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Astro - Gender Markers, Can it Happen ?

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One of my net friend did write , I dont know about D30, I request elders to do this excercise and let's know about it.

I would think that the planets ruling or influencing the Lagna and the Lagna Lord in the rasi as well as the trimsamsa (D30) would influence the gender of the person, as well as the gender of the signs these things are in. By influencing I mean conjuncting (in same sign) or aspecting (with stronger aspects giving more weight). For this you would use planetary aspects and not rasi aspects. A predominance of male planets and signs influencing these things would give a male person. A predominance of female planets and signs would give a female person. Male planets: Sun, Mars, Jupiter Female planets: Moon, Venus Genderless planets: Mercury, Saturn Male signs: Fire & Air signs Female signs: Earth & Water signs My guess is that an intersex person (someone born between genders) would be indicated by an equal mix of male and female, or a predominance of influence from Mercury and Saturn. For somebody to have gender identity issues (like wanting to change genders) I would think there would need to be a lot of male planets in female signs and vice versa, as well as influence of Rahu or Ketu to the Lagna, Lagna Lord, Moon or Sun. But this is just my guess. To use my tropical chart as an example: David Ray July 4th, 1972 @ 5:40 am Santa Barbara, CA I am Cancer Rising (female sign) with Moon (female planet) in Aries (male sign). There are no planets with the Moon, but there are definitely a predominance of male planets aspecting the Moon (Sun to 12 virupas, Mars to 23, Jupiter to 53, Mercury to 25). In the trimsamsa, I am a Leo Rising (male sign) with Sun (male planet) in Libra (male sign) with Venus (female planet). The predominant influence to the Sun comes from Venus (female) and Mars (male). I don't know if this is the correct method. I would agree with Sam that whatever the method, it's tricky. However, I would invite Same to share his process with us and maybe an example, so that we can all learn from his experience.


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Dear Lalit,

I have not seen anything like this being theorized by the sages.



litsol wrote:



One of my net friend did write , I dont know about

D30, I request elders to do this excercise and let's know about it.

I would think that the planets ruling or influencing the Lagna and

the Lagna Lord in the rasi as well as the trimsamsa (D30) would

influence the gender of the person, as well as the gender of the signs

these things are in. By influencing I mean conjuncting (in same sign)

or aspecting (with stronger aspects giving more weight). For this you

would use planetary aspects and not rasi aspects. A predominance of

male planets and signs influencing these things would give a male

person. A predominance of female planets and signs would give a female



Male planets: Sun, Mars, Jupiter

Female planets: Moon, Venus

Genderless planets: Mercury, Saturn


Male signs: Fire & Air signs

Female signs: Earth & Water signs


My guess is that an intersex person (someone born between genders)

would be indicated by an equal mix of male and female, or a

predominance of influence from Mercury and Saturn. For somebody to have

gender identity issues (like wanting to change genders) I would think

there would need to be a lot of male planets in female signs and vice

versa, as well as influence of Rahu or Ketu to the Lagna, Lagna Lord,

Moon or Sun.


But this is just my guess.


To use my tropical chart as an example:


David Ray

July 4th, 1972 @ 5:40 am

Santa Barbara, CA


I am Cancer Rising (female sign) with Moon (female planet) in Aries

(male sign). There are no planets with the Moon, but there are

definitely a predominance of male planets aspecting the Moon (Sun to 12

virupas, Mars to 23, Jupiter to 53, Mercury to 25).


In the trimsamsa, I am a Leo Rising (male sign) with Sun (male planet)

in Libra (male sign) with Venus (female planet). The predominant

influence to the Sun comes from Venus (female) and Mars (male).


I don't know if this is the correct method. I would agree with Sam that

whatever the method, it's tricky. However, I would invite Same to share

his process with us and maybe an example, so that we can all learn from

his experience.



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