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Some more astrological dynamics in the SAMVA USA chart ahead

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Dear friends,


In reviewing the upcoming astrological events in SAMVA USA chart I noticed some additional ones to what has been mentioned earlier (such as transit Jupiter becoming three times conjunct natal 4th lord Venus, and the two other aspects of Jupiter to Saturn this year). Moreover, I look forward into 2009.


From now until February 6, 2009:

JUPITER sub-period is running (in the Venus major period). The indications of Jupiter and its position in transit are of special importance.


May 6, 2008:

RAHU enters Capricorn and 7th house

Rahu will be well placed in a non-MT sign, which will be good for Rahu´s indications.


KETU enters Cancer and 1st house

Ketu will be well placed in the Moon's MT sign, which will be good for Ketuu´s indications.


June 2008:

RAHU passes over 26° 47' Capricorn were it is aspected by natal 8th lord SATURN in Scorpio and 5th house. This would be problematic for Rahu's energy, especially as KETU in Cancer will also be afflicting natal SATURN. This can create sudden obstacles and endings.


July to September 2008

The above energy involving natal 8th lord Saturn will still be felt when RAHU becomes stationary at 24° 30' Capricorn where it is closely conjunct 2nd lord SUN at 23° 44' Capricorn. This suggests some crisis is possible involving the indications of the Sun in the SAMVA USA chart. has suggested that problems involving funding of foreign governments fighting terrorism may become a major issue at this time.


November 2008-February 2009:

Transit 8th lord SATURN becomes transit stationary and turns retrograde at 27° 46' on January 5, 2009. All the while, it will be under the harmful 10th house aspect of natal SATURN at 26° 47' Scorpio in the 5th house. This suggests violence, obstacles and endings in the USA.



December 10, 2008:

JUPITER enters Capricorn and 7th house. Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn and hence weak and vulnerable to transit affliction. It will be well placed in the 7th house of foreign affairs, hence conflict abroad could be one feature of the developments.



February 7, 2009:

SATURN sub-period begins (in Venus major period). The indications of natal SATURN become active. It is 8th lord of obstacles and endings. It is placed in the 5th house of creativity, management, speculation and entertainment and natally aspects 2nd lord of wealth SUN in the 7th house. Sun is also general indicator for the leader of the country.


February 12, 2009:

The conjunction of transit Jupiter and stationary transit Rahu at 15° Capricorn in 7th house may lead to tension over conflict.


May-June 2009:

Transit 8th lord SATURN becomes stationary at 21° Leo in the 2nd house where it becomes conjunct the most effective point of the 2nd house and aspects the 4th house, 8th house and 11th house.


Summer 2009:

Rahu becomes stationary at 6° Capricorn in aspect to 1st lord Moon at 7° 23' Taurus in 11th house. At the same time, stationary Ketu at 6° Cancer will be in mutual aspect with natal 6th lord Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio and 5th house. This could be a time when sudden events lead to a military confrontation.


September-November 2009:

Transit Jupiter becomes stationary at 23° 15' Capricorn where it is conjunct natal 2nd lord SUN at 23° 44' Capricorn. This suggests some conflict involving the Sun´s indications.


Best wishes,



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