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Sunita Ji, Your Project is Done - !!

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Hello Sunita Ji,


Let me give u a good news, last year, u were forcing me to spend

spiritual energies for one project, to find the remedy for cancer. I

did that, From today onwards cancer is easily curable. U wanted it to

happen in 2 yrs of time, And even one year is not finished, It has

happened. So, this spiritual project is done. now, i have no work at

my hand. what to do now - I will put my energy for tibetans, china

must be liberal to them. Had dalai lama been bit more spiritual, this

problem w'd have been resolved as of now. What i did, I only prayed

to mother didvine to guide those who are in finding a cure for

cancer, i was getting some signals of it, however, last 15 days, i

was worried, as no good news was coming.


Times of india reported, One indian doctor has discovered and tasted

a gene, that if planted in body, gene will trace out cancer cells and

kill them. I may tell more about u in the evening.


First thing to know and implement in life is, we should do our

karma's with no attachment, but it looks difficult for one to do,

however, in fact, there is no difficulty.



On the other question raised by you to know abt ur course of action

in real life -


See, If u realize, ur thoughts are not u, they are mere thoughts, ur

thoughts..... not u.


If u realize, these are ur feelings ... not u.


If u realize, these are ur actinos ... that u do, not u.


you will begin a life with no involvement of the " self " , u will

remain detached.


This is the gist of my sadhana, earlier, i was an individual - Lalit,

now, i know i m not that only ..., feeling of individuality is very

low, superficial.


Be like me, honest to feelings, speak what u feel like and tell other

what u have within u, dont be diplomatic in ur words and



This is first rule in spirituality.













Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Karan

<meeshusunita wrote:


> Thank you Chandrashekharji.


> I am still not clear about the second part of my question, the

individual who inflicts injustice ( or you may say one who is acting

on behalf of the planets and reprimanding others) , how about his

karma balance... is he/she adding to their positive/negative karma

balance or is their balance neutral... ?



> Rgds,


> Sunita



> Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:

> Dear Sunita,


> Though in the case cited by you it is possible that you might have

owed money to somebody, in previous life for you to have lent it to

someone who does not return it, it need not be the same person to

whom you owed in the last life. Again just because you lost the money

due to past karmas, does not mean that in this life you should not

try to recover it as in this life the money does belong to you and

getting it back is the kriyaman karma, which can give you the results

of recovery of the money.


> I know this sounds complex, but the theory of karma is a bit

complex and it is not necessary that you get the results of karma

done only in the past life that you get. The results may be of karmas

in an even earlier life. That is why the Lord says that the the speed

of karmas is very complex.


> Take care,

> Chandrashekhar.


> Karan wrote: Thank you Chandrashekharji !


> I have one more question, this happened with me personally.


> One of my close friends called me and asked if I could lend $

2000 to him as he was in need. We agreed and gave it to him. Later,

all of a sudden after 3-4 weeks he said he has already given us our

money back through his services. Anyway, I just let it go, it's just

money, God gave it to me and took it back.


> Couple of days later I was reading a article on the internet for

various rashis, and for my rashi it said that don't lend any money

because it won't come back to you. At that time was running Sun maha-

dasa and Saturn antar-dasa ( Mar-Apr 2007).


> I have no grudges against him, I talk to him even today just the

same way as I did before he did this.


> Now, my question is from astrological perspective, It is possible

according to my past karmas that I owed money to this person and he

took it from me in this life. If that is true then I have repiad my

bad karma , but how about this friend of mine, does he incur bad

karma ...? If no, then same scenario can be applied for so many

incidents in life that the one who is doing bad karma in the present

life and hurting others ( are they just acting on behalf of the

planets and punishing the ones who are being inflicted by unjust

gestures) then do they ( the ones who inflict injustice) get

effected or does their balance remains neutral...?


> When does person judge that he/she should fight for their right

and when should one stay quite and take it as a result for his/her

bad karam. Because our shastras also say that one who does not fight

against injustice is also a participant of injust act.


> Please comment, I really would like to hear your opinion on this

subject. It has happened many times in my life that I am not certain

how to react to situations.


> Rgds,


> Sunita

> Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:

> Dear Sunita,


> The story is true. However one has to remember that what Varaha

Mihira was talking about was the Dhridhamula karma the effects of

which can not be modified through remedial measures or exercise of

free will in appropriate manner. The parents to whom one is born,

one's colour, features, life span etc. come under this head. Then

there is the Dhridhaadhridha mula karma the effects of which can be

modified through remedies and appropriate behaviour or correct

exercise of free will. There is again the Kriyaman karma done in this

life whose results one gets in this life and that is also dependent

on free will.


> I hope I have been able to clarify the complex topic somewhat.


> Take care,

> Chandrashekhar.




> Karan wrote: Dear Chandrashekharji , Lalit and other esteemed

members of the group,


> Can u please clarify if this story is true, then where does human

free will exist or the remedies that vedic astrology prescribe...?


> Is there such a thing such as human free will or is everything

predestined ...? Please shed some light.


> Rgds,


> Sunita



> litsol <litsol wrote:


> Shri Varahamihira, who lived around 5th century AD, is believed

to have played a dominant role in the revival of ancient astrology.

> Varaha Mihira was earlier referred to as only Mihira. When the

astrologers in the palace of King Vikramaditya were asked to study

the horoscope of the Prince, all of them spoke about the possibility

of a serious danger to the life of the Prince at the age of 18.

Astrologer Mihira not only accepted the possibility but also added

that the Prince would surely die when he is 18 years old and that the

death would be caused by a wild boar on a particular date at a

particular time. Knowing that Mihira was a step above other

astrologers, the King got worried. To avert the grave possibility,

the King constructed a special multi-storied building into which the

entry of any animal leave alone a wild boar was impossible.

> On the predicted day, security arrangements were extraordinary.

The King told Mihira, " I will give you one last chance to reconsider

your predictions " . But Mihira did not budge such being his faith in

the science of astrology. Mihira said that, " This is the punishment

as announced by the planets in the horoscope according to Karma or

actions done by the Prince in his previous life (lives). The results

of the past life speak out through the planetary positions at the

time of birth. "

> The King was very anxious and frightened and so every 5 minutes,

the king sent a servant to go up and check if the prince was safe.

The servant would come down and tell the King that the prince was

safe and playing with his friends.

> After the predicted time had passed by, the King asked Mihira to

accompany him and see for himself the prince playing with his friends.

> Mihira said, " I'm sorry, O King, but the Prince had died before

five minutes. " The King along with others reached the 7th floor. To

his utter dismay he found on the open terrace adjacent to the room

where the games were being played, the prince lying in a pool of

blood. Next to him was found a wooden pole. On the end of the pole

was a carved wooden boar. The national emblem of the kingdom happened

to be the wild boar. It was the habit of the engineers to put up this

symbol on all the tall buildings of the King.

> The Prince had been playing with his friends. So when the king

asked his security guards to check the condition of the prince, they

reported what they had seen. Around the predicted time, the prince

suddenly felt an urge to go out into the terrace as he felt the room

was a little suffocating. At the same time, a strong wind broke the

pole and heavy wooden boar fell on the prince.

> Varaha means wild boar. From that day onwards Mihira came to be

known as Shri Varaha Mihira.

> (Taken from astrojyoti.com)






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