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Whiskey Rebellion, Then & Now

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Hello Thor & Group:


It would be very interesting to know if you see a similar signature

coming up for the USA again in the next 4 to 5 years?  There has been

much prophecy suggesting this as a probability.


Warmly, John



Cosmologer wrote:




Dear friends,


An early test of US

authority took place in 1794, the so-called Whiskey insurrection or

rebellion. It was the first test of US federal government power to

impose a tax. The SAMVA chart explains the culmination of this uprising

the reimposition of order in the affected states.






The Whiskey Rebellion,


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Dear John D,


I don´t know how much credence to give to prophecy. There was a lot of prophecy concerning Harmonic Convergence in August of 1989. None of it seemed to create much of an impact on the material plane. That said, there may be more difficult times ahead as per the SAMVA USA chart, notably as it is running the sequence of three FM periods. The chart has been in

- Rahu period since June 2003,

- Jupiter period since June 2006 and will be in

- Saturn period from February 2009 to April 2012.


During this time, bad transits may bring difficulty.


In a message on March 3, 2008 I noted the following:



"2010 will be more difficult

Towards the end of 2009, transit Jupiter will enter Aquarius, the 8th house of the SAMVA USA chart. This would not be an easy transit for the indications of Jupiter as 6th lord, more so as Rahu will have entered the 6th house while Ketu moves into the 12th house. During the summer of 2010, the nodes will become stationary at 17° 55' - almost exactly afflicting their natal counterparts. From June to August, at the same time the nodal aspect is taking place, transit 6th lord Jupiter in Pisces and 9th house will be in opposition aspect with 8th lord Saturn in Virgo and the 9th house. From there both transit Saturn and transit Jupiter will afflict natal Jupiter. These transits would be exceedingly bad as also the Saturn sub-period will be operating."


I didn´t look much past that time.


The key to the Whiskey Rebellion was the following:

- Jupiter sub-period (we are currently running one) during Mars dasa

- transit Saturn was afflicting natal Moon (after afflicting nodal axis)

- transit Rahu afflicted natal Saturn, which in turn afflicted transit Ketu


In 2010

- Saturn sub-period will be running during Venus dasa

- nodes will afflict natal nodes

- transit Jupiter will be in opposition to transit Saturn

- transit Saturn and transit Jupiter will afflict natal Jupiter


In 2008

- Jupiter sub-period will be running during Venus dasa

- transit stationary nodes will afflict natal Sun

- transit stationary Jupiter will afflict natal Rahu


It is hard to replicate signatures, but some afflictions will be felt that are similar in magnitude but entail different dynamics. Feel free to try your hand at interpretating the different dynamics.


Best wishes,





Dr. John D. Andre <DrJDAndreSAMVA Sent: Saturday, March 8, 2008 9:17:20 PM Whiskey Rebellion, Then & NowHello Thor & Group:It would be very interesting to know if you see a similar signature coming up for the USA again in the next 4 to 5 years? There has been much prophecy suggesting this as a probability.Warmly, John===========================================Cosmologer wrote:



Dear friends,


An early test of US authority took place in 1794, the so-called Whiskey insurrection or rebellion. It was the first test of US federal government power to impose a tax. The SAMVA chart explains the culmination of this uprising the reimposition of order in the affected states.


Historical information



The Whiskey Rebellion, less

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