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can i wear a neelam? to chandrashekhar ji

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dear chandrashekhar ji ,


Can i wear neelam would it would be helpful to me , as i am undergoing shani

sadesati and shani antardasha under venus will start from next year june 2008.


as shani in my chart is weak .


dob 9th may 1973

time 4:58 am


place chhibramau - farrukhabad




prabhat mishra

Dubai- UAE

Mob No 00971508876536



prabhat mishra

Dubai- UAE

Mob No 00971508876536



Vedic Astrologyandhealing

Vedic Astrologyandhealing

Wed, 14 Nov 2007 15:09:06 +0530 (IST)

[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Digest Number 117







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<h1>Messages In This Digest (15



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<a name= " toc " ></a>


<dt>1. </dt>


<a href= " #1 " class= " ygrp-subj " > AATHREYA - ASHWAMWDH</a>

Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS </dd>



<dt>2.1. </dt>


<a href= " #2.1 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

Chandrashekhar </dd>

<dt>2.2. </dt>


<a href= " #2.2 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.3. </dt>


<a href= " #2.3 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Gems</a>

aavesh t </dd>

<dt>2.4. </dt>


<a href= " #2.4 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.5. </dt>


<a href= " #2.5 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.6. </dt>


<a href= " #2.6 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Aveshji</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.7. </dt>


<a href= " #2.7 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Aveshji</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.8. </dt>


<a href= " #2.8 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Gems</a>

aavesh t </dd>

<dt>2.9. </dt>


<a href= " #2.9 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.10. </dt>


<a href= " #2.10 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.11. </dt>


<a href= " #2.11 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Gems</a>

aavesh t </dd>

<dt>2.12. </dt>


<a href= " #2.12 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Gems</a>

vreality_au </dd>

<dt>2.13. </dt>


<a href= " #2.13 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Gems</a>

aavesh t </dd>



<dt>3.1. </dt>


<a href= " #3.1 " class= " ygrp-subj " > Re: Maraka and Remedies !!</a>

Chandrashekhar </dd>



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<h3>Posted by: & quot;Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS & quot;

<a href= " dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy?Subject=

Re%3AAATHREYA%20-%20ASHWAMWDH " target= " _blank " >

dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy </a>

& nbsp;

<a href= " http://profiles./vijaya_krishna3444 " target= " _blank " >





Tue Nov & nbsp;13, & nbsp;2007 4:41 & nbsp;am (PST) </h4>


<div class= " ygrp-content " >

There are mis conceptions about Ashwamwdha Yaagam.<br>

Be it Raaja Sooya Yaagam , Ashwamedham , Puthra kaameshtti , Vaiswadevam ,<br>

Royal Couple performing the yaagam need to lead a simple life<br>

foregoing all palace comforts.<br>

They have to sleep on bare ground in the Yaaga Shaala during the<br>

course of Yaagam.<br>

This has been misinterpreted and misconstrued and sleeping<br>

arrangements were misunderstood<br>

leading to taking liberties with Reality of Sanaathana Dharma as is<br>

the case in taking liberties<br>

with Lord Raama , Incarnation of Mahaa Vishnu.<br>

( more about Lord God Raama later )<br>

Om Hari Hara Om Thath Sath.<br>

aathreya - dr.ramaraju,bala krishna murthy<br>



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target= " _blank " >

Re: Gems </a>


<h3>Posted by: & quot;Chandrashekhar & quot; <a

href= " sharma.chandrashekhar?Subject= Re%3A%20Gems "

target= " _blank " >

sharma.chandrashekhar </a>

& nbsp;

<a href= " http://profiles./chandrashekhar46 " target= " _blank " >





Tue Nov & nbsp;13, & nbsp;2007 10:40 & nbsp;am (PST) </h4>


<div class= " ygrp-content " >

Dear Su,<br>


That is on account of Jupiter aspecting the lagna as well as the 5th <br>

bhava and Sun getting digbala giving her great self confidence. Mars <br>

aspecting the 6th also indicates that she is able to overcome her <br>

enemies with ease and that is perhaps the reason she has not reason to <br>

begrudge anyone. With Saturn aspecting the Lagna and Moon I am sure she <br>

thinks deep before taking any action and this may also help her let go <br>

of any animosity that she may feel towards anyone. She may however have <br>

some health problems as Moon the 8th lord does go to the Lagna and <br>

though without blemish of Ashtamesh, Jupiter being blemished by Rahu in <br>

the Navamsha, to me suggest that there could be some health issues with <br>

her. Jupiter in the 9th could however suggest that she may not have had <br>

much Pitru Sukha ( happiness of father).<br>


Take care,<br>



vreality_au wrote:<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Dear Chandrashekar ji<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Prior to Jan 1 1982, Malaysia was on 7.30+ TZ. I discovered that not<br>

& gt; long ago myself when I noticed JHora giving incorrect deg for my lagna.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Yes ascendant 16 & #39;40 Sag. As for health of elder siblings, between<br>

& gt; 94-98 all were fine. However, eldest sister became fatally ill in 2000<br>

& gt; and passed away early 2001.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Native is extremely kind, generous, unselfish and forgiving person<br>

& gt; with the uncanny ability to never bear a grudge towards anyone. [just<br>

& gt; for the sake of learning and if its all the same to you,I would be<br>

& gt; grateful if you could tell me what combinations give that<br>

& gt; characteristic in this chart]. Is also very independant.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; thank you<br>

& gt; rdgs<br>

& gt; Su<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; <a href= " Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 "

target= " _blank " >Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a> <br>

& gt; & lt;Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 & gt;,


& gt; & lt;sharma.chandrashekhar & gt; wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; The software J Hora shows time zone as 8 hrs. However I have taken


& gt; & gt; as suggested and get a lagna of 16 degrees Sagittarius. Is this<br>

& gt; & gt; Ascendant right? Assuming it is so, the native was running mahadashs


& gt; & gt; mars the 5th lord and it is not perhaps only the wearing of


& gt; that<br>

& gt; & gt; was giving the positive results. If you know the person can you


& gt; & gt; whether at that time the native had issues of health of elder


& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; take care,<br>

& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; vreality_au wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekharji and Aaveshji<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; I have here a chart of a native whose career is not progressing


& gt; & gt; & gt; well. What gem or mantra would best help enhance that sector?


& gt; & gt; & gt; emerald help?<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; 12.20 pm , 10/10/67<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; Kuala Lumpur<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; TZ 7.30 +<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; 101 E 43, 3N10<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; The native had worn diamond earrings for a few years some 10 yrs

or so<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; ago. Apparently the native & #39;s life progressed very positively


& gt; & gt; & gt; that time. Ve 11/6L is placed with Ju in Simha.[the native lost


& gt; & gt; & gt; earrings and is no longer wearing them].<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; thank you<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; <a

href= " Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 "

target= " _blank " >Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a> <br>

& gt; & lt;Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & lt;Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 & gt;,


& gt; & gt; & gt; & lt;sharma.chandrashekhar@ & gt; wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Aavesh,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; My opinion is that no single graha gem is all good or all

bad for a<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; jataka. The results depend on the functional nature of the

graha. So<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; you<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; will find even people who wear Pukhraj suffering from


& gt; & gt; & gt; problems is<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Jupiter also owns the 8th or especially the 6th bhava.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh t wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekarji and Su,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; It is always better to check the chart thoroughly


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; wearing a diamond (The case of a lady comes to mind.She


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; severe health complications when she put on a diamond


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; problems disappeared the moment she removed the


& gt; is all<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; advised for people*<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *who have excess Kapha in their body in my opinion*<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; In my personal opinion,it is better to get the Graha


& gt; & gt; & gt; performed<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; for the Grahas coming under the Shukra group


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Maharaj,Rahu and Ketu).*This will ensure the best


& gt; without any<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; side effects*<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Recommeding gems for Guru is most appropriate as

Pukhraj is a<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; relatively safe gem generally speaking (*However,the


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *chart has to be carefully studied even in this


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; **<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Regards,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; */Chandrashekhar & lt;sharma.chandrashekhar@ & gt;/*


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; The science talks only about gems. However one could

extend their<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; colours and general characteristics to semiprecious

gems and<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Zircon could be tried in place of a diamond.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Personally I think one should wear the gem on the hand


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; naturally writes with. I do not think wearing the gems


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; different hands will make then attract and repel

effects, though<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; some do think that to be the case.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; I would not think that they should be different for

males and<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; females if they are following some career. If not then

the gems<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; should perhaps be worn on the left hand as the

necessity would be<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; to strengthen the motor nerves rather than the

emotional factors<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; of that jataka.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Please understand that these are my personal views and

others may<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; have different views on this matter.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vreality_au wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Namaskar Chandrasekarji<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Pls could you let me know<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 1 if one could wear cubic zirconia in place of


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 2 in which hand should one wear the gem if one

wishes to<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; attract the<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vibrations and which hand to repel - I gather they

are different?<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 3 Is it the same for males and females? I think


& gt; & gt; & gt; astrologers take<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; left print for females and right for males [?] -

does it make a<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; difference for gem-wearing as well?<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; thank you<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; rdgs<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; -------------------------<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Share files, take polls, and discuss your passions -

all under one<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; roof. <br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & lt;<a

href= " http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups\


target= " _blank " >http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos..\

com/groups</a> <br>

& gt; & lt;<a

href= " http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups\


target= " _blank " >http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos..\

com/groups</a> & gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & lt;<a

href= " http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups\


target= " _blank " >http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos..\

com/groups</a> <br>

& gt; & lt;<a

href= " http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups\


target= " _blank " >http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos..\

com/groups</a> & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; <br>


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Re: Gems </a>


<h3>Posted by: & quot;vreality_au & quot; <a

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reality_v </a>

& nbsp;

<a href= " http://profiles./vreality_au " target= " _blank " >





Tue Nov & nbsp;13, & nbsp;2007 4:35 & nbsp;pm (PST) </h4>


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Dear Aveshji<br>


Thanks a heap for your comments on this chart Sir, its much appreciated.<br>


//However,owing to the placement of Shani Maharaj in the 4th house,she<br>

will never be recognised for her generosity and will be repeatedly<br>

taken for granted by the people closest to her !!//<br>


You are amazingly accurate!! While her generosity is recognised it<br>

doesnt seem to be openly acknowledged and she is certainly taken for<br>

granted by those closest to her. But she herself seems to simply shrug<br>

off any negativity on their part and continues to give without<br>

expecting anything in return. But as Chandrashekarji pointed out, she<br>

perhaps has her own reasons for doing so.<br>


thank you.<br>

rgds, Su<br>

p.s I sent the requested info to yr messenger as yr full e-addy<br>

does not show up on the forum site. Im not sure if it was received. If<br>

not pls post yr personal ID using & #39;at & #39; instead of @. <br>


<a href= " Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 "

target= " _blank " >Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>, aavesh t<br>

& lt;aavesh_s & gt; wrote:<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Dear Su,<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; Though you have adressed your query to Chandrashekarji,I am adding<br>

my opinion on this interesting chart:<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; just for the sake of learning and if its all the same to you,I would be<br>

& gt; grateful if you could tell me what combinations give that<br>

characteristic in this chart]. Is also very independant. <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; The reasons for her generous nature are as follows:<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; (1)She has Dhanur Lagna and Dhanur Rasi.Dhanur Rasi is one of the<br>

most generous Rasis of the zodiac (apart from Simha Rasi)<br>

& gt; (2)The aspect of Guru in Dharma Bhava (9th house)on the Lagna is<br>

a major contributing factor for her generosity of spirit.Guru is in<br>

yuti with Shukra giving her a very giving nature as regards emotions<br>

(in particular)<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; However,owing to the placement of Shani Maharaj in the 4th<br>

house,she will never be recognised for her generosity and will be<br>

repeatedly taken for granted by the people closest to her !!<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; Regards,<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; aavesh<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <a href= " Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 "

target= " _blank " >Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>, Chandrashekhar<br>

& gt; wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>

& gt; & gt; <br>

& gt; & gt; The software J Hora shows time zone as 8 hrs. However I have taken<br>

7.30 <br>

& gt; & gt; as suggested and get a lagna of 16 degrees Sagittarius. Is this <br>

& gt; & gt; Ascendant right? Assuming it is so, the native was running<br>

mahadashs of <br>

& gt; & gt; mars the 5th lord and it is not perhaps only the wearing of


& gt; that <br>

& gt; & gt; was giving the positive results. If you know the person can you ask


& gt; & gt; whether at that time the native had issues of health of elder<br>


& gt; & gt; <br>

& gt; & gt; take care,<br>

& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt; <br>

& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt; <br>

& gt; & gt; vreality_au wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekharji and Aaveshji<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; I have here a chart of a native whose career is not progressing


& gt; & gt; & gt; well. What gem or mantra would best help enhance that sector?


& gt; & gt; & gt; emerald help?<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; 12.20 pm , 10/10/67<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; Kuala Lumpur<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; TZ 7.30 +<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; 101 E 43, 3N10<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; The native had worn diamond earrings for a few years some 10


or so<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; ago. Apparently the native & #39;s life progressed very positively


& gt; & gt; & gt; that time. Ve 11/6L is placed with Ju in Simha.[the native lost


& gt; & gt; & gt; earrings and is no longer wearing them].<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; thank you<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; <a

href= " Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 "

target= " _blank " >Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a> <br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; , Chandrashekhar<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Aavesh,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; My opinion is that no single graha gem is all good or all


for a<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; jataka. The results depend on the functional nature of


graha. So<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; you<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; will find even people who wear Pukhraj suffering from


& gt; & gt; & gt; problems is<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Jupiter also owns the 8th or especially the 6th bhava.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh t wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekarji and Su,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; It is always better to check the chart thoroughly


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; wearing a diamond (The case of a lady comes to mind.She


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; severe health complications when she put on a diamond


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; problems disappeared the moment she removed the


& gt; is all<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; advised for people*<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *who have excess Kapha in their body in my opinion*<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; In my personal opinion,it is better to get the Graha


& gt; & gt; & gt; performed<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; for the Grahas coming under the Shukra group


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Maharaj,Rahu and Ketu).*This will ensure the best


& gt; without any<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; side effects*<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Recommeding gems for Guru is most appropriate as

Pukhraj is a<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; relatively safe gem generally speaking (*However,the


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *chart has to be carefully studied even in this


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; **<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Regards,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; */Chandrashekhar /* wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; The science talks only about gems. However one could



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; colours and general characteristics to semiprecious

gems and<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Zircon could be tried in place of a diamond.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Personally I think one should wear the gem on the hand


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; naturally writes with. I do not think wearing the gems


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; different hands will make then attract and repel

effects, though<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; some do think that to be the case.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; I would not think that they should be different for

males and<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; females if they are following some career. If not then

the gems<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; should perhaps be worn on the left hand as the


would be<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; to strengthen the motor nerves rather than the

emotional factors<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; of that jataka.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Please understand that these are my personal views


others may<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; have different views on this matter.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vreality_au wrote:<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Namaskar Chandrasekarji<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Pls could you let me know<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 1 if one could wear cubic zirconia in place of


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 2 in which hand should one wear the gem if one

wishes to<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; attract the<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vibrations and which hand to repel - I gather they



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 3 Is it the same for males and females? I think


& gt; & gt; & gt; astrologers take<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; left print for females and right for males [?] -

does it make a<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; difference for gem-wearing as well?<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; thank you<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; rdgs<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; -------------------------<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Share files, take polls, and discuss your passions -


under one<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; roof. <br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; & gt;<br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt; <br>

& gt;

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Dear Prabhat,

Saturn being your 11th and 12th lord, I do not think you should wear a

Blue Saffire.



prabhat_shcil wrote:



dear chandrashekhar ji ,



Can i wear neelam would it would be helpful to me , as i am undergoing

shani sadesati and shani antardasha under venus will start from next

year june 2008.



as shani in my chart is weak .



dob 9th may 1973


time 4:58 am



place chhibramau - farrukhabad





prabhat mishra


Dubai- UAE


Mob No 00971508876536




prabhat mishra


Dubai- UAE


Mob No 00971508876536





Vedic Astrologyandhealing


Vedic Astrologyandhealing


Wed, 14 Nov 2007 15:09:06 +0530 (IST)


[Vedic Astrologyandhealing] Digest Number 117












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<dt>1. </dt>



<a href="#1" class="ygrp-subj"> AATHREYA -




Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS </dd>





<dt>2.1. </dt>



<a href="#2.1" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



Chandrashekhar </dd>


<dt>2.2. </dt>



<a href="#2.2" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.3. </dt>



<a href="#2.3" class="ygrp-subj"> Gems</a>



aavesh t </dd>


<dt>2.4. </dt>



<a href="#2.4" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.5. </dt>



<a href="#2.5" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.6. </dt>



<a href="#2.6" class="ygrp-subj"> Aveshji</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.7. </dt>



<a href="#2.7" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Aveshji</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.8. </dt>



<a href="#2.8" class="ygrp-subj"> Gems</a>



aavesh t </dd>


<dt>2.9. </dt>



<a href="#2.9" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.10. </dt>



<a href="#2.10" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.11. </dt>



<a href="#2.11" class="ygrp-subj"> Gems</a>



aavesh t </dd>


<dt>2.12. </dt>



<a href="#2.12" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Gems</a>



vreality_au </dd>


<dt>2.13. </dt>



<a href="#2.13" class="ygrp-subj"> Gems</a>



aavesh t </dd>





<dt>3.1. </dt>



<a href="#3.1" class="ygrp-subj"> Re: Maraka and Remedies




Chandrashekhar </dd>





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<h3>Posted by: & quot;Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy

Ramaraju,BS,MBBS & quot; <a href="dr.ramaraju.balakrishnamurthy?Subject=

Re%3AAATHREYA%20-%20ASHWAMWDH" target="_blank">





& nbsp;


<a href="http://profiles./vijaya_krishna3444"










Tue Nov & nbsp;13, & nbsp;2007 4:41 & nbsp;am (PST)




<div class="ygrp-content">


There are mis conceptions about Ashwamwdha Yaagam.<br>


Be it Raaja Sooya Yaagam , Ashwamedham , Puthra kaameshtti ,

Vaiswadevam ,<br>


Royal Couple performing the yaagam need to lead a simple life<br>


foregoing all palace comforts.<br>


They have to sleep on bare ground in the Yaaga Shaala during



course of Yaagam.<br>


This has been misinterpreted and misconstrued and sleeping<br>


arrangements were misunderstood<br>


leading to taking liberties with Reality of Sanaathana Dharma as



the case in taking liberties<br>


with Lord Raama , Incarnation of Mahaa Vishnu.<br>


( more about Lord God Raama later )<br>


Om Hari Hara Om Thath Sath.<br>


aathreya - dr.ramaraju,bala krishna murthy<br>





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name="2.1" target="_blank">

Re: Gems </a>




<h3>Posted by: & quot;Chandrashekhar & quot; <a

href="sharma.chandrashekhar ?Subject=

Re%3A%20Gems" target="_blank">





& nbsp;


<a href="http://profiles./chandrashekhar46"










Tue Nov & nbsp;13, & nbsp;2007 10:40 & nbsp;am (PST)




<div class="ygrp-content">


Dear Su,<br>




That is on account of Jupiter aspecting the lagna as well as the 5th



bhava and Sun getting digbala giving her great self confidence. Mars



aspecting the 6th also indicates that she is able to overcome her



enemies with ease and that is perhaps the reason she has not reason to



begrudge anyone. With Saturn aspecting the Lagna and Moon I am sure she



thinks deep before taking any action and this may also help her let go



of any animosity that she may feel towards anyone. She may however have



some health problems as Moon the 8th lord does go to the Lagna and



though without blemish of Ashtamesh, Jupiter being blemished by Rahu in



the Navamsha, to me suggest that there could be some health issues with



her. Jupiter in the 9th could however suggest that she may not have had



much Pitru Sukha ( happiness of father).<br>




Take care,<br>






vreality_au wrote:<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; Dear Chandrashekar ji<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; Prior to Jan 1 1982, Malaysia was on 7.30+ TZ. I discovered

that not<br>


& gt; long ago myself when I noticed JHora giving incorrect deg for

my lagna.<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; Yes ascendant 16 & #39;40 Sag. As for health of elder

siblings, between<br>


& gt; 94-98 all were fine. However, eldest sister became fatally ill

in 2000<br>


& gt; and passed away early 2001.<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; Native is extremely kind, generous, unselfish and forgiving



& gt; with the uncanny ability to never bear a grudge towards

anyone. [just<br>


& gt; for the sake of learning and if its all the same to you,I

would be<br>


& gt; grateful if you could tell me what combinations give



& gt; characteristic in this chart]. Is also very independant.<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; thank you<br>


& gt; rdgs<br>


& gt; Su<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; <a href="Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40"

target="_blank">Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>



& gt; & lt;Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 & gt;,



& gt; & lt;sharma.chandrashekhar & gt;



& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; The software J Hora shows time zone as 8 hrs. However

I have taken 7.30<br>


& gt; & gt; as suggested and get a lagna of 16 degrees

Sagittarius. Is this<br>


& gt; & gt; Ascendant right? Assuming it is so, the native was

running mahadashs of<br>


& gt; & gt; mars the 5th lord and it is not perhaps only the

wearing of Diamond<br>


& gt; that<br>


& gt; & gt; was giving the positive results. If you know the

person can you ask<br>


& gt; & gt; whether at that time the native had issues of health

of elder siblings?<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; take care,<br>


& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; vreality_au wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekharji and Aaveshji<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; I have here a chart of a native whose career

is not progressing very<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; well. What gem or mantra would best help

enhance that sector? Would<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; emerald help?<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; 12.20 pm , 10/10/67<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; Kuala Lumpur<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; TZ 7.30 +<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; 101 E 43, 3N10<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; The native had worn diamond earrings for a

few years some 10 yrs or so<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; ago. Apparently the native & #39;s life

progressed very positively during<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; that time. Ve 11/6L is placed with Ju in

Simha.[the native lost the<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; earrings and is no longer wearing



& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; thank you<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; <a href="Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40"

target="_blank">Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>



& gt; & lt;Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & lt;Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40 & gt;,



& gt; & gt; & gt; & lt;sharma.chandrashekhar@ & gt;



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Aavesh,<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; My opinion is that no single graha

gem is all good or all bad for a<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; jataka. The results depend on the

functional nature of the graha. So<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; you<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; will find even people who wear

Pukhraj suffering from health<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; problems is<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Jupiter also owns the 8th or

especially the 6th bhava.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh t wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekarji and



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; It is always better to

check the chart thoroughly before<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; wearing a diamond (The

case of a lady comes to mind.She suffered<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; severe health

complications when she put on a diamond ring.These<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; problems disappeared the

moment she removed the ring).*Diamond<br>


& gt; is all<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; advised for



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *who have excess Kapha in

their body in my opinion*<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; In my personal opinion,it

is better to get the Graha Shantis<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; performed<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; for the Grahas coming

under the Shukra group (Shukra,Shani<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Maharaj,Rahu and

Ketu).*This will ensure the best results<br>


& gt; without any<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; side effects*<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Recommeding gems for Guru

is most appropriate as Pukhraj is a<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; relatively safe gem

generally speaking (*However,the *<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *chart has to be carefully

studied even in this case)*<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; **<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Regards,<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; */Chandrashekhar

& lt;sharma.chandrashekhar@ & gt;/* wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; The science talks only

about gems. However one could extend their<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; colours and general

characteristics to semiprecious gems and<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Zircon could be tried in

place of a diamond.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Personally I think one

should wear the gem on the hand one<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; naturally writes with. I

do not think wearing the gems in<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; different hands will make

then attract and repel effects, though<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; some do think that to be

the case.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; I would not think that

they should be different for males and<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; females if they are

following some career. If not then the gems<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; should perhaps be worn on

the left hand as the necessity would be<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; to strengthen the motor

nerves rather than the emotional factors<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; of that jataka.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Please understand that

these are my personal views and others may<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; have different views on

this matter.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vreality_au



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Namaskar



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Pls could you let

me know<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 1 if one could

wear cubic zirconia in place of diamond.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 2 in which hand

should one wear the gem if one wishes to<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; attract the<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vibrations and

which hand to repel - I gather they are different?<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 3 Is it the same

for males and females? I think Nadi<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; astrologers take<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; left print for

females and right for males [?] - does it make a<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; difference for

gem-wearing as well?<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; thank



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; rdgs<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; -------------------------<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Share files, take polls,

and discuss your passions - all under one<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; roof. Click



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & lt;<a href="http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups"




& gt; & lt;<a href="http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups"

target="_blank">http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups</a> & gt;<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & lt;<a href="http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups"




& gt; & lt;<a href="http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups"

target="_blank">http://in.rd./tagline_groups_8/*http://in.promos./groups</a> & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; <br>



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Re: Gems </a>




<h3>Posted by: & quot;vreality_au & quot; <a

href="reality_v (AT) hotmail (DOT) com?Subject=

Re%3A%20Gems" target="_blank">


reality_v (AT) hotmail (DOT) com



& nbsp;


<a href="http://profiles./vreality_au"










Tue Nov & nbsp;13, & nbsp;2007 4:35 & nbsp;pm (PST)




<div class="ygrp-content">


Dear Aveshji<br>




Thanks a heap for your comments on this chart Sir, its much appreciated.<br>




//However,owing to the placement of Shani Maharaj in the 4th



will never be recognised for her generosity and will be



taken for granted by the people closest to her !!//<br>




You are amazingly accurate!! While her generosity is recognised



doesnt seem to be openly acknowledged and she is certainly taken



granted by those closest to her. But she herself seems to simply



off any negativity on their part and continues to give



expecting anything in return. But as Chandrashekarji pointed out,



perhaps has her own reasons for doing so.<br>




thank you.<br>


rgds, Su<br>


p.s I sent the requested info to yr messenger as yr full



does not show up on the forum site. Im not sure if it was received.



not pls post yr personal ID using & #39;at & #39; instead of @.





<a href="Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40"

target="_blank">Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>,

aavesh t<br>


& lt;aavesh_s & gt; wrote:<br>


& gt;<br>


& gt; Dear Su,<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; Though you have adressed your query to Chandrashekarji,I

am adding<br>


my opinion on this interesting chart:<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; just for the sake of learning and if its all the same to you,I

would be<br>


& gt; grateful if you could tell me what combinations give



characteristic in this chart]. Is also very independant. <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; The reasons for her generous nature are as follows:<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; (1)She has Dhanur Lagna and Dhanur Rasi.Dhanur Rasi is one of



most generous Rasis of the zodiac (apart from Simha Rasi)<br>


& gt; (2)The aspect of Guru in Dharma Bhava (9th house)on the Lagna



a major contributing factor for her generosity of spirit.Guru is



yuti with Shukra giving her a very giving nature as regards



(in particular)<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; However,owing to the placement of Shani Maharaj in the



house,she will never be recognised for her generosity and will



repeatedly taken for granted by the people closest to her !!<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; Regards,<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; aavesh<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <a href="Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40"

target="_blank">Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>,



& gt; wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>


& gt; & gt; <br>


& gt; & gt; The software J Hora shows time zone as 8 hrs. However

I have taken<br>


7.30 <br>


& gt; & gt; as suggested and get a lagna of 16 degrees

Sagittarius. Is this <br>


& gt; & gt; Ascendant right? Assuming it is so, the native was



mahadashs of <br>


& gt; & gt; mars the 5th lord and it is not perhaps only the

wearing of Diamond<br>


& gt; that <br>


& gt; & gt; was giving the positive results. If you know the

person can you ask <br>


& gt; & gt; whether at that time the native had issues of health

of elder<br>




& gt; & gt; <br>


& gt; & gt; take care,<br>


& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt; <br>


& gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt; <br>


& gt; & gt; vreality_au wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekharji and Aaveshji<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; I have here a chart of a native whose career

is not progressing very<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; well. What gem or mantra would best help

enhance that sector? Would<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; emerald help?<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; 12.20 pm , 10/10/67<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; Kuala Lumpur<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; TZ 7.30 +<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; 101 E 43, 3N10<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; The native had worn diamond earrings for a

few years some 10 yrs<br>


or so<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; ago. Apparently the native & #39;s life

progressed very positively during<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; that time. Ve 11/6L is placed with Ju in

Simha.[the native lost the<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; earrings and is no longer wearing



& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; thank you<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; <a href="Vedic Astrologyandhealing%40"

target="_blank">Vedic Astrologyandhealing </a>



& gt; & gt; & gt; , Chandrashekhar<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Aavesh,<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; My opinion is that no single graha

gem is all good or all bad<br>


for a<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; jataka. The results depend on the

functional nature of the<br>


graha. So<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; you<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; will find even people who wear

Pukhraj suffering from health<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; problems is<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Jupiter also owns the 8th or

especially the 6th bhava.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh t wrote:<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Chandrashekarji and



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; It is always better to

check the chart thoroughly before<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; wearing a diamond (The

case of a lady comes to mind.She suffered<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; severe health

complications when she put on a diamond ring.These<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; problems disappeared the

moment she removed the ring).*Diamond<br>


& gt; is all<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; advised for



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *who have excess Kapha in

their body in my opinion*<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; In my personal opinion,it

is better to get the Graha Shantis<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; performed<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; for the Grahas coming

under the Shukra group (Shukra,Shani<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Maharaj,Rahu and

Ketu).*This will ensure the best results<br>


& gt; without any<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; side effects*<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Recommeding gems for Guru

is most appropriate as Pukhraj is a<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; relatively safe gem

generally speaking (*However,the *<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; *chart has to be carefully

studied even in this case)*<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; **<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Regards,<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; aavesh<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; */Chandrashekhar /*



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Dear Su,<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; The science talks only

about gems. However one could extend<br>




& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; colours and general

characteristics to semiprecious gems and<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Zircon could be tried in

place of a diamond.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Personally I think one

should wear the gem on the hand one<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; naturally writes with. I

do not think wearing the gems in<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; different hands will make

then attract and repel effects, though<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; some do think that to be

the case.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; I would not think that

they should be different for males and<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; females if they are

following some career. If not then the gems<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; should perhaps be worn on

the left hand as the necessity<br>


would be<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; to strengthen the motor

nerves rather than the emotional factors<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; of that jataka.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Please understand that

these are my personal views and<br>


others may<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; have different views on

this matter.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Chandrashekhar.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vreality_au



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Namaskar



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Pls could you let

me know<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 1 if one could

wear cubic zirconia in place of diamond.<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 2 in which hand

should one wear the gem if one wishes to<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; attract the<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; vibrations and

which hand to repel - I gather they are<br>




& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; 3 Is it the same

for males and females? I think Nadi<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; astrologers take<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; left print for

females and right for males [?] - does it make a<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; difference for

gem-wearing as well?<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; thank



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; rdgs<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Su<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; -------------------------<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; Share files, take polls,

and discuss your passions - all<br>


under one<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; roof. Click



& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; & gt;<br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt; <br>


& gt;

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