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Dear Prof Choudhry and SA astrologers,


Namasthe.Pl see below, PART III of the Proceedings of the III Intl Conf of SA Astrologers. I'll be sending the last and IV PART, within the next one or two days.Sorry for the attachment not going through.

Best regards

Sankara Bhagavadpada




In PART-I, I covered the Inaugural address of the Professor, with possibly just one or two omissions. PART II was my PPP on: “The Light of the SA, on the Ethos of China, India and Iceland”-which is already available on the SAMVA site.

In this, the III PART of the Proceedings, I’ll cover the numerous case studies in medical astrology [as seen from the SA perspective] presented by Dr. Jonathan Miller. However, before I take up the work of Dr. Miller, I would like to do justice to what the Prof had said, towards the end of the first day- as the afternoon session was drawing to a close.

#1: Sutra on Weak Su Vis-à-vis Strong Su:

Dwelling on the vital importance of the Su in an individual’s chart, the Prof gave us another beautiful SA insight, which I have tried to reproduce almost verbatim, in the Prof’s own words:

“ Those born with a weak Su, must go on claiming their “number one position”[this may be more pronounced, in case they are in public life, that is], while the ones with a strong Su, do not find it necessary to demand attention, rather, people will just give it to them.” [sA Sutra-1]

Drawing attention to the Tr chart of the swearing in ceremony of the presently presiding Cong-Alliance[uPA] Indian Govt, the Prof said that because of the affliction to the Asdt in this Tr chart[May 22nd, 2004, 5:30PM, New Delhi[77ºE13´, 28ºN39´]] and the weakness of the Su, which is placed in the VIIIH, due to the assertions from the coalition partners, it is perceived that the present PM of India hasn’t been able to take independent decisions.

A question from the delegate Ms. Sunitha Singhal, concerning a remedial measure, suggested by a traditional astrologer, for appeasing the affliction to a deb Mo, in a Gemini Asdt chart, somehow turned his attention to the spiritual source from which the SA had taken its birth.

#2.Similarity between the SA and Ramayana:

The Prof said: “The SA has many connections with the Ramayana”. [sA Sutra-2]

He quoted in Hindi, the wise words of one of the Rishis of the Ramayana, in a situation, when that Rishi was addressing Lord Rama, and rendered the same in English, for the benefit of all delegates:

“Who will know You ? Only those whom You bless - they alone will know You and they will become like You.” [TulsiDas’s “Ram Charitra Manas”]

Then having given us the source sutra from the Ramayana, the Prof went on to the next step in his line of thought.

“Those who follow the divine conduct, become like God,-in their capacity to help all people, because when you follow the divine conduct, the power to bless others will flow through you. You also become a branch of that Source. As God is all kindness, kindness to others, without the others even seeking kindness; when you follow such divine conduct, the divine attributes, such as the blessings of God, will flow through you.” [sA Sutra-3]

Then, he struck the final parallel, by saying that, by analogy with these principles from the Ramayana:

: “Those who follow the divine conduct and practice the SA, will also become like me, in the proficiency of understanding and also in the capacity to teach, and disseminate this divine knowledge.” [sA Sutra-4]

#4.Emphasis on Constant Learning through Case Studies:

Entering a self-critical mood, he mentioned the fact of his first book on Vedic astrology appearing in 1989 and added that today he laughs at this first work! In his astrological work, as learning is constantly afoot, he has had to revise his old books. Thus the very first book on Divisional Charts has been revised four times, already, he said.

He stressed the importance of constant learning and a corresponding updating of the understanding [as was going on at this conf].

#5.Dr Jonathan Miller’s Presentation in Medical Astrology:

On the 24th Feb, the session opened with the many interesting case studies by Dr. Jonathan Miller[hereafter Dr JM, for short], in the field of medical astrology [in the SA].Though he covered in all, eleven case studies, including many on Cancer, in this summary of the conf proceedings, I shall confine my attention to the first six case studies only, as each case study was presented with sufficient details, with further questions from the delegates and answers by Prof Choudhry, etc.

Dr JM had been doing inter-disciplinary work, in his capacity as a health-care professional and a medical practitioner. The rather novel thing about his medical work lay in his use of the powerful tools of the SA, for alternatively understanding both the origin of diseases, as well as for monitoring the process of recovery and further also for healing the karmic obstructions through the remedial measures, wherever this was called for and was possible. In this medical-astrological work of Dr JM, his Buddhist religious background also figured quite prominently, as I shall explain below.

#6.Nature of Dr Miller’s Medical-Astrological work:

Before he went into the first case study, Dr JM took some pains to explain to us, his rationale for his medical-astrological work. Since the age of seven, as he explained, he had had, what we may call “philosophical questions”, concerning the nature of human-life, the causes of suffering, why some people are fortunate and some so very unfortunate and thereby having to suffer more, etc? And how does one set about finding a solution that would be genuine-and offer a means to end suffering? Etc.

He said, in his view, the basis of astrology was Karma[“cause and effect”, as the Hindus Sages had understood] and that these fundamental questions, led him to find a spiritual path, and also discover astrology [and finally the SA], as a satisfactory answer to many of his “philosophical questions”, concerning karma, and human sufferings.

He maintained that astrology and the SA in particular, eventually answered his “philosophical questions”. He said clearly that he was not satisfied with an intellectual understanding of the forces of Karma, as seen in astrology, but that he was seeking a deeper realization.

In his philosophical view, he said - as a caring health-care professional and medical practitioner - that healing and medical treatment were actually incomplete, without understanding the force of karma, operating through the disease. This gave him a solid philosophical foundation for harnessing the power of the SA, in his medical work, in the capacity of a physician dealing with the sick.

Dr JM explained that, after he had stumbled through so many systems of astrology, when he finally came to the SA, suddenly, lo! “Night time had turned into day time”. He said, that in his experience, he found the SA to be “so dependable and so accurate, that its sutras have been verified time and again.”

In his clinical practice of treating the sick, through alternative systems of medicine, he always collected the birth data of his patients, quite irrespective of whether they wanted to consult him astrologically or not.

On the whole, the SA was a powerful tool in his hands, and afforded an independent line of insight into the timing of the diseases, their treatment and recovery from the illness through healing, especially when the remedial measures were resorted to.

#7. First Case Study[Ovarian Cancer]:

April 24th, 1957, 01:08Hrs, TZ=5Hrs, EST,[74ºW13´, 40ºN40´].

This was a Capricorn Asdt chart with the MEP at 5º 48´. The FB, Me ruling the IXH was exactly afflicted by the Nodal axis, and in the IVH. Ve, ruling the XH was badly combust and closely afflicted by the MMP, the Su-also in the IVH. These planets placed in the IVH were all very weak, too, on account of their dispositor, Ma, being badly placed in the malefic VIH and in extreme infancy at that.

Dr JM held that it was in the earlier Sa-Su sub-period that, there was the development of the tumor; even though it was only in the later Sa-Mo sub-period, that there was surgical intervention. The lady was diagnosed around 2002 that she was having Cancer, while she passed away in Oct 2006, in the Sa-Ra sub-period.

Dr JM’s perception about the contribution of Me’s affliction to the occurrence of Cancer was the following. He said, modern life-styles entailed the nervous system being high-strung and always maintained in a high level of excitation and stress. And that such an abnormal stressing of the nervous system may be considered to be a very significant contributory factor in the onset of Cancer. In fact, it was strange [as you are going to see for yourself], that Me was indeed afflicted in almost all the cases that Dr JM dealt with.

However, from the SA point of view, the role of an afflicted Me, as a disease causing astrological variable, may be admitted, for the simple reason that Me, in the Systems Approach to Medical Astrology, by virtue of being the significator of the VIH of health [ apart from being also the significator of the IIH and the IIIH], was indeed quite intimately connected to health.

It was emphasized by JM that as Ve signified[for females as well as for males] the reproductive tissues [sA Sutra-6]; in the present case, the affliction to Ve, from the MMP, the Su had resulted in Ovarian Cancer. He also drew our attention to the deb of the Mo in the D-9 div chart and also Nodal affliction in the sign Scorpio, therein. Likewise, even Me is afflicted in the dreaded sign Scorpio, in that div chart. [Aside: It may be recalled that in the SA: “The Mo signifies, the ovaries, uterus, generative organs and the right eye in the case of females” [ SA Sutra-7]].

#8. Three Levels of Longevity in the SA:

This case study brought up the whole question of the longevity of an individual, as seen from his/her chart? Prof Choudhry replied by first narrating the incident of an Insurance company, consulting one of the SA astrologers for something like 100 individuals, in order to ascertain the expected longevity of each of the life-insurance policy holders. When a tally was made between the prognoses given by the Prof, using the SA, and actual occurrence of death, he said, the agreement was remarkable-something like 70% as advised by the SA astrologer.

The Prof maintained that in the SA, longevity is broadly divided into three categories: Purna Ayuhu [full longevity or full life span], Madhya Ayuhu [middle longevity or middle life-span] and Alpa Ayuhu [ short longevity or short life span].He added that if the Asdt & Asdt lord[or the VIIIH lord or the XIIH lord] are strong and also Su, Mo and Sa[significator of longevity] are strong, then one has the full span of longevity[sA Sutra-8]. While, if the Asdt & Asdt lord; the VIII house or its lord and Saturn are severely afflicted, then one has only Alpa Ayuhu [short life span][sA Sutra-9], etc. And that when the Asdt and Asdt lord, the VIII house or its lord and the significator of longevity are weak, then one has the middle life span [sA Sutra-10].

Referring to the work of the SA astrologer, who was also a medical doctor, namely, Dr. Batra, the Prof said that even in the cases of serious afflictions, regular performance of the remedial measures, had indeed bestowed better health and protection. In this connection he made it a point to mention that “Only those blessed will undertake to perform remedies.” [sA Sutra-11]

#9. Attitude of People to Remedial Measures:

Commenting on the attitude of people who seek astrological guidance, he reiterated the following:

“Those who have a spiritual background in life and have faith, they will certainly perform the remedial measures, in the manner, these remedial measures are enjoined. Some others, who are only partially spiritual, may listen, only because they are in distress at the time they seek astrological guidance! On the other hand, whenever people become argumentative and logical, they will not perform the remedial measures”[sA Sutra-12].

When the general question came up for discussion, as to who will have the faith and the patience to do the remedial measures and who will not, Mr. R K Chadha remarked that with faith and sincerity, when one pours out one’s heart to God, with all innocence, then remedial measures will be able to bring down the blessings of God, for giving us relief.

#10. Strengths of Planets in the Natal Chart decide the Blessing Power of the Remedial Measures:

Col B K Kailash was exploring into the “inexorable” nature of karma and fate, in one’s life, and at this point, the Prof intervened and said: “Remedial measures do help us to surmount afflictions to different degrees, depending upon the strength of our planets in our natal charts”. [sA Sutra-13]

Mr R K Chadha however, made his point that in the karma kanda of the Shastras [scripture books of the Hindus, such as Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas] , it is reiterated that, through the remedial measures, there can arise a change of destiny.

Prof Choudhry was however throwing additional light on the above general SA principle enunciated by Mr R K Chadha; to the effect that, “The actual efficacy of the remedial measures will depend crucially upon the strength of the natal planets” [sA Sutra-13-revisited].

#11. The Importance of Remedial Measures for Children under 12:

Emphasizing the importance of Preventive Remedial Measures, the Prof maintained that these do modify one’s destiny, which is on the cards. As the efficacy of the Preventive Remedial Measures, depended on the strength of the planets in the natal chart-just to drive home this point, concerning the strength of the planets in the natal chart - the Prof cited an example from his practice - the case of a small child, in whose chart all planets were weak and looking at the chart, the Prof had made the pronouncement that the child would pass away and just two days later, indeed the child passed away, as was predicted. Thereby, he was stressing the importance of the strengths of the planets in the natal chart [see SA Sutra-13 above].

Constantly maintaining both the informal approach as well as the emphasis on learning and understanding, Prof Choudhry, spoke of “Planetary Immunization Programme”. He mentioned the benefits of the SA within the fold of his own family, saying that his newly born grand daughter has been wearing a Kavach since her seventh day itself and that his grandson has been wearing the Kavach since the last two years, with substantial benefits. In this context, the Prof drew our attention to a wrong belief held by Vedic astrologers to the effect that it is unnecessary and even wrong to examine the chart of a child, who is not yet twelve years old. The tragedy was, the Prof bemoaned, that in many cases, if the afflictions in the child’s chart are strong, the child may face serious challenges on the health front or even the child may not survive to be 12 yrs old. Thus, he was thereby pointing out: “That it will be ethical and also worthwhile for SA astrologers to undertake the examination of the charts of children, under the age of 12- why, even those of new borns!” [sA Sutra-14].

In reply to a question from Mr Rakesh Shukla, concerning the changeability of destiny, Prof Choudhry put his truth in the following form:

“When the destiny of an individual is such that it can be changed, it gets changed, through the devoted performance of the remedial measures” [sA Sutra- 15]

With this, the rather long, but called for digression , from the main theme of Dr JM’s presentation ended and Dr JM continued with his case studies.

#12. Case Study 2: [brain Damage & Death in Childhood]:

Birth details: [ 4 Sep 2000, 8:30 hrs, TZ= -6 hrs R5T, Samdrup, Bhutan [91ºE34´, 26ºN49´].

Dr. JM again pointed out the classic pattern of a weak & afflicted Me in this Virgo Asdt chart. The MEP was at 26º15´ and the Asdt lord, Me was not only badly placed in the XIIH, in extreme old age, to worsen matters, it suffered also an exact affliction from the malefic Ke from the IVH.

The child was born in the Ju-Mo sub-period. While Ju was strongly placed in the IXH, the Mo, which signifies the immune system, apart from being a supplementary determinant of longevity, was not only deb in the IIIH, but was also in extreme infancy and suffering an exact affliction from Ra, in the dreaded sign Scorpio.

The child was born with brain abnormality, subject to frequent seizures [weak & afflicted Me]. All its milestones were retarded and was in no position to get beyond the milestones of walking and talking. In this condition, the child could survive for 6 yrs. As Dr JM had that finer sensitivity to Karma and the human suffering, he mentioned the significant fact of the family being strongly connected to the monastery and thereby secured the much needed spiritual blessings from all rituals centered round the premature death of this child. The death came to pass in the Sa-Sa sub-period. Dr JM also pointed out that apart from the affliction to the Asdt lord and the Mo, even the XIH, IIH, VH & VIH of health, suffered an exact affliction, from the most malefic planet Ma.

In reply to a question concerning the role of the SA Remedial Measures in the healing of the Karmic afflictions, JM mentioned that the remedial measures formed part of a comprehensive system of therapy and that sometimes the remedial measures were enjoined and also followed, whereas in other cases they did not play a prominent healing role, even though in all such cases too, the SA analysis of the chart gave a deeper understanding of the ill-health arising from the afflictions.

In passing we may record a small anecdotal reference made by the Prof to the case of a delayed marriage. The word “delay” has a special significance in the SA and in spite of remedial measures being prescribed, there was no result at the end of 6 months, as the individual did not perform the remedial measures at all. He was always “angry” and unwilling to take the responsibility of performing the remedial measures. The illustration only drives home the fact that without the devoted and sincere performance of the remedial measures, no light will be secured at the end of the tunnel.

#13. Case Study 3: [Death through Ovarian Cancer]:

Birth details: [ 31 Aug 1960, 1:55 AM, 7:00 hrs PDT, [117ºW09´, 32ºN43´]]

Dr. JM explained this to be another fatal case of Ovarian Cancer. The patient had a Gemini Asdt with the MEP at 17º41´. Ke and Ra were in Aquarius and Leo at 22º12´. Thus the nodal affliction to the Asdt seems to be around 5º. Going by the premature death of the patient, JM suggested that the birth time of this chart might need correction. In the SA, the VIIH, here signified by the weak Ju ruled the reproductive organs like the uterus and the associated parts. As the patient had a deb Ve as well in the natal chart and as this Ve was further badly placed and afflicted in the Navamsa as well as the Shastamsha, the patient eventually succumbed to Ovarian Cancer, in the Ma-Mo sub-period, in Oct 2007. She was diagnosed to have Cancer in the Ma-Sa sub-period in Dec 2003.

It was pointed out by Dr JM that as the weak Sa, suffers a close affliction from the FM Ra, in “blessing” the Asdt MEP exactly through a direct aspect , ironically, it served to transfer the affliction of Ra, on to the Asdt MEP as well; rather than purely blessing the Asdt MEP, in its capacity as the lord of the IXH of grace. Dr JM once again, called attention to the weak Ve signifying the weakness of the reproductive tissues. It is also significant that in the D-6 div chart, Ju, the lord ruling over the VIIH of reproductive organ, the uterus and associated parts, also suffers multiple afflictions from the MMP, Sa as well as from Ra and Ke, in that div chart, pertaining to health matters. Ju, also suffers multiple afflictions in the Navamsa div chart as well. It is interesting to observe multiple afflictions to Me, [the general significator of health and the nervous system, in the SA], in the Navamsa div chart, and in the Shashtamsa div chart, even though it has only the weakness of 100% combustion in the main Rasi chart.

#14. Case Study-4: Anal Cancer with Pre-Diabetic Complications:

Birth Details: [10 Aug 1952, 12:45PM, TZ=05:00 Hrs EST, South Carolina [81ºW39´, 35ºN04´]]

Dr JM pointed out the same pattern of “the exact Nodal affliction to Me”, which ruled the XIIH of the immune system, for this Libra Asdt individual. The MEP for this Libra Asdt chart was at 21º15´. Sa, which rules the excretory system [this was pointed out by the Professor] is badly placed in the XIIH, while, “the affliction to Me, from both the Nodes is transferred to Sa, from its afflicted dispositor [sA Sutra-16].

Anal Cancer was discovered in the Ra-Sa sub-period. The severity of the affliction to Me, which is also the significator of the immune system, is seen from the two div charts, the Navamsa and the Shashtamsa, in which Me is deb and also badly afflicted by both the Nodes.

Dr JM explained that the patient is currently undergoing chemotherapy; only because, she was not considered fit enough to be taken up for surgery. The medical prognosis held that recovery was uncertain. So far as the patient is concerned, she was alive, though with many ulcers in the mouth and prayers were being offered for her recovery. The indications of the SA were that, as the Ra-Me sub-period was scheduled to begin in May 2009 and the Ra-Ke sub-period was scheduled to begin in Dec 2011, difficult times lay ahead. [i am unable to tell at this stage, whether the SA remedial measures were being followed or not? We may have to contact Dr JM to ascertain this fact.]

Dr JM’s point was that the SA always gave additional insights, into the development of any disease and gave an alternative prognosis, as to the possible development of the disease or otherwise.

#15. Case Study-5: Breast Cancer:

Birth Details:[ 7 Jan 1959, 9:54AM, TZ=8Hrs PST, Castro Valley[122ºW05´,37ºN42´]]

This was a case, DR JM said, in which the patient wore the Kavach and also the remedial measures. This was subsequent to the development of cancer. The patient had an Aquarius Asdt chart, with the MEP at 9º 30´; with the Asdt lord Sa placed in the XIH, but in close conjunction with the FM Mo, which is a disease causing planet, for the Aquarius Asdt. To worsen matters, the VIH lord, the Mo and the VIIIH lord, Me had a close conjunction in the sign Sagittarius in the XIH. The health giving planet Mo was afflicted by the MMP, Me, exactly and this affliction to the Mo was worsened further, because of the placement of Ra in the MTH of Me. As the Mo ruled the ovaries, uterus, breast, blood, stomach and chest, in the Mo-Sa sub-period[ Apr 1994 to Nov 1995], there was the onset of Cancer of the breast. Doctors had performed a surgery and removed both her ovaries, in order to protect her against the ill-effects of the production of Estrogen.

remarked that: “The malefic conjunction between the VIH lord and the VIIIH lord, will have the effect of reducing the longevity” [sA Sutra-17]. In this case too, one sees the affliction of Me, which Dr JM considered as a kind of “necessary evil” in our modern civilization- which believed in high sensory stimulation[ and the inevitable stress that accompanies that]. One delegate Ms Sunitha Singhal reminded others that as the VIIIH and the XIIH lord also behave like Rahu [sA Sutra-18], the origin of Cancer in the breast is nicely understood.

#16. Case Study:6: Prostate Cancer:

Birth Details: 27 March 1957, 9:55AM, -01:00 Hrs, CET, Germany [9ºE54´, 50ºN23´]

Dr JM explained that in this Gemini Asdt chart[with the MEP at 6º 31´]; even though there were no “manifest afflictions” in the Rasi chart; many factors had come together to precipitate the disease. Firstly, the deb of Me in Pisces. Secondly, the placement of Sa, Mars and the Mo, three FBs in the malefic Hs, namely in the VIH, XIIH and the VIIIH. Thirdly, the deb of the VIIH lord, Ju and Ve, the significator of kidneys in the D-9 div chart-all of these factors had conspired together to create the disease. We may recall in this connection that, the VIIH lord, which is Ju for a Gemini Asdt, signifies in the SA, the kidneys and as the significator of the VIIH, namely Ve was also weak, through debilitation, the individual had become vulnerable to Cancer in the Prostate gland.

When Dr JM made it a point to mention that this patient was suffering from “abnormal anxiety”, Prof Choudhry elaborated on this by mentioning that: “Whenever the Mo is badly placed in the malefic VIIIH, the anxiety is aggravated” [sA Sutra-19]. We also see that in the D-6 div chart, the Asdt, Mo and Me are all badly afflicted by the FMs of that div chart. Commenting on the chart, the Prof also added that, the placement of Sa, Mars and the Mo in the malefic Hs was a major causative factor for this disease. Dr JM had stressed that there was constitutional weakness in the reproductive tissues, as both the VIIH lord, Ju and the significator of the VIIH, namely Ve were deb and weak in the D-9 div chart. {Aside: We might remember at this point, an important sutra of the SA, of which the Prof has often reminded us: “The mere placement of any planet in one of the malefic Hs, itself tantamount to an affliction” [sA Sutra-20]}

Continuing with the other details of the case study, Dr JM, made it clear that sadly, surgery was adopted, more to allay his uncontrollable anxiety, than because, surgery was really warranted. In the wake of this surgical treatment, DR JM said, though there was no recurrence of Cancer, there were other complications, arising from the surgery. In retrospect, it appeared to Dr JM that a surgery may not have been the right thing, for this patient. It was gratifying to know that significantly, now, the patient had at last resorted to the remedial measures of astrology, as a means to heal the illness, which was a manifestation of his karma.

When Dr JM completed presenting all his eleven case studies, that morning session on Feb 24th came to a close, but the conf continued in a different way-in the form of discussions on various charts and the Professor’s comments on them. In the last and concluding PART IV of the Conf Proceedings, I’ll cover all these discussions, on a wide variety of charts.











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