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Pagan Origin and Astronomical Background of St. Mary's Feast Days Ancient relationship of St. Mary's feast days with myth, Celtic Calendar, and Moon's and Venus' periods. CANDLEMAS DAY -- February 2 http://www.calendersign.com/en/cs_st_marys_feast_days.php Author: Sepp Rothwangl (with many thanks for English corrections to Joan Griffith) Hi SAMVA group members: Would you please find the time to study the linked INFO, as above, and feel free to comment. For my purpose here, I will mention two critical

considerations. The author, Sepp R., is obviously a true-believing Catholic whose attention is focused on the Virgin Mary. Hence his demonstrated falsification of parts the record with regard to AUGUST 2 and JUNE 24: FIRST: The pagan festival of LUGHNASADH: AUGUST 15 or AUGUST 2. Apparently playing God, our author, Sepp, has designated AUGUST 15, not AUGUST 2, as the pagan sabbat day; obviously in order to have his holyday day coincide with one of the established Virgin Mary feast days. Again, contrary to our author, the actual pagan sabbat is AUGUST 2. See the Link, above. VIRGIN MARY'S PURIFICATION & FEBRUARY 2: "ORIGINS"

In 0542 A.D. this among a number of other later Virgin Mary feasts was established throughout the Eastern Empire by Justinian. In Rome, in the decades after the establishment of Christianity as the State religion, as proclaimed on February 27, 0381, this same feast first appeared, with the title of the Feast of Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Candlemas is the most ancient of all the festivals in honor of the Virgin Mary. After 0381, the date of the feast in Rome was moved from February 14 to February 2, in the same era that the Roman feast of Christ's nativity was introduced as December 25, no longer celebrated in the West on January 6. Of course, all these Church feast days have been the result of "missionary adaptation" of precursor pagan festivals. Rome's pagan priesthood readily adapted to the changing cultural times

to become Rome's Christian priesthood. The priest-class was the State underpinning the Christian church. For one example, the 'wisdom-war-protection' goddess Minerva, honored on March 19, was henceforth from the 4th century called by her adapted name & higher testosterone level, thus transformed to be Joseph, the Virgin Mary's husband, honored for his solemnity and dogged persistence. Consider the power these priests exercised over society, and not just over the Sunday church-going public. The great 19th century monetary economist and historian Alexander Del Mar tells us in his book "The Middle Ages Revisited" that historians estimate that in the fourth century Roman Empire half of the lands and a fourth of the population [i.e. the slaves] were de-jure owned by the priesthood. THE WINTER'S SABBAT: "IMBOLC" IMBOLC: Also known as Candlemas or Groundhog Day This February 2 Sabbat, in the northern hemisphere, is a celebration of the first stirrings of the Earth as she responds to the wake up call of Spring. Although this is a fire festival, the emphasis is on light, rather than warmth. It marks the recovery of the Goddess [= Virgin Mary] after giving birth, at the ancients' winter solstice, to the new Sun god [= Christ]. Hence: December 25 [1st Day] culminates at February 2 [40th Day]; just as 180 degrees onwards, LUGHNASADH [Mid-Summer's Day, in the northern

hemisphere] is the culmination of what started at the ancients' summer solstice, where June 24 [1st Day] culminates at August 2 [40th Day]. SECOND: Our author's SOLSTITIUM: "December 24 - July 2" As a novice in these matters, I shall maintain that the ancients' SOLSTITIUM is Dec 25 - June 24, or, alternatively, to be Dec 24 [Eve of the 25th] - June 23 [Eve of the 24th] . But, definitely not the author's Dec 24 - July 2. Comments welcome here; please refer to the Link, above. For the purpose here, it's again obvious that the author, Sepp, has his attention paid to July 2, the feast day established in 1389 by Pope Urban VI, being the Visitation Day of the Virgin Mary. July 2 is not to be be confused with June 24, being the feast day to celebrate the birth of John the Baptist. However,

ironically, the July 2 Visitation Day does mark the 40th day of mother Elizabeth's pregancy with John the Baptist, Elizabeth being Mary's Cousin. Visitation day precisely marks the day of John the Baptist's 'ensoulment', where the moment of ensoulment = the moment of birth of 'the person'. In John the Baptist's case his unique ensoulment in considered in Chistrian doxology to have been 'immaculate' because his soul was joined with the 'Holy Ghost'. Given the two aforementioned author errors, apparent to me anyway, I thought I'd post it and ask others to comment on the author's accuracy in other respects not apparent to me. P.S. BTW: Ensoulent day, the 40th day of human life, has been empirically determined by modern medical technology to be the start-day of brain-wave activity in the human fetus. The ancient concept of the 40th-day ensoulment is alien to the 21st century mind. Hence the right-to-life disputes which implicitly affirm the heretical doctrine of universalizing the immaculate conception. Until the middle of the 19th century the Christian concept of ensoulment at the moment of conception, not 40 days after, had been restricted to the miraculous exceptions of the Virgin Mary and her Christ child. Now-a-days mankind suffers or basks in, depending on one's beliefs, the age of the right-to-lifers, who have embraced the view that we're all, each of us, immaculately conceived, thus personally inviolate from the first in vitro moment of life. Please see: Michael J. Coughlan, THE VATICAN, THE LAW AND THE HUMAN EMBRYO (MacMillan, NY, 1990) for a survey of the THE WHEN OF ENSOULMENT in the history of thought recent and not so recent. POST P.S.: THE VATICAN & THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT In 1954, on the centenary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Pius XII established the feast of the Queenship of the Virgin Mary, to be celebrated on May 31. This too was soon to be changed on the Vatican calendar. In 1969 this celebration was moved to August 22; AND, also moved in 1969, Visitation Day of July 2, moved to May 31. There are a few differences between this "Universal Calendar" for the entire Roman Rite and the "Particular Calendar" observed by the U.S. Church. Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated as a feast on December 12 in the U.S. The Virgin Mary, under this title, is the PATRONESS OF THE AMERICAS [North & South]. No longer is there mentioned the day that the Virgin Mary was elevated to the august title PATRONESS OF

AMERICA [as in USA]. The Vatican authorized this promotion on February 7, 1847. The authorization allowed the U.S. bishops to promulgate this appointment on July 2, 1847. Of course, America's nativists [populist-WASP, anti-Catholic] soon learned of this award and were none too pleased as judged by letters to numerous newspaper editors. Coeval with the increasing visiblity of the Vatican in American newspapers, the next decade would bear witness to the rise of a nativist, anti-Catholic political party, the [Know-Nothings] American Party, in rivalry with the emergent Republican Party. The nativists ostensibly caused the disruption of the construction-in-process of the Washington Monument, stopped at the 153rd ft

level, when the dedication stone donated by the Vatican was reported removed by nativists and tossed in the Potomac, never to be seen again. This infamous disappearance happened on March 7, 1854 shortly after 00:22 hrs LMT Washington, DC. For other reasons as well, the Monument's construction was halted for the next 25 years. That the work was halted at exactly 153 feet was no accident, either. The Monument's groundbreaking took place as Masonically scheduled, on Sunday, July 2, 1848; the Foundation Stone was laid in ceremony on the following Tuesday, July 4th, In attendance was U.S. President James Polk, who led the parade to the site, as well. That the dedication ceremony was still 37 years ahead was very much in Masonic view, in 1848. Historians have satified themselves

that a bunch of rednecks caused all the ruckus in 1854; they've not mentioned any evidence of a Masonic hand in bringing about the halt in construction, nor considered the likelihood that certain Masons of the Alexandria, Virginia Lodge #22 may have had their occult reasons for not wanting the Washington Monument completed too long before 1885 (31 years forward from 1854), the year of their slated (but as yet then unpublicized) dedication ceremony, as set for February 21, 1885 @ 14:00 hrs LMT, when the planetary transits would conform almost perfectly to the natal pattern of George Washington's, solar-exactly 153 years earlier than 1885, on February 22, 1732 NS @ 10:20 hrs LMT, Colonial Beach, VA. Even today numerous timeline histories mis-inform the public that the 1885 Washington Monument's dedication ceremony was performed on Washington's February 22 calendar birthday, not as

it really happened, on Washington's February 21 solar birthday. Understandable, but nevetheless wrong by one day. And so too, 153 feet = 153 years from birth to Masonic apotheosis [dedication] was not at all a co-incidence. More than four years earlier, on August 7, 1880, the Washington Monument's cornerstone was placed at the 153rd foot level. U.S. President Rutherford Hayes, affectionately known as "His Fraudulency", was in attendance for this historic event. JOHN$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble

for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic destroyed." -- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (Nov. 21, 1864, letter to Col. William F. Elkins) "Honest Abe" was the moniker given to Abraham Lincoln by his early associates and later political enemies, for the same reason that the biggest boy in a class is called "Tiny".

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