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Om Seshaanjaneya Namaha Om

AATHREYA - Dr.BalaKrishna Murthy Ramaraju

( RBK Murthy )

27 Mackay Drive , Marlborough ,

Massachusetts 01752 - 1935 , U S A

Cell : 508 - 265 - 1124


< dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju >

< dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy >

AATHREYA - Gaandhaari Maatha

Gaandhaari is a princess of Kandahar in present day


Dhruthraashtra is young Kaurava King in Hasthinapur,

under his paternal uncle Prince Regent Bheeshma;

He is the son of Ambika and hence aka Aambikeya.

While pregnant Ambika had a pre eclamptic toxaemia

and the in utero baby suffered from cerebral anoxia,as

a result of which Dhrutharaashtra was born blind since

birth due to anoxic degeneration of visual tract of brain.

Bheeshma went to Kandahar , defeated the local ruler

and brought Gaandhari to Hasthina as a bride for blind

Dhrutharaashtra. Gaandhaari , to the best of my

knowledge, is not aware that her husband to be is blind.

Might is right. Gaandhaari graciously accepted the fait

accompli and instantly took a vow of blindness upon her,

refusing to see what Her husband cannot see and for-

ever blindfolded Herself. What a Noble Lady She is.

One problem that Bheeshma brought to Hasthinapur,

unwittingly and unbeknownst to him , is Shakuni(brother

of Gaandhaari) who is destined to play a tragic role in

future events leading to Kurukshethra war.

Every action has an equal and some times

adverse opposite reaction.

Gaandhaari, a Mother who lost all Her children , a life long

Noble companion of Dhrutharaashtra through thick and

thin and She ultimately followed Her husband into

Vaanaprastham and finally Sathi Sahaganam .

Om Shaanthi , Om Shaanthi , Om Shaanthi.


Om Thath Sath ; aathreya - r b krishna murthy





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