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Dear friends,


Many western astrologers are finding support for the 1:06 pm birth time for Barack OBAMA (see footnote 1).


In the sidereal zodiac (vedic horoscope) this time gives 24° 10' Libra rising.


Some astrologers are finding the time dangerous for him from August 2008 onwards.



Interestingly, the nodal station from July to September 2008 will take place at around 24° 35' Capricorn and Cancer. It will therefore be right on top of his 10th and 4th house axis, impacting closely all of his even numbered houses.


Next summer he will move from his strong Ju/Ve period on 12 August 2008 to the Ju/Su period. Please note that 11lth lord Sun is natally placed at 18° 59' Cancer in the 10th house, just outside the most effective point of the house. Hence, the condition of the 10th house will become the focus of the period influences after 12th August.


NATAL FACTORS pertaining to 10th house (sign Cancer)

* In Rasi (D-1) chart, 10th lord MOON is placed in the 8TH HOUSE of endings and obstacles.

* In Taurus rising Navamsa (D-9)chart, 3rd lord MOON is conjunct 8TH LORD JUPITER.

* In Gemini rising Dasamsa (D-10) chart, 2nd lord MOON is conjunct KETU in 10th house.


With stationary transit KETU exactly conjunct the most effective point of his 10th house during the summer months of 2008, we could expect sudden or violent (Ketuvian) events to bring obstacles and endings (8th house issues) to his career (10th house indication) at that time.


The days around August 20th are notable as then transit Sun will also become conjunct natal Rahu in the 11th house, while transit 12th lord MERCURY will be conjunct the most effective point of his 11th house and L1 VENUS, while the difficult nodal affliction is taking place.


Whether that is enough to derail his campaign would have to be judged from also a reading of the charts of his political opponents.


As I have not had much time to study this chart, I´d be interested in other views on what to expect during the abovementioned period and transit influences.


Best wishes,




(fn 1) The 1:06 pm time seems to be much preferred in the astrology community over the 9:06 am time.



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Dear Thor…


Thank you for this post on Barack Obama.


Your points are well taken, and I do agree

that the 1:06

p.m. is the correct chart for

him, and a much better fit than the 9:06 a.m.


Let us hope he gets protection during the



Some people here in Fairfield are organizing yagyas for him, and I

will try to arrange for a kavach for him.


Best wishes,



David Hawthorne




[sAMVA ] On Behalf Of Cosmologer

Sunday, February 24, 2008 6:29 AM


More on Barack













western astrologers are finding support for the 1:06 pm birth time for Barack

OBAMA (see footnote 1).







the sidereal zodiac (vedic horoscope) this time gives 24° 10' Libra rising.







astrologers are finding the time dangerous for him from August 2008 onwards.










the nodal station from July to September 2008 will take place at around

24° 35' Capricorn and Cancer. It will therefore be right on top of his 10th

and 4th house axis, impacting closely all of his even numbered houses.







summer he will move from his strong Ju/Ve period on 12 August 2008 to the

Ju/Su period. Please note that 11lth lord Sun is natally placed at 18° 59'

Cancer in the 10th house, just outside the most effective point of the house.

Hence, the condition of the 10th house will become the focus of the period

influences after 12th August.







FACTORS pertaining to 10th house (sign Cancer)




In Rasi (D-1) chart, 10th lord MOON is placed in the 8TH HOUSE of endings

and obstacles.




In Taurus rising Navamsa (D-9)chart, 3rd lord MOON is conjunct 8TH LORD





In Gemini rising Dasamsa (D-10) chart, 2nd lord MOON is conjunct KETU in 10th








stationary transit KETU exactly conjunct the most effective point of his

10th house during the summer months of 2008, we could expect

sudden or violent (Ketuvian) events to bring obstacles and endings

(8th house issues) to his career (10th house indication) at that








days around August 20th are notable as then transit Sun will also become

conjunct natal Rahu in the 11th house, while transit 12th lord MERCURY will be

conjunct the most effective point of his 11th house and L1 VENUS, while

the difficult nodal affliction is taking place.







that is enough to derail his campaign would have to be judged from also a

reading of the charts of his political opponents.







I have not had much time to study this chart, I´d be interested in other views

on what to expect during the abovementioned period and transit





















1) The 1:06 pm time seems to be much preferred in the astrology

community over the 9:06 am time.













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