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Chart of China?

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Dear Sankara,


To see the chart that I have rectified for China, please go to http://satva.blogspot.com/


Warm regards,



On 12/20/07, SANKARA BHAGAVADPADA <sankara wrote:

Dear Jorge,


Namasthe.Some months ago, Vyas had sent a doc on the SAMVA list, giving broad delineations, for the rectification of the chart for China.Has the chart for China been rectified, since? Is it posted in the SAMVA archives? Pl let me know.


Warm Regards







Jorge Angelino



Thursday, December 20, 2007 12:26 PM

Re: Ethos of the nations




Dear Sankara,


I see what you mean. Unfortunately I have no hints for you on this...


My work on rectification took me to Google to find strong events for each country just for the purpose of ascertaining the exact rising degree. These events/dates are in SAMVA list with each of my rectified charts. I don't know if it can help you.


Warm regards,




sankara wrote:


Dear Jorge,Thor, Vyas, and other learned SAMVA astrologers,


Namasthe.Please let me know, whether you are aware of any useful knowledge, regarding the " ethos of the nations " , dealt with nationwise and peoplewise, in some Internet websites.Obviously

, this will be " cultural and sociological knowledge " , which I am now seeking, in order to gain a deeper astrological understanding of the SAMVA charts, which have been perfected and rectified thus far by SAMVA astrologers, under the Prof.Choudhry's guidance.I am currently looking at the countries, suggested by the Prof.:











If the knowledge that I am seeking is systematized, so much the better.I am attaching a doc, which has such a module of knowledge on Iceland.This has helped me to get insights into the astrological representations of the ethos of Iceland and thus develop a greater empathy and understanding of the Icelandic people.The doc will give you an idea of what I'm looking for.

Thanking you all for your support and guidance.

Best Regards



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Hello my dear Sankara, I have sent you the chart which was in my data base. The chart referred by Mr. Jorge Angelino may be more dependable as he has done work on that.

Best wishes.








Thursday, December 20, 2007 8:06 PM

Chart of China?

 Dear Jorge,


I did see the chart:[01-01-1912, 12:00:00 Zone=-07:55Hrs LMT, Nanking, China].How does it happen that there exists another chart on China[01-10-1949, 7:30AM, Beijing, -08:00Hrs CCT]-are both approved by Prof.Choudhry? Please clarify.

warm regards




Jorge Angelino


Cc: sankara

Thursday, December 20, 2007 2:22 PM

Re: Chart of China?




Dear Sankara,


To see the chart that I have rectified for China, please go to http://satva.blogspot.com/


Warm regards,



On 12/20/07, SANKARA BHAGAVADPADA <sankara (AT) hinduworldastrology (DOT) net> wrote: 

Dear Jorge,


Namasthe.Some months ago, Vyas had sent a doc on the SAMVA list, giving broad delineations, for the rectification of the chart for China.Has the chart for China been rectified, since? Is it posted in the SAMVA archives? Pl let me know.

Warm Regards







Jorge Angelino


Thursday, December 20, 2007 12:26 PM

Re: Ethos of the nations




Dear Sankara,


I see what you mean. Unfortunately I have no hints for you on this...


My work on rectification took me to Google to find strong events for each country just for the purpose of ascertaining the exact rising degree. These events/dates are in SAMVA list with each of my rectified charts. I don't know if it can help you.


Warm regards,



On 12/20/07, SANKARA BHAGAVADPADA < sankara (AT) hinduworldastrology (DOT) net> wrote:


Dear Jorge,Thor, Vyas, and other learned SAMVA astrologers,


Namasthe.Please let me know, whether you are aware of any useful knowledge, regarding the "ethos of the nations", dealt with nationwise and peoplewise, in some Internet websites.Obviously , this will be "cultural and sociological knowledge", which I am now seeking, in order to gain a deeper astrological understanding of the SAMVA charts, which have been perfected and rectified thus far by SAMVA astrologers, under the Prof.Choudhry's guidance.I am currently looking at the countries, suggested by the Prof.:











If the knowledge that I am seeking is systematized, so much the better.I am attaching a doc, which has such a module of knowledge on Iceland.This has helped me to get insights into the astrological representations of the ethos of Iceland and thus develop a greater empathy and understanding of the Icelandic people.The doc will give you an idea of what I'm looking for.

Thanking you all for your support and guidance.

Best Regards



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Dear Sri Sankara ji,


I have monitored this Sc chart outside of this forum, time affording,

whenever there was news or if I wanted to understand the upcoming financial

trends. I am not one for extra work in documentation as I am quite busy

otherwise, but vigilence is there.


It holds water in my finding, and I use SA principles strictly. As you

probably know, I am very quick to throw something out if it doesn't work. In

my view the final 1% of convincing will take another couple years. It could

be wrong, let's see.


Take a few hours, try the chart yourself, then you don't have to wonder if

it's garbage or gold.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas

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Dear Sri Vyasji,


Namasthe.Thanks for the clarifications provided. I'll do my part of the home work.Unfortunately, checking, whether the rectified charts are correct, cannot be done at this stage, as this is a very involved work in itself.I just wanted to take up well established charts and see the ethos coming out of it, thats all.I'll cjeck both charts, as Prof.Choudhry has suggested, thats the best thing, at this point in time.

Best regards




Vyas Munidas


Thursday, December 20, 2007 9:42 PM

Re: Chart of China?



Dear Sri Sankara ji,I have monitored this Sc chart outside of this forum, time affording, whenever there was news or if I wanted to understand the upcoming financial trends. I am not one for extra work in documentation as I am quite busy otherwise, but vigilence is there.It holds water in my finding, and I use SA principles strictly. As you probably know, I am very quick to throw something out if it doesn't work. In my view the final 1% of convincing will take another couple years. It could be wrong, let's see.Take a few hours, try the chart yourself, then you don't have to wonder if it's garbage or gold.Best regards,Vyas Munidas

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Dear Sri Sankara ji,


Also note that [21/09/1949 13:00, Peking, China] Sc 27:51 is the chart I am

working with. Around the time of rectification, there were many posts using

this chart as reference. You may want to check the threads. " China " should

be a good search string.


My suggestion here to try the charts was this: select 5-10 significant

events and test them against each chart. Of course, that comes after

assessing the natal potential, and historically, it must also match.


The date I have selected is after conquest by the communisty party, when Mao

Zedong at the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Peking

declared that the new Chinese Government will be under the leadership of the

Communist party of China. The civil war was going on since the 1920's.


On Oct 1, 1949 the " People's Republic of China, " was formally announced with

Mao Zedong as the leader. In my astrological bactesting, turns out to be,

exactly that - a formality, with the 21 September data being significant.


Time permitting, try me off the list and I can try to help in whichever way

I can.



Best regards,


Vyas Munidas






Thursday, December 20, 2007 10:28 PM

Re: Chart of China?



Dear Sri Vyasji,


Namasthe.Thanks for the clarifications provided. I'll do my part of the home

work.Unfortunately, checking, whether the rectified charts are correct,

cannot be done at this stage, as this is a very involved work in itself.I

just wanted to take up well established charts and see the ethos coming out

of it, thats all.I'll cjeck both charts, as Prof.Choudhry has suggested,

thats the best thing, at this point in time.

Best regards



Vyas Munidas


Thursday, December 20, 2007 9:42 PM

Re: Chart of China?



Dear Sri Sankara ji,


I have monitored this Sc chart outside of this forum, time affording,

whenever there was news or if I wanted to understand the upcoming


trends. I am not one for extra work in documentation as I am quite busy

otherwise, but vigilence is there.


It holds water in my finding, and I use SA principles strictly. As you

probably know, I am very quick to throw something out if it doesn't work.


my view the final 1% of convincing will take another couple years. It


be wrong, let's see.


Take a few hours, try the chart yourself, then you don't have to wonder if

it's garbage or gold.


Best regards,


Vyas Munidas

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