Guest guest Posted October 30, 2007 Report Share Posted October 30, 2007 The Gayatri Mantra The vedic form of the famous Gayatri mantra: Aum bhur-bhuvah-swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yo nah Prachodayat. Summary of the Mantra: May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower of happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance. Meaning of each letter in mantra: OM = Almighty God BHOOR = Embodiment of vital or spiritual energy BHUVAHA = Destroyer of suffering SWAHA = Embodiment of happiness TAT = That (indicating God) SAVITUR = Bright, luminous, like and sun VARENIYAM = Supreme, best BARGO = Destroyer of sins DEVASYA = Divine DHEEMAHI = May receive DHIYO = Intellect YO = Who NAHA = Our PRACHODAYAT = May inspire Gayatri is a Mantra(vedic hymn) which inspires righteous wisdom its meaning is that the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect which may lead us to righteous path. This is most important teaching. All the problems of a person are solved if he is endowed with the gift of righteous wisdom. Having endowed with far sighted wisdom, a man is neither entangled in calamity nor does he tread wrong path. Righteous wisdom stars emerging as soon as a methodical recitation of this Mantra is performed. " May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower of happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance. " The Gayatri Mantra is the form of eternal truth. It is the heart of all beings and the eternal Ved Mantra. Gayatri destroys the sins of the world. All the four Vedas have originated from this mantra: This can be translated: Aum. Let us contemplate the spirit of the divine of the earth, the atmosphere and heaven. May that inspire our minds. Savitri is the Sun and this mantra is recited at the three junctions or twilight of the day. Here is described how the mantra Aum hums in the base or Muladhara chakra, and moves through seven stages to the chakra above the head Sahasrara. Maha Vishnu describes Aum as consisting of the following. Bhur is existence, Bhuvah is the elements, Svah is the Atma of everything, Maha is greatness and light, Tat is Brahman (the absolute). Tapah is all knowledge, Satyam is supremacy and internal wisdom. This tantra connects the three letters of Aum to the seven worlds. Tat, refers to the first cause of all substance, as fire in the circle of the sun and is supreme Brahman. Savituhu is the source of all living beings. Varenyam is the excellent one who receives adoration. Bharga destroys sin. Devasya means it is full of light, while Dheemahi refers to knowledge being golden and always within the sun. Dhiyo means Buddhi. Yo stands for energy (tejas). The mantra is divided into three sections of eight letters and four sections of six letters. A dhyana (meditation) - Gayatri as having four faces, which are white, yellow, red and black. Yet the tantrik tradition has different views of the Gayatri. For example, in the Matrikabhedatantra, there is a couplet, which says a person who knows the Brahman (the absolute) is a Brahmin. Gayatri is mother of Vedas. Sadhana of Gayatri mantra is the essence of all Vedas. Even God like Brahma mediates on and performs Jap of Gayatri at the time of twi-light. Gayatri Jap performed daily for three years realizes God and like air, acquires the power of going where the person wants to go. Merely by offering water to the Sun and performing Jap of three thousand Gayatri mantra at the time of twilight, a person becomes adorable by God. By Gayatri Sadhana the person may get salvation, wealth, victory in battle, and freedom from disease. A man may know all the four Vedas very well but all his labour goes waste if he does not know Gayatri mantra. A person who worships mantra other than Gayatri cannot get success even if he takes millions of birth. Rishis, Saints say that there is no other mantra like Gayatri mantra in all the Vedas. Ved, yagya, dan (donation, charity), tap are not equivalent even to a small fraction of Gayatri mantra. Whether a man is pure or impure, he is sitting or walking, in whatever condition a wise man may be, he should perform Gayatri Jap. A man gets rid of all sins by this Jap. Nothing is greater than GAYATRI MANTRA in this as well as other loks for the success of daily work; fulfilment of desires and for development of tapas. The following guidelines are provided for the Sadhaka: In Bhavanopanishad, one witness within oneself the effulgent figure of Divine Mother with the different phases of the waxing and waning Moon. The Devi is to be meditated upon as of a ruddy complexion, with eyes expansive, as an ocean overflowing with waves of grace, with noose, goad, arrows of flowers and a twig of sugar- cane in her hand, surrounded by Anima and other deities and ultimately as one´s own self. 1. Complete faith unflinching loyalty backed by a clear heart towards the deity is required for Sadhana. 2. Do not start Mantra Shakti under any pressure. Trust in God, kindness and patience should be the virtues of a Sadhaka. 3. Avoid harsh speech, lust, anger, restless thoughts, evil company and egoism. Do not get emotional. Mantras on hearsay should be avoided, as they must be authentic. 4. Sadhana done without any specific aim bears fruits early. In case you see any miracle, do not fear. Keep your WILL POWER strong and continue your Sadhana. All troubles will vanish. 5. Brahmacharya or celibacy should be observed during Sadhana. In case of failure, do not lose heart. Try it again and again and you will be crowned with success. HOW MANTRAS ARE USEFUL: One´s subconscious mind can help to find the solution through meditation and recitation of Mantras. 1.Purity of thoughts, words and deeds, sincerity and deep seated. Belief in repeating Mantras systematically and without any stress or strain on the brain or body is the keynotes for the efficacy of Mantras. 2. Concentrate and Meditate without having any desires in mind. The Mantra should be recited softly so as to be audible only to be person concerned and not to others. Mantras should be recited in a pleasing musical tone, which will help in concentration. 3.Continuous Sadhana will enable the Sadhaka to find solutions to the problems, attaining peace of mind, reducing mental strain. 4.The Sadhaka should have a light meal, hot and well cooked and in small quantity, as over eating leads to the excitement of the sensory organs which aggravate passions. Onions, Garlic and Meat have stimulating effects on the sensory organs and will do harm to the body than good. Intoxicates and smoking of any kind should be avoided. Lack of control in the diet is a great obstacle to progress. Small quantities of wholesome food purify the mind and a pure mind retains the memory of God. AUM GRANTHI?POWER MEANING TAT TAPINI SUCCESS SA SUCCESS BRAVERY (PARAKRAM) VI VISHWA MAINTENANCE? (PALAN) TUR TUSHTI WELFARE (KALYAN) VA VARDA MARYADA RE YOG SELF RESTRAINT??(SANYAM) NI REVATI SFUTA YAM LOVE (PREM) TAP BHAR SOOKSHMA MEDHA GO MONEY FOR SIGHT DE GYANA YOGMAYA VA BRILLIANCE (TEJ) JAGRITI (AWAKENING) SYA BHARGA YOGINI DHEE DEFENCE (RAKSHA) CREATION (PRODUCTION) MA GOMATI DHARINI HI INTELLECT (BUDDHI) SARASTA??(SWEETNESS) DHI DEVIKA PRABHAVA YO SUPPRESSION (DAMAN) IDEAL YO VARAHI OOSHMA NAHA DEVOTION (NISTHA) COURAGE PRA SINHANI DRASHYA CHO DHARNA?(POWER OF RETENTION) WISDOM (VIVEK) DA DHYAN NIRANJAN YAT PRAN SEWA (SERVICE) GAIN SHARP INTELLECT: The deity worshipped in the Gayatri Mantra is Savita or the Sun, hence the best day to do this ritual is Sunday. Through this Sadhana one can awaken all mental faculties and gain a sharp intellect and photographic memory. Even a child can be encouraged to try this practice for he can thus go on to excel in his studies and build an excellent career. Early morning before sunrise have a bath and dress in yellow clothes. Fill a copper pot with water in it drop a few rice grain and flower petals. Face the morning sun. Raise the pot to the heart level and till it forward allowing the water to follow onto the ground gently. At the same time chant the Mantra seven times Udityam Jaatvedase Namah RECOVER FROM ILLNESS-ALIMENT. This ritual is a real boon for those afflicted by bad diseases. A family member of a friend can perform this ritual for the person. On a Saturday night after 9 p.m. Wear red clothes and sit on a red mat facing south. Make a wooden platform in front and cover with red cloth. On it place a steel plate with a handful of rice grains on it. On this plate place Moong grains. Offer red Vermilion; rice grains, red flowers, incense and Ghee lamp on it. Take the Red Hakeek Rosary and put it around the Ratna. Next with water in the right palm and any wish you have to free yourself of any aliments. Let the water drop on the plate before you. Then without any count chant the Gayatri Mantra continuously for about 1 hour. Add at the end of the Gayatri Mantra Ayeim Aum Hum Namah GET ONES WISHES FULFILLED: This Sadhana can be done on a Sunday or a Friday from 5 a.m. To 8 a.m. After a bath wear yellows clothes and sits on a yellow mat facing east. On a covered wooden seat make a mound of rice grains dyed yellow. On these place a coconut. Tie a mouli (sacred red thread) around it. Apply a mark of red tilak. On the right side place red rose petals place a Divya and a Shankh. Offer on it incense, Ghee lamp, flowers rice grains, vermilion. Take water in your right palm and pledge your wish. Next Stand on the mat and chant one mala with Cheitanya rosary of this Gayatri Mantra adding to the last part of this Mantra with Shreem Shreem Shreem Shreem Namah. GAYATRI MANTRA FOR ALL PURPOSES: Repetitions of the Gayatri Mantra for 125,000 times brings Siddhi. After the mantra has been done for the prescribed number of times, fire worship should be done with 12,000 ahutis of havan samagri with an offering of raw sugar, black sesame seeds (125gms) and ghee (250gms). After the Homa a small feast should be held for 12 girls of 8 years of age and one boy of 6 yrs old. The person after achieving this siddha of the mantra can use to heal physiological or psychological diseases, cure ill lucks and give victory over enemies. FOR HEALING: Before touching the patient or giving any medicine, repeat one mala of Gayatri. After completing the mala (108 beads), give the patient medicine for the disease. If the patient is not taking any medication one can give water from a clean copper, brass, bronze or silver pot. Shake the water and repeat the mantra only once before giving the water to the patient. This water will have miraculous effect. CURE DISEASES: The sick person should do the japa of Gayatri, after bathing, adding AING three times at the end of the mantra for disease related to aggravation of mucus and bile. Add HUNG three times at the end of the mantra for disease caused by aggravation of wind. The japa should be done 108 times in the early morning hours after bathing. GOOD MEMORY AND MENTAL POWER: The japa of Gayatri mantra should be done facing east before sunrise, after bathing. The forehead should remain wet. This is accompanied by applying a thick paste of sandal wood. Gayatri mantra should be recited repeating the sound AUM three times before the mantra. Japa should be done daily either 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 malas. After doing the mala rub both palms together while reciting the mantra, then rub both hands on the forehead touching the place of the third eyes with both ring fingers while the right hand rubs the right side and the left hand the left side of the forehead, reaching up to the temples. Then bring the hands to the head, then to the eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, back of the neck, front of the neck, in that order. This exercise should be done in a slow rhythm. All the breath (no inhaling or exhaling while touching the starting point, third eye) until the end ( the front of the neck). FOR ATTAINING WEALTH: At the end of the Gayatri mantra, repeat SHRING, the Lakshmi Bija, three times. 1 Mala (108 times) should be done everyday. All samagris used in worship should be yellow, and yellow food should be taken for the period japa is done. Use a yellow woolen rug, a mala of yellow haldi (tumeric root) beads, yellow pots, yellow flowers, and yellow prasad for offering. A pinch of saffron should be added in the kalash. The japa should be done in the early morning hours before sunrise. DISPEL EVIL SPIRITS: An agnihotra (homa) should be done, and 108 ahutis of ordinary havan samagri should be offered to the fire. After the havan is done, the whitish gray ashes should be collected from the fire place and rubbed on the hands, feet, face, head, stomach and back of the person. The Gayatri mantra should be recited during the rubbing of the ashes. The evil spirit will vanish after one rubbing of the ashes. These ashes should be kept in a bottle and maybe used whenever needed by the attendants of the patient. They can be used on any other patients as well. And one should put ashes in ones hand and recite Gayatri mantra 11 times and keep on reciting while rubbing. SNAKES SCORPIAN BITES: Ashes from sandal wood or peepal (Banyan wood), should be obtained after doing homa with 108 recitations of the Gayatri Mantra. The ashes should be collected in a blue bottle. One should observe the following method: 1. Check which nostril is working. 2. Keep ashes in the hand in the same side as the dominant nostril. 3. Recite Gayatri mantra, adding HUNG at the end, while meditating on Gayatri riding a horse. Recite the mantra 11 times. 4. Rub the ashes while chanting the mantra: AUM BHUR BUVUH SWAHA TATSAVITRU VARENIYEM BHARGO DEVESYA DHEEMAHI DIYO YO NA PRACHODAYAT HUNG. 5. Keep in another small bottle 10gms of mustard seeds made into paste. Recite the mantra 108 times while making the paste in a stone mortar. This paste should be made and stored like the ashes and used simultaneously or after rubbing the ashes. Take the paste when needed and apply it to the tips of all fingers, all toes, earlobes, navel, tip of the nose and forehead. This chanting is considered to be especially GOOD on Fridays, on Navami, Chaturdasi, and Full Moon day-and during the nine days of Navaratri. The Gayatri Mantra does not belong to any particular sect of worship or it is not restricted to any certain community. It is universal, for the whole world. It contains in it the culture not of any particular society, but the culture of humanity. The Gayatri Mantra is a treasure and heritage that belongs to the whole of humanity without exclusion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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