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Bride's Horoscope - Some Points

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Namaskar Arkayji, You have made a very important observation here regarding Ruchaka Yoga in female charts Speaking from personal experience: My wife has a Ruchaka yoga in her chart (Mangal in 10th house in Uccha Rasi along with Neecha Guru. Mangal is placed in Swarasi in 8th house in Navamsha Kundli (Kanya Lagna in Navamsha) This yoga has made her very dynamic by nature in keeping with the indications of Ruchaka yoga Her temper though is something which is another matter altogether.When she is in her elements the most sanguine of persons can be shaken up by her temper The positive point about this position is that she is fiercely protective about my interests and the anger is usually directed at the opposing party It can be a very tricky placement unless one knows how to handle the anger of the lady in question (The only way is to handle her with kid gloves and never ever point out her mistakes OR worse trample on her self esteem) Hope this helps Regards, aavesh rk dash <arkaydash wrote: Musings on Female Horoscopy Good gleaning, Lalit. The 6 check posts make for a neat summing-up. The sixth one though needs critical appraisal. My reservations are about

Moon-Mars confluence. In a single stroke, Chndramangala yoga (particularly their conjunction) renders one of the two (personality) pillars {I count Sun lagna out} of the horoscope. The moon pillar is crucial in female horoscopy. The female will be violent or aggressive. When there are no influences of 'soumya' on lagna, this spells a marital bane. Take Mars and Moon in Scorpio and that too being the 10th house, with no soumya influences on lagna or on this yoga. And how? The lagna here would be Aquarius, the kshetra of a malefic. She will be a goner in matters marital. Her aggressiveness -- versions of it could be over-dynamism or tendency to control the spouse -- will put paid to felicity, often to the very continuity of wedlock, sometimes to chances of marriage. From an actual horoscope Point to ponder: Is Ruchaka Yoga good for females qua 'grihinee' ? RK On 11/12/2007, litsol <litsol wrote: Points to check in Bride's Horoscope (Dont know who has written this article) Apart from checking of horoscopes for matching, you must also check the horoscope to get information about her character, attitude to life, and other aspects like whether she will get children. Important points to be checked are whtether her horoscope is likely to promote your longevity her own longevity whether she will be faithful to you whether she will get children whether your married life will be harmonius and successful The important points to be examined are listed below Check the 7th, 8th and 5th house and position and lagnam in her horoscope.7th house is known as 'kalathra sthanam'. It denotes the family and sex life of wife and husband. This house should be occupied by good planets or should be aspected by good planets. If this house is occupied by Sani or Rahu or Kethu, you should give second thoughts about proceeding with this alliance. If the 7th or 8th house is occupied by Mars, the horoscope has got strong Sevvai 'Dosham'. Your horoscope should also have a matching Sevvai dosham. Otherwise the marriage will not be successful. 8th house denotes her and her husband's logevity and the success of her marriage. So it should be occupied or aspected by good planets. 5th and 9th house denote the prospects of getting

children. If these are aspected by Guru(Jupitar), then the girl would definitely get children. If this house is occupied or aspected by Rahu/Kethu or Sani(Saturn), the chances of getting children diminishes Lagnam denotes her health, character and habits. It also indicates the colour of skin. So Lagnam should be occupied or aspected by good planets. It would be good if it is occupied by its head or friend. RasiYour Rasi should not be 6th from girl's rasi, which is known as 'Shastaham'. There is a strongly held view that with 'Shastaham', you will constanly quarrel with your wife on small matters or vise versa. If your Rasi is located on the 7th house from girl's rasi, it is known as 'Samasapthaham'. In this case, you will have a very happy and successful married life. The postion of Sukran(Venus), who is known as 'kalathrakarakan'(planet influencing spouse), should be checked. If it is in 7th house, the horoscope has 'Sukra' dosham. It

can be matched with only boys having Sukran(Venus) in 7th house. StarGirls with following stars Barani, Mrigashirsham, Magam, Hastham Anusham Thiruvonam, will be good for husband and family life . Girls with following stars Ashwini, Karthigai, Thiruvadharai, Vishakam, Kettai, Poorattadhi and Revathi should be chosen only if horoscope contains other good features. Check if the girl's horoscope is bestowed with some good Yagas like 'Raja yogam', 'Gajakesari yogam', 'Chandramangala yogam'.If good planets occupy or aspect lagnam and other important houses like 2,4, 7, 9, 10 and 11, then it is considered Raja yogam. If Guru is in 7th house from lagnam and is in a kendram from Chandran then it is known as 'Gaja' yogam. If Guru is in 4th house from Chandran then it is 'Kesari' yogam. If Mars is in 7th house from Chandran or is in conjunction with Chandran in any house, it is 'Chandramangala' yogam. You must give preference to a girl, who has got one or more

yogas. With Best Wishes, aavesh

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Dear Aaavesh,

My burgeoning impression about Ruchaka yoga is that without attenuating factors in the female chart, it is a liability. The attenuating factors cannot be left to be indeterminate. It is irresponsible to use this phrase as a cushion: we have to more or less mark out the factors one day. But.



ONE: Moon and Sun sign-pillars (personality determinants)


TWO: The odd-even 'sign shake-out' as far lagna and moon lagna go. (The shake-out is well laid out in every classic for ascertaining her make-up and temperament that would make her desirable as a wife)


THREE: Soumyas in kendra and kona (kendra kona shubhannite) conduce to a woman being desirable for marriage where the above-mentioned do not obtain -- at least more of them getting charge of these houses, with few Paapas, if not none, having aspects on or placements in them


FOUR: Any yoga making her attached, in 'love' or awe of or very loyal to her husband?


FIVE: Checking whether she will truckle to the husband or the opposite -- from her 1st lord and 7th lord equation


THEN of course remains the synarasty between the two horoscopes. I won't know what synrasty (or the secret listed under Four here) there could be in your case for her to be fiercely protective and combative to your adversary. Nor have you supplied at least the Moon placement. (Lagna I can infer is Aries; born either in 1961 or 1973) And that is an woefully incomplete chart detail to argue on the point.



Now in the absence desirability coming from some or all of these 3-4 sources factors, Ruchaka Yoga is, well -- I can persuade researchers to consider as -- a liability.








On 13/12/2007, aavesh t <aavesh_s wrote:







Namaskar Arkayji,


You have made a very important observation here

regarding Ruchaka Yoga in female charts


Speaking from personal experience:


My wife has a Ruchaka yoga in her chart (Mangal in 10th house in Uccha Rasi along with Neecha Guru.

Mangal is placed in Swarasi in 8th house in Navamsha Kundli (Kanya Lagna

in Navamsha)


This yoga has made her very dynamic by nature in keeping with the indications of Ruchaka yoga


Her temper though is something which is another

matter altogether.When she is in her elements the most sanguine of persons can be shaken up by her temper


The positive point about this position is that she is fiercely protective about my interests and the anger is usually directed at the opposing party


It can be a very tricky placement unless one knows how to handle the anger of the lady in question

(The only way is to handle her with kid gloves and never ever point out her mistakes OR worse trample on her self esteem)


Hope this helps









rk dash <arkaydash wrote:


Musings on Female Horoscopy


Good gleaning, Lalit.


The 6 check posts make for a neat summing-up. The sixth one though needs critical appraisal. My reservations are about Moon-Mars confluence. In a single stroke, Chndramangala yoga (particularly their conjunction) renders one of the two (personality) pillars {I count Sun lagna out} of the horoscope. The moon pillar is crucial in female horoscopy. The female will be violent or aggressive. When there are no influences of 'soumya' on lagna, this spells a marital bane.


Take Mars and Moon in Scorpio and that too being the 10th house, with no soumya influences on lagna or on this yoga. And how? The lagna here would be Aquarius, the kshetra of a malefic. She will be a goner in matters marital. Her aggressiveness -- versions of it could be over-dynamism or tendency to control the spouse -- will put paid to felicity, often to the very continuity of wedlock, sometimes to chances of marriage. From an actual horoscope


Point to ponder: Is Ruchaka Yoga good for females qua 'grihinee' ?



On 11/12/2007, litsol <litsol wrote:







Points to check in Bride's Horoscope (Dont know who has written this article)

Apart from checking of horoscopes for matching, you must also check the horoscope to get information about her character, attitude to life, and other aspects like whether she will get children. Important points to be checked are


whtether her horoscope is likely to promote your longevity her own longevity whether she will be faithful to you whether she will get children whether your married life will be harmonius and successful The important points to be examined are listed below

Check the 7th, 8th and 5th house and position and lagnam in her horoscope.7th house is known as 'kalathra sthanam'. It denotes the family and sex life of wife and husband. This house should be occupied by good planets or should be aspected by good planets. If this house is occupied by Sani or Rahu or Kethu, you should give second thoughts about proceeding with this alliance. If the 7th or 8th house is occupied by Mars, the horoscope has got strong Sevvai 'Dosham'. Your horoscope should also have a matching Sevvai dosham. Otherwise the marriage will not be successful. 8th house denotes her and her husband's logevity and the success of her marriage. So it should be occupied or aspected by good planets. 5th and 9th house denote the prospects of getting children. If these are aspected by Guru(Jupitar), then the girl would definitely get children. If this house is occupied or aspected by Rahu/Kethu or Sani(Saturn), the chances of getting children diminishes Lagnam denotes her health, character and habits. It also indicates the colour of skin. So Lagnam should be occupied or aspected by good planets. It would be good if it is occupied by its head or friend. RasiYour Rasi should not be 6th from girl's rasi, which is known as 'Shastaham'. There is a strongly held view that with 'Shastaham', you will constanly quarrel with your wife on small matters or vise versa. If your Rasi is located on the 7th house from girl's rasi, it is known as 'Samasapthaham'. In this case, you will have a very happy and successful married life. The postion of Sukran(Venus), who is known as 'kalathrakarakan'(planet influencing spouse), should be checked. If it is in 7th house, the horoscope has 'Sukra' dosham. It can be matched with only boys having Sukran(Venus) in 7th house. StarGirls with following stars Barani, Mrigashirsham, Magam, Hastham Anusham Thiruvonam, will be good for husband and family life . Girls with following stars Ashwini, Karthigai, Thiruvadharai, Vishakam, Kettai, Poorattadhi and Revathi should be chosen only if horoscope contains other good features. Check if the girl's horoscope is bestowed with some good Yagas like 'Raja yogam', 'Gajakesari yogam', 'Chandramangala yogam'.If good planets occupy or aspect lagnam and other important houses like 2,4, 7, 9, 10 and 11, then it is considered Raja yogam. If Guru is in 7th house from lagnam and is in a kendram from Chandran then it is known as 'Gaja' yogam. If Guru is in 4th house from Chandran then it is 'Kesari' yogam. If Mars is in 7th house from Chandran or is in conjunction with Chandran in any house, it is 'Chandramangala' yogam. You must give preference to a girl, who has got one or more yogas.





With Best Wishes,





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