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Indian transists : combust mercury.

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Dear lists,Whenever a planet is highly combust, it loses its power and if its afflicted at same time the results are grave.On 6 & 7 feb indian as well as european stock markets were quite down. Why ?.On these two days mercury was highly combust as in transists sun was conjunt with mer, mercury is general significator of stocks & trading activities. Also in indian chart this combust mercury and sun were exactly afflicted by natal venus which is Fm. Last year between january 4 to 11 jan 2007, indian markets were quite down. At that time, also tr mer was highly combust and in h8 during transits. The comination of combust mer and sun were aspected by tr ketu.Next week on 13 feb infant sun enters sign aqu, where it shall be conjunt tr rahu, till 15 feb when stocks markets are opened tr sun shall be in infant stage, so the effects could be grave for global markets.From 25 feb to 28 feb tr mer shall

be exactly conjunt tr venus fm for indian chart, so during these days expect some trouble again. At that time tr rahu shall be aspecting tr mars exactly. So lets wait & see what these transists bring for stock markets.Thanks ajay.

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