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Namaskar Lalit, Nice to get your mail. I am not from Kashmir (My home town is Indore) You may be aware that Kashmir has a rich tradition of Shaivism.In fact given your enthusiasm for Jyotish,I think you should make a trip one of these days to Kashmir and explore the roots of Kashmiri Shaivism.There is much to learn from the masters of Shaivism (in terms of spirituality) It's nice to know that you have purchased a book on Mahavtar Babaji.Pls update us on the contents when you finish reading it. It's good to know that your Jyotish study is progressing well.I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm for Jyotish (which is sorely lacking in the youngsters of today) The thing which has impressed me the most about you is that you are unafraid to take risks and speak your mind.However,it would be advisable for you to tone down your agression and channelise it in your spiritual pursuits (including study of Jyotish) I am confident that with the blessings of statlwarts like Chandrashekarji and others you will be a fine Jyotishi All the best Regards, aavesh P.S:Could you share the details of how you came to know about your

previous life with the group.It shall be a learning experience for all of us litsol <litsol wrote: Aavesh Ji,Namaskaar, I m curious to know if u belong to Kashmir,It's great to find this Life sketch from u, spirituality is part of life, it's as practical as any thing.Last year, I had read brief about her life, today i came to know more.U may also like to know about Mahavtaar Baba's abode in himalaya, I was in search of it, this week i purchased a book "How i became desciple of Mahavtaar Baba" written by Marshal Govindan, he reveals that he met baba in a cave near santopant, around 30KM's away from Badrinath. The place is reachable now and i think Baba may bless us to have a meeting with him.Baba's

contemporary shishyas like Pilot Baba in north and SS Ramaia in south doesnt imprees me, in fact, when i saw Ramaia's photograph, I developed dis-interest as i saw intensity of moha and keerti deep in his heart, the book reveals this also.It's also a great day for me, i came to know about a glimpse of my past birth. I saw what i was, who were the people around me, what i did to them and what they are doing right now to me.I feel u r very affectionate towards me, I m studying astrology as per urs guidelines and with blessings of Sridhar Sir, Chandrashekhar Ji and readily available Sunil Nair Ji. I have also got a friend in Mr. R.K Das, today we discussed a lot.regards,Lalit.Vedic Astrologyandhealing , aavesh t wrote:>> Dear Lalit and Group members,> > An inspiring life sketch of one of the greatest proponents of Kashimiri

Shaivism > > One can gain a lot simply by reading the philosophy of this great saint> > Regards,> > aavesh> > > > > L A L L E S H W A R I > (Her Life and Visions)> > > " You are the Sky, You are the earth;> You are the day, the very air, the night;> You are the grain-offering, sandal paste, flowers and water too;> You are everything, oh Lord!> So what can we offer to you! "> > > The land of Kashmir reveals the abundance of natural and spiritual beauty. Lot of admirers, including sages and Kings, have paid tributes in their own way to this blissful valley. The admiration of famous Mughal King Jahangir is well known : " if there is a Heaven on earth, it is here, it is here.."> > If we go into the past and delve into the ancient Kashmir, we find more of perfection, spiritual fulfilment

and blissful charm. The famous historian and author of Rajtarangini (chronicle of kings) has vividly compared abundance of Kashmir almost matching the description of "Devaloka". Nilmata Puran also glorifies the land, flaura, fauna and inhabitants of Kashmir.> > She had a Vision -Of Past Present and Future. She could see beyond times: right from the formation of Kashmir valley out of vast lake, a great expansion of water, surrounded on all sides by mountains. After this vision of the past she could see the present - her times. She could narrate the woes and turbulence permeating her life and the society in general.> > But, surprisingly, she could remarkably visualise the future, which comprises of our present times. She has clearly brought out contradiction of the present age--inspite of it plenty how people are still craving with mad zeal. Material advancement has led to internal despair.

Although world has become one village or family due to communication and networking, still we are fighting over narrow things like caste, creed and colour.> > She was none other than LALLESHWARI, popularly called LAL-DED. She was 14th Century village girl turned into a mystical genious, who reached supreme heights of Sainthood. We are wonderstuck at her self-effort, stark worldly realities, self transformation and hope for ever sincere aspirant to realise God within oneself and within this very life. Some call her "Mira of Kashmir". Some sufi saints have hailed her as "Second Rabia of Bassra". But, essentially, she was torch bearer of the new spiritual movements, which witnessed arrival of great saints like Guru Nanak, Mira Bhai, Kabir,Tuka Ram, etc.> > Her story which is basically linked to her times, when in a pandit house, she found she was lost within the facade of rituals. Moral degenaration

had set in and people seemed to have no answer. Wickedness was in abundance and well represented by her mother-in-law. She would starve her. She would serve her meal which consisted of a big round stone covered with a layer of rice to give it a semblance of big helping of food. Lalla would respond with patience and equanimity. She would wash the round stone and keep in the kitchen for the next use by her mother-in-law.> > Strange are the Ways of the World! She witnessed wise and learned man starving, withering like leaves emaciated during winter wind. On the other hand, she saw a fool enjoying a full meal and then beating his cook, pointing to mirror shortcomings. Lalla said she is waiting for deliverence from the odd ways and bondages of this world.> > Sufferings and Perseverence - face with total Equanimity! One is deeply moved by her sadhana or tapasya. This was both external and internal. She

found life was getting wasted and one was only groping in the dark. Even Guru's instruction's seemed too difficult for her to follow. She reveals her agony but emphasises one has to bear with calamities and thunder in the spiritual sadhana. The real guidance is patience, contentment and forebearance. Thus one gets refined and can tread the spiritual path in real terms.> > She relinquished her home and became a Wondering Monk! It is said people flanked her as her supernatural powers got revealed. Guru's dictum was now clear : it was time to leave home. No look back!> > Since cruel mother-in-law failed to dislodge her from the spiritual path, she poisioned her son with false accusations against her. One day she was returning after filling the earthen pitcher with water. Her husband accosted her and hurled accusitions. Then in rage he hit the pitcher. Lo! the water remained intact although the broken

earthen pieces of the pitcher fell down and got scattered on the ground.> > HER MIRACLES HAD A MESSAGE BEHIND. Many miracles are attributed to her life. But what is important and remarkable is that each incident had a message, which was relevant at that time and which is equally relevant for the present time.> > We have heard about various inspiring incidents and messages. She tells the story of her previous births, the miracle of chandra-Kala etc. She also makes her Guru aware of his obsession with "Maya" as he was counting his assets in the form of horses deployed, when he appeared sitting in meditation.> She made the famous Nund Rishi aware as an infant her mother brought him to Lal-Ded saying the baby is not sucking milk. "When you are not shy of coming in this world, why feel shy of sucking milk". Soon he followed her instructions.> > HER PHILOSOPHY AND OUR TIMES. The

present chaos in our world has almost reached a flash point. We see only disharmony, discord and dispute which can sow the seed for disaster. There is a great yearning for a saviour. Lalleswari's life and teachings can uplift us. It can infuse in us the spirit of patience, love, contentment, steadfastness, unity, spiritual > thrill, simple ways to reach Lord, Self discovery, etc. - all > ultimately leading to upliftment at individual, family, nation, and world as a whole.> LALLESHWARI - HER SPIRITUAL GEMS > While expounding the relevance of Kashmir Shaivism our deepest gratitude goes to Lalleshwari, whose teachings give a unique opportunity to have insight into this mystic philosophy. She conveyed its essence in a simple way for benefit of the humanity. > Emanating from the basic Creed of Kashmir Shaivism she stresses positive acceptance of the material world rather than the philosophy of

escapism. We can rather say that God has made man in His own image. It is His Own Maya Shakti which makes man to see differently. Therefore, real joy can be gained as we live in this world and go about our work. Avoiding suppression and denial like great puritans, we should exercise moderation in living and turning away from the ambition of wealth, power and pleasures of senses. This will prepare us for the inward journey to realize God. > We can, indeed, get the spiritual thrill by reproducing a few mystical outpourings of her heart :- > GRACE OF GOD IS INDEPENDENT OF HUMAN EFFORT. > Some Thou pushed towards Bliss Thyself ! > Some struggled very hard ! > Some got drunk and obsessed : > Some one's Sadhna ended in Vain ! > TO REALISE HIM OVERCOME THE BARRIERS > Shiva abides in all that exists anywhere ; > Do not discriminate between a Hindu and a Musalman ; > If you are wise,

recognize your true Self ; > That is the true awareness of God. > DO NOT ESCAPE THE WORLD > Some renounced their homes, some the hermitages ; > stay as you are and be firm in your mind. > Thereby you will get established in the Self ; > What is the good of smearing ashes. > MODERATION IN LIVING > Overeating will not permit you reach the goal ; > Willful abstention from food makes you conceited. > Eat moderately to be a normal person ; > Moderate eating would surely lead to unbolting of the > Gates ! > LOOK FOR GOD WITHIN > Looking for the mystic Moon within me ; > It was--like searching for the like. > I found Narayana (Shiva) permeating everywhere/ > everything ; > Why this sport of diversity, Oh Lord ! > ON KUNDALINI > Crossing the Six Forests, came the SHESHIKALA > oozing, > The Prakrti was sacrificed (burnt out) with

the air > (Prana). > With the fire of love, I roasted my heart, > Thus SHIVA was realized by me. > BLISS > I, Lalla, entered through the garden - gate of my soul ; > There, O Joy ! I found SHIVA united with SHAKTI. > Overwhelmed, I got immersed in Lake of Nector. > Even though alive or dead, what can existence do unto me ! > CONCLUSION > Let us work for upliftment as our goal. With our own self - effort we should change and strive for enlightenment. Let this change permeate from man to family, to state and nation as a whole. Leading to universal good this will usher in peaceful and conflict free world. > > LALLESHWARI - HER SPIRITUAL GEMS > While expounding the relevance of Kashmir Shaivism our deepest gratitude goes to Lalleshwari, whose teachings give a unique opportunity to have insight into this mystic philosophy. She conveyed its essence in a simple

way for benefit of the humanity. > Emanating from the basic Creed of Kashmir Shaivism she stresses positive acceptance of the material world rather than the philosophy of escapism. We can rather say that God has made man in His own image. It is His Own Maya Shakti which makes man to see differently. Therefore, real joy can be gained as we live in this world and go about our work. Avoiding suppression and denial like great puritans, we should exercise moderation in living and turning away from the ambition of wealth, power and pleasures of senses. This will prepare us for the inward journey to realize God. > We can, indeed, get the spiritual thrill by reproducing a few mystical outpourings of her heart :- > GRACE OF GOD IS INDEPENDENT OF HUMAN EFFORT. > Some Thou pushed towards Bliss Thyself ! > Some struggled very hard ! > Some got drunk and obsessed : > Some one's Sadhna ended in Vain !

> TO REALISE HIM OVERCOME THE BARRIERS > Shiva abides in all that exists anywhere ; > Do not discriminate between a Hindu and a Musalman ; > If you are wise, recognize your true Self ; > That is the true awareness of God. > DO NOT ESCAPE THE WORLD > Some renounced their homes, some the hermitages ; > stay as you are and be firm in your mind. > Thereby you will get established in the Self ; > What is the good of smearing ashes. > MODERATION IN LIVING > Overeating will not permit you reach the goal ; > Willful abstention from food makes you conceited. > Eat moderately to be a normal person ; > Moderate eating would surely lead to unbolting of the > Gates ! > LOOK FOR GOD WITHIN > Looking for the mystic Moon within me ; > It was--like searching for the like. > I found Narayana (Shiva) permeating everywhere/ > everything ; >

Why this sport of diversity, Oh Lord ! > ON KUNDALINI > Crossing the Six Forests, came the SHESHIKALA > oozing, > The Prakrti was sacrificed (burnt out) with the air > (Prana). > With the fire of love, I roasted my heart, > Thus SHIVA was realized by me. > BLISS > I, Lalla, entered through the garden - gate of my soul ; > There, O Joy ! I found SHIVA united with SHAKTI. > Overwhelmed, I got immersed in Lake of Nector. > Even though alive or dead, what can existence do unto me ! > CONCLUSION > Let us work for upliftment as our goal. With our own self - effort we should change and strive for enlightenment. Let this change permeate from man to family, to state and nation as a whole. Leading to universal good this will usher in peaceful and conflict free world. > > > > > Get the freedom to save as

many mails as you wish. Click here to know how. > > > > > With Best Wishes,> > aavesh> > > > Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know how.>

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Dear Sir,

Namaskaar, I read the book on mahaavtaar baba in the same night i purchased it, this is the third book i do have, somebody gifted to me "An autobiography of a Yogi" around 5 - 6 yrs ago.

However, in 1998, i met a kriya yogi of their order, he was direct desciple of Swami Paramahamsa Hariharananda , he is guru - bhai of Yogananda. Swami Paramahamsa Hariharananda is the current head and living guru of Kriya Yoga organisation.

A co-incidence was, only 2 - 3 days back, in hindi daily "Nav Bharat" I had read one article abt Swami Hariharananda. He looks very good, that time he was 84 - 85 but charming enough.

The funny thing is , though this man whom i met, was among those 4 potential gurus of kriya yoga mission who can give guru dikschha, he was not able to explain how kriya yoga is different from the yoga that we know, Patanjali's Yoga.


I remember, just few days back when i met him, one sindhi saint -"jalaraam" visited me in astral form and and mother in various forms started used to appear in the same year.. i was not understanding the kind of visions i was getting, I was not giving importance to such visions, sometimes i used to discuss them with my mother and younger sister. My younger sister is a great soul, she is more pure than me, she has got ketu in her 12'th house. My problem was, there was no one with whom i could share the kind of experiences i was getting, there was chances for getting declard mad. We make our thought process so fixed, we leave no room for ourselves to think otherwise, why we sapients dont want to look the other side of coin ?

But, the person, the kriya yogi master, make my fun ... in fact he made his own fun, coz, i wanted to understand why it was happening to me, and he was not believing, he said, i m in kriya yoga for last 20 yrs and I never had God's vision, how u can be, what sadhana u do....

what sadhana i was doing, nothing .. nothing other than one or two mantras, in which i had no faith, i was testing the mantra and the god... when the person who gave me mantra asked me to meditate, i frankly denied him to do that, coz, whom i never seen, how can i meditate, such a meditation is just pushing urself towards illusions.I asked him to first show me the god, then only i will meditate .... , he thought for 4 - 5 minutes, then got agreed, said to me to do testing mantra for at least 5 yrs, i did that like i used to play games...., once i went to him to return his useless mantra ... and then i realized, it is working ....












Vedic Astrologyandhealing , aavesh t <aavesh_s wrote:>> Namaskar Lalit,> > Nice to get your mail.> > I am not from Kashmir (My home town is Indore)> > You may be aware that Kashmir has a rich tradition of Shaivism.In fact given your enthusiasm for Jyotish,I think you should make a trip one of these days to Kashmir and explore the roots of Kashmiri Shaivism.There is much to learn from the masters > of Shaivism (in terms of spirituality)> > It's nice to know that you have purchased a book on Mahavtar Babaji.Pls update us on the contents when you finish reading it.> > It's good to know that your Jyotish study is progressing well.I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm for Jyotish (which is sorely lacking in the youngsters of today)> > The thing which has impressed me the most about you is that you are unafraid to take risks and speak your mind.However,it would be advisable for you to tone down your agression and channelise it in your spiritual pursuits (including study of Jyotish)> > I am confident that with the blessings of statlwarts like Chandrashekarji and others you > will be a fine Jyotishi> > All the best> > Regards,> > aavesh> > P.S:Could you share the details of how you came to know about your previous life with the group.It shall be a learning experience for all of us > > > > > litsol litsol wrote:> Aavesh Ji,> > Namaskaar, I m curious to know if u belong to Kashmir,It's great to > find this Life sketch from u, spirituality is part of life, it's as > practical as any thing.> > Last year, I had read brief about her life, today i came to know more.> > U may also like to know about Mahavtaar Baba's abode in himalaya, I > was in search of it, this week i purchased a book "How i became > desciple of Mahavtaar Baba" written by Marshal Govindan, he reveals > that he met baba in a cave near santopant, around 30KM's away from > Badrinath. The place is reachable now and i think Baba may bless us > to have a meeting with him.> > Baba's contemporary shishyas like Pilot Baba in north and SS Ramaia > in south doesnt imprees me, in fact, when i saw Ramaia's photograph, > I developed dis-interest as i saw intensity of moha and keerti deep > in his heart, the book reveals this also.> > It's also a great day for me, i came to know about a glimpse of my > past birth. I saw what i was, who were the people around me, what i > did to them and what they are doing right now to me.> > I feel u r very affectionate towards me, I m studying astrology as > per urs guidelines and with blessings of Sridhar Sir, Chandrashekhar > Ji and readily available Sunil Nair Ji. I have also got a friend in > Mr. R.K Das, today we discussed a lot.> > > regards,> Lalit.> > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , aavesh t > wrote:> >> > Dear Lalit and Group members,> > > > An inspiring life sketch of one of the greatest proponents of > Kashimiri Shaivism > > > > One can gain a lot simply by reading the philosophy of this great > saint> > > > Regards,> > > > aavesh> > > > > > > > > > L A L L E S H W A R I > > (Her Life and Visions)> > > > > > " You are the Sky, You are the earth;> > You are the day, the very air, the night;> > You are the grain-offering, sandal paste, flowers and water too;> > You are everything, oh Lord!> > So what can we offer to you! "> > > > > > The land of Kashmir reveals the abundance of natural and > spiritual beauty. Lot of admirers, including sages and Kings, have > paid tributes in their own way to this blissful valley. The > admiration of famous Mughal King Jahangir is well known : " if there > is a Heaven on earth, it is here, it is here.."> > > > If we go into the past and delve into the ancient Kashmir, we > find more of perfection, spiritual fulfilment and blissful charm. The > famous historian and author of Rajtarangini (chronicle of kings) has > vividly compared abundance of Kashmir almost matching the description > of "Devaloka". Nilmata Puran also glorifies the land, flaura, fauna > and inhabitants of Kashmir.> > > > She had a Vision -Of Past Present and Future. She could see > beyond times: right from the formation of Kashmir valley out of vast > lake, a great expansion of water, surrounded on all sides by > mountains. After this vision of the past she could see the present - > her times. She could narrate the woes and turbulence permeating her > life and the society in general.> > > > But, surprisingly, she could remarkably visualise the future, > which comprises of our present times. She has clearly brought out > contradiction of the present age--inspite of it plenty how people are > still craving with mad zeal. Material advancement has led to internal > despair. Although world has become one village or family due to > communication and networking, still we are fighting over narrow > things like caste, creed and colour.> > > > She was none other than LALLESHWARI, popularly called LAL-DED. > She was 14th Century village girl turned into a mystical genious, who > reached supreme heights of Sainthood. We are wonderstuck at her self-> effort, stark worldly realities, self transformation and hope for > ever sincere aspirant to realise God within oneself and within this > very life. Some call her "Mira of Kashmir". Some sufi saints have > hailed her as "Second Rabia of Bassra". But, essentially, she was > torch bearer of the new spiritual movements, which witnessed arrival > of great saints like Guru Nanak, Mira Bhai, Kabir,Tuka Ram, etc.> > > > Her story which is basically linked to her times, when in a > pandit house, she found she was lost within the facade of rituals. > Moral degenaration had set in and people seemed to have no answer. > Wickedness was in abundance and well represented by her mother-in-> law. She would starve her. She would serve her meal which consisted > of a big round stone covered with a layer of rice to give it a > semblance of big helping of food. Lalla would respond with patience > and equanimity. She would wash the round stone and keep in the > kitchen for the next use by her mother-in-law.> > > > Strange are the Ways of the World! She witnessed wise and > learned man starving, withering like leaves emaciated during winter > wind. On the other hand, she saw a fool enjoying a full meal and then > beating his cook, pointing to mirror shortcomings. Lalla said she is > waiting for deliverence from the odd ways and bondages of this world.> > > > Sufferings and Perseverence - face with total Equanimity! One is > deeply moved by her sadhana or tapasya. This was both external and > internal. She found life was getting wasted and one was only groping > in the dark. Even Guru's instruction's seemed too difficult for her > to follow. She reveals her agony but emphasises one has to bear with > calamities and thunder in the spiritual sadhana. The real guidance is > patience, contentment and forebearance. Thus one gets refined and can > tread the spiritual path in real terms.> > > > She relinquished her home and became a Wondering Monk! It is said > people flanked her as her supernatural powers got revealed. Guru's > dictum was now clear : it was time to leave home. No look back!> > > > Since cruel mother-in-law failed to dislodge her from the > spiritual path, she poisioned her son with false accusations against > her. One day she was returning after filling the earthen pitcher with > water. Her husband accosted her and hurled accusitions. Then in rage > he hit the pitcher. Lo! the water remained intact although the broken > earthen pieces of the pitcher fell down and got scattered on the > ground.> > > > HER MIRACLES HAD A MESSAGE BEHIND. Many miracles > are attributed to her life. But what is important and remarkable is > that each incident had a message, which was relevant at that time and > which is equally relevant for the present time.> > > > We have heard about various inspiring incidents > and messages. She tells the story of her previous births, the miracle > of chandra-Kala etc. She also makes her Guru aware of his obsession > with "Maya" as he was counting his assets in the form of horses > deployed, when he appeared sitting in meditation.> > She made the famous Nund Rishi aware as an infant her mother > brought him to Lal-Ded saying the baby is not sucking milk. "When you > are not shy of coming in this world, why feel shy of sucking milk". > Soon he followed her instructions.> > > > HER PHILOSOPHY AND OUR TIMES. The present chaos in > our world has almost reached a flash point. We see only disharmony, > discord and dispute which can sow the seed for disaster. There is a > great yearning for a saviour. Lalleswari's life and teachings can > uplift us. It can infuse in us the spirit of patience, love, > contentment, steadfastness, unity, spiritual > > thrill, simple ways to reach Lord, Self discovery, etc. - all > > ultimately leading to upliftment at individual, family, nation, > and world as a whole.> > LALLESHWARI - HER SPIRITUAL GEMS > > While expounding the relevance of Kashmir Shaivism our deepest > gratitude goes to Lalleshwari, whose teachings give a unique > opportunity to have insight into this mystic philosophy. She conveyed > its essence in a simple way for benefit of the humanity. > > Emanating from the basic Creed of Kashmir Shaivism she stresses > positive acceptance of the material world rather than the philosophy > of escapism. We can rather say that God has made man in His own > image. It is His Own Maya Shakti which makes man to see differently. > Therefore, real joy can be gained as we live in this world and go > about our work. Avoiding suppression and denial like great puritans, > we should exercise moderation in living and turning away from the > ambition of wealth, power and pleasures of senses. This will prepare > us for the inward journey to realize God. > > We can, indeed, get the spiritual thrill by reproducing a few > mystical outpourings of her heart :- > > GRACE OF GOD IS INDEPENDENT OF HUMAN EFFORT. > > Some Thou pushed towards Bliss Thyself ! > > Some struggled very hard ! > > Some got drunk and obsessed : > > Some one's Sadhna ended in Vain ! > > TO REALISE HIM OVERCOME THE BARRIERS > > Shiva abides in all that exists anywhere ; > > Do not discriminate between a Hindu and a Musalman ; > > If you are wise, recognize your true Self ; > > That is the true awareness of God. > > DO NOT ESCAPE THE WORLD > > Some renounced their homes, some the hermitages ; > > stay as you are and be firm in your mind. > > Thereby you will get established in the Self ; > > What is the good of smearing ashes. > > MODERATION IN LIVING > > Overeating will not permit you reach the goal ; > > Willful abstention from food makes you conceited. > > Eat moderately to be a normal person ; > > Moderate eating would surely lead to unbolting of the > > Gates ! > > LOOK FOR GOD WITHIN > > Looking for the mystic Moon within me ; > > It was--like searching for the like. > > I found Narayana (Shiva) permeating everywhere/ > > everything ; > > Why this sport of diversity, Oh Lord ! > > ON KUNDALINI > > Crossing the Six Forests, came the SHESHIKALA > > oozing, > > The Prakrti was sacrificed (burnt out) with the air > > (Prana). > > With the fire of love, I roasted my heart, > > Thus SHIVA was realized by me. > > BLISS > > I, Lalla, entered through the garden - gate of my soul ; > > There, O Joy ! I found SHIVA united with SHAKTI. > > Overwhelmed, I got immersed in Lake of Nector. > > Even though alive or dead, what can existence do unto me ! > > CONCLUSION > > Let us work for upliftment as our goal. With our own self - > effort we should change and strive for enlightenment. Let this change > permeate from man to family, to state and nation as a whole. Leading > to universal good this will usher in peaceful and conflict free > world. > > > > LALLESHWARI - HER SPIRITUAL GEMS > > While expounding the relevance of Kashmir Shaivism our deepest > gratitude goes to Lalleshwari, whose teachings give a unique > opportunity to have insight into this mystic philosophy. She conveyed > its essence in a simple way for benefit of the humanity. > > Emanating from the basic Creed of Kashmir Shaivism she stresses > positive acceptance of the material world rather than the philosophy > of escapism. We can rather say that God has made man in His own > image. It is His Own Maya Shakti which makes man to see differently. > Therefore, real joy can be gained as we live in this world and go > about our work. Avoiding suppression and denial like great puritans, > we should exercise moderation in living and turning away from the > ambition of wealth, power and pleasures of senses. This will prepare > us for the inward journey to realize God. > > We can, indeed, get the spiritual thrill by reproducing a few > mystical outpourings of her heart :- > > GRACE OF GOD IS INDEPENDENT OF HUMAN EFFORT. > > Some Thou pushed towards Bliss Thyself ! > > Some struggled very hard ! > > Some got drunk and obsessed : > > Some one's Sadhna ended in Vain ! > > TO REALISE HIM OVERCOME THE BARRIERS > > Shiva abides in all that exists anywhere ; > > Do not discriminate between a Hindu and a Musalman ; > > If you are wise, recognize your true Self ; > > That is the true awareness of God. > > DO NOT ESCAPE THE WORLD > > Some renounced their homes, some the hermitages ; > > stay as you are and be firm in your mind. > > Thereby you will get established in the Self ; > > What is the good of smearing ashes. > > MODERATION IN LIVING > > Overeating will not permit you reach the goal ; > > Willful abstention from food makes you conceited. > > Eat moderately to be a normal person ; > > Moderate eating would surely lead to unbolting of the > > Gates ! > > LOOK FOR GOD WITHIN > > Looking for the mystic Moon within me ; > > It was--like searching for the like. > > I found Narayana (Shiva) permeating everywhere/ > > everything ; > > Why this sport of diversity, Oh Lord ! > > ON KUNDALINI > > Crossing the Six Forests, came the SHESHIKALA > > oozing, > > The Prakrti was sacrificed (burnt out) with the air > > (Prana). > > With the fire of love, I roasted my heart, > > Thus SHIVA was realized by me. > > BLISS > > I, Lalla, entered through the garden - gate of my soul ; > > There, O Joy ! I found SHIVA united with SHAKTI. > > Overwhelmed, I got immersed in Lake of Nector. > > Even though alive or dead, what can existence do unto me ! > > CONCLUSION > > Let us work for upliftment as our goal. With our own self - > effort we should change and strive for enlightenment. Let this change > permeate from man to family, to state and nation as a whole. Leading > to universal good this will usher in peaceful and conflict free > world. > > > > > > > > > > Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. Click here to > know how. > > > > > > > > > > With Best Wishes,> > > > aavesh> > > > > > > > Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know > how.> >> > > > > >

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Dear Aavesh,


I did not know you are from Indore. Do you stay there? My grandfather

was from Indore and many of my relatives are there. I may be coming to

Indore in the 3rd week of January.


Take care,



aavesh t wrote:



Namaskar Lalit,


Nice to get your



I am not from

Kashmir (My home town is Indore)


You may be aware

that Kashmir has a rich tradition of Shaivism.In fact given your

enthusiasm for Jyotish,I think you should make a trip one of these days

to Kashmir and explore the roots of Kashmiri Shaivism.There is much to

learn from the masters

of Shaivism (in

terms of spirituality)


It's nice to know

that you have purchased a book on Mahavtar Babaji.Pls update us on the

contents when you finish reading it.


It's good to know

that your Jyotish study is progressing well.I certainly appreciate your

enthusiasm for Jyotish (which is sorely lacking in the youngsters of



The thing which has

impressed me the most about you is that you are unafraid to take risks

and speak your mind.However,it would be advisable

for you to tone down your agression and channelise it in your spiritual

pursuits (including study of Jyotish)


I am confident that

with the blessings of statlwarts like Chandrashekarji and others you

will be a fine



All the best






P.S:Could you share

the details of how you came to know about your previous life with the

group.It shall be a learning experience for all of us





litsol <litsol > wrote:

Aavesh Ji,


Namaskaar, I m curious to know if u belong to Kashmir,It's great to

find this Life sketch from u, spirituality is part of life, it's as

practical as any thing.


Last year, I had read brief about her life, today i came to know more.


U may also like to know about Mahavtaar Baba's abode in himalaya, I

was in search of it, this week i purchased a book "How i became

desciple of Mahavtaar Baba" written by Marshal Govindan, he reveals

that he met baba in a cave near santopant, around 30KM's away from

Badrinath. The place is reachable now and i think Baba may bless us

to have a meeting with him.


Baba's contemporary shishyas like Pilot Baba in north and SS Ramaia

in south doesnt imprees me, in fact, when i saw Ramaia's photograph,

I developed dis-interest as i saw intensity of moha and keerti deep

in his heart, the book reveals this also.


It's also a great day for me, i came to know about a glimpse of my

past birth. I saw what i was, who were the people around me, what i

did to them and what they are doing right now to me.


I feel u r very affectionate towards me, I m studying astrology as

per urs guidelines and with blessings of Sridhar Sir, Chandrashekhar

Ji and readily available Sunil Nair Ji. I have also got a friend in

Mr. R.K Das, today we discussed a lot.








Vedic Astrologyandhealing , aavesh t



> Dear Lalit and Group members,


> An inspiring life sketch of one of the greatest proponents of

Kashimiri Shaivism


> One can gain a lot simply by reading the philosophy of this great



> Regards,


> aavesh





> L A L L E S H W A R I

> (Her Life and Visions)



> " You are the Sky, You are the earth;

> You are the day, the very air, the night;

> You are the grain-offering, sandal paste, flowers and water too;

> You are everything, oh Lord!

> So what can we offer to you! "



> The land of Kashmir reveals the abundance of natural and

spiritual beauty. Lot of admirers, including sages and Kings, have

paid tributes in their own way to this blissful valley. The

admiration of famous Mughal King Jahangir is well known : " if there

is a Heaven on earth, it is here, it is here.."


> If we go into the past and delve into the ancient Kashmir, we

find more of perfection, spiritual fulfilment and blissful charm. The

famous historian and author of Rajtarangini (chronicle of kings) has

vividly compared abundance of Kashmir almost matching the description

of "Devaloka". Nilmata Puran also glorifies the land, flaura, fauna

and inhabitants of Kashmir.


> She had a Vision -Of Past Present and Future. She could see

beyond times: right from the formation of Kashmir valley out of vast

lake, a great expansion of water, surrounded on all sides by

mountains. After this vision of the past she could see the present -

her times. She could narrate the woes and turbulence permeating her

life and the society in general.


> But, surprisingly, she could remarkably visualise the future,

which comprises of our present times. She has clearly brought out

contradiction of the present age--inspite of it plenty how people are

still craving with mad zeal. Material advancement has led to internal

despair. Although world has become one village or family due to

communication and networking, still we are fighting over narrow

things like caste, creed and colour.


> She was none other than LALLESHWARI, popularly called LAL-DED.

She was 14th Century village girl turned into a mystical genious, who

reached supreme heights of Sainthood. We are wonderstuck at her self-

effort, stark worldly realities, self transformation and hope for

ever sincere aspirant to realise God within oneself and within this

very life. Some call her "Mira of Kashmir". Some sufi saints have

hailed her as "Second Rabia of Bassra". But, essentially, she was

torch bearer of the new spiritual movements, which witnessed arrival

of great saints like Guru Nanak, Mira Bhai, Kabir,Tuka Ram, etc.


> Her story which is basically linked to her times, when in a

pandit house, she found she was lost within the facade of rituals.

Moral degenaration had set in and people seemed to have no answer.

Wickedness was in abundance and well represented by her mother-in-

law. She would starve her. She would serve her meal which consisted

of a big round stone covered with a layer of rice to give it a

semblance of big helping of food. Lalla would respond with patience

and equanimity. She would wash the round stone and keep in the

kitchen for the next use by her mother-in-law.


> Strange are the Ways of the World! She witnessed wise and

learned man starving, withering like leaves emaciated during winter

wind. On the other hand, she saw a fool enjoying a full meal and then

beating his cook, pointing to mirror shortcomings. Lalla said she is

waiting for deliverence from the odd ways and bondages of this world.


> Sufferings and Perseverence - face with total Equanimity! One is

deeply moved by her sadhana or tapasya. This was both external and

internal. She found life was getting wasted and one was only groping

in the dark. Even Guru's instruction's seemed too difficult for


to follow. She reveals her agony but emphasises one has to bear with

calamities and thunder in the spiritual sadhana. The real guidance is

patience, contentment and forebearance. Thus one gets refined and can

tread the spiritual path in real terms.


> She relinquished her home and became a Wondering Monk! It is said

people flanked her as her supernatural powers got revealed. Guru's

dictum was now clear : it was time to leave home. No look back!


> Since cruel mother-in-law failed to dislodge her from the

spiritual path, she poisioned her son with false accusations against

her. One day she was returning after filling the earthen pitcher with

water. Her husband accosted her and hurled accusitions. Then in rage

he hit the pitcher. Lo! the water remained intact although the broken

earthen pieces of the pitcher fell down and got scattered on the




are attributed to her life. But what is important and remarkable is

that each incident had a message, which was relevant at that time and

which is equally relevant for the present time.


> We have heard about various inspiring incidents

and messages. She tells the story of her previous births, the miracle

of chandra-Kala etc. She also makes her Guru aware of his obsession

with "Maya" as he was counting his assets in the form of horses

deployed, when he appeared sitting in meditation.

> She made the famous Nund Rishi aware as an infant her mother

brought him to Lal-Ded saying the baby is not sucking milk. "When you

are not shy of coming in this world, why feel shy of sucking milk".

Soon he followed her instructions.


> HER PHILOSOPHY AND OUR TIMES. The present chaos in

our world has almost reached a flash point. We see only disharmony,

discord and dispute which can sow the seed for disaster. There is a

great yearning for a saviour. Lalleswari's life and teachings can

uplift us. It can infuse in us the spirit of patience, love,

contentment, steadfastness, unity, spiritual

> thrill, simple ways to reach Lord, Self discovery, etc. - all

> ultimately leading to upliftment at individual, family, nation,

and world as a whole.


> While expounding the relevance of Kashmir Shaivism our deepest

gratitude goes to Lalleshwari, whose teachings give a unique

opportunity to have insight into this mystic philosophy. She conveyed

its essence in a simple way for benefit of the humanity.

> Emanating from the basic Creed of Kashmir Shaivism she stresses

positive acceptance of the material world rather than the philosophy

of escapism. We can rather say that God has made man in His own

image. It is His Own Maya Shakti which makes man to see differently.

Therefore, real joy can be gained as we live in this world and go

about our work. Avoiding suppression and denial like great puritans,

we should exercise moderation in living and turning away from the

ambition of wealth, power and pleasures of senses. This will prepare

us for the inward journey to realize God.

> We can, indeed, get the spiritual thrill by reproducing a few

mystical outpourings of her heart :-


> Some Thou pushed towards Bliss Thyself !

> Some struggled very hard !

> Some got drunk and obsessed :

> Some one's Sadhna ended in Vain !


> Shiva abides in all that exists anywhere ;

> Do not discriminate between a Hindu and a Musalman ;

> If you are wise, recognize your true Self ;

> That is the true awareness of God.


> Some renounced their homes, some the hermitages ;

> stay as you are and be firm in your mind.

> Thereby you will get established in the Self ;

> What is the good of smearing ashes.


> Overeating will not permit you reach the goal ;

> Willful abstention from food makes you conceited.

> Eat moderately to be a normal person ;

> Moderate eating would surely lead to unbolting of the

> Gates !


> Looking for the mystic Moon within me ;

> It was--like searching for the like.

> I found Narayana (Shiva) permeating everywhere/

> everything ;

> Why this sport of diversity, Oh Lord !


> Crossing the Six Forests, came the SHESHIKALA

> oozing,

> The Prakrti was sacrificed (burnt out) with the air

> (Prana).

> With the fire of love, I roasted my heart,

> Thus SHIVA was realized by me.


> I, Lalla, entered through the garden - gate of my soul ;

> There, O Joy ! I found SHIVA united with SHAKTI.

> Overwhelmed, I got immersed in Lake of Nector.

> Even though alive or dead, what can existence do unto me !


> Let us work for upliftment as our goal. With our own self -

effort we should change and strive for enlightenment. Let this change

permeate from man to family, to state and nation as a whole. Leading

to universal good this will usher in peaceful and conflict free




> While expounding the relevance of Kashmir Shaivism our deepest

gratitude goes to Lalleshwari, whose teachings give a unique

opportunity to have insight into this mystic philosophy. She conveyed

its essence in a simple way for benefit of the humanity.

> Emanating from the basic Creed of Kashmir Shaivism she stresses

positive acceptance of the material world rather than the philosophy

of escapism. We can rather say that God has made man in His own

image. It is His Own Maya Shakti which makes man to see differently.

Therefore, real joy can be gained as we live in this world and go

about our work. Avoiding suppression and denial like great puritans,

we should exercise moderation in living and turning away from the

ambition of wealth, power and pleasures of senses. This will prepare

us for the inward journey to realize God.

> We can, indeed, get the spiritual thrill by reproducing a few

mystical outpourings of her heart :-


> Some Thou pushed towards Bliss Thyself !

> Some struggled very hard !

> Some got drunk and obsessed :

> Some one's Sadhna ended in Vain !


> Shiva abides in all that exists anywhere ;

> Do not discriminate between a Hindu and a Musalman ;

> If you are wise, recognize your true Self ;

> That is the true awareness of God.


> Some renounced their homes, some the hermitages ;

> stay as you are and be firm in your mind.

> Thereby you will get established in the Self ;

> What is the good of smearing ashes.


> Overeating will not permit you reach the goal ;

> Willful abstention from food makes you conceited.

> Eat moderately to be a normal person ;

> Moderate eating would surely lead to unbolting of the

> Gates !


> Looking for the mystic Moon within me ;

> It was--like searching for the like.

> I found Narayana (Shiva) permeating everywhere/

> everything ;

> Why this sport of diversity, Oh Lord !


> Crossing the Six Forests, came the SHESHIKALA

> oozing,

> The Prakrti was sacrificed (burnt out) with the air

> (Prana).

> With the fire of love, I roasted my heart,

> Thus SHIVA was realized by me.


> I, Lalla, entered through the garden - gate of my soul ;

> There, O Joy ! I found SHIVA united with SHAKTI.

> Overwhelmed, I got immersed in Lake of Nector.

> Even though alive or dead, what can existence do unto me !


> Let us work for upliftment as our goal. With our own self -

effort we should change and strive for enlightenment. Let this change

permeate from man to family, to state and nation as a whole. Leading

to universal good this will usher in peaceful and conflict free






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> With Best Wishes,


> aavesh




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