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Marriage Age - A Nadi Method

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Marriage Age - A Nadi Method



A lecture given on 3rd July, 2005 at Indian Council of Astrological Sciences(ICAS), Hyderabad, India.


Marriage is a landmark in life and many want to know about it. Marriage like any other event in one's life requires a positive intermediary influence to allow its fructification. It is necessary that the nativity should indicate marriage as such. Otherwise, simply timing the possible date of marriage will go in vain. However, it is assumed that in most cases in this mundane practical materialistic world there is no denial of marriage, which also works as a part of Karma or duty.

For early marriage, delayed marriage, denial of marriage, multiple marriages, timing the event of marriage, marriage etc, there are many rules given by the ancient Rishis and the modern astrologers like Late Shri R.Santhanam, Late Shri D.V.Subbarao, Late Dr.B.V.Raman, Late Shri Krishnamurthy, Shri H.R.Shankar, Shri R.G.Rao etc. based on Vimsottari dasa system, Kalachakra dasa system, Venus, Moon, houses 1,2,4,5,7,12 and their lords, navamsa, Krishnamurthy Paddhathi (KP), transits, nadi astrology etc. It is not denied that these rules and systems are not correct but it would be a Herculean task to check and apply these rules and systems to arrive at the timing of the event of marriage. Therefore, it is felt that out of these many rules and systems a minimum set of rules and systems could be selected with thumb rules to arrive at least at the probable age for the event of marriage, without going into many details at the outset. The idea is not to question the many rules and systems given and dilute the subject, but to simply the procedure for quickly recognizing the probable marriage age rejecting the other unsuitable and unproductive ages so that a better of timing of marriage event can be worked in detail later on with this probable marriage age. In this connection the method given by Shri Shankar is quite handy.

In these days, in general, the marriage age can start from 21 and up to 28 or so can be considered as a timely marriage and beyond such a phase it can be deemed as delayed one. Of course, there can be limitations for marriage age imposed by social and family customs, conventions, circumstances, responsibilities, laws of country, religious stipulations etc.

A Nadi Method

Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus

In nadi astrology, Saturn is considered as presiding over the portfolio of Karma or duty as Karma Karaka. Saturn(significator) decides the fate and duties of the individuals born in this world depending on Saturn's interaction with other karaka planets. In performing such duties presided over and decided by Saturn the presiding deity, there will help and cooperation of other planets to Saturn whether this cooperation will prove beneficial or harmful to the native depends upon the planetary configurations I the native's birth chart and during transits. Jupiter is the other main major planet representing the life force or Jeeva whose interaction with the event karaka planet is important for fructification of the event. Rahu and Ketu are the other major planets generally obstructing the event karaka planet. Mars is taken as the karaka planet for marriage event or for the marital knot . Marital knot as distinctly different from the concept of marital bliss or wretchedness of marital life. How a marriage event manifests has no bearing on how life develops in the context of the marital aspect. Contributory factors culminating in the marriage event cease to have any further play or contribution thereafter. Under the nadi method, Venus is depicted as karaka for marital life which can develop into marital bliss or crucible for suffering.


In nadi astrology, transits of Saturn and Jupiter are mainly considered connecting the karaka planet of an event in the birth chart for timing the event. Since Mars is the karaka planet for marriage event, the interaction of Saturn and Jupiter with mars during their transit becomes opportune for the marriage event to occur. The 7th sign depicts partner of the native, the one with whom the marital knot is tied and the transits of Saturn and Jupiter with the 7th sign from Mars also becomes opportune. Jupiter and Saturn interact with natal Mars in birth chart when they transit over these signs or aspect these signs. Jupiter transits each sign for about an year and Saturn transits each sign for about 2 1/2 years. It can be seen that in one's life span, Jupiter and Saturn would be interacting with the sensitive point of marital knot periodically at regular cyclic transits. While it is prerequisite that Saturn and Jupiter in their transit interact with mars natal position to bring about marriage event, it does not follow that every time Jupiter and Saturn interact with marital knot sensitive point it would be necessarily result in the marriage event. The task, therefore, is to elect the particular transit of Saturn and Jupiter out of the series of transits by process of eliminating unproductive transits. The step in this direction is to check whether the karaka for marriage event mars comes under situations to cause delay or obstruction. Rahu's interaction with Mars can cause impediments or delay in marriage. Symbolically , Mars is considered as being swallowed by Rahu. Change of Sign

In nadi astrology, whenever a planet is retrograde in a sign, it is considered to be in the previous sign also. When Saturn is in the beginning of a sign upto about 3 degrees and Jupiter up to about 1 degree, they are taken to be in the previous sign. When two planets in parivartana (exchange of signs) they are taken to be in their own signs.


In nadi astrology, the transit of major planets is also considered in the navamsa chart in the fructification of the event. Since navamsa chart is supposed to represent marriage aspect, the transit of Saturn and Jupiter over the navemsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord is considered as additional point for timing of marriage.


The following are the main rules for arriving at probable marriage age:



Jupiter during transit conjoins or aspects natal Mars or 7th sign from natal Mars. Saturn during transit conjoins or aspects natal Mars or 7th sign from natal Mars. Jupiter during transit conjoins or aspects navamsa lagna or navamsa lagna lord. Saturn during transit conjoins or aspects navamsa lagna or navamsa lagna lord.


The following additional points may also be noted:



When Jupiter, Saturn or Mars is retrograde in birth chart in a particular sign, they are to be considered to be in the previous sign also and age is to be counted from there. When Jupiter is in about 1 degree and Saturn is about 3 degrees in the beginning of a sign, they are to be considered to be in the previous sign also as per the Vakya Siddhanta followed by nadi astrology and age is to be counted from there. When Rahu is with Mars or next sign to Mars, the 4th sign from mars would be the sensitive point for interaction with transits of Jupiter, Saturn , Rahu. When Rahu is in opposite sign to mars, the 4th sign from there, that is,. the 10th sign form natal Mars is to be considered as the sensitive point. When Mars is in parivartana ( exchange of signs) with another planet, Mars is to be considered to be in own sign acting as the sensitive point. When Mars is retrograde with Rahu, first Mars is to be place in the previous sign and the 4th sign from there is to be considered as the sensitive point.


Thumb Rule for Counting Age

Counting of age is to be started from natal Jupiter sign at the rate for one year per sign in clockwise direction, from natal Saturn sign at the rate of 2 1/2 years per sign in clockwise direction and from natal Rahu sign at the rate of 1 1/2 years per sign in anti-clockwise direction. This means that Jupiter transit on the natal Jupiter sign is considered as completion of one year age and accordingly Jupiter transit on the next sign is taken as completion of two years and so on. Similarly Saturn on natal Saturn sign is considered as completion of 2 1/2 years and on the next sign completion of 5 years and so on. Rahu transit on natal Rahu is taken as completion of 1 1/2 years and on the previous sign since Rahu moves anti-clockwise completion of 3 years and so on. By this thumb rule, it can be quickly checked in which signs Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu would be during transit for completed years. As already stated earlier, the transit positions of Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu can be noted from 21 years age onward to check their interaction with natal Mars, navamsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord to eliminate the unproductive ages for marriage due to Rahu interaction with Mars.

It is admitted that this thumb rule would not give the actual transits as per the ephemeris, but would definitely help in quickly arriving at the probable marriage age without wasting much time and energy tro find the transit positions for every year from the ephemeris.

EXAMPLES: (Lahiri Ayanamsa is taken)

Some typical practical examples of known persons are given below:

Chart 1:

Male born 4 Sept 1907, 1802 hrs IST, 18N07, 83E25, Marriage Age 16Lagna Aquarius, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Sagittarius, navamsa lagna Pisces, navamsa lagna lord Jupiter in Libra

At age 16, Jupiter transits in Libra aspecting 7th sign Gemini from natal Mars in Sagittarius, Saturn transits in Virgo aspects 7th sign Gemini from natal mars in Sagittarius. Transit Saturn also aspects navamsa lagna Pisces and Jupiter also transits over navamsa lagna lord Jupiter in Libra.

Chart 2:

Male born 16 July 1964, 1620 hrs, 79E40, 17N58, Marriage 3 March 1991 ( Age 26)Lagna Scorpio, Jupiter in Aries, Saturn (retro) in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus, navamsa lagna Aquarius, navamsa lagna lord Saturn in Capricorncorn.

At age 26, Jupiter transits in Taurus over natal Mars and also aspects navamsa lagna lord Saturn in Capricorncorn, Saturn is taken to be in Capricorncorn being in retrograde in Aquarius and counting age from Capricorncorn transits in Scorpio and aspects Mars in Taurus and also aspects navamsa lagna lord Saturn in Capricorncorn.

Chart 3:

Female born 24 Feb 1965, 1030 hrs, 80E36, 16N32, Marriage 21 Jan 1991 (25/26))Lagna Aries, Jupiter in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars (retro) in Virgo, navamsa lagna Scorpio, navamsa lagna lord mars in Gemini.

At age 25, Jupiter transiting in Aries aspects Mars in Leo (taken Leo since Mars in retrograde in Virgo), Saturn transiting in Scorpio aspects Mars in Leo (Virgo retro) and over navamsa lagna.

At age 26, Jupiter transiting in Taurus aspects Mars in Virgo (taking as it is ) and aspects navamsa lagna , Saturn transiting in Sagittarius aspects Mars in Virgo (taking as it ) and aspects navamsa lagna lord in Gemini.

Chart 4:

Male born 25 Feb 1961, 0927 hrs, 17N27, 78E33, Marriage 25 April 1993 (Age 32) ( 25/26) Lagna Aries, Jupiter 3 degrees 10 min., in Capricorncorn, Saturn 2 degrees 31 min., in Capricorncorn, Mars in Gemini, navamsa lagna Gemini, navamsa lagna lord Venus in Aquarius

At age 32, Jupiter transits in Leo and aspects 7th sign Sagittarius from natal mars in Gemini., Saturn is at 2 degrees 31 min., in Capricorncorn and taken to be in Sagittarius (nadi rule if Saturn is upto about 3 degrees in a sign considered as if in previous sign) transits in Sagittarius and aspects mars in Gemini and navamsa lagna lord Venus in Aquarius.

In this case, since it is considered as late marriage, other ages are also considered to check why the marriage event was missed earlier. The Age Table in Appendix gives the transits as per the thumb rule as well as per ephemeris. The signs and comments in the brackets are as for the data from ephemeris for ready comparison.

It may be noted in the comments, at other ages, either Rahu obstructs Mars or Jupiter and Saturn are not connected to Mars and hence the marriage event could not take place. Whereas at age 32, in the case of the thumb rule, Jupiter and Saturn are connected to Mars and Navamsa lagna lord and Rahu does not obstruct Mars and in the ephemeris data Saturn in Aquarius is not connected to Mars.


Male born 25 Nov 1964, 1523 hrs, 17N26, 78E27, Marriage 28 Feb 1991 0300 hrs, 17N42, 83E18, (Age 26/27) Lagna Aries, Jupiter (retro) in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo, navamsa lagna Aries, navamsa lagna lord Mars in Leo, Mars and Sun are in Parivartana (exchange of houses).

At age 26, Jupiter in Pisces (being retrograde in Aries) transits in Aries, aspects Mars , over navamsa lagna Aries and aspects navamsa lagna lord Mars in Leo, Saturn transits in Sagittarius aspects 7th from natal Mars in Leo.

At age 27, Jupiter transits in Taurus, aspects Mars in Scorpio (being in exchange of signs with Sun), Saturn transits in Sagittarius aspects 7th from Mars.

Chart 6:

Male born 3 August 1942, 0723 hrs, 13N00, 77E35, Marriage August (Age 30)Lagna Leo, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Taurus, Mars & Rahu in Leo, Navamsa lagna Taurus.

Since Mars is with Rahu in Leo, the sensitive point is Scorpio, the 4th from Leo. At age 30, Jupiter transiting in Scorpio is over Mars, Saturn transiting in Taurus aspects Scorpio Mars and both are also connected with navamsa lagna Taurus.

Chart 7:

Male (one of twins) born 5 Nov 1956, 0241 hrs, 16N32, 80E36, Marriage 22 March 1992 (Age 35).Lagna Leo 29 deg.26 min, Jupiter 1 deg.19 min. in Virgo, Saturn 9 deg.27 min. in Scorpio, Mars 25deg 53 min. in Aquarius, navamsa lagna Sagittarius, navamsa lagna lord in Capricorncorn.

At age 35, Jupiter in Leo (being in 1 deg. 19 min. in Virgo as per nadi rule) transits in Gemini and aspects Natal Mars in Aquarius and navamsa lagna Sagittarius, Saturn transits in Sagittarius aspects Mars and over navamsa lagna.

Chart 8:

Male (twin brother of chart 7) born 5 Nov 1956, 0226 hrs,16N32, 80E36, Marriage 18 Aug 1988. ( Age 32)

Lagna Leo 25 deg.49 min., Jupiter in Virgo 1deg.18min., Saturn in Scorpio 9 deg.27 min, Mars in Aquarius 23 deg.52 min., navamsa lagna Scorpio, navamsa lagna lord in Taurus.

At age 32, Jupiter transits in Aries (natal Jupiter is taken to be in Virgo only) aspects 7th from Mars, Saturn transits in Scorpio aspects 7th from Mars, transits over navamsa lagna and aspects navamsa lagna lord, if Jupiter is taken to be in Leo, Jupiter transits in Pisces almost over Mars and aspects navamsa lagna.

NOTE: The twin with earlier navamsa lagna got married earlier.

Chart 9:

Female(one of twins) born 25 Nov 1967, 2223 hrs, 17N26, 78E27, Marriage 1989 (age 22)Lagna Cancer 15deg 59min34sec. Jupiter 11.19.05, Saturn (retro) Pisces 12.24.48, Mars Capricorncorn 1.53.16, navamsa lagna Scorpio, navamsa lagna lord in Capricorncorn.

At age 22, Jupiter transiting in Taurus aspects Mars and navamsa lagna lord, Saturn (being retrograde taken in Aquarius) transitting in Libra aspects 7th form Mars. Taking Saturn in Pisces itself transits in Scorpio aspects Mars and navamsa lagna.

Chart 10:

Female (twin sister of chart 9) born 25 Nov 1967, 2220 hrs, 17N26, 78E27, Marriage 1989( Age 22)

Lagna 14.58.48 Cancer, Jupiter 11.19.05 in Leo, Saturn 12.24.48 in Pisces, Mars Capricorncorn, navamsa lagna Scorpio, navamsa lagna lord in Capricorncorn.

At age 22 ,same as given for Chart 9.

NOTE: When the navamsa lagna is same the marriage took place at same age for both twins.

Chart 11:

It was predicted in Jan 2005, when their parents asked about her marriage, that her marriage would be in her 22/23 age, most probably at her 22 1/2 age.

Female born 30 Nov 1982, 0405 hrs, 17N23, 78E23, Marriage 1 June 2005Lagna Libra, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Sagittarius, Rahu in Gemini,Navamsa Lagna Capricorncorn, Namamsa Lagna lord in Scorpio.Since Rahu is in 7th from Mars, take 4th from 7th ie., 10th from Mars in Sagittarius Virgo as Sensitive point.

At age 23, Jupiter transits in Virgo over sensitive point in Virgo aspects Navamsa lagna, Saturn transits over Cancer aspects sensitive point Virgo aspects Navamsa lagna.Since Jupiter and Mars are in exchange of houses ( parivartana) taking Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Sagittarius, at age 22 Jupiter transits in Virgo aspects 7th from Mars Taurus aspects over Navamsa lagna, Saturn transits in Gemini almost aspects Mars in Scorpio and Navamsa lagna lord and at age 23 transits in Cancer almost aspects 7th from Mars aspects Navamsa lagna.

As per the actual ephemeris on the marriage day, Jupiter is retro in Virgo and Saturn just entered Cancer and Jupiter being retro considered to be in Leo aspects Natal Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn almost aspects.Natal Mars and in fact at the time of fixing the marriage Saturn transits in Gemini aspects Natal Mars.

Chart 12:

Male born 04 Feb 1946, 0742 hrs, 17N23, 78E 27, Marriage 07 May 1971 at 22:30 hrs ( Age 25)Lagna Aquarius, Jupiter in Libra, Saturn Gemini9, Mars ( retro) Gemini, Rahu Gemini, Navamsa lagna Scorpio, Navamsa lagna lord Aries.

Since Mars is Retrograde in Gemini and with Rahu, first consider Mars in Taurus and then count 4th house from there ie Leo as the Sensitive point.At age 25, Jupiter transits in Libra aspects 7th Aquarius from the sensitive point Leo, aspect navamsa lagna lord; Saturn is considered to be in Taurus being retrograde in Gemini transits Aquarius aspects 7th from sensitive point aspects navamsa lagna Scorpio and navamsa lagna lord.


Many charts with birth data and marriage dates(88)are checked with this thumb rule method and in 43 charts all the four rules are satisfied and in the rest also nearly 3 rules are satisfied. It looks that this method gives better results compared to actual transits taken from ephemeris for different ages which is also a tedious process. Therefore, the thumb rule to count the ages from Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu can be followed to arrive at the probable age for marriage. Shri Shankar should be thanked in indicating Mars as marital knot karaka and transit of Jupiter connecting Mars for marriage timing. The method is extended including transits of Saturn and Rahu connecting mars, navamsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord, to select the probable age eliminating unproductive ages due to Rahu's connection with Mars.

Marriage being the most auspicious and major event, there must be some allowance for planets in transit to properly correlate the fixation of marriage and its actual ceremony. Planets could have easily changed their position between these two phases. The transits at the marriage fixation time also may satisfy the rules better than at the actual marriage time.

All the readers are requested to study this thumb rule method with the birth data and the marriage dates available with them along with the actual transits as per ephemeris. They should do further research to formulate better rules to arrive at more appropriate results for marriage timing of not only marriage age but also up to the marriage month and date in that marriage age.

Appendix: Age Table Chart 4









As per Thumb rule (As per ephemeris)













25 Feb, 1982


Virgo(Libra Retro)

Leo(Virgo Retro)


Jup, Sat not connected to Mars (Rahu over Mars)


25 Feb, 1983



Leo(Libra Retro)


Saturn not connected to Mars, Rahu over Mars(Saturn not connected to Mars)


25 Feb, 1984




Taurus(Taurus Retro)

Jupiter not connected to Mars(Rahu over Nav Lag)


25 Feb, 1985



Virgo(Scorpio Retro)


Rahu aspects 7th from Mars(Jupiter not connected to Mars)


25 Feb, 1986





Jup not connected to Mars(Sat not connected to Mars)


25 Feb, 1987





Jupiter not connected to Mars(Jupiter not connected to Mars)


25 Feb, 1988




Pisces (Aquarius)

Jupiter not connected to Mars(Rahu aspectsMars over Nav.lag.lord)


25 Feb, 1989





Saturn not connected to Mars(Jupiter not connected to Mars)


25 Feb, 1990





Jupiter, Saturn not connected to Mars(Rahu aspects Nav.lag)


25 Feb, 1991


Gemini(Cancer Retro)



Saturn not connected to Mars(Saturn not connected to Mars)


25 Feb, 1992


Cancer(Leo Retro)



Jupiter not connected to Mars(Sat not connected to Mars, Rahu aspects Mars)


25 Feb, 1993


Leo(Virgo Retro)



Jupiter aspects 7th from Mars. Sat aspects Mars. Jup, Sat aspects nav.laglord. Rahu not connected to Mars. (Sat not connected to Mars)

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