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Hillary Clinton Birth Data

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Dear Ron,


Thanks for this.


While Hillary Clinton impresses me as a Gemini ascendant, the 28° 36'

Libra ascendant could also work for her. It shows less natal promise

associated with importantly placed but weak planets and serious

afflictions to senstive points, including the 7th house of spouse,

but also an aspect from 5th lord Saturn on 10th house MEP to the 7th

house. This chart shows a better period than the Gemini rising chart,

but also that the adverse influence transit nodes would be felt at

this time.


Best wishes,




Hillary Clinton

Oct 26, 1947 8:00 AM +06:00 CST

Chicago, IL:USA Longitude: 87W39 Latitude: 41N51

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:07 Current Period: VE/SA/SA


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord


Asc 28:36 Lib Vishakha Ju

Sun 09:10 Lib +00:59:50 WK Swati Ra

Moon 29:42 Aqu +12:37:48 WK P.Bhadra Ju

Mars 20:52 Can +00:30:55 WK Aslesha Me

MercR 28:16 Lib -00:06:54 FM Vishakha Ju

Jupt 07:22 Sco +00:12:32 WK Anuradha Sa

Ven 23:05 Lib +01:14:51 WK Vishakha Ju

Sat 28:10 Can +00:04:04 WK Aslesha Me

Rahu 00:26 Tau -00:03:19 FM Krittika Su

Ketu 00:26 Sco -00:03:19 FM Vishakha Ju


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 625 beats

Day: Sunday Sunrise: 6:16 AM

Tithi: Shukla Dvadashi

Yoga Pt: 12:12 Sg Yogi:Ke AviYogi:Ra Dup Yogi: Ju

Dagha Rashis: Lib Cap


Sytems Approach Analysis


Sun Good Placement, Debilitated, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Moon Good Placement, In Old Age: 94%, Weak Dispositor, Bright,

Conjunct or Aspected by FM: Ke , Afflicted House MEP

Mars Good Placement, Debilitated, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Mercury Good Placement, In Old Age: 65%, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicts 1 7 house MEPs, Afflicted House MEP

Jupiter Good Placement,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Venus Good Placement,

Afflicted House and Mool MEPs

Saturn Good Placement, In Old Age: 63%, Weak Dispositor,

Afflicted Mool MEP

Rahu Bad Placement,

Afflicts 1 3 7 11 house MEPs,

Ketu Good Placement,

Afflicts 1 5 7 9 house MEPs,


Rashi Chart


** 8 * * 6 **

*9 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * KE 00:26 * * * *

* JU 07:22* SU 09:10 * * *

* * * VE 23:05 * * *

* * 7 MER28:16 * 5 *

* * * AS 28:36 * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * MA 20:52 **

*10 * 4 SA 28:10 *

** * * **

*11* * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

*MO 29:42 * 1 * 3 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * RA 00:26 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 12 * * 2 **





** 4 * * 2 **

*5 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* KE * * * *

* * * AS * * *

* * 3 MO * 1 VE *

* * * MER * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **

*6 JU * 12 SA *

** * * **

*7 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * 9 SU * 11 *

* * * * * *

* * * MA * *

* * * * RA * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 8 * * 10 **



Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis


Ju/Mo 4.7.1947

Ju/Ma 2.11.1948

Ju/Ra 8.10.1949

Sa/Sa 3.3.1952

Sa/Me 7.3.1955

Sa/Ke 14.11.1957

Sa/Ve 24.12.1958

Sa/Su 22.2.1962

Sa/Mo 4.2.1963

Sa/Ma 5.9.1964

Sa/Ra 14.10.1965

Sa/Ju 20.8.1968

Me/Me 4.3.1971

Me/Ke 30.7.1973

Me/Ve 28.7.1974

Me/Su 27.5.1977

Me/Mo 3.4.1978

Me/Ma 2.9.1979

Me/Ra 30.8.1980

Me/Ju 19.3.1983

Me/Sa 24.6.1985

Ke/Ke 3.3.1988

Ke/Ve 30.7.1988

Ke/Su 29.9.1989

Ke/Mo 4.2.1990

Ke/Ma 5.9.1990

Ke/Ra 1.2.1991

Ke/Ju 20.2.1992

Ke/Sa 26.1.1993

Ke/Me 7.3.1994

Ve/Ve 4.3.1995

Ve/Su 3.7.1998

Ve/Mo 3.7.1999

Ve/Ma 3.3.2001

Ve/Ra 3.5.2002

Ve/Ju 3.5.2005

Ve/Sa 2.1.2008

Ve/Me 4.3.2011

Ve/Ke 2.1.2014

Su/Su 4.3.2015

Su/Mo 21.6.2015

Su/Ma 21.12.2015

Su/Ra 27.4.2016

Su/Ju 22.3.2017

Su/Sa 8.1.2018

Su/Me 21.12.2018

Su/Ke 27.10.2019

Su/Ve 3.3.2020

Mo/Mo 3.3.2021

Mo/Ma 2.1.2022

Mo/Ra 3.8.2022

Mo/Ju 2.2.2024

Mo/Sa 3.6.2025

Mo/Me 2.1.2027

Mo/Ke 2.6.2028

Mo/Ve 1.1.2029

Mo/Su 2.9.2030

Ma/Ma 4.3.2031

Ma/Ra 31.7.2031

Ma/Ju 17.8.2032

Ma/Sa 24.7.2033

Ma/Me 2.9.2034

Ma/Ke 30.8.2035

Ma/Ve 26.1.2036

Ma/Su 28.3.2037

Ma/Mo 2.8.2037

Ra/Ra 4.3.2038

Ra/Ju 14.11.2040

Ra/Sa 9.4.2043

Ra/Me 13.2.2046

Ra/Ke 2.9.2048

Ra/Ve 20.9.2049

Ra/Su 20.9.2052

Ra/Mo 15.8.2053

Ra/Ma 13.2.2055



SAMVA , RonDay <ronkar wrote:


> This was from the Noel Tyl site.


> " The credit for correcting Hilary Clinton's birthtime from 8.00 pm


> to 8.00 am CST belongs to the late, highly experienced and ultra


> Frances McEvoy of Boston. The conversations with Hilary's family


> add-ons in the drama to ascertain the correct time were all covered


> detail in Boston's " The Astrologer's Newsletter " February/March


> volume XV11, No 6.


> The time is definitely 8.00 am CST October 26 1947, Chicago.


> Noel Tyl "



> Ron


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>>While Hillary Clinton impresses me as a Gemini ascendant, the 28° 36'

Libra ascendant could also work for her. It shows less natal promise

associated with importantly placed but weak planets and serious

afflictions to senstive points, including the 7th house of spouse, but

also an aspect from 5th lord Saturn on 10th house MEP to the 7th house.

This chart shows a better period than the Gemini rising chart, but also

that the adverse influence transit nodes would be felt at this time.<<



Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the Democratic nomination is now entering

the realm of the long shot. The political betting site intrade.com now

lists her chances as just 17%.


This would be a good time to make a prediction that she can become

president and based on the Libra ascendant chart which has the following



1. Functional benefic Saturn well placed in the 10H aspects 12H, 4H, 7H.

2. Sun although debilitated is well placed and has strong dispositor in

ascendant lord Venus.

3. Mars is debilitated but has exaltation in the navamsa.

4. Mercury 12L afflicts the ascendant but since the ascendant is strong

this effect is countered to a certain extent. This is the main

affliction in the chart.

5. The dasa period is Venus. This is a good period and Venus is helping

to uplift the deb. Sun.



It would be interesting to see the transits for charts of family

members. ( not the husband since this is a controversial BT) I think

a correct BT is available for the daughter.




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Hello Ron,


Thanks for the idea of looking at Hillary Clinton's daughter's chart

for a clue to Hillary's future. I had the good fortune of meeting

Chelsea when she came to town a few weeks ago to campaign on behalf

of her mother. Here is the correct birth time for Chelsea Clinton.


February 27, 1980

11:24 PM CST

Little Rock, Arkansas

92W17, 34N45

Rodden Rating: A (Accurate data as quoted by the person, kin, friend,

or associate)


Here we see Libra rising at 22:46. Mother is represented by the Moon

in its own sign in the house of profession and high visibility. It is

weak by debilitation in Navamsa. Currently, Chelsea is in a Venus

subperiod. Venus is in old age in H6 of conflicts. Certainly, her mom

has had her ups and downs as the President's wife and now as a

presidential candidate. Chelsea herself had some negative press

lately which her mom had to defend.The Sun subperiod begins on March

15. The Sun is well placed, but its house is widely influenced by

malefic Mercury and its dispositor is weak.


Transiting Mercury could explain her mom's drop in the primaries and

caucuses lately. It has been influencing natal Moon since February 8

which coincidentally is when she started consistently losing to

Obama. It will clear its five degree orb just in time for the March 4

primaries which many say she must win to survive. If Chelsea's chart

is any indication, Hillary will prevail.


Warm regards,



SAMVA , RonDay <ronkar wrote:


> >>While Hillary Clinton impresses me as a Gemini ascendant, the

28° 36'

> Libra ascendant could also work for her. It shows less natal


> associated with importantly placed but weak planets and serious

> afflictions to senstive points, including the 7th house of spouse,


> also an aspect from 5th lord Saturn on 10th house MEP to the 7th


> This chart shows a better period than the Gemini rising chart, but


> that the adverse influence transit nodes would be felt at this




> Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination is now


> the realm of the long shot. The political betting site intrade.com


> lists her chances as just 17%.


> This would be a good time to make a prediction that she can become

> president and based on the Libra ascendant chart which has the


> strengths.


> 1. Functional benefic Saturn well placed in the 10H aspects 12H,

4H, 7H.

> 2. Sun although debilitated is well placed and has strong

dispositor in

> ascendant lord Venus.

> 3. Mars is debilitated but has exaltation in the navamsa.

> 4. Mercury 12L afflicts the ascendant but since the ascendant is


> this effect is countered to a certain extent. This is the main

> affliction in the chart.

> 5. The dasa period is Venus. This is a good period and Venus is


> to uplift the deb. Sun.



> It would be interesting to see the transits for charts of family

> members. ( not the husband since this is a controversial BT) I


> a correct BT is available for the daughter.



> Ron


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

And prevail she did yesterday when all looked bleak a week ago. Systems' Approach once again shines in its accuracy...

Warm regards,Shayn


Shayn Smith <mactunesmithSAMVA Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 11:21:20 AM Re: Hillary Clinton Birth Data


Hello Ron,Thanks for the idea of looking at Hillary Clinton's daughter's chart for a clue to Hillary's future. I had the good fortune of meeting Chelsea when she came to town a few weeks ago to campaign on behalf of her mother. Here is the correct birth time for Chelsea Clinton. February 27, 198011:24 PM CSTLittle Rock, Arkansas 92W17, 34N45Rodden Rating: A (Accurate data as quoted by the person, kin, friend, or associate)Here we see Libra rising at 22:46. Mother is represented by the Moon in its own sign in the house of profession and high visibility. It is weak by debilitation in Navamsa. Currently, Chelsea is in a Venus subperiod. Venus is in old age in H6 of conflicts. Certainly, her mom has had her ups and downs as the President's wife and now as a presidential candidate. Chelsea herself had some negative press lately which her mom had to defend.The Sun subperiod

begins on March 15. The Sun is well placed, but its house is widely influenced by malefic Mercury and its dispositor is weak. Transiting Mercury could explain her mom's drop in the primaries and caucuses lately. It has been influencing natal Moon since February 8 which coincidentally is when she started consistently losing to Obama. It will clear its five degree orb just in time for the March 4 primaries which many say she must win to survive. If Chelsea's chart is any indication, Hillary will prevail.Warm regards,ShaynSAMVA , RonDay <ronkar wrote:>> >>While Hillary Clinton impresses me as a Gemini ascendant, the 28° 36' > Libra ascendant could also work for her. It shows less natal promise > associated with

importantly placed but weak planets and serious > afflictions to senstive points, including the 7th house of spouse, but > also an aspect from 5th lord Saturn on 10th house MEP to the 7th house. > This chart shows a better period than the Gemini rising chart, but also > that the adverse influence transit nodes would be felt at this time.<<> > > Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination is now entering > the realm of the long shot. The political betting site intrade.com now > lists her chances as just 17%.> > This would be a good time to make a prediction that she can become > president and based on the Libra ascendant chart which has the following > strengths.> > 1. Functional benefic Saturn well placed in the 10H aspects 12H, 4H, 7H.> 2. Sun

although debilitated is well placed and has strong dispositor in > ascendant lord Venus.> 3. Mars is debilitated but has exaltation in the navamsa.> 4. Mercury 12L afflicts the ascendant but since the ascendant is strong > this effect is countered to a certain extent. This is the main > affliction in the chart.> 5. The dasa period is Venus. This is a good period and Venus is helping > to uplift the deb. Sun.> > > It would be interesting to see the transits for charts of family > members. ( not the husband since this is a controversial BT) I think > a correct BT is available for the daughter.> > > Ron>

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Dear Shayn,


Congratulations on your correct prediction concerning Hillary's fortunes based on her daughters chart.


Best wishes,




Shayn Smith <mactunesmithSAMVA Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 2:14:41 PMRe: Re: Hillary Clinton Birth Data



And prevail she did yesterday when all looked bleak a week ago. Systems' Approach once again shines in its accuracy...

Warm regards,Shayn


Shayn Smith <mactunesmithSAMVA Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 11:21:20 AM Re: Hillary Clinton Birth Data


Hello Ron,Thanks for the idea of looking at Hillary Clinton's daughter's chart for a clue to Hillary's future. I had the good fortune of meeting Chelsea when she came to town a few weeks ago to campaign on behalf of her mother. Here is the correct birth time for Chelsea Clinton. February 27, 198011:24 PM CSTLittle Rock, Arkansas 92W17, 34N45Rodden Rating: A (Accurate data as quoted by the person, kin, friend, or associate)Here we see Libra rising at 22:46. Mother is represented by the Moon in its own sign in the house of profession and high visibility. It is weak by debilitation in Navamsa. Currently, Chelsea is in a Venus subperiod. Venus is in old age in H6 of conflicts. Certainly, her mom has had her ups and downs as the President's wife and now as a presidential candidate. Chelsea herself had some negative press lately which her mom had to defend.The Sun subperiod

begins on March 15. The Sun is well placed, but its house is widely influenced by malefic Mercury and its dispositor is weak. Transiting Mercury could explain her mom's drop in the primaries and caucuses lately. It has been influencing natal Moon since February 8 which coincidentally is when she started consistently losing to Obama. It will clear its five degree orb just in time for the March 4 primaries which many say she must win to survive. If Chelsea's chart is any indication, Hillary will prevail.Warm regards,ShaynSAMVA , RonDay <ronkar wrote:>> >>While Hillary Clinton impresses me as a Gemini ascendant, the 28° 36' > Libra ascendant could also work for her. It shows less natal promise > associated with

importantly placed but weak planets and serious > afflictions to senstive points, including the 7th house of spouse, but > also an aspect from 5th lord Saturn on 10th house MEP to the 7th house. > This chart shows a better period than the Gemini rising chart, but also > that the adverse influence transit nodes would be felt at this time.<<> > > Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic nomination is now entering > the realm of the long shot. The political betting site intrade.com now > lists her chances as just 17%.> > This would be a good time to make a prediction that she can become > president and based on the Libra ascendant chart which has the following > strengths.> > 1. Functional benefic Saturn well placed in the 10H aspects 12H, 4H,

7H.> 2. Sun although debilitated is well placed and has strong dispositor in > ascendant lord Venus.> 3. Mars is debilitated but has exaltation in the navamsa.> 4. Mercury 12L afflicts the ascendant but since the ascendant is strong > this effect is countered to a certain extent. This is the main > affliction in the chart.> 5. The dasa period is Venus. This is a good period and Venus is helping > to uplift the deb. Sun.> > > It would be interesting to see the transits for charts of family > members. ( not the husband since this is a controversial BT) I think > a correct BT is available for the daughter.> > > Ron>

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