Sun

going over natal L8 Saturn is adding to the problems. This transit

aspect has also brought extreme weather conditions to some midwestern

states in the USA.


In the Virgo rising chart for Iceland, L4 Jupiter in Sagittarius is

afflicted by transit Ketu in Leo H12, but also by its close oppostion

aspect to L6 Saturn and L12 Sun in H10. For what it's worth, the

storm in Iceland died down late last night. It peaked shortly after

the transit Rahu aspect to natal sub-period lord Saturn had become

exact and with transit L11 Moon also having passed out of aspect to

natal Saturn. That said, the weather forecast is for more stormy

weather later this week, as the aspect of Jupiter and Ketu becomes

ever closer - as well as the affliction by natal Saturn to transit



Best wishes,





SAMVA , <siha wrote:



> Hello dear Mr. Thor,


> Combust transit Jupiter is also under the close aspect of Ketu.

This is contributing both for storm in Iceland and the USA financial

markets fall, as well.


> Best wishes.





> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:35 AM

> A storm in Iceland



> Dear friends,


> A storm is raging in Iceland. The wind and rain are literally

lashing and the fierce gusts of wind have actually torn some roofs

right off some houses. Such storms don´t come often in Iceland. The

aspects in the 9° 32' Virgo rising chart for Iceland explain why.


> Sa/Sa period is operating and dual period lord L6 Saturn is now

stationary at around 14° 30' Leo H12 and is thus weak in transit on

account of being badly placed.


> The real culprit for the storm is the exact aspect of transit

Rahu at 6° 33' Aquarius H6 (owned by Saturn) to natal L6 Saturn.


> Other factors involving Saturn are also contributing:

> - Transit L11 Moon at 8° Sagittarius H4 is opposing natal L6


> - transit L4 Jupiter at 4° Sagittarius H4 is opposing natal L6

Saturn and L12 Sun at 3° 08'

> - transit Saturn is also aspecting natal L1 Mercury at 17°

Taurus H9.


> SA is really amazing!


> Best wishes,


> Thor





> --


> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


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Dear and list,


A special update.


A third day of strong storms is taking place in Iceland. Schools are

closed and flights are down. Emergency crews are responding to

problems with flying debris.


You are absolutely right, , that the mutual aspect

of transit Ketu to transit Jupiter is a contributing factor as this

storm, especially as both are weak in transit, with the dispositor of

Ketu, the Sun having become old age in late Scorpio, and Jupiter is



The storm today is apparently greater than the one I mentioned a few

days ago and it is also affecting more people as it is in the

metropolitan area of Reykjavik and taking place during the morning

(and not the night as before).


I assume you are in agreement that the transit-to-natal aspects in

the chart for Iceland are also important. In fact, it would help to

explain why this storm is so powerful and disruptive that both

transit-o-transit and transit-to-natal aspects are at work.


Best wishes,





SAMVA , <siha wrote:



> Hello dear Mr. Thor,


> Combust transit Jupiter is also under the close aspect of Ketu.

This is contributing both for storm in Iceland and the USA financial

markets fall, as well.


> Best wishes.





> -

> Cosmologer

> samva

> Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:35 AM

> A storm in Iceland



> Dear friends,


> A storm is raging in Iceland. The wind and rain are literally

lashing and the fierce gusts of wind have actually torn some roofs

right off some houses. Such storms don´t come often in Iceland. The

aspects in the 9° 32' Virgo rising chart for Iceland explain why.


> Sa/Sa period is operating and dual period lord L6 Saturn is now

stationary at around 14° 30' Leo H12 and is thus weak in transit on

account of being badly placed.


> The real culprit for the storm is the exact aspect of transit

Rahu at 6° 33' Aquarius H6 (owned by Saturn) to natal L6 Saturn.


> Other factors involving Saturn are also contributing:

> - Transit L11 Moon at 8° Sagittarius H4 is opposing natal L6


> - transit L4 Jupiter at 4° Sagittarius H4 is opposing natal L6

Saturn and L12 Sun at 3° 08'

> - transit Saturn is also aspecting natal L1 Mercury at 17°

Taurus H9.


> SA is really amazing!


> Best wishes,


> Thor





> --


> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


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