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Transits for September 20 - September 26 - Taken from J group

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Planetary Transits for September 20 - September 26.Sun transits Virgo, from 02:54 to 09:45°. Sun is weak until Sept. 22, and isunder the aspect of Mars until Sept. 28. (Last week's prediction: Watch forgovernment problems due to military activity. The Iraqi Prime Minister calledon the U.S. government to end its contract with Blackwater, USA after itsmembers were involved in a lethal shooting incident with civilians.)Moon is waxing and transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces. The full Moon is in Pisces, on Sept. 26 at 1:45 p.m. CDT.Mercury transits out of Virgo and into Libra on Sept. 22 at 4:28 a.m. CDT. Mercury is weak until Sept. 26. Be careful with your stocks, business andcommunications.Mars transits Gemini, from 01:48 to 05:12. Mars is weak until Sept. 26.Venus transits Cancer, from 25:01 to 28:26°. Venus is weak until Oct. 6.Jupiter transits Scorpio, from 18:48 to 19:43°.Saturn transits Leo, from 08:12 to 09:01°. (The strength of Saturn may havecontributed to the rise in oil prices recently. Watch for setbacks when Saturnclosely transits Ketu during Oct.)Rahu and Ketu transit Aquarius and Leo, respectively, from 12:55 to 12:57°. Persons with rising signs in the 13-degree range, or with planets in odd signsin the 13-degree range, should be careful and patient through September.Transits for each "Rising sign" (Not "Sun sign"):Aries: Finish up with the home decorating and enjoyment of the arts and finerthings of life. Start to put some attention on your own efforts andentrepreneurial activities. These will be vitally important for the next sevenmonths.Taurus: Invest in property and home life. Be careful with communications andtake care of your children and investments. There may be some travel,separations or relocation over the next seven months. Work on or in your home.Gemini: Be patient with your children, education and investments. Start a newhome-based project or business. Count on gains, income and friendships over thenext seven months. Marriage and partnerships get a boost in December.Cancer: Enjoy this last week of Venus in your first house. Put some attentionon your own efforts and entrepreneurial activities. Consider a home-basedopportunity. There may be some work-related losses, travel or relocation overthe next seven months.Leo: Be patient for another week. Your wealth, status, family life, andentrepreneurial activities are in flux. Keep some attention on investing inproperty and home life. Expect good fortune, income and friendships over thenext seven months.Virgo: Enjoy these last few days of Mercury and Venus in your first andeleventh houses. Get extra rest, and keep your attention on your own effortsthrough October. Focus on workplace research and mystical knowledge over thenext seven months.Libra: Focus on the workplace, but wind things down a bit. There may be somelosses and expenses or separations with friends through mid-Oct. On the otherhand, there should be good fortune through marriage and partners over the nextseven months.Scorpio: Focus on teaching, publishing and advisory roles. There should begains, income, and friendships in the workplace. Take good care of your healthand avoid debts, disputes and marital problems about windfalls over the nextseven months.Sagittarius: Expect good fortune in the workplace, but be patient with incomeand friendships.Prepare for a major positive change after mid-December, and invest in marriageand partnerships over the next seven months.Capricorn: Stay focused on your career and partners for another week. For someof you, there may be a windfall or inheritance. Consider income fromlong-distant places through November. Take care of your home, property, andfamily life over the next seven months.Aquarius: Focus on relationships, but tell your partner to be careful to avoidaccidents and to be patient with delays and setbacks through mid-Oct. Invest inyour own efforts and entrepreneurial activities over the next seven months.Pisces: Tell your partners to be careful to avoid disputes, health issues, andaccidents, and to be patient with delays, and setbacks. There will be a lot ofactivity with your parents, property and home life over the next seven months.

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