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Looking closer at some transits for the USA in 2008-2010

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Dear Brian and list members,


Indeed, it seems the transit and period combination in the SAMVA USA chart suggests there are more problems ahead for the USA. The chart suggests respite for the markets in May and June 2008, but more problems loom ahead - with the outlook for mid 2010 actually quite bad.


Difficulty end 2008/early 2009

In my view, the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009 suggest a difficult time for the USA. In December 2008, at the end of the Jupiter sub-period, transit 6th lord Jupiter will enter Capricorn, its sign of debilitation. Even if Jupiter will be well placed by house, it will be weak in transit (50% strength). Financial stability (and other indications of the 6th house) will thus likely to be precarious during this transit. More importantly, at the end of 2008, transit 8th lord Saturn will also become stationary under a close aspect from natal Saturn. This transit will bring endings and obstacles having to do with the wealth and status of the country. Fortunately, when the Saturn sub-period begins in early February 2009, this aspect will be lifting.


Obstacles to wealth in mid 2009

However, during May and June of that year, Saturn at 21° Leo will become stationary in the most effective point of the 2nd house. This is likely to bring further obstacles and endings to the wealth and status of the country, as well as difficulties with close neighbors. At the same time, as Saturn will be transiting the house of the Sun, which also happens to be a Sun-like house, there could be windfall gains at this time as well. This is a dual ramification of the influence of the 8th lord. In general, however, the period of the 8th lord is expected to be adverse, after all it is a greater malefic than the the 6th lord - the present period lord. Also, we cannot forget that natally Saturn afflicts the 2nd lord Sun in the chart.


More challenges in Autumn of 2009

On September 10, 2009, transit Saturn will enter the sign Virgo in the 3rd house, from where it will aspect in sequence the three planets placed in the 5th house (6th lord Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio, 10th lord Mars at 10° and 8th lord Saturn at 26° 44'). At that time, there will be a stationary conjunction involving transit debilitated Jupiter becoming exactly conjunct the natal 2nd lord Sun at 23° 44' Capricorn. This aspect is likely to bring fresh concerns about the financial stability, also as transit Jupiter will then be under the aspect of natal Saturn while natal Jupiter is under aspect of transit Saturn.


2010 will be more difficult

Towards the end of 2009, transit Jupiter will enter Aquarius, the 8th house of the SAMVA USA chart. This would not be an easy transit for the indications of Jupiter as 6th lord, more so as Rahu will have entered the 6th house while Ketu moves into the 12th house. During the summer of 2010, the nodes will become stationary at 17° 55' - almost exactly afflicting their natal counterparts. From June to August, at the same time the nodal aspect is taking place, transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces and 9th house will be in opposition aspect with 8th lord Saturn in Virgo and the 9th house. From there both transit Saturn and transit Jupiter will afflict natal Jupiter. These transits would be exceedingly bad as also the Saturn sub-period will be operating.


In other words, the situation for the US doesn't look so hot for the next few years. However, all difficulties eventually clear up and the Mercury sub-period from April 2012 would bring welcome relief.


Best wishes,



Brian Conrad <brianjtoolsSAMVA Sent: Sunday, March 2, 2008 8:32:31 PMRe: Re: Better days in US marketsI live at what may well be turning out to be ground zero for the US economic collapse: the San Francisco Bay Area and California. Because everyone wants to live here real estate went through the roof back in the late 1990s fueled also by the dot com boom. This continued into the 00's as the housing market went crazy and prices went through the roof. Folks bought homes they really couldn't afford and cities and towns (and the state too) budgeted expecting more income from growth. Of course that is not panning out. There are many foreclosures and people just walking away from homes in California. Banks

and being hit really bad. I suspect that unless you dig around it is hard to find this reported but even the local TV stations cover the story nightly and things look really grim.One local city, Vallejo is on the verge of filing bankruptcy and others such as Fremont may soon follow. Of course these problems are also occurring in other areas across the country but many of them didn't have quite the inflated housing prices of the Bay Area. I'm hearing that because of the decline of the dollar of the value many foreigners are buying up homes around the country. And the state itself is in a terrible budget crisis as bad or worse than the conditions that allowed a movie actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to be elected governor in a recall vote.It is interesting times indeed and perhaps just the karma of a country that was 7% of the world's population devouring 25% of the

world's resources. I think the arrow is in flight and what astrological influences we will be seeing will only be minor winds on its path.- Brian ConradVyas Munidas wrote:> Hello Mr Chadha (and List),>> Your prediction spans 14 months. So far the first 9 have passed.>> >From the price and date you predicted, the market went up to a max of 6.5% > and now it is currently down more than 8%. It has also seen a low of -12.6%.>> If someone followed your advice and bought on the date of your prediction, > the loss would be around twice the gain! A horrible situation indeed! If > they kept buying the dips as you suggested, they would be in even more > serious financial trouble.>> Regardless if the market does rally in the last 5 months or not, with 9 out > of 14 months being unproductive and devastating for many investors, the

max > decrease doubling the max increase, one must consider this prediction and > advice as wrong.>>> Best regards,>> Vyas Munidas>

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