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vedichimalaya , "Himalaya Vedic World" <himalayavedicworld wrote:It is an experimentally `modified' form of CHAKRA DASHA –which has been mentioned in the list of Dashas in Brihat Parashara HoraShashtra (Vol.- 2). For maintaining a clear distinction, and also forthe fact that placement of planets reckoned from three different points– Ascendant, Moon, and Sun – as these are in the popularly usedSudarshan Chakra, the name had been suitably changed.In this method, there are 12 Major Periods of equal duration – of 10years each. There are 10 Sub-Periods in any Major Period, and everySub-Period is of equal duration – of 1 year each. Starting from therespective signs of commencement, the Sub-periods run in regularzodiacal order.For the commencing Major-period, the `Effective' Ascendant isthe sign occupied by Jupiter (as considered in certain Nadi-grantha). Itwill remain the same for 10 years. Thereafter, the next sign from theposition will become the `Effective' Ascendant, and it willremain so for 10 years (from the 11th year to the 20th year), and so on.The commencing Minor-period signs are the combination of(Ascendant-sign, Moon-sign, and Sun-sign). Then regardless of theoperating Major-period, the succeeding Minor-periods of 1 year each willfollow in regular zodiacal order – starting from each of thecommencing Minor-period signs.Minor-period Sign from Ascendant = Expunger12 (Ascendant + ElapsedAge-period – 1)Minor-period Sign from Moon = Expunger12 (Moon Sign + Elapsed Age-period– 1)Minor-period Sign from Sun = Expunger12 (Sun Sign + Elapsed Age-period– 1)The planets situated in these three Minor-period signs are the`Influencing Planets', and the results of their influences willbe gleamed with reference to the `Effective Ascendant' operatingat that age-period (that is, till the age of 10, it is the sign occupiedby Jupiter; then up to the age of 20, the next sign from it; then up tothe age of 30, the further next sign, and so on).If for a particular age-period, it is seen that there is no Influencingplanet as mentioned above, then the results will be determined from theSecondary Influencing Planets – which are:(1) The Lord of the `Effective Ascendant'.(2) Planet(s) conjoined with the lord of the `EffectiveAscendant' – if any.(3) Planet(s) situated in the `Effective Ascendant' – ifany.(4) Planet(s) aspecting the `Effective Ascendant' – ifany.(5) Planet(s) aspecting the lord of the `EffectiveAscendant' – if any.In case of the below given Example-1, during the period of the 30th(Varhaspatya) year, it is seen that there are no (Primary) InfluencingPlanets. As such, the Secondary Influencing Planets will indicate theresults to expect:(1) The Lord of the `Effective Ascendant'(Pisces): Jupiter.(2) Planet(s) conjoined with the lord of the `EffectiveAscendant': Venus.(3) Planet(s) situated in the `Effective Ascendant': None.(4) Planet(s) aspecting the `Effective Ascendant': Moon.(5) Planet(s) aspecting the lord of the `EffectiveAscendant': None.Example-1: Male; DOB 18/ 12/ 1973; Virgo - Ascendant & Moon, Scorpio– Mercury, Sagittarius – Sun & Rahu, Capricorn – Jupiter & Venus, Aries – Mars, and Gemini – Saturn ® & Ketu.For the person with the Lagna-Kundali as given above, the Major-periodsand Sub-periods for a few years will be as under:Age-period Duration Effective Ascendant Influencing Planets reckoned from 3 points:From … ToFrom Lagna . From Moon . From Sun25th year from 18/ 12/ 1997 Pisces Moon Moon Sun, Rahuto 18/ 12/ 199826th year from 18/ 12/ 1998 Pisces – – Jup, Vento 18/ 12/ 199927th year from 18/ 12/ 1999 Pisces Merc Merc –to 18/ 12/ 200028th year from 18/ 12/ 2000 Pisces Sun, Rahu Sun, Rahu –to 18/ 12/ 200129th year from 18/ 12/ 2001 Pisces Jup, Ven Jup, Ven Marsto 18/ 12/ 200230th year from 18/ 12/ 2002 Pisces – – –to 18/ 12/ 200331st year from 18/ 12/ 2003 Aries – – Sat®,Ketuto 18/ 12/ 200432nd year from 18/ 12/ 2004 Aries MarsMars –to 18/ 12/ 2005Example-2: Male; DOB 13/ 06/ 1954; Leo - Ascendant, Libra – Saturn® & Moon, Sagittarius – Mars ® & Rahu, Gemini – Jupiter,Mercury & Ketu, Cancer – Venus.For the person with the Lagna-Kundali as given above, the Major-periodsand Sub-periods for a few years will be as under:Age-period Duration Effective Ascendant Influencing Planets reckoned from 3 points:From … ToFrom Lagna . From Moon . From Sun42nd year from 13/ 06/ 1995 Virgo – – Sat®,Moonto 13/ 06/ 199643rd year from 13/ 06/ 1996 Virgo – – –to 13/ 06/ 199744th year from 13/ 06/ 1997 Virgo – Sun Mars®, Rahuto 13/ 06/ 199845th year from 13/ 06/ 1998 Virgo – Jup, Merc, & Ketu –to 13/ 06/ 199946th year from 13/ 06/ 1999 Virgo – Ven –to 13/ 06/ 200047th year from 13/ 06/ 2000 Virgo Jup, Merc, & Ketu – –to 13/ 06/ 200148th year from 13/ 06/ 2001 Virgo Ven– –to 13/ 06/ 200249th year from 13/ 06/ 2002 Libra – Sat®, Moon Sunto 13/ 06/ 200350th year from 13/ 06/ 2003 Libra – – Jup, Merc, & Ketuto 13/ 06/ 200451st year from 13/ 06/ 2004 Libra Sat®, Moon Mars®, Rahu Vento 13/ 06/ 2005--- End forwarded message ---

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