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Dear RkDa, Thanks for appreciating my viewpoint. Please go ahead and voice your thoughts and we can take it from there (maybe the group members will also contribute to this discussion) Regards, aavesh rk dash <arkaydash wrote: Aavesh, Yes, the wood is dark and lovely. Trees must add up to the wood. We will certainly test some of the symbology, rather the wide tangent of the symbology, of Bepin Behari vis-a-vis the staid staple by classic authors. That should be alright? RK On 24/12/2007, aavesh t <aavesh_s wrote: AarkayDa, You are right.The group will certainly get bored of my ramblings on this issue Come to think of it,I too used to get impatient when the topic of spirituality per se was bought into Jyotish discussions during the earlier days of my Jyotish learning (it seems eons ago now) A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then and I have come to realise that unless one practices Jyotish at the level of 'esoteric' (a la Bepin Behari) one is really missing the wood for the trees !! I will stop now before I get carried away yet again Regards, aavesh rk dash <arkaydash wrote: Aavesh, At this point the thread must break as far as the group is concerned. It might be distracting to many. Look, how Lalit is already seized of siddhantic hoaxes. RK On 23/12/2007, aavesh t <aavesh_s > wrote: Namaskar AarkayDa, I am not implying total dis'passion' as you put it. I mean more tolerance for each path until one has at least understood some part of the core philosophy of that path/Parampara (Easier said than done in these times of the internet when everybody makes claims to being the ultimate authority on 'THE' system) You are very right in that one may at times be astride two (even three vehicles) depending on what he takes up in his pursuit of understanding the ultimate However,as Lahiri Mahasaya used to tell Yogananda 'Choto Mahasaya you meditate often but do you have 'Anubhava' '?? It is only

when one gets the grace of a true master that all this searching is going to end. Until then it is a case of a 'Rolling Stone' !! Regards, aavesh rk dash <arkaydash wrote: Aavesh, You mean you approach every path/paramparaa with dis'passion'. Unlikely. The misunderstanding

thing in you mail is actually under-understanding. One attains over-understanding of one parampara and moves on (even above) to another. One may even be astride two (at least two) vehicles. So, it is not as if one is 'hinayaan' and the other is a 'mahayaan' -- or whatever is under-understood is 'vajrajaan'! Paths meander and enmesh in mind-boggling ways. Show me a road that does meet or cuts thru another. Rarely will you find one going from one hut to another. (The hermitage is gone in age of interrnet mart. Don't despair as you have done in a later mail. Watch.) But mind needn't boggle. If it does for long, it's signal it is time you grabbed hold of a walker's feet. (What say, Lalit?) Dattatreya was a jnanavataar of Shiva. A purnavataar as far as jnana is concerned, not

purnavataar per se though. Now shall we say: each his own; or Aavesh, a rolling stone? My case rests. RK On 20/12/2007, aavesh t <aavesh_s > wrote: Good Morning Aarkayji, Another brilliant mail from you Sir. I am in full agreement with what you have said regarding the fact that Yogananda was fully qualified to write on his experiences regarding 'Siddhis' (In fact the book was written on the instructions of Mahavtar Babaji as many are aware) Aghora is a different matter altogether.It is easily one of the least understood and much maligned systems today. It is a real pity that a system which owes it's origins to Lord Dattatreya and Lord Shiva has been so grossly misunderstood and misused Personally speaking I tend to keep

an open mind on spiritual practices (not being judgmental itself is a great virtue on this path) As they to 'each his own' Regards, aavesh rk dash <arkaydash wrote: Aavesh, Excuse me my

poesy. The incidental distinction I touched upon was between esoteric path(s) and non-esoteric ones. Not between dakshina and vaama. Where would you put the nocturnal court which the levitating Lahiri Mahasaya held, with fairies hovering above him and which was espied by his wife, or for that matter the session at the ghats of Benaras where Yogavatar, Mahavatar and the latter's sister met nightly? These were all yogis -- rajyogi of the highest order in modern times. You would agree that that was esoteric. Even kaulachaar should be requiring the adherent to keep his own counsel. When Yogananda does that (when he writes the autobiography), he shares his life experiences to the high end of edification of mankind. And that is after he has GONE THROUGH it all, much as a tathagata. Which is in order, not needing any defending. The Aghora parampara marks out its boundary with 'prapancha' differently. That should explain the

comparison and contrast and contest (the 'spardha') among certain adherents. Mark my use of the word 'prapancha'. You have hardly confuted my account. I have been using bold letters for words which significantly qualify what I say, please note, here as also earlier. RK On 19/12/2007, aavesh t <aavesh_s > wrote: Namaskar AarkayDa and Lalit, Sorry for intervening in your private discussions. A couple of points: (i)The debate whether one should reveal one's Siddhis has been there since time immemorial (ii)As Aarkayji has pointed out in his poetic language (which goes over my head many a time) that the Dakshinmargi school of thought believes in keeping one's Siddhis to oneself (iii)Vama Marga has the other approach.Here spiritual aspirants openly challenge each other and often there are duels to prove one's Siddhis.The much blamed and criticised Agohoris being part of this school of thought (iv)Ultimately,it comes down to the individual and his relation with his Ishta (Personally speaking though I have always beleieved in Swami Yukteshwar Giri's approach. He never exhibited his Siddhis unless directed by a higher power to do so (This is vividly described by Yogananda in 'Autobiography of a Yogi') This note is not to take up sides

or criticise but just some observations from an interested observer of life's Maya !! Regards, aavesh rk dash <arkaydash wrote: Dear Lalit, The proscription on one's spiritual experience is premised on two well-founded tenets. One, tongue-wagging doesn't enrich it. It cuts down introversion. The inward journey peters out. Some exoteric paths seem not to discourage it. Another matter. But Satsang is another ball game. Guidence is sought in confidence. Much like public display emotion (for some) is a no-no. In extreme esoteric paths, it is a game of dice -- often. There stakes are high. The higher they are, the more circumspect the seeker must be, or the world would come down on him. It (the world) can be nice slaughter house. Two, much of 'That' is ineffable -- anirvachaniya. ('That' is a vedic favourite as a referent) RK On 18/12/2007, litsol <litsol wrote: No Sir,I was always single and alone, rahu in 11'th makes sure no frinds....., i was misunderstood for my straightforward uncanny talks , but i had to do such talks, otherwise, this time when it's accepted that spirituality is a gone thing, has no application in real life, those who are spiritual are outdated antique .. people and particularly narrowminded indian girls and reporters of confused news papers like times of india, I decided to put everything as it is, without no mixing.Still there were threats to taken as egoists or self promoting person coz putting truth, truth being most unusual things and particularly when every body has a fixed frame of mind, taken as a egoist is obvious. but truth is absolute, some elders asked me not to tell spiritual experiences openly otherwise i can loose

them, why even in the lap of the moher god one will care loss and gain ? at least in spirituality there is no loss.. cant be there.regards,Lalit.Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "rk dash" <arkaydash wrote:>> You could have said 'chhandanuvritte...' not gyanam vandhanam. Till I read> your reply today I thought the guy had a very strong line of followers> (subservient worker bees) who lose no time in singing his prasasti whenever> there is a threat to his carefully constructed reputation. That is what I> meant. The resaon was to avoid any direct talk about unpleasant things and> people. 'At the drop of a turban' was my adaptation of the phrase 'at the> drop of a hat' to what pundits' headgear. >

> RK> > > On 17/12/2007, litsol <litsol wrote:> >> > " A formidable line of drone who can spring a most awesome ergo noisome> > canticle of accomplishments, at the drop of a turban" > >> >> >> > My english is like my english only ..... what u said is difficult for me> > to understand, I dont know what is "canticle", do u mean "stuti" and turban> > means "pagari or safa"... then what is drone? something that keeps playing> > in a instrument wihout attension ... then what meaning it carries altogather> > ? > >> >> >> > I dont understand it, but what i can say is, without a fall, God has and> > will ensure relevance of spirituality in my life, I see how all are dancing > > those who are knowledgable and also those who are

ignorant.> >> >> >> > !! Gyanam Bandhanam !!> >> >> >> > If u want to see the God, I mean wish to realize it, It will happen, it> > will happen, It will happen !!> >> >> >> > Sir, it's very easy and then easy is any task u want to do we have to> > traverse the maya, and mayapati is always with us... > >> >> >> > regards,> >> > Lalit.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > >> With Best Wishes, aavesh Save all your chat conversations. Find them online. Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. With Best Wishes, aavesh Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. Click here to know how. With Best Wishes, aavesh Share files, take polls, and discuss your passions - all under one roof. With Best Wishes, aavesh

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