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Planets and Beej Mantra of Kundalini Chakras !!

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Dear Group,

I m posting the beej mantras of all the chakras sequentially right from first Muladhara onwards, I did these mantras in fun, like i was playing football, I mean i took them very easily and i wan it to share with u, it's easy, do and realize the difference within u.

The author of following has linked beej mantras to planets of astrology, which may be more useful for those who are more interested.

Source : http://www.shivayoga.net/literature/tapovan-and-shantivan/divine-temple1.htm regards,Lalit.


The Beeja Mantra (seed Mantra) of Muladhara Chakra is LAM. If this Mantra is meditated upon in the morning, remembering the Sun (or Surya, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra), slowly slowly Muladhara Chakra of the astral body will be opened and the Kundalini Shakti will start moving upwards cossing one by one the other Chakras.

The Beeja Mantra of Swadhisthana Chakra is VAM. If this Mantra is meditated upon in the morning remembering the Moon (or Chandra, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra) the Kundalini Shakti coming from Muladhara will move up through Swadhisthana Chakra.

The Beeja Mantra of Manipuraka Chakra is RAM. If this Mantra is meditated upon in the morning remembering the Mars (or Mangal, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra) the Kundalini Shakti rising from below will pass through the Manipuraka Chakra and travel forward towards the heart Chakra.

The Beeja Mantra of Anahata Chakra is YAM. If this Mantra is meditated upon in the morning remembering Budha (or Mercury, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra) the Kundalini Shakti coming from below will pass through Anahata Chakra (heart Chakra) and travel further towards Vishuddhi Chakra.

The Beeja Mantra of Vishuddhi Chakra is HAM. If this Mantra is meditated upon in the morning rememberig Guru (or Jupiter, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra) the kundalini rising from below will pass through Vishuddhi Chakra and travel further towards Ajna Chakra.

The Beeja Mantra of Ajna Chakra is AUM. If this Mantra is meditated upon in the morning remembering Shukra (or Venus, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra) the Kundalini Shakti travelling from below will pass through Ajna Chakra and proceed further towards Sahasrara Chakra.

The Beeja Mantra of Sahasrara Chakra is «O» (Shunya or zero) which is nothing but silence, deep silence. You have to sit quietly, remembering Shani (or Saturn, being the Adhidevata of this Chakra) without chanting any mantra and setting aside all thoughts and enjoying silence and the bliss of sielnce. Now the Kundalini Shakti enters the Sahasrara Dal Chakra. Here Shakti joins Shiva and a delightful light is seen. And this is the highest achievement in one's life – the delightful light! The Darshan of Mother Tripurasundari. This is the inner meditation on the pure Chit-Swarupa, the Supreme Being and the ultimate liberation. Blessed are the few - few rare souls – who through the worship of the Devi Tripurasundari, lead the pure life, during their last incarnate existance in this mundane world. They are really blessed because they have discharged the duties incumbent upon human beings, preparatory to their being merged in the transcendent Existence, Consciousness and Bliss.

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