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SAMVA USA chart and the Whiskey Rebellion of the summer of 1794

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Dear friends,


An early test of US authority took place in 1794, the so-called Whiskey insurrection or rebellion. It was the first test of US federal government power to impose a tax. The SAMVA chart explains the culmination of this uprising the reimposition of order in the affected states.


Historical information



The Whiskey Rebellion, less commonly known as the Whiskey Insurrection, was a popular uprising that had its beginnings in 1791 and culminated in an insurrection in 1794 in the locality of Washington, Pennsylvania, in the Monongahela Valley. The rebellion occurred shortly after the Articles of Confederation had been replaced by a stronger federal government under the United States Constitution in 1789.


Angered by an excise tax imposed on whiskey in 1791 by the federal government, farmers in the western counties of Pennsylvania engaged in a series of attacks on excise agents. The tariff effectively eliminated any profit by the farmers from the sale or barter of an important cash crop, and became the lightning rod for a wide variety of grievances by the settlers of the region against the federal government. While citizens in the east did not find it difficult to abide by the concept that individual states were "subservient to the country," people west of the mountains were less accepting of decisions made by the central government. The rebel farmers continued their attacks, rioting in river towns and roughing up tax

collectors until the so-called "insurrection" flared into the open in July of 1794 when a federal marshal was attacked in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Almost at the same time several hundred men attacked the residence of the regional inspector, burning his home, barn and several outbuildings. Pittsburgh was another scene of disorder by enraged mobs.


On August 7, 1794, President Washington issued a proclamation, calling out the militia and ordering the disaffected westerners to return to their homes. Washington's order mobilized an army of approximately 13,000 — as large as the one that had defeated the British — under the command of General Harry Lee, the then-Governor of Virginia and father of Robert E. Lee. Washington himself, in a show of presidential authority, set out at the head of the troops to suppress the uprising.


Astrological analysis

The Mars - Jupiter period was operating. JUPITER is 6th ruler of opposition and conflict. Natally, Jupiter opposes 1st lord MOON in the 11th house, which along with 2nd lord SUN in the 7th house, rules the taxing powers of the government.


During the summer of 1794


- transit SATURN, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, passed into an opposition aspect with natal Jupiter and then became stationary conjunct natal Moon.


- transit RAHU in Cancer became stationary in aspect to natal Saturn, with the latter aspecting transit KETU in Capricorn, also conjunct Sun.


We can also note that in early 1794, Saturn was conjunct natal Rahu in the 10th house, and in opposition to natal Ketu. This is likely to have created a disturbance that then erupted in the summer when the above mentioned stationary transits involving the first rate malefics in the chart took place. These difficult transits created a tremendous disturbance in the country.


On the day when the US President showed his presidential authority, transit Sun was exactly conjunct natal Sun under exact aspect of 10th lord MARS in the 4th house.


The SAMVA USA chart does not miss a single beat -when required to explain long standing tensions and their resolution


Best wishes,






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