Guest guest Posted March 3, 2008 Report Share Posted March 3, 2008 Dear friends, I have created the following article on "Perpetual Union" on Wikipedia: The article is an outgrowth of my own investigations guided by the insights of John TWB into the historical significance. Based on my prompting, John came up with this event to examine astrologically. After a preliminary investigation, I presented my conclusion to the SAMVA list that I found the chart promising (see below). Further research confirmed its merit. Even recently, has commented "USA SAMVA chart is giving precise insights." I would like to note that John should be credited with the term "requisite unanimous consent" in the following context: "Maryland became the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles on February 2, 1781, in effect heralding the birth of the Perpetual Union, as this represented the requisite unanimous consent for its formation." This particular term originated by John sometime in 2007 as we struggled to define precisely the essential historical meaning behind the event giving birth to the USA as a union and reflected in the SAMVA USA chart. I find his formulation quite intelligent. While the Articles gave the USA its first constitution, its first type of union - a confederation - it was the feature of bringing into being a Perpetual Union that carried the day. At the moment this Act was signed into law, the Perpetual Union was formed. The formal ratification of the Articles one month later gave birth to the new constitution and government, but not the nation, as this moment came one month earlier. The Perpetual Union continued even as the confederation gave way to a federation in the US Constitution, the nations second constitution. The Perpetual Union then was the reason for the Union government, led by Abraham Lincoln, refusing to allow the Southern states to secede. The Perpetual Union survives to this day, even if the number of states in it is now far greater than originally. Some time ago, John proposed the SAMVA USA chart be known as SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) I agree that for purposes of introducing this chart to a wider audience, this additional term in brackets could be meaningful. The reason I researched and wrote the article on Wikipedia, is because I wanted to make the meaning of the Perpetual Union in the history of the USA crystal clear to myself and others. I am now fully convinced of the historical meaning of the Maryland act to ratify the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Finally, you may find the photo image of the hand written Maryland Act from February 2, 1781 in the article of interest. I was able to obtain it from the Library of Congress. I have added an image of the signature of the Maryland Governor, Thomas Sim Lee, on this Act, to the entry on this person, given its significance. When he had completed writing it on the parchment, this powerful Union came into being. Indeed, the historical information about this event suggests it was a solemn or formal affair, with members of both houses of the legislature present. Thomas Sim Lee was only 37 years old at the time. Moreover, he seems to have been a rather reticent fellow, not one much given to the limelight. Although he was a supporter, he declined an offer to attend the Constitutional Convention and become a signatory of that great historical document. Moreover, there is no known image of him in existence, only of his wife! Even then, he left a major footprint in the history of the USA. While this event has such great significance, it seems the compatriots did not realise its true significance at the time and later, being focused on the formal ratification that took place on March 1, 1781. Nevertheless, the Maryland event was not an isolated event. It capped a series of events involving all the other states and was filled with drama, a sense of urgency and purpose. As such, the signing into law of the Maryland Act to ratify was very much a part of a larger process and something akin to the final knot being tied on a large and wonderful tapestry. Amazingly, it took astrology to identify the true merit of this moment! As such, SA astrology has informed on the historical significance of a major historical event. I find that an enjoyable thought. In any event, I hope you enjoy this walk down history lane! Best wishes, Thor USA - February 2, 1781 Articles of Confederation chart Hello list, As many of you know, several charts have been proposed for the USA. All of them have raised some issues concerning their applicability. Some of these charts have been rejected while others are being tested for predictive accuracy. Recently, I made a test of the March 1 1781 chart for the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, with 21° Cancer rising. This chart has given accurate predictions in the past. However, this winter the predictions have performed less well. A 21° Virgo chart has also been explored, but the time of the predictions has yet to arrive. Jorge Angelino has for some time explored a 15° Scorpio rising chart for 2 July 1776. Unlike many countries, where authentic charts have clearly been established through repeat accurate predictions, events suggestive of the creation of the USA are still under active consideration. Recently, I corresponded with John TWB about other possible events. Of the times he has explored, one has struck my interest. It is a time when the Articles of Confederation were for all intents and purposes a done deal. The time is February 2, 1781 in Annapolis, Maryland. The time suggested by John is 17:05 hrs. This moment, according to historical records obtained by John, was when "Maryland authorized the March 1 signing. The signing ceremony was a mere formality, the empowering moment was when the Governor signed the legislation making Maryland the 13th State to adopt the Articles of Confederation." Please see the full text concerning this event below. The 20° Cancer rising chart that results is remarkably close in tenor to the March 1 chart but has salient differences, which importantly address concerns about the overall weakness of planets in the March 1 chart. In the February 2 chart, L1 Moon is exalted and strong in Taurus in H11 (and not in infancy). It is also afflicted by L6 Jupiter in H5, giving a war like nature. The close aspect of L1 Moon and L10 Mars suggests powerful military forces, further backing up the war like nature. L2 Sun is strong in H7 MEP, giving plenty of status. L10 Mars is strong and well placed in H5, giving income from software and creative arts production. L4 Venus is badly placed in H6 but on MEP with fixed assets offering support for financial stability and helping cope with losses. FMs Rahu and Ketu are on H10 and H4 MEPs respectively, creating disturbances for these indications, as well as for all the even numbered houses. L8 Saturn is in H5 aspecting L2 in H7, suggesting obstacles and endings for the President. The chart bespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period is operating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs, where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2 aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the social equilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in opposition to natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be a dangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter will be conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1. This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss of life. These aspects are also indicative of strain in the life of President Bush in early 2007, when Me/Me period is operating. Transit L1 Mercury will be in Aquarius and H8 for most of February and March. In late March it becomes conjunct transit stationary Rahu in H8. Transit L6 Jupiter will be aspecting transit L8 Saturn conjunct natal L4 Venus. Natal Ketu in H5 will also be conjunct transit Jupiter and aspecting transit Saturn. These placements suggest grave problems for mother, fixed assets and peace of mind. Meanwhile, FM Rahu in H8 aspects L2 Sun in H12, suggests obstacles or endings concerning life force, father, status and authority. It will be interesting to watch the events in the new year with an eye to the various predictions. Allow me to recall that has said the events will be fairly easy for the USA if the Scorpio rising chart is correct, but generally difficult for Cancer rising charts. For the February 2, 1781 chart, the time would be especially difficult. Finally, a pdf file is attached comparing the chart dynamics for seven different historical events. Best regards, [Thor] State of Maryland legislation, to authorize ratification [the USA¢s 13th] By the House of Delegates, January 30th, 1781, read and assented to,By order, F. Green, Clerk.By the Senate, February 2nd, 1781. Read and assented to.By order, JAs. MacCubbin, Clerk,Tho. S. Lee. (L. S.)"1[Note 1: 1 This copy is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 70, folio 453. It was also entered in No. 9 (History of the Confederation).] Maryland Senate, Annapolis, February 2, 1781 In the afternoon Session ["Post Meridiem"] among engrossed Bills Nos. 26 up to 52, No.40 was signed and sealed by the Governor, in the Senate Chamber, in the presence of the members of both Houses of the State Legislature. "No. 40 An Act to empower the delegates of this state in Congress to and ratify the articles of confederation. The Senate adjourns to the first Monday in August next So ends the proceedings of the Senate, this second day of February, seventeen hundred and eighty-one." [source: Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of Maryland, Regular Session, # 184, October 17, 1780 - February 2, 1781, page 52 [Archive p. 413] In Congress, Philadelphia, Monday, FEBRUARY 12, 1781.Mr. Daniel Carroll, a delegate for the State of Maryland, attended and produced the credentials of his appointment, which were read, as follows:Maryland, Annapolis 3 Feb. 1781.We hereby certify that John Hanson, Daniel of St. Thomas Jennifer, Daniel Carroll and Richard Potts Esquires are elected Delegates, to represent this State in Congress for the year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty one.Ja. Macubbin Cl. Sen.F. Green Cl He Del.1[Note 1: 1 The original is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, Maryland, Credentials of Delegates.] The delegates for Maryland laid before Congress a certified copy of an act of the legislature of that State, which was read, as follows:"An act to empower the delegates of this State in Congress to and ratify theArticles of Confederation."Whereas it hath been said that the common enemy is encouraged by this State not acceding to the Confederation, to hope that the union of the sister states may be dissolved; and therefore prosecutes the war in expectation of an event so disgraceful to America; and our friends and illustrious ally are impressed with an idea that the common cause would be promoted by our formally acceding to the Confederation: this general assembly, conscious that this State hath, from the commencement of the war, strenuously exerted herself in the common cause, and fully satisfied that if no formal confederation was to take place, it is the fixed determination of this State to continue her exertions to the utmost, agreeable to the faith pledged in the union; from an earnest desire to conciliate the affection of the sister states; to convince all the world of our unalterable resolution to support the independence of the United States, and the alliance with his Most Christian Majesty, and to destroy forever any apprehension of our friends, or hope in our enemies, of this State being again united to Great Britain;"Be it enacted by the general assembly of Maryland, that the delegates of this State in Congress, or any two or three of them, shall be, and are hereby, empowered and required, on behalf of this State, to the Articles of Confederation and perpetual union between the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, signed in the general Congress of the said States by the honorable Henry Laurens, esq. their then President, and laid before the legislature of this State to be ratified if approved. And that the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual union, so as aforesaid d, shall thenceforth be ratified and become conclusive as to this State, and obligatory thereon. And it is hereby declared, that, by acceding to the said Confederation, this State doth not relinquish, or intend to relinquish, any right or interest she hath, with the other united or confederated states, to the back country; but claims the same as fully as was done by the legislature of this State, in their declaration, which stands entered on the journals of Congress; this State relying on the justice of the several states hereafter, as to the said claim made by this State."And it is further declared, that no article in the said Confederation, can or ought to bind this or any other State, to guarantee any exclusive claim of any particular State, to the soil of the said back lands, or any such claim of jurisdiction over the said lands or the inhabitants thereof.By the House of Delegates, January 30th, 1781, read and assented to,By order, F. Green, Clerk.By the Senate, February 2nd, 1781. Read and assented to.By order, JAs. MacCubbin, Clerk,Tho. S. Lee. (L. S.)"1[Note 1: 1 This copy is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 70, folio 453. It was also entered in No. 9 (History of the Confederation).] Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm Cosmologer <cosmologer | Attachment(not stored) Historical events in USA Articles of Confederation Md 13th state to sign on 2 February 1781.pdf Type: application/pdf Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2008 Report Share Posted March 3, 2008 Dear ThorYou have distinguished yourself in the presentation of PERPETUAL UNION at Wikipedia.Many heartfelt thanks for creating such a valuable historical resource.JohnTWBCosmologer <cosmologer wrote: Dear friends, I have created the following article on "Perpetual Union" on Wikipedia: The article is an outgrowth of my own investigations guided by the insights of John TWB into the historical significance. Based on my prompting, John came up with this event to examine astrologically. After a preliminary investigation, I presented my conclusion to the SAMVA list that I found the chart promising (see below). Further research confirmed its merit. Even recently, has commented "USA SAMVA chart is giving precise insights." I would like to note that John should be credited with the term "requisite unanimous consent" in the following context: "Maryland became the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles on February 2, 1781, in effect heralding the birth of the Perpetual Union, as this represented the requisite unanimous consent for its formation." This particular term originated by John sometime in 2007 as we struggled to define precisely the essential historical meaning behind the event giving birth to the USA as a union and reflected in the SAMVA USA chart. I find his formulation quite intelligent. While the Articles gave the USA its first constitution, its first type of union - a confederation - it was the feature of bringing into being a Perpetual Union that carried the day. At the moment this Act was signed into law, the Perpetual Union was formed. The formal ratification of the Articles one month later gave birth to the new constitution and government, but not the nation, as this moment came one month earlier. The Perpetual Union continued even as the confederation gave way to a federation in the US Constitution, the nations second constitution. The Perpetual Union then was the reason for the Union government, led by Abraham Lincoln, refusing to allow the Southern states to secede. The Perpetual Union survives to this day, even if the number of states in it is now far greater than originally. Some time ago, John proposed the SAMVA USA chart be known as SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) I agree that for purposes of introducing this chart to a wider audience, this additional term in brackets could be meaningful. The reason I researched and wrote the article on Wikipedia, is because I wanted to make the meaning of the Perpetual Union in the history of the USA crystal clear to myself and others. I am now fully convinced of the historical meaning of the Maryland act to ratify the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Finally, you may find the photo image of the hand written Maryland Act from February 2, 1781 in the article of interest. I was able to obtain it from the Library of Congress. I have added an image of the signature of the Maryland Governor, Thomas Sim Lee, on this Act, to the entry on this person, given its significance. When he had completed writing it on the parchment, this powerful Union came into being. Indeed, the historical information about this event suggests it was a solemn or formal affair, with members of both houses of the legislature present. Thomas Sim Lee was only 37 years old at the time. Moreover, he seems to have been a rather reticent fellow, not one much given to the limelight. Although he was a supporter, he declined an offer to attend the Constitutional Convention and become a signatory of that great historical document. Moreover, there is no known image of him in existence, only of his wife! Even then, he left a major footprint in the history of the USA. While this event has such great significance, it seems the compatriots did not realise its true significance at the time and later, being focused on the formal ratification that took place on March 1, 1781. Nevertheless, the Maryland event was not an isolated event. It capped a series of events involving all the other states and was filled with drama, a sense of urgency and purpose. As such, the signing into law of the Maryland Act to ratify was very much a part of a larger process and something akin to the final knot being tied on a large and wonderful tapestry. Amazingly, it took astrology to identify the true merit of this moment! As such, SA astrology has informed on the historical significance of a major historical event. I find that an enjoyable thought. In any event, I hope you enjoy this walk down history lane! Best wishes, Thor USA - February 2, 1781 Articles of Confederation chart Hello list, As many of you know, several charts have been proposed for the USA. All of them have raised some issues concerning their applicability. Some of these charts have been rejected while others are being tested for predictive accuracy. Recently, I made a test of the March 1 1781 chart for the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, with 21° Cancer rising. This chart has given accurate predictions in the past. However, this winter the predictions have performed less well. A 21° Virgo chart has also been explored, but the time of the predictions has yet to arrive. Jorge Angelino has for some time explored a 15° Scorpio rising chart for 2 July 1776. Unlike many countries, where authentic charts have clearly been established through repeat accurate predictions, events suggestive of the creation of the USA are still under active consideration. Recently, I corresponded with John TWB about other possible events. Of the times he has explored, one has struck my interest. It is a time when the Articles of Confederation were for all intents and purposes a done deal. The time is February 2, 1781 in Annapolis, Maryland. The time suggested by John is 17:05 hrs. This moment, according to historical records obtained by John, was when "Maryland authorized the March 1 signing. The signing ceremony was a mere formality, the empowering moment was when the Governor signed the legislation making Maryland the 13th State to adopt the Articles of Confederation." Please see the full text concerning this event below. The 20° Cancer rising chart that results is remarkably close in tenor to the March 1 chart but has salient differences, which importantly address concerns about the overall weakness of planets in the March 1 chart. In the February 2 chart, L1 Moon is exalted and strong in Taurus in H11 (and not in infancy). It is also afflicted by L6 Jupiter in H5, giving a war like nature. The close aspect of L1 Moon and L10 Mars suggests powerful military forces, further backing up the war like nature. L2 Sun is strong in H7 MEP, giving plenty of status. L10 Mars is strong and well placed in H5, giving income from software and creative arts production. L4 Venus is badly placed in H6 but on MEP with fixed assets offering support for financial stability and helping cope with losses. FMs Rahu and Ketu are on H10 and H4 MEPs respectively, creating disturbances for these indications, as well as for all the even numbered houses. L8 Saturn is in H5 aspecting L2 in H7, suggesting obstacles and endings for the President. The chart bespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period is operating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs, where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2 aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the social equilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in opposition to natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be a dangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter will be conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1. This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss of life. These aspects are also indicative of strain in the life of President Bush in early 2007, when Me/Me period is operating. Transit L1 Mercury will be in Aquarius and H8 for most of February and March. In late March it becomes conjunct transit stationary Rahu in H8. Transit L6 Jupiter will be aspecting transit L8 Saturn conjunct natal L4 Venus. Natal Ketu in H5 will also be conjunct transit Jupiter and aspecting transit Saturn. These placements suggest grave problems for mother, fixed assets and peace of mind. Meanwhile, FM Rahu in H8 aspects L2 Sun in H12, suggests obstacles or endings concerning life force, father, status and authority. It will be interesting to watch the events in the new year with an eye to the various predictions. Allow me to recall that has said the events will be fairly easy for the USA if the Scorpio rising chart is correct, but generally difficult for Cancer rising charts. For the February 2, 1781 chart, the time would be especially difficult. Finally, a pdf file is attached comparing the chart dynamics for seven different historical events. Best regards, [Thor] State of Maryland legislation, to authorize ratification [the USA¢s 13th] By the House of Delegates, January 30th, 1781, read and assented to,By order, F. Green, Clerk.By the Senate, February 2nd, 1781. Read and assented to.By order, JAs. MacCubbin, Clerk,Tho. S. Lee. (L. S.)"1[Note 1: 1 This copy is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 70, folio 453. It was also entered in No. 9 (History of the Confederation).] Maryland Senate, Annapolis, February 2, 1781 In the afternoon Session ["Post Meridiem"] among engrossed Bills Nos. 26 up to 52, No.40 was signed and sealed by the Governor, in the Senate Chamber, in the presence of the members of both Houses of the State Legislature. "No. 40 An Act to empower the delegates of this state in Congress to and ratify the articles of confederation. The Senate adjourns to the first Monday in August next So ends the proceedings of the Senate, this second day of February, seventeen hundred and eighty-one." [source: Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of Maryland, Regular Session, # 184, October 17, 1780 - February 2, 1781, page 52 [Archive p. 413] In Congress, Philadelphia, Monday, FEBRUARY 12, 1781.Mr. Daniel Carroll, a delegate for the State of Maryland, attended and produced the credentials of his appointment, which were read, as follows:Maryland, Annapolis 3 Feb. 1781.We hereby certify that John Hanson, Daniel of St. Thomas Jennifer, Daniel Carroll and Richard Potts Esquires are elected Delegates, to represent this State in Congress for the year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty one.Ja. Macubbin Cl. Sen.F. Green Cl He Del.1[Note 1: 1 The original is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, Maryland, Credentials of Delegates.] The delegates for Maryland laid before Congress a certified copy of an act of the legislature of that State, which was read, as follows:"An act to empower the delegates of this State in Congress to and ratify theArticles of Confederation."Whereas it hath been said that the common enemy is encouraged by this State not acceding to the Confederation, to hope that the union of the sister states may be dissolved; and therefore prosecutes the war in expectation of an event so disgraceful to America; and our friends and illustrious ally are impressed with an idea that the common cause would be promoted by our formally acceding to the Confederation: this general assembly, conscious that this State hath, from the commencement of the war, strenuously exerted herself in the common cause, and fully satisfied that if no formal confederation was to take place, it is the fixed determination of this State to continue her exertions to the utmost, agreeable to the faith pledged in the union; from an earnest desire to conciliate the affection of the sister states; to convince all the world of our unalterable resolution to support the independence of the United States, and the alliance with his Most Christian Majesty, and to destroy forever any apprehension of our friends, or hope in our enemies, of this State being again united to Great Britain;"Be it enacted by the general assembly of Maryland, that the delegates of this State in Congress, or any two or three of them, shall be, and are hereby, empowered and required, on behalf of this State, to the Articles of Confederation and perpetual union between the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, signed in the general Congress of the said States by the honorable Henry Laurens, esq. their then President, and laid before the legislature of this State to be ratified if approved. And that the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual union, so as aforesaid d, shall thenceforth be ratified and become conclusive as to this State, and obligatory thereon. And it is hereby declared, that, by acceding to the said Confederation, this State doth not relinquish, or intend to relinquish, any right or interest she hath, with the other united or confederated states, to the back country; but claims the same as fully as was done by the legislature of this State, in their declaration, which stands entered on the journals of Congress; this State relying on the justice of the several states hereafter, as to the said claim made by this State."And it is further declared, that no article in the said Confederation, can or ought to bind this or any other State, to guarantee any exclusive claim of any particular State, to the soil of the said back lands, or any such claim of jurisdiction over the said lands or the inhabitants thereof.By the House of Delegates, January 30th, 1781, read and assented to,By order, F. Green, Clerk.By the Senate, February 2nd, 1781. Read and assented to.By order, JAs. MacCubbin, Clerk,Tho. S. Lee. (L. S.)"1[Note 1: 1 This copy is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 70, folio 453. It was also entered in No. 9 (History of the Confederation).] Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm Cosmologer <cosmologer > | Attachment(not stored) Historical events in USA Articles of Confederation Md 13th state to sign on 2 February 1781.pdf Type: application/pdf Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"We hang the petty thieves and appointthe great ones to public office."Aesop "The Constitution was written for one specific purpose and that was to restrain the government, not to restrain the people."Congressman Ron Paul, grasping the occulted, firmly. "Honest Abe was the moniker given to Abraham Lincoln by his early associates and later political enemies, for the same reason that the biggest boy in a class is called Tiny." Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. 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Guest guest Posted March 4, 2008 Report Share Posted March 4, 2008 Dear John, Thank you for the kind words. This is an exciting project. It is not everyday one gets to dvelve into the distant history of a major country and obtain new insights. The internet is an amazing facilitator. Imagine all the information that is at our fingertips today, which required so much effort to obtain only a decade ago. In part this is because people, like and ourselves, are making information available for the benefit of others. Wikipedia is amazing in this regard, as are the discussion groups like SAMVA and Satva101. I remember going to a local bookstore in the early 1970s to consult a large book list so as to order my first consignment of astrology books from Great Britain. The delivery took up to eight weeks by ship. One could then go to a library and find information from other books based on the rollodex paper indexing system. It was all very time consuming. In any event, it is so much easier today. Following the events in terms of the SAMVA USA chart is also fascinating. I hope list members are finding this journey of discovery as much fun as we are! Thanks for all your contributions. Best wishes, Thor SAMVA , JohnTWB <blazingstar1776 wrote: > > Dear Thor > > You have distinguished yourself in the presentation of PERPETUAL UNION at Wikipedia. > > Many heartfelt thanks for creating such a valuable historical resource. > > JohnTWB > > Cosmologer <cosmologer wrote: > Dear friends, > > I have created the following article on " Perpetual Union " on Wikipedia: > > > The article is an outgrowth of my own investigations guided by the insights of John TWB into the historical significance. Based on my prompting, John came up with this event to examine astrologically. After a preliminary investigation, I presented my conclusion to the SAMVA list that I found the chart promising (see below). Further research confirmed its merit. Even recently, has commented " USA SAMVA chart is giving precise insights. " > > I would like to note that John should be credited with the term " requisite unanimous consent " in the following context: > > " Maryland became the 13th and final state to ratify the Articles on February 2, 1781, in effect heralding the birth of the Perpetual Union, as this represented the requisite unanimous consent for its formation. " > > This particular term originated by John sometime in 2007 as we struggled to define precisely the essential historical meaning behind the event giving birth to the USA as a union and reflected in the SAMVA USA chart. I find his formulation quite intelligent. While the Articles gave the USA its first constitution, its first type of union - a confederation - it was the feature of bringing into being a Perpetual Union that carried the day. > > At the moment this Act was signed into law, the Perpetual Union was formed. The formal ratification of the Articles one month later gave birth to the new constitution and government, but not the nation, as this moment came one month earlier. The Perpetual Union continued even as the confederation gave way to a federation in the US Constitution, the nations second constitution. The Perpetual Union then was the reason for the Union government, led by Abraham Lincoln, refusing to allow the Southern states to secede. The Perpetual Union survives to this day, even if the number of states in it is now far greater than originally. > > Some time ago, John proposed the SAMVA USA chart be known as > > SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union) > > I agree that for purposes of introducing this chart to a wider audience, this additional term in brackets could be meaningful. > > The reason I researched and wrote the article on Wikipedia, is because I wanted to make the meaning of the Perpetual Union in the history of the USA crystal clear to myself and others. I am now fully convinced of the historical meaning of the Maryland act to ratify the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. > > Finally, you may find the photo image of the hand written Maryland Act from February 2, 1781 in the article of interest. I was able to obtain it from the Library of Congress. > > I have added an image of the signature of the Maryland Governor, Thomas Sim Lee, on this Act, to the entry on this person, given its significance. When he had completed writing it on the parchment, this powerful Union came into being. Indeed, the historical information about this event suggests it was a solemn or formal affair, with members of both houses of the legislature present. > > > Thomas Sim Lee was only 37 years old at the time. Moreover, he seems to have been a rather reticent fellow, not one much given to the limelight. Although he was a supporter, he declined an offer to attend the Constitutional Convention and become a signatory of that great historical document. Moreover, there is no known image of him in existence, only of his wife! Even then, he left a major footprint in the history of the USA. > > While this event has such great significance, it seems the compatriots did not realise its true significance at the time and later, being focused on the formal ratification that took place on March 1, 1781. Nevertheless, the Maryland event was not an isolated event. It capped a series of events involving all the other states and was filled with drama, a sense of urgency and purpose. As such, the signing into law of the Maryland Act to ratify was very much a part of a larger process and something akin to the final knot being tied on a large and wonderful tapestry. Amazingly, it took astrology to identify the true merit of this moment! As such, SA astrology has informed on the historical significance of a major historical event. I find that an enjoyable thought. > > In any event, I hope you enjoy this walk down history lane! > > Best wishes, > > Thor > > > > USA - February 2, 1781 Articles of Confederation chart > > > Hello list, > > As many of you know, several charts have been proposed for the USA. All of them have raised some issues concerning their applicability. Some of these charts have been rejected while others are being tested for predictive accuracy. Recently, I made a test of the March 1 1781 chart for the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, with 21° Cancer rising. This chart has given accurate predictions in the past. However, this winter the predictions have performed less well. A 21° Virgo chart has also been explored, but the time of the predictions has yet to arrive. Jorge Angelino has for some time explored a 15° Scorpio rising chart for 2 July 1776. Unlike many countries, where authentic charts have clearly been established through repeat accurate predictions, events suggestive of the creation of the USA are still under active consideration. > > Recently, I corresponded with John TWB about other possible events. Of the times he has explored, one has struck my interest. It is a time when the Articles of Confederation were for all intents and purposes a done deal. The time is February 2, 1781 in Annapolis, Maryland. The time suggested by John is 17:05 hrs. This moment, according to historical records obtained by John, was when " Maryland authorized the March 1 signing. The signing ceremony was a mere formality, the empowering moment was when the Governor signed the legislation making Maryland the 13th State to adopt the Articles of Confederation. " Please see the full text concerning this event below. > > The 20° Cancer rising chart that results is remarkably close in tenor to the March 1 chart but has salient differences, which importantly address concerns about the overall weakness of planets in the March 1 chart. In the February 2 chart, L1 Moon is exalted and strong in Taurus in H11 (and not in infancy). It is also afflicted by L6 Jupiter in H5, giving a war like nature. The close aspect of L1 Moon and L10 Mars suggests powerful military forces, further backing up the war like nature. L2 Sun is strong in H7 MEP, giving plenty of status. L10 Mars is strong and well placed in H5, giving income from software and creative arts production. L4 Venus is badly placed in H6 but on MEP with fixed assets offering support for financial stability and helping cope with losses. FMs Rahu and Ketu are on H10 and H4 MEPs respectively, creating disturbances for these indications, as well as for all the even numbered houses. L8 Saturn is in H5 aspecting L2 in H7, suggesting obstacles and > endings for the President. > > The chart bespeaks of a very difficult time in early 2007, when the Ve/Ju period is operating. At that time, the nodes will become stationary on H2 and H8 MEPs, where they widely aspect their own placements in H10 and H4 and with Ketu in H2 aspecting L4 Venus in H6, suggesting a sudden event disturbs the social equilibrium. Meanwhile, transit Saturn in H1 becomes stationary in opposition to natal L2 Sun in H7, triggering the natal combination. This could be a dangerous time for the President of the USA. At the same time, L6 Jupiter will be conjunct natal L8 Saturn in H5, while aspecting transit L8 Saturn in H1. This also suggests violence, possibly military conflict, and loss of life. > > These aspects are also indicative of strain in the life of President Bush in early 2007, when Me/Me period is operating. Transit L1 Mercury will be in Aquarius and H8 for most of February and March. In late March it becomes conjunct transit stationary Rahu in H8. Transit L6 Jupiter will be aspecting transit L8 Saturn conjunct natal L4 Venus. Natal Ketu in H5 will also be conjunct transit Jupiter and aspecting transit Saturn. These placements suggest grave problems for mother, fixed assets and peace of mind. Meanwhile, FM Rahu in H8 aspects L2 Sun in H12, suggests obstacles or endings concerning life force, father, status and authority. > > It will be interesting to watch the events in the new year with an eye to the various predictions. Allow me to recall that Professor Choudhry has said the events will be fairly easy for the USA if the Scorpio rising chart is correct, but generally difficult for Cancer rising charts. For the February 2, 1781 chart, the time would be especially difficult. > > Finally, a pdf file is attached comparing the chart dynamics for seven different historical events. > > Best regards, > > [Thor] > > State of Maryland legislation, to authorize ratification [the USA¢ s 13th] > By the House of Delegates, January 30th, 1781, read and assented to, > By order, F. Green, Clerk. > By the Senate, February 2nd, 1781. Read and assented to. > By order, JAs. MacCubbin, Clerk, > Tho. S. Lee. (L. S.) " 1 > [Note 1: 1 This copy is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 70, folio 453. It was also entered in No. 9 (History of the Confederation).] > > > Maryland Senate, Annapolis, February 2, 1781 > In the afternoon Session [ " Post Meridiem " ] among engrossed Bills Nos. 26 up to 52, No.40 was signed and sealed by the Governor, in the Senate Chamber, in the presence of the members of both Houses of the State Legislature. > " No. 40 An Act to empower the delegates of this state in Congress to and ratify the articles of confederation. > The Senate adjourns to the first Monday in August next > So ends the proceedings of the Senate, this second day of February, seventeen hundred and eighty-one. " > [source: Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of Maryland, Regular Session, # 184, October 17, 1780 - February 2, 1781, page 52 [Archive p. 413] > tml/legislative2.html > In Congress, Philadelphia, Monday, FEBRUARY 12, 1781. > Mr. Daniel Carroll, a delegate for the State of Maryland, attended and produced the credentials of his appointment, which were read, as follows: > Maryland, Annapolis 3 Feb. 1781. > We hereby certify that John Hanson, Daniel of St. Thomas Jennifer, Daniel Carroll and Richard Potts Esquires are elected Delegates, to represent this State in Congress for the year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty one. > Ja. Macubbin Cl. Sen. > F. Green Cl He Del.1 > [Note 1: 1 The original is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, Maryland, Credentials of Delegates.] > The delegates for Maryland laid before Congress a certified copy of an act of the legislature of that State, which was read, as follows: > " An act to empower the delegates of this State in Congress to and ratify the > Articles of Confederation. > " Whereas it hath been said that the common enemy is encouraged by this State not acceding to the Confederation, to hope that the union of the sister states may be dissolved; and therefore prosecutes the war in expectation of an event so disgraceful to America; and our friends and illustrious ally are impressed with an idea that the common cause would be promoted by our formally acceding to the Confederation: this general assembly, conscious that this State hath, from the commencement of the war, strenuously exerted herself in the common cause, and fully satisfied that if no formal confederation was to take place, it is the fixed determination of this State to continue her exertions to the utmost, agreeable to the faith pledged in the union; from an earnest desire to conciliate the affection of the sister states; to convince all the world of our unalterable resolution to support the independence of the United States, and the alliance with his Most Christian Majesty, and to > destroy forever any apprehension of our friends, or hope in our enemies, of this State being again united to Great Britain; > " Be it enacted by the general assembly of Maryland, that the delegates of this State in Congress, or any two or three of them, shall be, and are hereby, empowered and required, on behalf of this State, to the Articles of Confederation and perpetual union between the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, signed in the general Congress of the said States by the honorable Henry Laurens, esq. their then President, and laid before the legislature of this State to be ratified if approved. And that the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual union, so as aforesaid d, shall thenceforth be ratified and become conclusive as to this State, and obligatory thereon. And it is hereby declared, that, by acceding to the said Confederation, this State doth not relinquish, or intend to relinquish, > any right or interest she hath, with the other united or confederated states, to the back country; but claims the same as fully as was done by the legislature of this State, in their declaration, which stands entered on the journals of Congress; this State relying on the justice of the several states hereafter, as to the said claim made by this State. > " And it is further declared, that no article in the said Confederation, can or ought to bind this or any other State, to guarantee any exclusive claim of any particular State, to the soil of the said back lands, or any such claim of jurisdiction over the said lands or the inhabitants thereof. > By the House of Delegates, January 30th, 1781, read and assented to, > By order, F. Green, Clerk. > By the Senate, February 2nd, 1781. Read and assented to. > By order, JAs. MacCubbin, Clerk, > Tho. S. Lee. (L. S.) " 1 > [Note 1: 1 This copy is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 70, folio 453. It was also entered in No. 9 (History of the Confederation).] > > > > > Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:18 pm > > > > Cosmologer <cosmologer > | > Attachment(not stored) > Historical events in USA Articles of Confederation Md 13th state to sign on 2 February 1781.pdf Type: > application/pdf > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > > > > > $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ > > " We hang the petty thieves and appoint > the great ones to public office. " > > Aesop > > " The Constitution was written for one specific purpose and that was to restrain the government, not to restrain the people. " > > Congressman Ron Paul, grasping the occulted, firmly. > > > " Honest Abe was the moniker given to Abraham Lincoln by his early associates and later political enemies, for the same reason that the biggest boy in a class is called Tiny. " > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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